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Ai Weiwei does Metal ai-weiwei-does-metal
2013-05-23T12:58:00+02:00 marvin false


Ich war ja gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen wie nun das Metalalbum Ai Weiwei's klingen würde. Wie ernst wird er "Metal" nehmen. Dies ist ja neben Mallorca-Schenkelklopf-Hymnen das Musikgenre das sich am ernstesten nimmt. Ai Weiwei hat sich kaum über seinen Inhaftierung 2011 geäußert. Angeblich darf er über Details nicht sprechen. Was macht man dann? Ein Metalalbum aufnehmen. Erster Eindruck? Kaum Anhörbar. Ist auch egal.

When you're ready to strike, he mumbles about non-violence.
When you pinch his ear, he says it's no cure for diarrhea.
You say you're a mother-fucker, he claims he's invincible.
You say you're a mother-fucker, he claims he's invincible.
Fuck forgiveness, tolerance be damned, to hell with manners, the low-life's invincible.
Fuck forgiveness, tolerance be damned, to hell with manners, the low-life's invincible.
Oh dumbass, oh such dumbass! Oh dumbass, oh such dumbass!
Oh dumbass, oh such dumbass! Oh dumbass, oh such dumbass!
Lalalalala, lalalalala Lalalalala, lalalalala
Lalalalala, lalalalala Lalalalala, lalalalala

Stand on the frontline like a dumbass, in a country that puts out like a hooker.
The field's full of fuckers, dumbasses are everywhere.
The field's full of fuckers, dumbasses are everywhere.
Fuck forgiveness, tolerance be damned, to hell with manners, the low-life's invincible.
You say you're a mother-fucker, he claims he's invincible.
You say you're a mother-fucker, he claims he's invincible.
The field is full of fuckers, dumbasses are everywhere.
The field's full of fuckers, dumbasses are everywhere.

{{< youtube 4ACj86DKfWs >}}

Künstler nehmen relativ schlechte politische Songs auf? Da war doch was... Ich bleibe trotzdem Fan.

{{< youtube DQ1_ALxGbGk >}}