package protoparse import ( "bufio" "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "io" "strconv" "strings" "unicode/utf8" "" ) type runeReader struct { rr *bufio.Reader marked []rune unread []rune err error } func (rr *runeReader) readRune() (r rune, size int, err error) { if rr.err != nil { return 0, 0, rr.err } if len(rr.unread) > 0 { r := rr.unread[len(rr.unread)-1] rr.unread = rr.unread[:len(rr.unread)-1] if rr.marked != nil { rr.marked = append(rr.marked, r) } return r, utf8.RuneLen(r), nil } r, sz, err := rr.rr.ReadRune() if err != nil { rr.err = err } else if rr.marked != nil { rr.marked = append(rr.marked, r) } return r, sz, err } func (rr *runeReader) unreadRune(r rune) { if rr.marked != nil { if rr.marked[len(rr.marked)-1] != r { panic("unread rune is not the same as last marked rune!") } rr.marked = rr.marked[:len(rr.marked)-1] } rr.unread = append(rr.unread, r) } func (rr *runeReader) startMark(initial rune) { rr.marked = []rune{initial} } func (rr *runeReader) endMark() string { m := string(rr.marked) rr.marked = rr.marked[:0] return m } func lexError(l protoLexer, pos *SourcePos, err string) { pl := l.(*protoLex) _ = pl.errs.handleErrorWithPos(pos, err) } type protoLex struct { filename string input *runeReader errs *errorHandler res *ast.FileNode lineNo int colNo int offset int prevSym ast.TerminalNode eof ast.TerminalNode prevLineNo int prevColNo int prevOffset int comments []ast.Comment ws []rune } var utf8Bom = []byte{0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF} func newLexer(in io.Reader, filename string, errs *errorHandler) *protoLex { br := bufio.NewReader(in) // if file has UTF8 byte order marker preface, consume it marker, err := br.Peek(3) if err == nil && bytes.Equal(marker, utf8Bom) { _, _ = br.Discard(3) } return &protoLex{ input: &runeReader{rr: br}, filename: filename, errs: errs, } } var keywords = map[string]int{ "syntax": _SYNTAX, "import": _IMPORT, "weak": _WEAK, "public": _PUBLIC, "package": _PACKAGE, "option": _OPTION, "true": _TRUE, "false": _FALSE, "inf": _INF, "nan": _NAN, "repeated": _REPEATED, "optional": _OPTIONAL, "required": _REQUIRED, "double": _DOUBLE, "float": _FLOAT, "int32": _INT32, "int64": _INT64, "uint32": _UINT32, "uint64": _UINT64, "sint32": _SINT32, "sint64": _SINT64, "fixed32": _FIXED32, "fixed64": _FIXED64, "sfixed32": _SFIXED32, "sfixed64": _SFIXED64, "bool": _BOOL, "string": _STRING, "bytes": _BYTES, "group": _GROUP, "oneof": _ONEOF, "map": _MAP, "extensions": _EXTENSIONS, "to": _TO, "max": _MAX, "reserved": _RESERVED, "enum": _ENUM, "message": _MESSAGE, "extend": _EXTEND, "service": _SERVICE, "rpc": _RPC, "stream": _STREAM, "returns": _RETURNS, } func (l *protoLex) cur() SourcePos { return SourcePos{ Filename: l.filename, Offset: l.offset, Line: l.lineNo + 1, Col: l.colNo + 1, } } func (l *protoLex) adjustPos(consumedChars ...rune) { for _, c := range consumedChars { switch c { case '\n': // new line, back to first column l.colNo = 0 l.lineNo++ case '\r': // no adjustment case '\t': // advance to next tab stop mod := l.colNo % 8 l.colNo += 8 - mod default: l.colNo++ } } } func (l *protoLex) prev() *SourcePos { if l.prevSym == nil { return &SourcePos{ Filename: l.filename, Offset: 0, Line: 1, Col: 1, } } return l.prevSym.Start() } func (l *protoLex) Lex(lval *protoSymType) int { if l.errs.err != nil { // if error reporter already returned non-nil error, // we can skip the rest of the input return 0 } l.prevLineNo = l.lineNo l.prevColNo = l.colNo l.prevOffset = l.offset l.comments = nil = nil l.input.endMark() // reset, just in case for { c, n, err := l.input.readRune() if err == io.EOF { // we're not actually returning a rune, but this will associate // accumulated comments as a trailing comment on last symbol // (if appropriate) l.setRune(lval, 0) l.eof = lval.b return 0 } else if err != nil { // we don't call setError because we don't want it wrapped // with a source position because it's I/O, not syntax lval.err = err _ = l.errs.handleError(err) return _ERROR } l.prevLineNo = l.lineNo l.prevColNo = l.colNo l.prevOffset = l.offset l.offset += n l.adjustPos(c) if strings.ContainsRune("\n\r\t ", c) { = append(, c) continue } l.input.startMark(c) if c == '.' { // decimal literals could start with a dot cn, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { l.setRune(lval, c) return int(c) } if cn >= '0' && cn <= '9' { l.adjustPos(cn) token := []rune{c, cn} token = l.readNumber(token, false, true) f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(token), 64) if err != nil { l.setError(lval, err) return _ERROR } l.setFloat(lval, f) return _FLOAT_LIT } l.input.unreadRune(cn) l.setRune(lval, c) return int(c) } if c == '_' || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { // identifier token := []rune{c} token = l.readIdentifier(token) str := string(token) if t, ok := keywords[str]; ok { l.setIdent(lval, str) return t } l.setIdent(lval, str) return _NAME } if c >= '0' && c <= '9' { // integer or float literal if c == '0' { cn, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { l.setInt(lval, 0) return _INT_LIT } if cn == 'x' || cn == 'X' { cnn, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { l.input.unreadRune(cn) l.setInt(lval, 0) return _INT_LIT } if (cnn >= '0' && cnn <= '9') || (cnn >= 'a' && cnn <= 'f') || (cnn >= 'A' && cnn <= 'F') { // hexadecimal! l.adjustPos(cn, cnn) token := []rune{cnn} token = l.readHexNumber(token) ui, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(token), 16, 64) if err != nil { l.setError(lval, err) return _ERROR } l.setInt(lval, ui) return _INT_LIT } l.input.unreadRune(cnn) l.input.unreadRune(cn) l.setInt(lval, 0) return _INT_LIT } else { l.input.unreadRune(cn) } } token := []rune{c} token = l.readNumber(token, true, true) numstr := string(token) if strings.Contains(numstr, ".") || strings.Contains(numstr, "e") || strings.Contains(numstr, "E") { // floating point! f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(numstr, 64) if err != nil { l.setError(lval, err) return _ERROR } l.setFloat(lval, f) return _FLOAT_LIT } // integer! (decimal or octal) ui, err := strconv.ParseUint(numstr, 0, 64) if err != nil { if numErr, ok := err.(*strconv.NumError); ok && numErr.Err == strconv.ErrRange { // if it's too big to be an int, parse it as a float var f float64 f, err = strconv.ParseFloat(numstr, 64) if err == nil { l.setFloat(lval, f) return _FLOAT_LIT } } l.setError(lval, err) return _ERROR } l.setInt(lval, ui) return _INT_LIT } if c == '\'' || c == '"' { // string literal str, err := l.readStringLiteral(c) if err != nil { l.setError(lval, err) return _ERROR } l.setString(lval, str) return _STRING_LIT } if c == '/' { // comment cn, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { l.setRune(lval, '/') return int(c) } if cn == '/' { l.adjustPos(cn) hitNewline := l.skipToEndOfLineComment() comment := l.newComment() comment.PosRange.End.Col++ if hitNewline { // we don't do this inside of skipToEndOfLineComment // because we want to know the length of previous // line for calculation above l.adjustPos('\n') } l.comments = append(l.comments, comment) continue } if cn == '*' { l.adjustPos(cn) if ok := l.skipToEndOfBlockComment(); !ok { l.setError(lval, errors.New("block comment never terminates, unexpected EOF")) return _ERROR } else { l.comments = append(l.comments, l.newComment()) } continue } l.input.unreadRune(cn) } l.setRune(lval, c) return int(c) } } func (l *protoLex) posRange() ast.PosRange { return ast.PosRange{ Start: SourcePos{ Filename: l.filename, Offset: l.prevOffset, Line: l.prevLineNo + 1, Col: l.prevColNo + 1, }, End: l.cur(), } } func (l *protoLex) newComment() ast.Comment { ws := string( =[:0] return ast.Comment{ PosRange: l.posRange(), LeadingWhitespace: ws, Text: l.input.endMark(), } } func (l *protoLex) newTokenInfo() ast.TokenInfo { ws := string( = nil return ast.TokenInfo{ PosRange: l.posRange(), LeadingComments: l.comments, LeadingWhitespace: ws, RawText: l.input.endMark(), } } func (l *protoLex) setPrev(n ast.TerminalNode, isDot bool) { nStart := n.Start().Line if _, ok := n.(*ast.RuneNode); ok { // This is really gross, but there are many cases where we don't want // to attribute comments to punctuation (like commas, equals, semicolons) // and would instead prefer to attribute comments to a more meaningful // element in the AST. // // So if it's a simple node OTHER THAN PERIOD (since that is not just // punctuation but typically part of a qualified identifier), don't // attribute comments to it. We do that with this TOTAL HACK: adjusting // the start line makes leading comments appear detached so logic below // will naturally associated trailing comment to previous symbol if !isDot { nStart += 2 } } if l.prevSym != nil && len(n.LeadingComments()) > 0 && l.prevSym.End().Line < nStart { // we may need to re-attribute the first comment to // instead be previous node's trailing comment prevEnd := l.prevSym.End().Line comments := n.LeadingComments() c := comments[0] commentStart := c.Start.Line if commentStart == prevEnd { // comment is on same line as previous symbol n.PopLeadingComment() l.prevSym.PushTrailingComment(c) } else if commentStart == prevEnd+1 { // comment is right after previous symbol; see if it is detached // and if so re-attribute singleLineStyle := strings.HasPrefix(c.Text, "//") line := c.End.Line groupEnd := -1 for i := 1; i < len(comments); i++ { c := comments[i] newGroup := false if !singleLineStyle || c.Start.Line > line+1 { // we've found a gap between comments, which means the // previous comments were detached newGroup = true } else { line = c.End.Line singleLineStyle = strings.HasPrefix(comments[i].Text, "//") if !singleLineStyle { // we've found a switch from // comments to /* // consider that a new group which means the // previous comments were detached newGroup = true } } if newGroup { groupEnd = i break } } if groupEnd == -1 { // just one group of comments; we'll mark it as a trailing // comment if it immediately follows previous symbol and is // detached from current symbol c1 := comments[0] c2 := comments[len(comments)-1] if c1.Start.Line <= prevEnd+1 && c2.End.Line < nStart-1 { groupEnd = len(comments) } } for i := 0; i < groupEnd; i++ { l.prevSym.PushTrailingComment(n.PopLeadingComment()) } } } l.prevSym = n } func (l *protoLex) setString(lval *protoSymType, val string) { lval.s = ast.NewStringLiteralNode(val, l.newTokenInfo()) l.setPrev(lval.s, false) } func (l *protoLex) setIdent(lval *protoSymType, val string) { = ast.NewIdentNode(val, l.newTokenInfo()) l.setPrev(, false) } func (l *protoLex) setInt(lval *protoSymType, val uint64) { lval.i = ast.NewUintLiteralNode(val, l.newTokenInfo()) l.setPrev(lval.i, false) } func (l *protoLex) setFloat(lval *protoSymType, val float64) { lval.f = ast.NewFloatLiteralNode(val, l.newTokenInfo()) l.setPrev(lval.f, false) } func (l *protoLex) setRune(lval *protoSymType, val rune) { lval.b = ast.NewRuneNode(val, l.newTokenInfo()) l.setPrev(lval.b, val == '.') } func (l *protoLex) setError(lval *protoSymType, err error) { lval.err = l.addSourceError(err) } func (l *protoLex) readNumber(sofar []rune, allowDot bool, allowExp bool) []rune { token := sofar for { c, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { break } if c == '.' { if !allowDot { l.input.unreadRune(c) break } allowDot = false } else if c == 'e' || c == 'E' { if !allowExp { l.input.unreadRune(c) break } allowExp = false cn, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { l.input.unreadRune(c) break } if cn == '-' || cn == '+' { cnn, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { l.input.unreadRune(cn) l.input.unreadRune(c) break } if cnn < '0' || cnn > '9' { l.input.unreadRune(cnn) l.input.unreadRune(cn) l.input.unreadRune(c) break } l.adjustPos(c) token = append(token, c) c, cn = cn, cnn } else if cn < '0' || cn > '9' { l.input.unreadRune(cn) l.input.unreadRune(c) break } l.adjustPos(c) token = append(token, c) c = cn } else if c < '0' || c > '9' { l.input.unreadRune(c) break } l.adjustPos(c) token = append(token, c) } return token } func (l *protoLex) readHexNumber(sofar []rune) []rune { token := sofar for { c, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { break } if (c < 'a' || c > 'f') && (c < 'A' || c > 'F') && (c < '0' || c > '9') { l.input.unreadRune(c) break } l.adjustPos(c) token = append(token, c) } return token } func (l *protoLex) readIdentifier(sofar []rune) []rune { token := sofar for { c, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { break } if c != '_' && (c < 'a' || c > 'z') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && (c < '0' || c > '9') { l.input.unreadRune(c) break } l.adjustPos(c) token = append(token, c) } return token } func (l *protoLex) readStringLiteral(quote rune) (string, error) { var buf bytes.Buffer for { c, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { if err == io.EOF { err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF } return "", err } if c == '\n' { return "", errors.New("encountered end-of-line before end of string literal") } l.adjustPos(c) if c == quote { break } if c == 0 { return "", errors.New("null character ('\\0') not allowed in string literal") } if c == '\\' { // escape sequence c, _, err = l.input.readRune() if err != nil { return "", err } l.adjustPos(c) if c == 'x' || c == 'X' { // hex escape c, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { return "", err } l.adjustPos(c) c2, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { return "", err } var hex string if (c2 < '0' || c2 > '9') && (c2 < 'a' || c2 > 'f') && (c2 < 'A' || c2 > 'F') { l.input.unreadRune(c2) hex = string(c) } else { l.adjustPos(c2) hex = string([]rune{c, c2}) } i, err := strconv.ParseInt(hex, 16, 32) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid hex escape: \\x%q", hex) } buf.WriteByte(byte(i)) } else if c >= '0' && c <= '7' { // octal escape c2, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { return "", err } var octal string if c2 < '0' || c2 > '7' { l.input.unreadRune(c2) octal = string(c) } else { l.adjustPos(c2) c3, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { return "", err } if c3 < '0' || c3 > '7' { l.input.unreadRune(c3) octal = string([]rune{c, c2}) } else { l.adjustPos(c3) octal = string([]rune{c, c2, c3}) } } i, err := strconv.ParseInt(octal, 8, 32) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid octal escape: \\%q", octal) } if i > 0xff { return "", fmt.Errorf("octal escape is out range, must be between 0 and 377: \\%q", octal) } buf.WriteByte(byte(i)) } else if c == 'u' { // short unicode escape u := make([]rune, 4) for i := range u { c, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { return "", err } l.adjustPos(c) u[i] = c } i, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(u), 16, 32) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid unicode escape: \\u%q", string(u)) } buf.WriteRune(rune(i)) } else if c == 'U' { // long unicode escape u := make([]rune, 8) for i := range u { c, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { return "", err } l.adjustPos(c) u[i] = c } i, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(u), 16, 32) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid unicode escape: \\U%q", string(u)) } if i > 0x10ffff || i < 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("unicode escape is out of range, must be between 0 and 0x10ffff: \\U%q", string(u)) } buf.WriteRune(rune(i)) } else if c == 'a' { buf.WriteByte('\a') } else if c == 'b' { buf.WriteByte('\b') } else if c == 'f' { buf.WriteByte('\f') } else if c == 'n' { buf.WriteByte('\n') } else if c == 'r' { buf.WriteByte('\r') } else if c == 't' { buf.WriteByte('\t') } else if c == 'v' { buf.WriteByte('\v') } else if c == '\\' { buf.WriteByte('\\') } else if c == '\'' { buf.WriteByte('\'') } else if c == '"' { buf.WriteByte('"') } else if c == '?' { buf.WriteByte('?') } else { return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid escape sequence: %q", "\\"+string(c)) } } else { buf.WriteRune(c) } } return buf.String(), nil } func (l *protoLex) skipToEndOfLineComment() bool { for { c, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { return false } if c == '\n' { return true } l.adjustPos(c) } } func (l *protoLex) skipToEndOfBlockComment() bool { for { c, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { return false } l.adjustPos(c) if c == '*' { c, _, err := l.input.readRune() if err != nil { return false } if c == '/' { l.adjustPos(c) return true } l.input.unreadRune(c) } } } func (l *protoLex) addSourceError(err error) ErrorWithPos { ewp, ok := err.(ErrorWithPos) if !ok { ewp = ErrorWithSourcePos{Pos: l.prev(), Underlying: err} } _ = l.errs.handleError(ewp) return ewp } func (l *protoLex) Error(s string) { _ = l.addSourceError(errors.New(s)) }