// Copyright 2018 Twitch Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is // located at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on // an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either // express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. // Package twirp provides core types used in generated Twirp servers and client. // // Twirp services handle errors using the `twirp.Error` interface. // // For example, a server method may return an InvalidArgumentError: // // if req.Order != "DESC" && req.Order != "ASC" { // return nil, twirp.InvalidArgumentError("Order", "must be DESC or ASC") // } // // And the same twirp.Error is returned by the client, for example: // // resp, err := twirpClient.RPCMethod(ctx, req) // if err != nil { // if twerr, ok := err.(twirp.Error); ok { // switch twerr.Code() { // case twirp.InvalidArgument: // log.Error("invalid argument "+twirp.Meta("argument")) // default: // log.Error(twerr.Error()) // } // } // } // // Clients may also return Internal errors if something failed on the system: // the server, the network, or the client itself (i.e. failure parsing // response). // package twirp import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" "strconv" ) // Error represents an error in a Twirp service call. type Error interface { // Code is of the valid error codes. Code() ErrorCode // Msg returns a human-readable, unstructured messages describing the error. Msg() string // WithMeta returns a copy of the Error with the given key-value pair attached // as metadata. If the key is already set, it is overwritten. WithMeta(key string, val string) Error // Meta returns the stored value for the given key. If the key has no set // value, Meta returns an empty string. There is no way to distinguish between // an unset value and an explicit empty string. Meta(key string) string // MetaMap returns the complete key-value metadata map stored on the error. MetaMap() map[string]string // Error returns a string of the form "twirp error : " Error() string } // WrapError allows Twirp errors to wrap other errors. // The wrapped error can be extracted later with (github.com/pkg/errors).Unwrap // or errors.Is from the standard errors package on Go 1.13+. func WrapError(twerr Error, err error) Error { return &wrappedErr{ wrapper: twerr, cause: err, } } // NewError is the generic constructor for a twirp.Error. The ErrorCode must be // one of the valid predefined constants, otherwise it will be converted to an // error {type: Internal, msg: "invalid error type {{code}}"}. If you need to // add metadata, use .WithMeta(key, value) method after building the error. func NewError(code ErrorCode, msg string) Error { if IsValidErrorCode(code) { return &twerr{ code: code, msg: msg, } } return &twerr{ code: Internal, msg: "invalid error type " + string(code), } } // NotFoundError constructor for the common NotFound error. func NotFoundError(msg string) Error { return NewError(NotFound, msg) } // InvalidArgumentError constructor for the common InvalidArgument error. Can be // used when an argument has invalid format, is a number out of range, is a bad // option, etc). func InvalidArgumentError(argument string, validationMsg string) Error { err := NewError(InvalidArgument, argument+" "+validationMsg) err = err.WithMeta("argument", argument) return err } // RequiredArgumentError is a more specific constructor for InvalidArgument // error. Should be used when the argument is required (expected to have a // non-zero value). func RequiredArgumentError(argument string) Error { return InvalidArgumentError(argument, "is required") } // InternalError constructor for the common Internal error. Should be used to // specify that something bad or unexpected happened. func InternalError(msg string) Error { return NewError(Internal, msg) } // InternalErrorWith makes an internal error, wrapping the original error and using it // for the error message, and with metadata "cause" with the original error type. // This function is used by Twirp services to wrap non-Twirp errors as internal errors. // The wrapped error can be extracted later with (github.com/pkg/errors).Unwrap // or errors.Is from the standard errors package on Go 1.13+. func InternalErrorWith(err error) Error { twerr := NewError(Internal, err.Error()) twerr = twerr.WithMeta("cause", fmt.Sprintf("%T", err)) // to easily tell apart wrapped internal errors from explicit ones return WrapError(twerr, err) } // ErrorCode represents a Twirp error type. type ErrorCode string // Valid Twirp error types. Most error types are equivalent to gRPC status codes // and follow the same semantics. const ( // Canceled indicates the operation was cancelled (typically by the caller). Canceled ErrorCode = "canceled" // Unknown error. For example when handling errors raised by APIs that do not // return enough error information. Unknown ErrorCode = "unknown" // InvalidArgument indicates client specified an invalid argument. It // indicates arguments that are problematic regardless of the state of the // system (i.e. a malformed file name, required argument, number out of range, // etc.). InvalidArgument ErrorCode = "invalid_argument" // Malformed indicates an error occurred while decoding the client's request. // This may mean that the message was encoded improperly, or that there is a // disagreement in message format between the client and server. Malformed ErrorCode = "malformed" // DeadlineExceeded means operation expired before completion. For operations // that change the state of the system, this error may be returned even if the // operation has completed successfully (timeout). DeadlineExceeded ErrorCode = "deadline_exceeded" // NotFound means some requested entity was not found. NotFound ErrorCode = "not_found" // BadRoute means that the requested URL path wasn't routable to a Twirp // service and method. This is returned by the generated server, and usually // shouldn't be returned by applications. Instead, applications should use // NotFound or Unimplemented. BadRoute ErrorCode = "bad_route" // AlreadyExists means an attempt to create an entity failed because one // already exists. AlreadyExists ErrorCode = "already_exists" // PermissionDenied indicates the caller does not have permission to execute // the specified operation. It must not be used if the caller cannot be // identified (Unauthenticated). PermissionDenied ErrorCode = "permission_denied" // Unauthenticated indicates the request does not have valid authentication // credentials for the operation. Unauthenticated ErrorCode = "unauthenticated" // ResourceExhausted indicates some resource has been exhausted or rate-limited, // perhaps a per-user quota, or perhaps the entire file system is out of space. ResourceExhausted ErrorCode = "resource_exhausted" // FailedPrecondition indicates operation was rejected because the system is // not in a state required for the operation's execution. For example, doing // an rmdir operation on a directory that is non-empty, or on a non-directory // object, or when having conflicting read-modify-write on the same resource. FailedPrecondition ErrorCode = "failed_precondition" // Aborted indicates the operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency // issue like sequencer check failures, transaction aborts, etc. Aborted ErrorCode = "aborted" // OutOfRange means operation was attempted past the valid range. For example, // seeking or reading past end of a paginated collection. // // Unlike InvalidArgument, this error indicates a problem that may be fixed if // the system state changes (i.e. adding more items to the collection). // // There is a fair bit of overlap between FailedPrecondition and OutOfRange. // We recommend using OutOfRange (the more specific error) when it applies so // that callers who are iterating through a space can easily look for an // OutOfRange error to detect when they are done. OutOfRange ErrorCode = "out_of_range" // Unimplemented indicates operation is not implemented or not // supported/enabled in this service. Unimplemented ErrorCode = "unimplemented" // Internal errors. When some invariants expected by the underlying system // have been broken. In other words, something bad happened in the library or // backend service. Do not confuse with HTTP Internal Server Error; an // Internal error could also happen on the client code, i.e. when parsing a // server response. Internal ErrorCode = "internal" // Unavailable indicates the service is currently unavailable. This is a most // likely a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with a // backoff. Unavailable ErrorCode = "unavailable" // DataLoss indicates unrecoverable data loss or corruption. DataLoss ErrorCode = "data_loss" // NoError is the zero-value, is considered an empty error and should not be // used. NoError ErrorCode = "" ) // ServerHTTPStatusFromErrorCode maps a Twirp error type into a similar HTTP // response status. It is used by the Twirp server handler to set the HTTP // response status code. Returns 0 if the ErrorCode is invalid. func ServerHTTPStatusFromErrorCode(code ErrorCode) int { switch code { case Canceled: return 408 // RequestTimeout case Unknown: return 500 // Internal Server Error case InvalidArgument: return 400 // BadRequest case Malformed: return 400 // BadRequest case DeadlineExceeded: return 408 // RequestTimeout case NotFound: return 404 // Not Found case BadRoute: return 404 // Not Found case AlreadyExists: return 409 // Conflict case PermissionDenied: return 403 // Forbidden case Unauthenticated: return 401 // Unauthorized case ResourceExhausted: return 429 // Too Many Requests case FailedPrecondition: return 412 // Precondition Failed case Aborted: return 409 // Conflict case OutOfRange: return 400 // Bad Request case Unimplemented: return 501 // Not Implemented case Internal: return 500 // Internal Server Error case Unavailable: return 503 // Service Unavailable case DataLoss: return 500 // Internal Server Error case NoError: return 200 // OK default: return 0 // Invalid! } } // IsValidErrorCode returns true if is one of the valid predefined constants. func IsValidErrorCode(code ErrorCode) bool { return ServerHTTPStatusFromErrorCode(code) != 0 } // twirp.Error implementation type twerr struct { code ErrorCode msg string meta map[string]string } func (e *twerr) Code() ErrorCode { return e.code } func (e *twerr) Msg() string { return e.msg } func (e *twerr) Meta(key string) string { if e.meta != nil { return e.meta[key] // also returns "" if key is not in meta map } return "" } func (e *twerr) WithMeta(key string, value string) Error { newErr := &twerr{ code: e.code, msg: e.msg, meta: make(map[string]string, len(e.meta)), } for k, v := range e.meta { newErr.meta[k] = v } newErr.meta[key] = value return newErr } func (e *twerr) MetaMap() map[string]string { return e.meta } func (e *twerr) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("twirp error %s: %s", e.code, e.msg) } // wrappedErr is the error returned by twirp.InternalErrorWith(err), which is used by clients. // Implements Unwrap() to allow go 1.13+ errors.Is/As checks, // and Cause() to allow (github.com/pkg/errors).Unwrap. type wrappedErr struct { wrapper Error cause error } func (e *wrappedErr) Code() ErrorCode { return e.wrapper.Code() } func (e *wrappedErr) Msg() string { return e.wrapper.Msg() } func (e *wrappedErr) Meta(key string) string { return e.wrapper.Meta(key) } func (e *wrappedErr) MetaMap() map[string]string { return e.wrapper.MetaMap() } func (e *wrappedErr) Error() string { return e.wrapper.Error() } func (e *wrappedErr) WithMeta(key string, val string) Error { return &wrappedErr{ wrapper: e.wrapper.WithMeta(key, val), cause: e.cause, } } func (e *wrappedErr) Unwrap() error { return e.cause } // for go1.13 + errors.Is/As func (e *wrappedErr) Cause() error { return e.cause } // for github.com/pkg/errors // WriteError writes an HTTP response with a valid Twirp error format (code, msg, meta). // Useful outside of the Twirp server (e.g. http middleware). // If err is not a twirp.Error, it will get wrapped with twirp.InternalErrorWith(err) func WriteError(resp http.ResponseWriter, err error) error { return writeError(resp, err) } // writeError writes Twirp errors in the response. func writeError(resp http.ResponseWriter, err error) error { // Non-twirp errors are wrapped as Internal (default) twerr, ok := err.(Error) if !ok { twerr = InternalErrorWith(err) } statusCode := ServerHTTPStatusFromErrorCode(twerr.Code()) respBody := marshalErrorToJSON(twerr) resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") // Error responses are always JSON resp.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(respBody))) resp.WriteHeader(statusCode) // set HTTP status code and send response _, writeErr := resp.Write(respBody) if writeErr != nil { return writeErr } return nil } // JSON serialization for errors type twerrJSON struct { Code string `json:"code"` Msg string `json:"msg"` Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` } // marshalErrorToJSON returns JSON from a twirp.Error, that can be used as HTTP error response body. // If serialization fails, it will use a descriptive Internal error instead. func marshalErrorToJSON(twerr Error) []byte { // make sure that msg is not too large msg := twerr.Msg() if len(msg) > 1e6 { msg = msg[:1e6] } tj := twerrJSON{ Code: string(twerr.Code()), Msg: msg, Meta: twerr.MetaMap(), } buf, err := json.Marshal(&tj) if err != nil { buf = []byte("{\"type\": \"" + Internal + "\", \"msg\": \"There was an error but it could not be serialized into JSON\"}") // fallback } return buf }