dsnet is a simple tool to manage a centralised wireguard VPN. Think wg-quick but quicker. Usage: dsnet Available commands: init : Create /etc/dsnetconfig.json containing default configuration + new keys without loading. Edit to taste. add : Add a new peer + sync up : Create the interface, run pre/post up, sync report : Generate a JSON status report to the location configured in /etc/dsnetconfig.json. remove : Remove a peer by hostname provided as argument + sync down : Destroy the interface, run pre/post down sync : Update wireguard configuration from /etc/dsnetconfig.json after validating Quick start -- install wireguard and dsnet, then: sudo dsnet init sudo dsnet up # edit /etc/dsnetconfig.json to taste dsnet add banana > dsnet-banana.conf dsnet add apple > dsnet-apple.conf Copy the configuration file to your devices and connect! Dsnet assumes a DNS server is running on the server at the moment. To send configurations, ffsend (with separately transferred password) or a local QR code generator may be used. TODO after first release: * Hooks for adding routes/ IPtables forwarding rules * Route entire internet option * Support for additional subnets in peer config (with routes) in separate networks section in report * Peer endpoint support * Decide what to do with assumed default DNS server