SOURCE_FILES?=./... TEST_PATTERN?=. TEST_OPTIONS?= TEST_TIMEOUT?=5m SEMVER?=0.0.0-$(shell whoami) CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA?=$(shell git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1) # Install all the build and lint dependencies setup: curl -sfL | sh go mod tidy git config core.hooksPath .githooks .PHONY: setup test: go test $(TEST_OPTIONS) -v -failfast -race -coverpkg=./... -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.out $(SOURCE_FILES) -run $(TEST_PATTERN) -timeout=$(TEST_TIMEOUT) .PHONY: test cover: test go tool cover -html=coverage.out .PHONY: cover fmt: go mod tidy find . -name '*.go' -not -wholename './vendor/*' | while read -r file; do gofmt -w -s "$$file"; goimports -w "$$file"; done .PHONY: fmt lint: check ./bin/golangci-lint run --exclude-use-default=false --fix .PHONY: check ci: build lint test .PHONY: ci build: go build -tags 'release netgo osusergo' \ -ldflags '$(linker_flags) -s -w -extldflags "-fno-PIC -static" -X main.pkgName=chglog -X main.version=$(SEMVER) -X main.commit=$(CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA)' \ -o chglog ./cmd/chglog/... .PHONY: build deps: go get -u ./... go mod tidy go mod verify .PHONY: deps todo: @grep \ --exclude-dir=vendor \ --exclude-dir=node_modules \ --exclude-dir=bin \ --exclude=Makefile \ --text \ --color \ -nRo -E ' TODO:.*|SkipNow' . .PHONY: todo .DEFAULT_GOAL := build