Exported glucose measurements from your freestyle libre in your monitoring setup
## Notes
> Im pretty sure this is not official, so i wont take any warrenty of anything. This is experimental and just a fun project. Use at your own risk.
## Usage
### Prepare
Even if you run the Libre app on your phone, you also have to install the [LibreLinkUp](https://www.librelinkup.com/) app. This is the app for family or friends to receive glucose values. This is how this software gets its data from. It fetches it from that api.
1. So install the app and create an account
2. Link it to the Libre app
### Running the exporter
The easiest way to install and running the exporter is through docker. Please check the [release](https://github.com/xsteadfastx/glucose_exporter/releases) page for the latest release.