1604 lines
1.4 MiB
1604 lines
1.4 MiB
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Datenvisualisierung hat mich schon immer fasziniert. Leider hatte ich nie einen wirklichen Grund dafür es einzusetzen. Und doch wollte ich es mal ausprobieren. Ich habe mich sehr von [Jemus](http://blog.jemu.name/tvshows/2015/04/so-cougar-town-ended/) inspirieren lassen. Da passiert natürlich viel viel mehr und ausführlicher. Ich habe erstmal das gemacht was ich auch verstehe :). Und zwar die Episoden Ratings darzustellen."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Als erstes importiere ich ein paar Sachen. Erstmal `choice` um per Zufall Farben aus einer Palette auszuwählen. Dann `pandas` für die `DataFrames`. Um die Daten aus der Trakt-API zu bekommen benutze ich [trakt.py](https://github.com/fuzeman/trakt.py). Wieso alles selber bauen wenn es dieses schöne Modul gibt? Dann benutze ich [Bokeh](http://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/) um das ganze darzustellen."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from random import choice\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"from trakt.tv import TVShow\n",
"from bokeh.plotting import figure, ColumnDataSource, output_notebook, show\n",
"from bokeh.models import HoverTool\n",
"from bokeh.palettes import Spectral9"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Wir starten die Bokeh Ausgabe in einem jupyter-Notebook."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
" <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n",
" \n",
" (function(global) {\n",
" function now() {\n",
" return new Date();\n",
" }\n",
" \n",
" if (typeof (window._bokeh_onload_callbacks) === \"undefined\") {\n",
" window._bokeh_onload_callbacks = [];\n",
" }\n",
" \n",
" function run_callbacks() {\n",
" window._bokeh_onload_callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback() });\n",
" delete window._bokeh_onload_callbacks\n",
" console.info(\"Bokeh: all callbacks have finished\");\n",
" }\n",
" \n",
" function load_libs(js_urls, callback) {\n",
" window._bokeh_onload_callbacks.push(callback);\n",
" if (window._bokeh_is_loading > 0) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS is being loaded, scheduling callback at\", now());\n",
" return null;\n",
" }\n",
" if (js_urls == null || js_urls.length === 0) {\n",
" run_callbacks();\n",
" return null;\n",
" }\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS not loaded, scheduling load and callback at\", now());\n",
" window._bokeh_is_loading = js_urls.length;\n",
" for (var i = 0; i < js_urls.length; i++) {\n",
" var url = js_urls[i];\n",
" var s = document.createElement('script');\n",
" s.src = url;\n",
" s.async = false;\n",
" s.onreadystatechange = s.onload = function() {\n",
" window._bokeh_is_loading--;\n",
" if (window._bokeh_is_loading === 0) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: all BokehJS libraries loaded\");\n",
" run_callbacks()\n",
" }\n",
" };\n",
" s.onerror = function() {\n",
" console.warn(\"failed to load library \" + url);\n",
" };\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: injecting script tag for BokehJS library: \", url);\n",
" document.getElementsByTagName(\"head\")[0].appendChild(s);\n",
" }\n",
" };var js_urls = ['https://cdn.pydata.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.11.0.min.js', 'https://cdn.pydata.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-widgets-0.11.0.min.js', 'https://cdn.pydata.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-compiler-0.11.0.min.js'];\n",
" \n",
" var inline_js = [\n",
" function(Bokeh) {\n",
" Bokeh.set_log_level(\"info\");\n",
" },\n",
" function(Bokeh) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: injecting CSS: https://cdn.pydata.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.11.0.min.css\");\n",
" Bokeh.embed.inject_css(\"https://cdn.pydata.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.11.0.min.css\");\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: injecting CSS: https://cdn.pydata.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-widgets-0.11.0.min.css\");\n",
" Bokeh.embed.inject_css(\"https://cdn.pydata.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-widgets-0.11.0.min.css\");\n",
" }\n",
" ];\n",
" \n",
" function run_inline_js() {\n",
" for (var i = 0; i < inline_js.length; i++) {\n",
" inline_js[i](window.Bokeh);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" \n",
" if (window._bokeh_is_loading === 0) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS loaded, going straight to plotting\");\n",
" run_inline_js();\n",
" } else {\n",
" load_libs(js_urls, function() {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS plotting callback run at\", now());\n",
" run_inline_js();\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" }(this));\n",
" </script>\n",
" <div>\n",
" <a href=\"http://bokeh.pydata.org\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"bk-logo bk-logo-small bk-logo-notebook\"></a>\n",
" <span>BokehJS successfully loaded.</span>\n",
" </div>"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Hier ist die Funktion die die Daten besorgt, verarbeitet und darstellt."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def ratings(show_name):\n",
" \n",
" # Es wird die Show definiert\n",
" tv_show = TVShow(show_name)\n",
" \n",
" # Um die Staffeln ausseinander zu halten, soll jede Episode eine unterschiedliche \n",
" # Staffelfarbe haben. Bokeh hat ein paar Farbpaletten dabei. Ich benutze Spectral9.\n",
" # Dazu brauchen wir noch eine liste um alle Episoden-Staffel-Farben zu speichern\n",
" colormap = Spectral9\n",
" colors = []\n",
" \n",
" # Wir brauchen eine Episoden Liste\n",
" episodes = []\n",
" \n",
" # Damit die Episoden hintereinander auf der X-Achse dargestellt werden, brauchen sie\n",
" # eine fortlaufende Nummer\n",
" episode_number = 1\n",
" \n",
" # Dann arbeiten wir uns mal durch die Staffeln\n",
" for season in tv_show.seasons:\n",
" \n",
" # Season 0 beinhaltet die Specials. Die werden ingnoriert\n",
" if season.season == 0:\n",
" continue\n",
" \n",
" # Eine Staffel-Farbe wird per Zufall ausgewaehlt. Wir schmeissen immer die letzte Farbe\n",
" # aus einer Kopie der Farbenliste damit sie nicht nochmal gewaehlt wird\n",
" if colors:\n",
" new_colormap = colormap[:]\n",
" new_colormap.remove(colors[-1])\n",
" color = choice(new_colormap)\n",
" \n",
" else:\n",
" color = choice(colormap)\n",
" \n",
" # Die Episoden \n",
" for episode in season.episodes:\n",
" \n",
" # Wenn es eine Ausstrahlungsdatum gibt, wird der Zeit-Teil weggeschnitten\n",
" if episode.first_aired:\n",
" aired = episode.first_aired.split('T')[0]\n",
" else:\n",
" aired = None\n",
" \n",
" # Nun werden die gesammelten Daten als Tupel der Episodenliste angehangen\n",
" episodes.append((episode_number,\n",
" episode.season,\n",
" '{}.{}'.format(episode.season,\n",
" episode.number), \n",
" episode.title, \n",
" aired, \n",
" episode.rating))\n",
" \n",
" # Die Episoden-Staffel-Farbe wird der Farbenliste angehangen\n",
" colors.append(color)\n",
" \n",
" # Die Episodennummer wird erhoeht\n",
" episode_number += 1\n",
" \n",
" # Es wird ein DataFrame erstellt\n",
" df = pd.DataFrame(\n",
" episodes, \n",
" columns=['episode_number', 'season', 'episode', 'title', 'aired', 'rating'])\n",
" # Es wird ein source-Objekt gebraucht damit die tooltips funktionieren.\n",
" # Der DataFrame genuegt nicht um die Daten fuer die tooltips zu benutzen\n",
" source = ColumnDataSource(data=df)\n",
" \n",
" # Wir erstellen in figure und belabeln die Achsen\n",
" fig = figure(title=show_name)\n",
" fig.xaxis.axis_label = 'Episodes'\n",
" fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'Rating'\n",
" \n",
" # Hier bauen wir den Scatter-Plot. Wir uebergeben X und Y plus unser source-Objekt\n",
" # und Style Geschichten. Unter anderem unsere Episoden-Farbenliste\n",
" fig.scatter(df['episode_number'], df['rating'], \n",
" source=source, name='main', \n",
" fill_alpha=0.8, line_color='#000000', size=10, color=colors)\n",
" \n",
" # Ein HoverTool-Object in dem wir das Layout fuer die Tooltips festlegen\n",
" hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Episode', '@episode'),\n",
" ('Title', '@title'),\n",
" ('Rating', '@rating'),\n",
" ('Aired', '@aired')])\n",
" \n",
" # Das Tool wird hinzugefuegt\n",
" fig.add_tools(hover)\n",
" \n",
" # Und nun angezeigt\n",
" show(fig)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Ich gebe eigentlich nicht viel auf die Ratings. Ich selber habe über Trakt noch nie etwas bewertet. Trotzdem handelt es sich um gute Daten um ein paar Sachen auszuprobieren.\n",
"Hier ein paar Ratings von Serien die mit entweder viel bedeuten oder die ich gerade schaue."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Roswell"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
" <div class=\"plotdiv\" id=\"c003301d-6be0-4af4-9d83-a645595d71f8\"></div>\n",
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n",
" \n",
" (function(global) {\n",
" function now() {\n",
" return new Date();\n",
" }\n",
" \n",
" if (typeof (window._bokeh_onload_callbacks) === \"undefined\") {\n",
" window._bokeh_onload_callbacks = [];\n",
" }\n",
" \n",
" function run_callbacks() {\n",
" window._bokeh_onload_callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback() });\n",
" delete window._bokeh_onload_callbacks\n",
" console.info(\"Bokeh: all callbacks have finished\");\n",
" }\n",
" \n",
" function load_libs(js_urls, callback) {\n",
" window._bokeh_onload_callbacks.push(callback);\n",
" if (window._bokeh_is_loading > 0) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS is being loaded, scheduling callback at\", now());\n",
" return null;\n",
" }\n",
" if (js_urls == null || js_urls.length === 0) {\n",
" run_callbacks();\n",
" return null;\n",
" }\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS not loaded, scheduling load and callback at\", now());\n",
" window._bokeh_is_loading = js_urls.length;\n",
" for (var i = 0; i < js_urls.length; i++) {\n",
" var url = js_urls[i];\n",
" var s = document.createElement('script');\n",
" s.src = url;\n",
" s.async = false;\n",
" s.onreadystatechange = s.onload = function() {\n",
" window._bokeh_is_loading--;\n",
" if (window._bokeh_is_loading === 0) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: all BokehJS libraries loaded\");\n",
" run_callbacks()\n",
" }\n",
" };\n",
" s.onerror = function() {\n",
" console.warn(\"failed to load library \" + url);\n",
" };\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: injecting script tag for BokehJS library: \", url);\n",
" document.getElementsByTagName(\"head\")[0].appendChild(s);\n",
" }\n",
" };var element = document.getElementById(\"c003301d-6be0-4af4-9d83-a645595d71f8\");\n",
" if (element == null) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: ERROR: autoload.js configured with elementid 'c003301d-6be0-4af4-9d83-a645595d71f8' but no matching script tag was found. \")\n",
" return false;\n",
" }var js_urls = [];\n",
" \n",
" var inline_js = [\n",
" function(Bokeh) {\n",
" Bokeh.$(function() {\n",
" var docs_json = {\"a4444eeb-7dcd-4c07-b94e-3ad610dd856b\": {\"title\": \"Bokeh Application\", \"version\": \"0.11.0\", \"roots\": {\"references\": [{\"type\": \"BasicTicker\", \"attributes\": {}, \"id\": \"fe11e353-2325-48f3-b384-a02bf4b62892\"}, {\"type\": \"ResizeTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"63fdc565-8be5-4ae8-a4c1-7c0549348629\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"9705b83f-1b1a-43ee-b1d1-e205d468c0fd\"}, {\"type\": \"Circle\", \"attributes\": {\"x\": {\"field\": \"x\"}, \"size\": {\"value\": 10, \"units\": \"screen\"}, \"line_alpha\": {\"value\": 0.1}, \"fill_alpha\": {\"value\": 0.1}, \"fill_color\": {\"value\": \"#1f77b4\"}, \"y\": {\"field\": \"y\"}, \"line_color\": {\"value\": \"#1f77b4\"}}, \"id\": \"d2a09c3d-4ac7-415c-93ac-b422f933cc07\"}, {\"type\": \"Grid\", \"attributes\": {\"ticker\": {\"type\": \"BasicTicker\", \"id\": \"fe11e353-2325-48f3-b384-a02bf4b62892\"}, \"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"63fdc565-8be5-4ae8-a4c1-7c0549348629\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"e907c445-c849-455f-8196-6733edaf9abb\"}, {\"type\": \"LinearAxis\", \"attributes\": {\"axis_label\": \"Episodes\", \"ticker\": {\"type\": \"BasicTicker\", \"id\": \"fe11e353-2325-48f3-b384-a02bf4b62892\"}, \"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"63fdc565-8be5-4ae8-a4c1-7c0549348629\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}, \"formatter\": {\"type\": \"BasicTickFormatter\", \"id\": \"83d98f0e-de6c-44e2-8474-19e044bbb2e3\"}}, \"id\": \"37234061-b115-4cc7-8743-19dfb6adf097\"}, {\"type\": \"DataRange1d\", \"attributes\": {\"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"a19547b0-d274-41f1-9a9e-f8b417a6f60d\"}, {\"type\": \"HoverTool\", \"attributes\": {\"tooltips\": [[\"Episode\", \"@episode\"], [\"Title\", \"@title\"], [\"Rating\", \"@rating\"], [\"Aired\", \"@aired\"]], \"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"63fdc565-8be5-4ae8-a4c1-7c0549348629\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": 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\"selection_glyph\": null, \"nonselection_glyph\": {\"type\": \"Circle\", \"id\": \"d2a09c3d-4ac7-415c-93ac-b422f933cc07\"}, \"data_source\": {\"type\": \"ColumnDataSource\", \"id\": \"38f35675-cbb9-47d1-9540-a662f5ad1331\"}, \"name\": \"main\"}, \"id\": \"7039bbcf-edec-43e2-bec3-bdcf9c2c95a2\"}, {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"attributes\": {\"title\": \"Roswell\", \"below\": [{\"type\": \"LinearAxis\", \"id\": \"37234061-b115-4cc7-8743-19dfb6adf097\"}], \"y_range\": {\"type\": \"DataRange1d\", \"id\": \"653fed87-ae50-47f4-adf9-6b9e998feb22\"}, \"x_range\": {\"type\": \"DataRange1d\", \"id\": \"a19547b0-d274-41f1-9a9e-f8b417a6f60d\"}, \"tools\": [{\"type\": \"PanTool\", \"id\": \"13321860-4eb1-4b4d-8b7d-ba375375106a\"}, {\"type\": \"WheelZoomTool\", \"id\": \"d3986be7-ff9d-454e-a87d-a7b8bdce9f1a\"}, {\"type\": \"BoxZoomTool\", \"id\": \"a5c725ee-66d9-4ec6-9779-9e8c2455ac05\"}, {\"type\": \"PreviewSaveTool\", \"id\": \"a3755ffb-f36b-4a1c-b51a-8b18de101320\"}, {\"type\": \"ResizeTool\", \"id\": \"9705b83f-1b1a-43ee-b1d1-e205d468c0fd\"}, {\"type\": \"ResetTool\", \"id\": \"3f5c5537-a4fa-45df-a453-c4de327c4465\"}, {\"type\": \"HelpTool\", \"id\": \"1c55ef60-50c8-4950-baaf-0c5c5d050785\"}, {\"type\": \"HoverTool\", \"id\": \"0f0313c1-ed74-4894-8329-42e4cc16c6a3\"}], \"left\": [{\"type\": \"LinearAxis\", \"id\": \"e97fcc6c-13c1-48a4-8bdd-c87dddd39d53\"}], \"renderers\": [{\"type\": \"LinearAxis\", \"id\": \"37234061-b115-4cc7-8743-19dfb6adf097\"}, {\"type\": \"Grid\", \"id\": \"e907c445-c849-455f-8196-6733edaf9abb\"}, {\"type\": \"LinearAxis\", \"id\": \"e97fcc6c-13c1-48a4-8bdd-c87dddd39d53\"}, {\"type\": \"Grid\", \"id\": \"db491334-712f-4782-92d6-552d53352382\"}, {\"type\": \"BoxAnnotation\", \"id\": \"50e4b201-a32e-49f1-bc9e-aed3b05dbfb6\"}, {\"type\": \"GlyphRenderer\", \"id\": \"7039bbcf-edec-43e2-bec3-bdcf9c2c95a2\"}], \"tool_events\": {\"type\": \"ToolEvents\", \"id\": \"e5c02ecb-352a-4e60-a041-19b5094799aa\"}}, \"id\": \"63fdc565-8be5-4ae8-a4c1-7c0549348629\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}, {\"type\": \"BasicTickFormatter\", \"attributes\": {}, \"id\": \"83d98f0e-de6c-44e2-8474-19e044bbb2e3\"}, {\"type\": \"HelpTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"63fdc565-8be5-4ae8-a4c1-7c0549348629\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"1c55ef60-50c8-4950-baaf-0c5c5d050785\"}, {\"type\": \"PanTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"63fdc565-8be5-4ae8-a4c1-7c0549348629\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"13321860-4eb1-4b4d-8b7d-ba375375106a\"}, {\"type\": \"ToolEvents\", \"attributes\": {}, \"id\": \"e5c02ecb-352a-4e60-a041-19b5094799aa\"}, {\"type\": \"DataRange1d\", \"attributes\": {\"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"653fed87-ae50-47f4-adf9-6b9e998feb22\"}, {\"type\": \"LinearAxis\", \"attributes\": {\"axis_label\": \"Rating\", \"ticker\": {\"type\": \"BasicTicker\", \"id\": \"aefcc403-2711-4ab2-8db5-f885c1df8ca2\"}, \"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"63fdc565-8be5-4ae8-a4c1-7c0549348629\", 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{\"title\": [\"Pilot\", \"The Morning After\", \"Monsters\", \"Leaving Normal\", \"Missing\", \"285 South (1)\", \"River Dog (2)\", \"Blood Brother\", \"Heat Wave\", \"The Balance\", \"Toy House\", \"Into the Woods\", \"The Convention\", \"Blind Date\", \"Independence Day\", \"Sexual Healing\", \"Crazy\", \"Tess, Lies and Videotape\", \"Four Square\", \"Max to the Max\", \"The White Room (1)\", \"Destiny (2)\", \"Skin and Bones\", \"Ask Not\", \"Surprise\", \"Summer of '47\", \"The End of the World\", \"Harvest\", \"Wipeout!\", \"Meet the Dupes (1)\", \"Max in the City (2)\", \"A Roswell Christmas Carol\", \"To Serve and Protect\", \"We Are Family\", \"Disturbing Behavior (1)\", \"How the Other Half Lives (2)\", \"Viva Las Vegas\", \"Heart of Mine\", \"Cry Your Name\", \"It's Too Late and It's Too Bad\", \"Baby, It's You\", \"Off the Menu\", \"The Departure\", \"Busted\", \"Michael, The Guys and The Great Snapple Caper\", \"Significant Others\", \"Secrets and Lies (1)\", \"Control 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"Die erste Serie bei der ich von einem persönlichen Fandom sprechen kann. Noch bevor ich wusste das es das Wort gibt. Ich habe damals sogar alle Bücher gelesen. Kurz hatte ich nachgedacht sie wegzuschmeissen. Leicht peinlich berührt meiner Serienliebe von damals. Habe mich doch dagegen entschieden. Die erste Staffel war grossartig. Der perfekte Mix aus Highschool und SciFi/Mystery. Danach nahm es für mich drastisch ab. Die dritte Staffel habe ich noch nicht einmal schauen können. Zu gross war die Angst vor dem Zerstören meiner Liebe zur Serie."
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"## Veronica Mars"
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\"Samuel Rising\", \"A Tale of Two Parties\", \"I Married An Alien\", \"Ch-Ch-Changes\", \"Panacea\", \"Chant Down Babylon\", \"Who Died and Made You King?\", \"Crash\", \"Four Aliens and A Baby\", \"Graduation\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61], \"y\": [8.15625, 7.74468, 8.0, 8.20588, 7.80645, 8.38461, 8.28, 8.30769, 8.46154, 8.0, 7.95652, 8.13043, 7.90909, 8.26923, 8.13636, 8.45833, 8.13636, 8.42857, 8.33333, 8.5, 8.33333, 8.69565, 7.89474, 8.41177, 8.375, 7.89474, 8.3913, 8.41177, 7.8125, 7.9, 7.92857, 8.0, 7.82353, 8.05882, 7.9375, 7.9375, 8.27778, 8.05556, 8.11765, 8.1875, 8.35714, 8.07692, 8.46154, 7.5, 7.84615, 8.09091, 8.11111, 8.33333, 8.2, 8.16667, 7.88889, 7.66667, 8.16667, 8.54545, 8.1, 8.45455, 7.11111, 7.9, 8.375, 8.5, 8.92308], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 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"ratings('Veronica Mars')"
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"Vielleicht meine absolute Lieblingsserie. Veronica Mars habe ich vielleicht 4 oder 5 mal durchgeschaut. Und ich glaube dabei wird es nicht bleiben. Es so eine Serie die immer herhalten muss wenn es mir mal nicht so gut geht. Ein paar Folgen Veronica Mars sind immer eine gute Ablenkung. Alle drei Staffeln haben ungefähr die gleiche Bewertung. Dies deckt sich auch mit meiner Meinung. Drei gleich starke Staffeln. Wieso nur wurde die Serie abgesetzt? Das College-Szenario hätte noch soviel zu bieten gehabt. "
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Emasculata\", \"Soft Light\", \"Our Town\", \"Anasazi (1)\", \"The Blessing Way (2)\", \"Paper Clip (3)\", \"D.P.O.\", \"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose\", \"The List\", \"2Shy\", \"The Walk\", \"Oubliette\", \"Nisei (1)\", \"731 (2)\", \"Revelations\", \"War of the Coprophages\", \"Syzygy\", \"Grotesque\", \"Piper Maru (1)\", \"Apocrypha (2)\", \"Pusher\", \"Teso Dos Bichos\", \"Hell Money\", \"Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'\", \"Avatar\", \"Quagmire\", \"Wetwired\", \"Talitha Cumi (1)\", \"Herrenvolk (2)\", \"Home\", \"Teliko\", \"Unruhe\", \"The Field Where I Died\", \"Sanguinarium\", \"Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man\", \"Tunguska (1)\", \"Terma (2)\", \"Paper Hearts\", \"El Mundo Gira\", \"Leonard Betts\", \"Never Again\", \"Memento Mori\", \"Kaddish\", \"Unrequited\", \"Tempus Fugit (1)\", \"Max (2)\", \"Synchrony\", \"Small Potatoes\", \"Zero-Sum\", \"Elegy\", \"Demons\", \"Gethsemane (1)\", \"Redux (2)\", \"Redux II (3)\", \"Unusual Suspects\", \"Detour\", \"The Post-Modern 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things\", \"Brand X\", \"Hollywood A.D.\", \"Fight Club\", \"Je Souhaite\", \"Requiem\", \"Within (1)\", \"Without (2)\", \"Patience\", \"Roadrunners\", \"Invocation\", \"Redrum\", \"Via Negativa\", \"Surekill\", \"Salvage\", \"Badlaa\", \"The Gift\", \"Medusa\", \"Per Manum\", \"This Is Not Happening (1)\", \"Deadalive (2)\", \"Three Words\", \"Empedocles\", \"Vienen\", \"Alone\", \"Essence (1)\", \"Existence (2)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today (1)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today II (2)\", \"D\\u00e6monicus\", \"4-D\", \"Lord of the Flies\", \"Trust No 1\", \"John Doe\", \"Hellbound\", \"Provenance (1)\", \"Providence (2)\", \"Audrey Pauley\", \"Underneath\", \"Improbable\", \"Scary Monsters\", \"Jump the Shark\", \"William\", \"Release\", \"Sunshine Days\", \"The Truth (1)\", \"The Truth (2)\", \"My Struggle\", \"Founder's Mutation\", \"Mulder And Scully Meet the Were-Monster\", \"Home Again\", \"Babylon\", \"My Struggle II\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 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7.87376, 7.58038, 7.89894, 7.46176, 7.35443, 7.58805, 8.14583, 7.26871, 7.31987, 7.9586, 8.0273, 7.52963, 7.55197, 8.56024, 8.16456, 7.98288, 7.57752, 7.84444, 8.46479, 8.38722, 7.03629, 8.06227, 7.59149, 7.62551, 7.23318, 7.5, 7.6886, 7.95833, 7.57798, 8.38492, 8.44167, 7.27536, 7.79018, 8.11741, 7.63158, 7.67822, 7.69802, 7.74408, 8.6822, 8.37891, 8.46154, 7.73394, 8.48771, 7.19139, 7.50472, 7.34146, 7.57692, 8.15217, 8.23684, 7.34146, 8.15385, 7.71219, 7.27919, 8.02359, 8.16098, 8.07076, 6.88172, 7.20904, 8.11207, 7.62105, 7.82915, 8.10363, 8.29353, 8.52261, 7.99083, 6.99415, 8.0, 7.17582, 7.55758, 8.46119, 8.12435, 7.99498, 8.16667, 7.2033, 8.07895, 7.57527, 8.30688, 7.15686, 7.5125, 8.30208, 8.28333, 7.79012, 8.40206, 7.93333, 7.90798, 7.74545, 8.41711, 8.49206, 8.65152, 8.34391, 7.70718, 7.97248, 7.81065, 7.78659, 7.71698, 7.23567, 7.65455, 7.75, 8.64929, 7.95429, 8.25595, 7.62338, 7.94702, 7.50345, 7.98601, 8.09868, 8.575, 8.1361, 8.13333, 8.24479, 8.39394, 8.2426, 8.12963, 7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 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7.20904, 8.11207, 7.62105, 7.82915, 8.10363, 8.29353, 8.52261, 7.99083, 6.99415, 8.0, 7.17582, 7.55758, 8.46119, 8.12435, 7.99498, 8.16667, 7.2033, 8.07895, 7.57527, 8.30688, 7.15686, 7.5125, 8.30208, 8.28333, 7.79012, 8.40206, 7.93333, 7.90798, 7.74545, 8.41711, 8.49206, 8.65152, 8.34391, 7.70718, 7.97248, 7.81065, 7.78659, 7.71698, 7.23567, 7.65455, 7.75, 8.64929, 7.95429, 8.25595, 7.62338, 7.94702, 7.50345, 7.98601, 8.09868, 8.575, 8.1361, 8.13333, 8.24479, 8.39394, 8.2426, 8.12963, 7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"fill_color\": [\"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", \"1.3\", \"1.4\", \"1.5\", \"1.6\", \"1.7\", \"1.8\", \"1.9\", \"1.10\", \"1.11\", \"1.12\", \"1.13\", \"1.14\", \"1.15\", \"1.16\", \"1.17\", \"1.18\", \"1.19\", \"1.20\", \"1.21\", \"1.22\", \"1.23\", \"1.24\", \"2.1\", \"2.2\", \"2.3\", \"2.4\", \"2.5\", \"2.6\", \"2.7\", \"2.8\", \"2.9\", \"2.10\", \"2.11\", \"2.12\", \"2.13\", \"2.14\", \"2.15\", \"2.16\", \"2.17\", \"2.18\", \"2.19\", \"2.20\", \"2.21\", \"2.22\", \"2.23\", \"2.24\", \"2.25\", \"3.1\", \"3.2\", \"3.3\", \"3.4\", \"3.5\", \"3.6\", \"3.7\", \"3.8\", \"3.9\", \"3.10\", \"3.11\", \"3.12\", \"3.13\", \"3.14\", \"3.15\", \"3.16\", \"3.17\", \"3.18\", \"3.19\", \"3.20\", \"3.21\", \"3.22\", \"3.23\", \"3.24\", \"4.1\", \"4.2\", \"4.3\", \"4.4\", \"4.5\", \"4.6\", \"4.7\", \"4.8\", \"4.9\", \"4.10\", \"4.11\", \"4.12\", \"4.13\", \"4.14\", \"4.15\", \"4.16\", \"4.17\", \"4.18\", \"4.19\", \"4.20\", \"4.21\", \"4.22\", \"4.23\", \"4.24\", \"5.1\", \"5.2\", \"5.3\", \"5.4\", \"5.5\", \"5.6\", \"5.7\", \"5.8\", \"5.9\", \"5.10\", \"5.11\", \"5.12\", \"5.13\", \"5.14\", \"5.15\", \"5.16\", \"5.17\", \"5.18\", \"5.19\", \"5.20\", \"6.1\", \"6.2\", \"6.3\", \"6.4\", \"6.5\", \"6.6\", \"6.7\", \"6.8\", \"6.9\", \"6.10\", \"6.11\", \"6.12\", \"6.13\", \"6.14\", \"6.15\", \"6.16\", \"6.17\", \"6.18\", \"6.19\", \"6.20\", \"6.21\", \"6.22\", \"7.1\", \"7.2\", \"7.3\", \"7.4\", \"7.5\", \"7.6\", \"7.7\", \"7.8\", \"7.9\", \"7.10\", \"7.11\", \"7.12\", \"7.13\", \"7.14\", \"7.15\", \"7.16\", \"7.17\", \"7.18\", \"7.19\", \"7.20\", \"7.21\", \"7.22\", \"8.1\", \"8.2\", \"8.3\", \"8.4\", \"8.5\", \"8.6\", \"8.7\", \"8.8\", \"8.9\", \"8.10\", \"8.11\", \"8.12\", \"8.13\", \"8.14\", \"8.15\", \"8.16\", \"8.17\", \"8.18\", \"8.19\", \"8.20\", \"8.21\", \"9.1\", \"9.2\", \"9.3\", \"9.4\", \"9.5\", \"9.6\", \"9.7\", \"9.8\", \"9.9\", \"9.10\", \"9.11\", \"9.12\", \"9.13\", \"9.14\", \"9.15\", \"9.16\", \"9.17\", \"9.18\", \"9.19\", \"9.20\", \"10.1\", \"10.2\", \"10.3\", \"10.4\", \"10.5\", \"10.6\"], \"index\": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207], \"aired\": [\"1993-09-11\", \"1993-09-18\", \"1993-09-25\", \"1993-10-02\", \"1993-10-09\", \"1993-10-23\", \"1993-10-30\", \"1993-11-06\", \"1993-11-13\", \"1993-11-20\", \"1993-12-11\", \"1993-12-18\", \"1994-01-08\", \"1994-01-22\", \"1994-02-05\", \"1994-02-12\", \"1994-02-19\", \"1994-03-19\", \"1994-04-02\", \"1994-04-16\", \"1994-04-23\", \"1994-04-30\", \"1994-05-07\", \"1994-05-14\", \"1994-09-17\", \"1994-09-24\", \"1994-10-01\", \"1994-10-08\", \"1994-10-15\", \"1994-10-22\", \"1994-11-05\", \"1994-11-12\", \"1994-11-19\", \"1994-12-10\", \"1994-12-17\", \"1995-01-07\", \"1995-01-14\", \"1995-01-28\", \"1995-02-04\", \"1995-02-11\", \"1995-02-18\", \"1995-02-25\", \"1995-03-11\", \"1995-04-01\", \"1995-04-15\", \"1995-04-29\", \"1995-05-06\", \"1995-05-13\", \"1995-05-20\", \"1995-09-23\", \"1995-09-30\", \"1995-10-07\", \"1995-10-14\", \"1995-10-21\", \"1995-11-04\", \"1995-11-11\", \"1995-11-18\", \"1995-11-25\", \"1995-12-02\", \"1995-12-16\", \"1996-01-06\", \"1996-01-27\", \"1996-02-03\", \"1996-02-10\", \"1996-02-17\", \"1996-02-24\", \"1996-03-09\", \"1996-03-30\", \"1996-04-13\", \"1996-04-27\", \"1996-05-04\", \"1996-05-11\", \"1996-05-18\", \"1996-10-05\", \"1996-10-12\", \"1996-10-19\", \"1996-10-28\", \"1996-11-04\", \"1996-11-11\", \"1996-11-18\", \"1996-11-25\", \"1996-12-02\", \"1996-12-16\", \"1997-01-13\", \"1997-01-27\", \"1997-02-03\", \"1997-02-10\", \"1997-02-17\", \"1997-02-24\", \"1997-03-17\", \"1997-03-24\", \"1997-04-07\", \"1997-04-21\", \"1997-04-28\", \"1997-05-05\", \"1997-05-12\", \"1997-05-19\", \"1997-11-03\", \"1997-11-10\", \"1997-11-17\", \"1997-11-24\", \"1997-12-01\", \"1997-12-08\", \"1997-12-15\", \"1998-01-05\", \"1998-01-12\", \"1998-02-09\", \"1998-02-16\", \"1998-02-23\", \"1998-03-02\", \"1998-03-09\", \"1998-03-30\", \"1998-04-20\", \"1998-04-27\", \"1998-05-04\", \"1998-05-11\", \"1998-05-18\", \"1998-11-09\", \"1998-11-16\", \"1998-11-23\", \"1998-11-30\", \"1998-12-07\", \"1998-12-14\", \"1999-01-04\", \"1999-01-11\", \"1999-01-18\", \"1999-01-25\", \"1999-02-08\", \"1999-02-15\", \"1999-02-22\", \"1999-03-01\", \"1999-03-08\", \"1999-03-29\", \"1999-04-12\", \"1999-04-19\", \"1999-04-26\", \"1999-05-03\", \"1999-05-10\", \"1999-05-17\", \"1999-11-08\", \"1999-11-15\", \"1999-11-22\", \"1999-11-29\", \"1999-12-06\", \"1999-12-13\", \"2000-01-10\", \"2000-01-17\", \"2000-01-24\", \"2000-02-07\", \"2000-02-14\", \"2000-02-21\", \"2000-02-28\", \"2000-03-13\", \"2000-03-20\", \"2000-04-03\", \"2000-04-10\", \"2000-04-17\", \"2000-05-01\", \"2000-05-08\", \"2000-05-15\", \"2000-05-22\", \"2000-11-06\", \"2000-11-13\", \"2000-11-20\", \"2000-11-27\", \"2000-12-04\", \"2000-12-11\", \"2000-12-18\", \"2001-01-08\", \"2001-01-15\", \"2001-01-22\", \"2001-02-05\", \"2001-02-12\", \"2001-02-19\", \"2001-02-26\", \"2001-04-02\", \"2001-04-09\", \"2001-04-16\", \"2001-04-23\", \"2001-05-07\", \"2001-05-14\", \"2001-05-21\", \"2001-11-12\", \"2001-11-19\", \"2001-12-03\", \"2001-12-10\", \"2001-12-17\", \"2002-01-07\", \"2002-01-14\", \"2002-01-28\", \"2002-03-04\", \"2002-03-11\", \"2002-03-18\", \"2002-04-01\", \"2002-04-08\", \"2002-04-15\", \"2002-04-22\", \"2002-04-29\", \"2002-05-06\", \"2002-05-13\", \"2002-05-20\", \"2002-05-20\", \"2016-01-25\", \"2016-01-26\", \"2016-02-02\", \"2016-02-09\", \"2016-02-16\", \"2016-02-23\"], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208]}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"af8e6c8a-adab-4f69-a98d-300c3cc6a136\"}, {\"type\": \"LinearAxis\", \"attributes\": {\"axis_label\": \"Episodes\", \"ticker\": {\"type\": \"BasicTicker\", \"id\": \"fe11e353-2325-48f3-b384-a02bf4b62892\"}, \"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"63fdc565-8be5-4ae8-a4c1-7c0549348629\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}, \"formatter\": {\"type\": \"BasicTickFormatter\", \"id\": \"83d98f0e-de6c-44e2-8474-19e044bbb2e3\"}}, \"id\": \"37234061-b115-4cc7-8743-19dfb6adf097\"}, {\"type\": \"BasicTicker\", \"attributes\": {}, \"id\": \"aefcc403-2711-4ab2-8db5-f885c1df8ca2\"}, {\"type\": \"LinearAxis\", \"attributes\": {\"axis_label\": \"Episodes\", \"ticker\": {\"type\": \"BasicTicker\", \"id\": 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"ratings('The X-Files')"
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"source": [
"Mit einem Knall wurde auf einmal eine zehnte Staffel angekündigt und gestern lief davon die dritte Folge. Auch wenn ich nur ein wenig mit Akte X vertraut bin, die drei Episoden haben mir bis jetzt sehr gefallen. Anscheinend alle Staffeln mit gleichen Höhen und Tiefen."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Downton Abbey"
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"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {
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"outputs": [
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Emasculata\", \"Soft Light\", \"Our Town\", \"Anasazi (1)\", \"The Blessing Way (2)\", \"Paper Clip (3)\", \"D.P.O.\", \"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose\", \"The List\", \"2Shy\", \"The Walk\", \"Oubliette\", \"Nisei (1)\", \"731 (2)\", \"Revelations\", \"War of the Coprophages\", \"Syzygy\", \"Grotesque\", \"Piper Maru (1)\", \"Apocrypha (2)\", \"Pusher\", \"Teso Dos Bichos\", \"Hell Money\", \"Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'\", \"Avatar\", \"Quagmire\", \"Wetwired\", \"Talitha Cumi (1)\", \"Herrenvolk (2)\", \"Home\", \"Teliko\", \"Unruhe\", \"The Field Where I Died\", \"Sanguinarium\", \"Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man\", \"Tunguska (1)\", \"Terma (2)\", \"Paper Hearts\", \"El Mundo Gira\", \"Leonard Betts\", \"Never Again\", \"Memento Mori\", \"Kaddish\", \"Unrequited\", \"Tempus Fugit (1)\", \"Max (2)\", \"Synchrony\", \"Small Potatoes\", \"Zero-Sum\", \"Elegy\", \"Demons\", \"Gethsemane (1)\", \"Redux (2)\", \"Redux II (3)\", \"Unusual Suspects\", \"Detour\", \"The Post-Modern 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things\", \"Brand X\", \"Hollywood A.D.\", \"Fight Club\", \"Je Souhaite\", \"Requiem\", \"Within (1)\", \"Without (2)\", \"Patience\", \"Roadrunners\", \"Invocation\", \"Redrum\", \"Via Negativa\", \"Surekill\", \"Salvage\", \"Badlaa\", \"The Gift\", \"Medusa\", \"Per Manum\", \"This Is Not Happening (1)\", \"Deadalive (2)\", \"Three Words\", \"Empedocles\", \"Vienen\", \"Alone\", \"Essence (1)\", \"Existence (2)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today (1)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today II (2)\", \"D\\u00e6monicus\", \"4-D\", \"Lord of the Flies\", \"Trust No 1\", \"John Doe\", \"Hellbound\", \"Provenance (1)\", \"Providence (2)\", \"Audrey Pauley\", \"Underneath\", \"Improbable\", \"Scary Monsters\", \"Jump the Shark\", \"William\", \"Release\", \"Sunshine Days\", \"The Truth (1)\", \"The Truth (2)\", \"My Struggle\", \"Founder's Mutation\", \"Mulder And Scully Meet the Were-Monster\", \"Home Again\", \"Babylon\", \"My Struggle II\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208], \"y\": [8.09233, 7.8518, 7.87669, 7.57255, 7.31197, 7.50337, 7.36406, 8.12211, 7.02284, 7.83092, 7.87376, 7.58038, 7.89894, 7.46176, 7.35443, 7.58805, 8.14583, 7.26871, 7.31987, 7.9586, 8.0273, 7.52963, 7.55197, 8.56024, 8.16456, 7.98288, 7.57752, 7.84444, 8.46479, 8.38722, 7.03629, 8.06227, 7.59149, 7.62551, 7.23318, 7.5, 7.6886, 7.95833, 7.57798, 8.38492, 8.44167, 7.27536, 7.79018, 8.11741, 7.63158, 7.67822, 7.69802, 7.74408, 8.6822, 8.37891, 8.46154, 7.73394, 8.48771, 7.19139, 7.50472, 7.34146, 7.57692, 8.15217, 8.23684, 7.34146, 8.15385, 7.71219, 7.27919, 8.02359, 8.16098, 8.07076, 6.88172, 7.20904, 8.11207, 7.62105, 7.82915, 8.10363, 8.29353, 8.52261, 7.99083, 6.99415, 8.0, 7.17582, 7.55758, 8.46119, 8.12435, 7.99498, 8.16667, 7.2033, 8.07895, 7.57527, 8.30688, 7.15686, 7.5125, 8.30208, 8.28333, 7.79012, 8.40206, 7.93333, 7.90798, 7.74545, 8.41711, 8.49206, 8.65152, 8.34391, 7.70718, 7.97248, 7.81065, 7.78659, 7.71698, 7.23567, 7.65455, 7.75, 8.64929, 7.95429, 8.25595, 7.62338, 7.94702, 7.50345, 7.98601, 8.09868, 8.575, 8.1361, 8.13333, 8.24479, 8.39394, 8.2426, 8.12963, 7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 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7.20904, 8.11207, 7.62105, 7.82915, 8.10363, 8.29353, 8.52261, 7.99083, 6.99415, 8.0, 7.17582, 7.55758, 8.46119, 8.12435, 7.99498, 8.16667, 7.2033, 8.07895, 7.57527, 8.30688, 7.15686, 7.5125, 8.30208, 8.28333, 7.79012, 8.40206, 7.93333, 7.90798, 7.74545, 8.41711, 8.49206, 8.65152, 8.34391, 7.70718, 7.97248, 7.81065, 7.78659, 7.71698, 7.23567, 7.65455, 7.75, 8.64929, 7.95429, 8.25595, 7.62338, 7.94702, 7.50345, 7.98601, 8.09868, 8.575, 8.1361, 8.13333, 8.24479, 8.39394, 8.2426, 8.12963, 7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"fill_color\": [\"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", 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\"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", \"1.3\", \"1.4\", \"1.5\", \"1.6\", \"1.7\", \"1.8\", \"1.9\", \"1.10\", \"1.11\", \"1.12\", \"1.13\", \"1.14\", \"1.15\", \"1.16\", \"1.17\", \"1.18\", \"1.19\", \"1.20\", \"1.21\", \"1.22\", \"1.23\", \"1.24\", \"2.1\", \"2.2\", \"2.3\", \"2.4\", \"2.5\", \"2.6\", \"2.7\", \"2.8\", \"2.9\", \"2.10\", \"2.11\", \"2.12\", \"2.13\", \"2.14\", \"2.15\", \"2.16\", \"2.17\", \"2.18\", \"2.19\", \"2.20\", \"2.21\", \"2.22\", \"2.23\", \"2.24\", \"2.25\", \"3.1\", \"3.2\", \"3.3\", \"3.4\", \"3.5\", \"3.6\", \"3.7\", \"3.8\", \"3.9\", \"3.10\", \"3.11\", \"3.12\", \"3.13\", \"3.14\", \"3.15\", \"3.16\", \"3.17\", \"3.18\", \"3.19\", \"3.20\", \"3.21\", \"3.22\", \"3.23\", \"3.24\", \"4.1\", \"4.2\", \"4.3\", \"4.4\", \"4.5\", \"4.6\", \"4.7\", \"4.8\", \"4.9\", \"4.10\", \"4.11\", \"4.12\", \"4.13\", \"4.14\", \"4.15\", \"4.16\", \"4.17\", \"4.18\", \"4.19\", \"4.20\", \"4.21\", \"4.22\", \"4.23\", \"4.24\", \"5.1\", \"5.2\", \"5.3\", \"5.4\", \"5.5\", \"5.6\", \"5.7\", \"5.8\", \"5.9\", \"5.10\", \"5.11\", \"5.12\", \"5.13\", \"5.14\", \"5.15\", \"5.16\", \"5.17\", \"5.18\", \"5.19\", \"5.20\", \"6.1\", \"6.2\", \"6.3\", \"6.4\", \"6.5\", \"6.6\", \"6.7\", \"6.8\", \"6.9\", \"6.10\", \"6.11\", \"6.12\", \"6.13\", \"6.14\", \"6.15\", \"6.16\", \"6.17\", \"6.18\", \"6.19\", \"6.20\", \"6.21\", \"6.22\", \"7.1\", \"7.2\", \"7.3\", \"7.4\", \"7.5\", \"7.6\", \"7.7\", \"7.8\", \"7.9\", \"7.10\", \"7.11\", \"7.12\", \"7.13\", \"7.14\", \"7.15\", \"7.16\", \"7.17\", \"7.18\", \"7.19\", \"7.20\", \"7.21\", \"7.22\", \"8.1\", \"8.2\", \"8.3\", \"8.4\", \"8.5\", \"8.6\", \"8.7\", \"8.8\", \"8.9\", \"8.10\", \"8.11\", \"8.12\", \"8.13\", \"8.14\", \"8.15\", \"8.16\", \"8.17\", \"8.18\", \"8.19\", \"8.20\", \"8.21\", \"9.1\", \"9.2\", \"9.3\", \"9.4\", \"9.5\", \"9.6\", \"9.7\", \"9.8\", \"9.9\", \"9.10\", \"9.11\", \"9.12\", \"9.13\", \"9.14\", \"9.15\", \"9.16\", \"9.17\", \"9.18\", \"9.19\", \"9.20\", \"10.1\", \"10.2\", \"10.3\", \"10.4\", \"10.5\", \"10.6\"], \"index\": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207], \"aired\": [\"1993-09-11\", \"1993-09-18\", \"1993-09-25\", \"1993-10-02\", \"1993-10-09\", \"1993-10-23\", \"1993-10-30\", \"1993-11-06\", \"1993-11-13\", \"1993-11-20\", \"1993-12-11\", \"1993-12-18\", \"1994-01-08\", \"1994-01-22\", \"1994-02-05\", \"1994-02-12\", \"1994-02-19\", \"1994-03-19\", \"1994-04-02\", \"1994-04-16\", \"1994-04-23\", \"1994-04-30\", \"1994-05-07\", \"1994-05-14\", \"1994-09-17\", \"1994-09-24\", \"1994-10-01\", \"1994-10-08\", \"1994-10-15\", \"1994-10-22\", \"1994-11-05\", \"1994-11-12\", \"1994-11-19\", \"1994-12-10\", \"1994-12-17\", \"1995-01-07\", \"1995-01-14\", \"1995-01-28\", \"1995-02-04\", \"1995-02-11\", \"1995-02-18\", \"1995-02-25\", \"1995-03-11\", \"1995-04-01\", \"1995-04-15\", \"1995-04-29\", \"1995-05-06\", \"1995-05-13\", \"1995-05-20\", \"1995-09-23\", \"1995-09-30\", \"1995-10-07\", \"1995-10-14\", \"1995-10-21\", \"1995-11-04\", \"1995-11-11\", \"1995-11-18\", \"1995-11-25\", \"1995-12-02\", \"1995-12-16\", \"1996-01-06\", \"1996-01-27\", \"1996-02-03\", \"1996-02-10\", \"1996-02-17\", \"1996-02-24\", \"1996-03-09\", \"1996-03-30\", \"1996-04-13\", \"1996-04-27\", \"1996-05-04\", \"1996-05-11\", \"1996-05-18\", \"1996-10-05\", \"1996-10-12\", \"1996-10-19\", \"1996-10-28\", \"1996-11-04\", \"1996-11-11\", \"1996-11-18\", \"1996-11-25\", \"1996-12-02\", \"1996-12-16\", \"1997-01-13\", \"1997-01-27\", \"1997-02-03\", \"1997-02-10\", \"1997-02-17\", \"1997-02-24\", \"1997-03-17\", \"1997-03-24\", \"1997-04-07\", \"1997-04-21\", \"1997-04-28\", \"1997-05-05\", \"1997-05-12\", \"1997-05-19\", \"1997-11-03\", \"1997-11-10\", \"1997-11-17\", \"1997-11-24\", \"1997-12-01\", \"1997-12-08\", \"1997-12-15\", \"1998-01-05\", \"1998-01-12\", \"1998-02-09\", \"1998-02-16\", \"1998-02-23\", \"1998-03-02\", \"1998-03-09\", \"1998-03-30\", \"1998-04-20\", \"1998-04-27\", \"1998-05-04\", \"1998-05-11\", \"1998-05-18\", \"1998-11-09\", \"1998-11-16\", \"1998-11-23\", \"1998-11-30\", \"1998-12-07\", \"1998-12-14\", \"1999-01-04\", \"1999-01-11\", \"1999-01-18\", \"1999-01-25\", \"1999-02-08\", \"1999-02-15\", \"1999-02-22\", \"1999-03-01\", \"1999-03-08\", \"1999-03-29\", \"1999-04-12\", \"1999-04-19\", \"1999-04-26\", \"1999-05-03\", \"1999-05-10\", \"1999-05-17\", \"1999-11-08\", \"1999-11-15\", \"1999-11-22\", \"1999-11-29\", \"1999-12-06\", \"1999-12-13\", \"2000-01-10\", \"2000-01-17\", \"2000-01-24\", \"2000-02-07\", \"2000-02-14\", \"2000-02-21\", \"2000-02-28\", \"2000-03-13\", \"2000-03-20\", \"2000-04-03\", \"2000-04-10\", \"2000-04-17\", \"2000-05-01\", \"2000-05-08\", \"2000-05-15\", \"2000-05-22\", \"2000-11-06\", \"2000-11-13\", \"2000-11-20\", \"2000-11-27\", \"2000-12-04\", \"2000-12-11\", \"2000-12-18\", \"2001-01-08\", \"2001-01-15\", \"2001-01-22\", \"2001-02-05\", \"2001-02-12\", \"2001-02-19\", \"2001-02-26\", \"2001-04-02\", \"2001-04-09\", \"2001-04-16\", \"2001-04-23\", \"2001-05-07\", \"2001-05-14\", \"2001-05-21\", \"2001-11-12\", \"2001-11-19\", \"2001-12-03\", \"2001-12-10\", \"2001-12-17\", \"2002-01-07\", \"2002-01-14\", \"2002-01-28\", \"2002-03-04\", \"2002-03-11\", \"2002-03-18\", \"2002-04-01\", \"2002-04-08\", \"2002-04-15\", \"2002-04-22\", \"2002-04-29\", \"2002-05-06\", \"2002-05-13\", \"2002-05-20\", \"2002-05-20\", \"2016-01-25\", \"2016-01-26\", \"2016-02-02\", \"2016-02-09\", \"2016-02-16\", \"2016-02-23\"], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 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"ratings('Downton Abbey')"
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"Ich hätte nicht gedacht das mich diese Geschichte so packt und emotional macht. Doch Downton Abbey wurde für mich zu einer Herzensangelegenheit. Jeden Staffeln mit viel Tränen. Den Abfall der Ratings nach hinten decken sich nicht mit meiner Meinung. Ich fand alle 6 ziemlich stark."
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"## Californication"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {
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60, 61, 62, 63, 64]}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"94d17170-6d72-46ee-8b60-a61bdd05d5ba\"}, {\"type\": \"Grid\", \"attributes\": {\"dimension\": 1, \"ticker\": {\"type\": \"BasicTicker\", \"id\": \"327a5c66-996b-4ee7-bad1-e60bf53332c0\"}, \"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"483f0035-81b9-4a13-988b-7186df428d57\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"0c818b40-e3a8-42ba-aee3-4b4f4f0c9f5e\"}, {\"type\": \"HoverTool\", \"attributes\": {\"tooltips\": [[\"Episode\", \"@episode\"], [\"Title\", \"@title\"], [\"Rating\", \"@rating\"], [\"Aired\", \"@aired\"]], \"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"483f0035-81b9-4a13-988b-7186df428d57\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"9c12a8e4-0bb3-445c-b5d7-b971985e88f6\"}, {\"type\": \"HelpTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"63fdc565-8be5-4ae8-a4c1-7c0549348629\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"1c55ef60-50c8-4950-baaf-0c5c5d050785\"}, {\"type\": \"ColumnDataSource\", \"attributes\": {\"column_names\": [\"title\", \"episode_number\", \"rating\", \"episode\", \"index\", \"aired\", \"season\", \"x\", \"y\", \"fill_color\"], \"data\": {\"title\": [\"Pilot\", \"Deep Throat\", \"Squeeze\", \"Conduit\", \"The Jersey Devil\", \"Shadows\", \"Ghost in the Machine\", \"Ice\", \"Space\", \"Fallen Angel\", \"Eve\", \"Fire\", \"Beyond the Sea\", \"Gender Bender\", \"Lazarus\", \"Young at Heart\", \"E.B.E.\", \"Miracle Man\", \"Shapes\", \"Darkness Falls\", \"Tooms\", \"Born Again\", \"Roland\", \"The Erlenmeyer Flask\", \"Little Green Men\", \"The Host\", \"Blood\", \"Sleepless\", \"Duane Barry (1)\", \"Ascension (2)\", \"3\", \"One Breath\", \"Firewalker\", \"Red Museum\", \"Excelsis Dei\", \"Aubrey\", \"Irresistible\", \"Die Hand Die Verletzt\", \"Fresh Bones\", \"Colony (1)\", \"End Game (2)\", \"Fearful Symmetry\", \"D\\u00f8d Kalm\", \"Humbug\", \"The Calusari\", \"F. Emasculata\", \"Soft Light\", \"Our Town\", \"Anasazi (1)\", \"The Blessing Way (2)\", \"Paper Clip (3)\", \"D.P.O.\", \"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose\", \"The List\", \"2Shy\", \"The Walk\", \"Oubliette\", \"Nisei (1)\", \"731 (2)\", \"Revelations\", \"War of the Coprophages\", \"Syzygy\", \"Grotesque\", \"Piper Maru (1)\", \"Apocrypha (2)\", \"Pusher\", \"Teso Dos Bichos\", \"Hell Money\", \"Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'\", \"Avatar\", \"Quagmire\", \"Wetwired\", \"Talitha Cumi (1)\", \"Herrenvolk (2)\", \"Home\", \"Teliko\", \"Unruhe\", \"The Field Where I Died\", \"Sanguinarium\", \"Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man\", \"Tunguska (1)\", \"Terma (2)\", \"Paper Hearts\", \"El Mundo Gira\", \"Leonard Betts\", \"Never Again\", \"Memento Mori\", \"Kaddish\", \"Unrequited\", \"Tempus Fugit (1)\", \"Max (2)\", \"Synchrony\", \"Small Potatoes\", \"Zero-Sum\", \"Elegy\", \"Demons\", \"Gethsemane (1)\", \"Redux (2)\", \"Redux II (3)\", \"Unusual Suspects\", \"Detour\", \"The Post-Modern Prometheus\", \"Christmas Carol (1)\", \"Emily (2)\", \"Kitsunegari\", \"Schizogeny\", \"Chinga\", \"Kill Switch\", \"Bad Blood\", \"Patient X (1)\", \"The Red and the Black (2)\", \"Travelers\", \"Mind's Eye\", \"All Souls\", \"The Pine Bluff Variant\", \"Folie \\u00e0 Deux\", \"The End\", \"The Beginning\", \"Drive\", \"Triangle\", \"Dreamland (1)\", \"Dreamland II (2)\", \"How The Ghosts Stole Christmas\", \"Terms of Endearment\", \"The Rain King\", \"S.R. 819\", \"Tithonus\", \"Two Fathers (1)\", \"One Son (2)\", \"Agua Mala\", \"Monday\", \"Arcadia\", \"Alpha\", \"Trevor\", \"Milagro\", \"The Unnatural\", \"Three of a Kind\", \"Field Trip\", \"Biogenesis (1)\", \"The Sixth Extinction (2)\", \"The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati (3)\", \"Hungry\", \"Millennium\", \"Rush\", \"The Goldberg Variation\", \"Orison\", \"The Amazing Maleeni\", \"Signs & Wonders\", \"Sein und Zeit (1)\", \"Closure (2)\", \"X-COPS\", \"First Person Shooter\", \"Theef\", \"En Ami\", \"Chimera\", \"all things\", \"Brand X\", \"Hollywood A.D.\", \"Fight Club\", \"Je Souhaite\", \"Requiem\", \"Within (1)\", \"Without (2)\", \"Patience\", \"Roadrunners\", \"Invocation\", \"Redrum\", \"Via Negativa\", \"Surekill\", \"Salvage\", \"Badlaa\", \"The Gift\", \"Medusa\", \"Per Manum\", \"This Is Not Happening (1)\", \"Deadalive (2)\", \"Three Words\", \"Empedocles\", \"Vienen\", \"Alone\", \"Essence (1)\", \"Existence (2)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today (1)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today II (2)\", \"D\\u00e6monicus\", \"4-D\", \"Lord of the Flies\", \"Trust No 1\", \"John Doe\", \"Hellbound\", \"Provenance (1)\", \"Providence (2)\", \"Audrey Pauley\", \"Underneath\", \"Improbable\", \"Scary Monsters\", \"Jump the Shark\", \"William\", \"Release\", \"Sunshine Days\", \"The Truth (1)\", \"The Truth (2)\", \"My Struggle\", \"Founder's Mutation\", \"Mulder And Scully Meet the Were-Monster\", \"Home Again\", \"Babylon\", \"My Struggle II\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208], \"y\": [8.09233, 7.8518, 7.87669, 7.57255, 7.31197, 7.50337, 7.36406, 8.12211, 7.02284, 7.83092, 7.87376, 7.58038, 7.89894, 7.46176, 7.35443, 7.58805, 8.14583, 7.26871, 7.31987, 7.9586, 8.0273, 7.52963, 7.55197, 8.56024, 8.16456, 7.98288, 7.57752, 7.84444, 8.46479, 8.38722, 7.03629, 8.06227, 7.59149, 7.62551, 7.23318, 7.5, 7.6886, 7.95833, 7.57798, 8.38492, 8.44167, 7.27536, 7.79018, 8.11741, 7.63158, 7.67822, 7.69802, 7.74408, 8.6822, 8.37891, 8.46154, 7.73394, 8.48771, 7.19139, 7.50472, 7.34146, 7.57692, 8.15217, 8.23684, 7.34146, 8.15385, 7.71219, 7.27919, 8.02359, 8.16098, 8.07076, 6.88172, 7.20904, 8.11207, 7.62105, 7.82915, 8.10363, 8.29353, 8.52261, 7.99083, 6.99415, 8.0, 7.17582, 7.55758, 8.46119, 8.12435, 7.99498, 8.16667, 7.2033, 8.07895, 7.57527, 8.30688, 7.15686, 7.5125, 8.30208, 8.28333, 7.79012, 8.40206, 7.93333, 7.90798, 7.74545, 8.41711, 8.49206, 8.65152, 8.34391, 7.70718, 7.97248, 7.81065, 7.78659, 7.71698, 7.23567, 7.65455, 7.75, 8.64929, 7.95429, 8.25595, 7.62338, 7.94702, 7.50345, 7.98601, 8.09868, 8.575, 8.1361, 8.13333, 8.24479, 8.39394, 8.2426, 8.12963, 7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10], \"rating\": [8.09233, 7.8518, 7.87669, 7.57255, 7.31197, 7.50337, 7.36406, 8.12211, 7.02284, 7.83092, 7.87376, 7.58038, 7.89894, 7.46176, 7.35443, 7.58805, 8.14583, 7.26871, 7.31987, 7.9586, 8.0273, 7.52963, 7.55197, 8.56024, 8.16456, 7.98288, 7.57752, 7.84444, 8.46479, 8.38722, 7.03629, 8.06227, 7.59149, 7.62551, 7.23318, 7.5, 7.6886, 7.95833, 7.57798, 8.38492, 8.44167, 7.27536, 7.79018, 8.11741, 7.63158, 7.67822, 7.69802, 7.74408, 8.6822, 8.37891, 8.46154, 7.73394, 8.48771, 7.19139, 7.50472, 7.34146, 7.57692, 8.15217, 8.23684, 7.34146, 8.15385, 7.71219, 7.27919, 8.02359, 8.16098, 8.07076, 6.88172, 7.20904, 8.11207, 7.62105, 7.82915, 8.10363, 8.29353, 8.52261, 7.99083, 6.99415, 8.0, 7.17582, 7.55758, 8.46119, 8.12435, 7.99498, 8.16667, 7.2033, 8.07895, 7.57527, 8.30688, 7.15686, 7.5125, 8.30208, 8.28333, 7.79012, 8.40206, 7.93333, 7.90798, 7.74545, 8.41711, 8.49206, 8.65152, 8.34391, 7.70718, 7.97248, 7.81065, 7.78659, 7.71698, 7.23567, 7.65455, 7.75, 8.64929, 7.95429, 8.25595, 7.62338, 7.94702, 7.50345, 7.98601, 8.09868, 8.575, 8.1361, 8.13333, 8.24479, 8.39394, 8.2426, 8.12963, 7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"fill_color\": [\"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", 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"Eher so mal reingeschnuppert weil auf Netflix. Teilweise sehr unterhaltsam. Sonst kann ich nicht viel darüber sagen. Bin auch erst bei Staffel 4. Danach war ich wieder gesund und hatte keine Zeit mehr ;-)."
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"## Modern Family"
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and Money\", \"The Recused\", \"Lights. Camera. 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38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83], \"aired\": [\"2007-08-14\", \"2007-08-21\", \"2007-08-28\", \"2007-09-04\", \"2007-09-11\", \"2007-09-18\", \"2007-09-25\", \"2007-10-02\", \"2007-10-09\", \"2007-10-16\", \"2007-10-23\", \"2007-10-30\", \"2008-09-29\", \"2008-10-06\", \"2008-10-13\", \"2008-10-20\", \"2008-10-27\", \"2008-11-03\", \"2008-11-10\", \"2008-11-17\", \"2008-11-24\", \"2008-12-01\", \"2008-12-08\", \"2008-12-15\", \"2009-09-28\", \"2009-10-05\", \"2009-10-12\", \"2009-10-19\", \"2009-10-26\", \"2009-11-02\", \"2009-11-09\", \"2009-11-16\", \"2009-11-23\", \"2009-11-30\", \"2009-12-07\", \"2009-12-14\", \"2011-01-10\", \"2011-01-17\", \"2011-01-24\", \"2011-01-31\", \"2011-02-07\", \"2011-02-14\", \"2011-02-21\", \"2011-02-28\", \"2011-03-07\", \"2011-03-14\", \"2011-03-21\", \"2011-03-28\", \"2012-01-09\", \"2012-01-16\", 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\"Caught in the Act\", \"Bixby's Back\", \"Princess Party\", \"Regrets Only\", \"Two Monkeys and a Panda\", \"Boys' Night\", \"The Musical Man\", \"Someone to Watch Over Lily\", \"Mother's Day\", \"Good Cop, Bad Dog\", \"See You Next Fall\", \"The One That Got Away\", \"Dude Ranch\", \"When Good Kids Go Bad\", \"Phil on Wire\", \"Door to Door\", \"Hit and Run\", \"Go Bullfrogs!\", \"Treehouse\", \"After the Fire\", \"Punkin Chunkin\", \"Express Christmas\", \"Lifetime Supply\", \"Egg Drop\", \"Little Bo Bleep\", \"Me? Jealous?\", \"Aunt Mommy\", \"Virgin Territory\", \"Leap Day\", \"Send Out the Clowns\", \"Election Day\", \"The Last Walt\", \"Planes, Trains and Cars\", \"Disneyland\", \"Tableau Vivant\", \"Baby on Board\", \"Bringing Up Baby\", \"Schooled\", \"Snip\", \"The Butler's Escape\", \"Open House of Horrors\", \"Yard Sale\", \"Arrested\", \"Mistery Date\", \"When a Tree Falls\", \"Diamond in the Rough\", \"New Year's Eve\", \"Party Crasher\", \"Fulgencio\", \"A Slight at the Opera\", \"Heart Broken\", \"Bad Hair Day\", \"Best Men\", \"The Wow Factor\", \"The Future Dunphys\", \"Flip Flop\", \"Career Day\", \"My Hero\", \"Games People Play\", \"Goodnight, Gracie\", \"Suddenly, Last Summer\", \"First Days\", \"Larry's Wife\", \"Farm Strong\", \"The Late Show\", \"The Help\", \"A Fair to Remember\", \"ClosetCon '13\", \"The Big Game\", \"The Old Man & the Tree\", \"And One to Grow On\", \"Under Pressure\", \"Three Dinners\", \"iSpy\", \"The Feud\", \"Spring-a-Ding-Fling\", \"Other People's Children\", \"Las Vegas\", \"A Hard Jay's Night\", \"Australia\", \"Sleeper\", \"Message Received\", \"The Wedding (1)\", \"The Wedding (2)\", \"The Long Honeymoon\", \"Do Not Push\", \"The Cold\", \"Marco Polo\", \"Won't You Be Our Neighbor\", \"Halloween 3: AwesomeLand\", \"Queer Eyes, Full Hearts\", \"Three Turkeys\", \"Strangers in the Night\", \"Haley's 21st Birthday\", \"The Day We Almost Died\", \"The Big Guns\", \"Rash Decisions\", \"Valentine's Day 4: Twisted Sister\", \"Fight or Flight\", \"Connection Lost\", \"Closet? You'll Love It!\", \"Spring Break\", \"Grill, Interrupted\", \"Knock 'em Down\", \"Integrity\", \"Patriot Games\", \"Crying Out Loud\", \"American Skyper\", \"Summer Lovin'\", \"The Day Alex Left for College\", \"The Closet Case\", \"She Crazy\", \"The Verdict\", \"The More You Ignore Me\", \"Phil's Sexy, Sexy House\", \"Clean Out Your Junk Drawer\", \"White Christmas\", \"Playdates\", \"Spread Your Wings\", \"Clean for a Day\", \"Thunk in the Trunk\", \"I Don't Know How She Does It\", \"The Cover-Up\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159], \"y\": [8.10483, 8.08675, 8.08936, 8.22944, 8.19701, 8.15903, 8.21076, 7.91128, 8.31725, 8.24734, 8.13906, 8.14308, 8.1592, 8.1195, 8.48826, 8.16722, 8.18166, 8.23786, 8.2488, 8.00336, 8.09091, 8.23625, 8.42212, 8.4382, 8.11433, 8.18955, 8.04608, 8.1003, 8.17647, 8.23602, 8.0622, 8.29969, 7.88399, 8.04575, 8.2351, 8.14784, 8.48862, 8.1395, 8.0522, 8.18069, 7.97893, 8.24689, 8.13793, 8.1619, 8.20281, 8.24428, 8.25194, 8.21236, 8.13315, 8.25955, 8.17607, 8.171, 8.12483, 8.08931, 8.36951, 8.24799, 8.21188, 8.24654, 8.1164, 8.14536, 8.41744, 8.26372, 8.35262, 8.26455, 8.34505, 8.18498, 8.28874, 8.15314, 8.13273, 8.42379, 8.13972, 8.48923, 8.26652, 8.339, 8.12146, 7.97974, 8.04, 8.04535, 8.21935, 8.21812, 8.02706, 8.0407, 8.14607, 8.29601, 8.35454, 7.92238, 7.99224, 7.79376, 8.16118, 8.23244, 8.24051, 8.11346, 8.02954, 8.1517, 8.14547, 8.22956, 8.22532, 8.15793, 8.04973, 8.17692, 8.25119, 8.05684, 8.05771, 8.02981, 8.02182, 8.08654, 8.02628, 8.19368, 8.07974, 8.14962, 8.05325, 8.03698, 8.08475, 8.44787, 8.04958, 8.04686, 7.97845, 8.15281, 8.1064, 8.33477, 8.03392, 7.92979, 7.87082, 7.87123, 7.86828, 7.89915, 8.09802, 8.03369, 7.70098, 8.04385, 7.6326, 7.42, 7.49867, 7.57638, 7.52324, 8.34066, 7.58, 7.3685, 7.49492, 7.59429, 7.4941, 7.61263, 7.60128, 7.89842, 7.55541, 7.47285, 7.53927, 7.57742, 7.42156, 7.53318, 7.79104, 7.64331, 7.83756, 7.48845, 7.6115, 7.27273, 9.0, 10.0, 0.0], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 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\"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", \"1.3\", \"1.4\", \"1.5\", \"1.6\", \"1.7\", \"1.8\", \"1.9\", \"1.10\", \"1.11\", \"1.12\", \"1.13\", \"1.14\", \"1.15\", \"1.16\", \"1.17\", \"1.18\", \"1.19\", \"1.20\", \"1.21\", \"1.22\", \"1.23\", \"1.24\", \"2.1\", \"2.2\", \"2.3\", \"2.4\", \"2.5\", \"2.6\", \"2.7\", \"2.8\", \"2.9\", \"2.10\", \"2.11\", \"2.12\", \"2.13\", \"2.14\", \"2.15\", \"2.16\", \"2.17\", \"2.18\", \"2.19\", \"2.20\", \"2.21\", \"2.22\", \"2.23\", \"2.24\", \"3.1\", \"3.2\", \"3.3\", \"3.4\", \"3.5\", \"3.6\", \"3.7\", \"3.8\", \"3.9\", \"3.10\", \"3.11\", \"3.12\", \"3.13\", \"3.14\", \"3.15\", \"3.16\", \"3.17\", \"3.18\", \"3.19\", \"3.20\", \"3.21\", \"3.22\", \"3.23\", \"3.24\", \"4.1\", \"4.2\", \"4.3\", \"4.4\", \"4.5\", \"4.6\", \"4.7\", \"4.8\", \"4.9\", \"4.10\", \"4.11\", \"4.12\", \"4.13\", \"4.14\", \"4.15\", \"4.16\", \"4.17\", \"4.18\", \"4.19\", \"4.20\", \"4.21\", \"4.22\", \"4.23\", \"4.24\", \"5.1\", \"5.2\", \"5.3\", \"5.4\", \"5.5\", \"5.6\", \"5.7\", \"5.8\", \"5.9\", \"5.10\", \"5.11\", \"5.12\", \"5.13\", \"5.14\", \"5.15\", \"5.16\", \"5.17\", \"5.18\", \"5.19\", \"5.20\", \"5.21\", \"5.22\", \"5.23\", \"5.24\", \"6.1\", \"6.2\", \"6.3\", \"6.4\", \"6.5\", \"6.6\", \"6.7\", \"6.8\", \"6.9\", \"6.10\", \"6.11\", \"6.12\", \"6.13\", \"6.14\", \"6.15\", \"6.16\", \"6.17\", \"6.18\", \"6.19\", \"6.20\", \"6.21\", \"6.22\", \"6.23\", 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\"Lord of the Pi's\", \"Spit & Eggs\", \"Show Me the Monkey\", \"Poughkeepsie, Tramps & Thieves\", \"There's Got to Be a Morning After Pill\", \"Postgame Mortem\", \"Mars, Bars\", \"Papa's Cabin\", \"Un-American Graffiti\", \"Debasement Tapes\", \"I Know What You'll Do Next Summer\", \"Weevils Wobble But They Don't Go Down\", \"The Bitch Is Back\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64], \"y\": [8.1879, 7.90833, 7.99578, 8.23832, 8.04739, 8.17895, 8.01047, 8.23737, 8.05319, 8.29353, 8.29843, 8.25926, 8.02632, 8.23834, 8.24324, 8.14286, 8.21023, 8.4, 8.25269, 8.28488, 8.60526, 9.11881, 8.2132, 8.08187, 8.30409, 8.01818, 8.03636, 8.05357, 8.2, 8.14198, 8.20732, 8.19497, 8.36025, 7.9359, 8.13816, 8.02703, 8.04, 8.16, 8.29452, 8.09589, 8.14685, 8.28188, 8.21795, 8.82248, 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Emasculata\", \"Soft Light\", \"Our Town\", \"Anasazi (1)\", \"The Blessing Way (2)\", \"Paper Clip (3)\", \"D.P.O.\", \"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose\", \"The List\", \"2Shy\", \"The Walk\", \"Oubliette\", \"Nisei (1)\", \"731 (2)\", \"Revelations\", \"War of the Coprophages\", \"Syzygy\", \"Grotesque\", \"Piper Maru (1)\", \"Apocrypha (2)\", \"Pusher\", \"Teso Dos Bichos\", \"Hell Money\", \"Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'\", \"Avatar\", \"Quagmire\", \"Wetwired\", \"Talitha Cumi (1)\", \"Herrenvolk (2)\", \"Home\", \"Teliko\", \"Unruhe\", \"The Field Where I Died\", \"Sanguinarium\", \"Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man\", \"Tunguska (1)\", \"Terma (2)\", \"Paper Hearts\", \"El Mundo Gira\", \"Leonard Betts\", \"Never Again\", \"Memento Mori\", \"Kaddish\", \"Unrequited\", \"Tempus Fugit (1)\", \"Max (2)\", \"Synchrony\", \"Small Potatoes\", \"Zero-Sum\", \"Elegy\", \"Demons\", \"Gethsemane (1)\", \"Redux (2)\", \"Redux II (3)\", \"Unusual Suspects\", \"Detour\", \"The Post-Modern Prometheus\", \"Christmas Carol (1)\", \"Emily (2)\", \"Kitsunegari\", \"Schizogeny\", \"Chinga\", \"Kill Switch\", \"Bad Blood\", \"Patient X (1)\", \"The Red and the Black (2)\", \"Travelers\", \"Mind's Eye\", \"All Souls\", \"The Pine Bluff Variant\", \"Folie \\u00e0 Deux\", \"The End\", \"The Beginning\", \"Drive\", \"Triangle\", \"Dreamland (1)\", \"Dreamland II (2)\", \"How The Ghosts Stole Christmas\", \"Terms of Endearment\", \"The Rain King\", \"S.R. 819\", \"Tithonus\", \"Two Fathers (1)\", \"One Son (2)\", \"Agua Mala\", \"Monday\", \"Arcadia\", \"Alpha\", \"Trevor\", \"Milagro\", \"The Unnatural\", \"Three of a Kind\", \"Field Trip\", \"Biogenesis (1)\", \"The Sixth Extinction (2)\", \"The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati (3)\", \"Hungry\", \"Millennium\", \"Rush\", \"The Goldberg Variation\", \"Orison\", \"The Amazing Maleeni\", \"Signs & Wonders\", \"Sein und Zeit (1)\", \"Closure (2)\", \"X-COPS\", \"First Person Shooter\", \"Theef\", \"En Ami\", \"Chimera\", \"all things\", \"Brand X\", \"Hollywood A.D.\", \"Fight Club\", \"Je Souhaite\", \"Requiem\", \"Within (1)\", \"Without (2)\", \"Patience\", \"Roadrunners\", \"Invocation\", \"Redrum\", \"Via Negativa\", \"Surekill\", \"Salvage\", \"Badlaa\", \"The Gift\", \"Medusa\", \"Per Manum\", \"This Is Not Happening (1)\", \"Deadalive (2)\", \"Three Words\", \"Empedocles\", \"Vienen\", \"Alone\", \"Essence (1)\", \"Existence (2)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today (1)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today II (2)\", \"D\\u00e6monicus\", \"4-D\", \"Lord of the Flies\", \"Trust No 1\", \"John Doe\", \"Hellbound\", \"Provenance (1)\", \"Providence (2)\", \"Audrey Pauley\", \"Underneath\", \"Improbable\", \"Scary Monsters\", \"Jump the Shark\", \"William\", \"Release\", \"Sunshine Days\", \"The Truth (1)\", \"The Truth (2)\", \"My Struggle\", \"Founder's Mutation\", \"Mulder And Scully Meet the Were-Monster\", \"Home Again\", \"Babylon\", \"My Struggle II\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208], \"y\": [8.09233, 7.8518, 7.87669, 7.57255, 7.31197, 7.50337, 7.36406, 8.12211, 7.02284, 7.83092, 7.87376, 7.58038, 7.89894, 7.46176, 7.35443, 7.58805, 8.14583, 7.26871, 7.31987, 7.9586, 8.0273, 7.52963, 7.55197, 8.56024, 8.16456, 7.98288, 7.57752, 7.84444, 8.46479, 8.38722, 7.03629, 8.06227, 7.59149, 7.62551, 7.23318, 7.5, 7.6886, 7.95833, 7.57798, 8.38492, 8.44167, 7.27536, 7.79018, 8.11741, 7.63158, 7.67822, 7.69802, 7.74408, 8.6822, 8.37891, 8.46154, 7.73394, 8.48771, 7.19139, 7.50472, 7.34146, 7.57692, 8.15217, 8.23684, 7.34146, 8.15385, 7.71219, 7.27919, 8.02359, 8.16098, 8.07076, 6.88172, 7.20904, 8.11207, 7.62105, 7.82915, 8.10363, 8.29353, 8.52261, 7.99083, 6.99415, 8.0, 7.17582, 7.55758, 8.46119, 8.12435, 7.99498, 8.16667, 7.2033, 8.07895, 7.57527, 8.30688, 7.15686, 7.5125, 8.30208, 8.28333, 7.79012, 8.40206, 7.93333, 7.90798, 7.74545, 8.41711, 8.49206, 8.65152, 8.34391, 7.70718, 7.97248, 7.81065, 7.78659, 7.71698, 7.23567, 7.65455, 7.75, 8.64929, 7.95429, 8.25595, 7.62338, 7.94702, 7.50345, 7.98601, 8.09868, 8.575, 8.1361, 8.13333, 8.24479, 8.39394, 8.2426, 8.12963, 7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 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7.20904, 8.11207, 7.62105, 7.82915, 8.10363, 8.29353, 8.52261, 7.99083, 6.99415, 8.0, 7.17582, 7.55758, 8.46119, 8.12435, 7.99498, 8.16667, 7.2033, 8.07895, 7.57527, 8.30688, 7.15686, 7.5125, 8.30208, 8.28333, 7.79012, 8.40206, 7.93333, 7.90798, 7.74545, 8.41711, 8.49206, 8.65152, 8.34391, 7.70718, 7.97248, 7.81065, 7.78659, 7.71698, 7.23567, 7.65455, 7.75, 8.64929, 7.95429, 8.25595, 7.62338, 7.94702, 7.50345, 7.98601, 8.09868, 8.575, 8.1361, 8.13333, 8.24479, 8.39394, 8.2426, 8.12963, 7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"fill_color\": [\"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", 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\"5.10\", \"5.11\", \"5.12\", \"5.13\", \"5.14\", \"5.15\", \"5.16\", \"5.17\", \"5.18\", \"5.19\", \"5.20\", \"6.1\", \"6.2\", \"6.3\", \"6.4\", \"6.5\", \"6.6\", \"6.7\", \"6.8\", \"6.9\", \"6.10\", \"6.11\", \"6.12\", \"6.13\", \"6.14\", \"6.15\", \"6.16\", \"6.17\", \"6.18\", \"6.19\", \"6.20\", \"6.21\", \"6.22\", \"7.1\", \"7.2\", \"7.3\", \"7.4\", \"7.5\", \"7.6\", \"7.7\", \"7.8\", \"7.9\", \"7.10\", \"7.11\", \"7.12\", \"7.13\", \"7.14\", \"7.15\", \"7.16\", \"7.17\", \"7.18\", \"7.19\", \"7.20\", \"7.21\", \"7.22\", \"8.1\", \"8.2\", \"8.3\", \"8.4\", \"8.5\", \"8.6\", \"8.7\", \"8.8\", \"8.9\", \"8.10\", \"8.11\", \"8.12\", \"8.13\", \"8.14\", \"8.15\", \"8.16\", \"8.17\", \"8.18\", \"8.19\", \"8.20\", \"8.21\", \"9.1\", \"9.2\", \"9.3\", \"9.4\", \"9.5\", \"9.6\", \"9.7\", \"9.8\", \"9.9\", \"9.10\", \"9.11\", \"9.12\", \"9.13\", \"9.14\", \"9.15\", \"9.16\", \"9.17\", \"9.18\", \"9.19\", \"9.20\", \"10.1\", \"10.2\", \"10.3\", \"10.4\", \"10.5\", \"10.6\"], \"index\": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207], \"aired\": [\"1993-09-11\", \"1993-09-18\", \"1993-09-25\", \"1993-10-02\", \"1993-10-09\", \"1993-10-23\", \"1993-10-30\", \"1993-11-06\", \"1993-11-13\", \"1993-11-20\", \"1993-12-11\", \"1993-12-18\", \"1994-01-08\", \"1994-01-22\", \"1994-02-05\", \"1994-02-12\", \"1994-02-19\", \"1994-03-19\", \"1994-04-02\", \"1994-04-16\", \"1994-04-23\", \"1994-04-30\", \"1994-05-07\", \"1994-05-14\", \"1994-09-17\", \"1994-09-24\", \"1994-10-01\", \"1994-10-08\", \"1994-10-15\", \"1994-10-22\", \"1994-11-05\", \"1994-11-12\", \"1994-11-19\", \"1994-12-10\", \"1994-12-17\", \"1995-01-07\", \"1995-01-14\", \"1995-01-28\", \"1995-02-04\", \"1995-02-11\", \"1995-02-18\", \"1995-02-25\", \"1995-03-11\", \"1995-04-01\", \"1995-04-15\", \"1995-04-29\", \"1995-05-06\", \"1995-05-13\", \"1995-05-20\", \"1995-09-23\", \"1995-09-30\", \"1995-10-07\", \"1995-10-14\", \"1995-10-21\", \"1995-11-04\", \"1995-11-11\", \"1995-11-18\", \"1995-11-25\", \"1995-12-02\", \"1995-12-16\", \"1996-01-06\", \"1996-01-27\", \"1996-02-03\", \"1996-02-10\", \"1996-02-17\", \"1996-02-24\", \"1996-03-09\", \"1996-03-30\", \"1996-04-13\", \"1996-04-27\", \"1996-05-04\", \"1996-05-11\", \"1996-05-18\", \"1996-10-05\", \"1996-10-12\", \"1996-10-19\", \"1996-10-28\", \"1996-11-04\", \"1996-11-11\", \"1996-11-18\", \"1996-11-25\", \"1996-12-02\", \"1996-12-16\", \"1997-01-13\", \"1997-01-27\", \"1997-02-03\", \"1997-02-10\", \"1997-02-17\", \"1997-02-24\", \"1997-03-17\", \"1997-03-24\", \"1997-04-07\", \"1997-04-21\", \"1997-04-28\", \"1997-05-05\", \"1997-05-12\", \"1997-05-19\", \"1997-11-03\", \"1997-11-10\", \"1997-11-17\", \"1997-11-24\", \"1997-12-01\", \"1997-12-08\", \"1997-12-15\", \"1998-01-05\", \"1998-01-12\", \"1998-02-09\", \"1998-02-16\", \"1998-02-23\", \"1998-03-02\", \"1998-03-09\", \"1998-03-30\", \"1998-04-20\", \"1998-04-27\", \"1998-05-04\", \"1998-05-11\", \"1998-05-18\", \"1998-11-09\", \"1998-11-16\", \"1998-11-23\", \"1998-11-30\", \"1998-12-07\", \"1998-12-14\", \"1999-01-04\", \"1999-01-11\", \"1999-01-18\", \"1999-01-25\", \"1999-02-08\", \"1999-02-15\", \"1999-02-22\", \"1999-03-01\", \"1999-03-08\", \"1999-03-29\", \"1999-04-12\", \"1999-04-19\", \"1999-04-26\", \"1999-05-03\", \"1999-05-10\", \"1999-05-17\", \"1999-11-08\", \"1999-11-15\", \"1999-11-22\", \"1999-11-29\", \"1999-12-06\", \"1999-12-13\", \"2000-01-10\", \"2000-01-17\", \"2000-01-24\", \"2000-02-07\", \"2000-02-14\", \"2000-02-21\", \"2000-02-28\", \"2000-03-13\", \"2000-03-20\", \"2000-04-03\", \"2000-04-10\", \"2000-04-17\", \"2000-05-01\", \"2000-05-08\", \"2000-05-15\", \"2000-05-22\", \"2000-11-06\", \"2000-11-13\", \"2000-11-20\", \"2000-11-27\", \"2000-12-04\", \"2000-12-11\", \"2000-12-18\", \"2001-01-08\", \"2001-01-15\", \"2001-01-22\", \"2001-02-05\", \"2001-02-12\", \"2001-02-19\", \"2001-02-26\", \"2001-04-02\", \"2001-04-09\", \"2001-04-16\", \"2001-04-23\", \"2001-05-07\", \"2001-05-14\", \"2001-05-21\", \"2001-11-12\", \"2001-11-19\", \"2001-12-03\", \"2001-12-10\", \"2001-12-17\", \"2002-01-07\", \"2002-01-14\", 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157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208]}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"af8e6c8a-adab-4f69-a98d-300c3cc6a136\"}, {\"type\": \"Circle\", \"attributes\": {\"x\": {\"field\": \"x\"}, \"size\": {\"value\": 10, \"units\": \"screen\"}, \"line_alpha\": {\"value\": 0.1}, \"fill_alpha\": {\"value\": 0.1}, \"fill_color\": {\"value\": \"#1f77b4\"}, \"y\": {\"field\": \"y\"}, \"line_color\": {\"value\": \"#1f77b4\"}}, \"id\": \"8c58472b-e0b0-44d4-9ffa-9683d048e156\"}, {\"type\": \"Grid\", \"attributes\": {\"dimension\": 1, \"ticker\": {\"type\": \"BasicTicker\", \"id\": \"4552c135-a802-41d2-b732-dba29aa69913\"}, \"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"afceb153-e71f-4d87-b2b5-d7f085b73d64\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"53223dcc-b0af-410f-a4d0-2c1aa7f5116c\"}, {\"type\": 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"ratings('Modern Family')"
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"source": [
"Oft sage ich \"Alles was ich über Familie weiss habe ich aus Modern Family\". Viele Probleme kennt man selber und kann sie so doch mit sehr viel Humor von aussen betrachten. Mit das Beste was ich die letzten Jahre gesehen habe."
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"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Simpsons"
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\"2007-05-23\"], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64]}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"94d17170-6d72-46ee-8b60-a61bdd05d5ba\"}, {\"type\": \"ColumnDataSource\", \"attributes\": {\"column_names\": [\"title\", \"episode_number\", \"rating\", \"episode\", \"index\", \"aired\", \"season\", \"x\", \"y\", \"fill_color\"], \"data\": {\"title\": [\"Pilot\", \"Deep Throat\", \"Squeeze\", \"Conduit\", \"The Jersey Devil\", \"Shadows\", \"Ghost in the Machine\", \"Ice\", \"Space\", \"Fallen Angel\", \"Eve\", \"Fire\", \"Beyond the Sea\", \"Gender Bender\", \"Lazarus\", \"Young at Heart\", \"E.B.E.\", \"Miracle Man\", \"Shapes\", \"Darkness Falls\", \"Tooms\", \"Born Again\", \"Roland\", \"The Erlenmeyer Flask\", \"Little Green Men\", \"The Host\", \"Blood\", \"Sleepless\", \"Duane Barry (1)\", \"Ascension (2)\", \"3\", \"One Breath\", \"Firewalker\", \"Red Museum\", \"Excelsis Dei\", \"Aubrey\", \"Irresistible\", \"Die Hand Die Verletzt\", \"Fresh Bones\", \"Colony (1)\", \"End Game (2)\", \"Fearful Symmetry\", \"D\\u00f8d Kalm\", \"Humbug\", \"The Calusari\", \"F. Emasculata\", \"Soft Light\", \"Our Town\", \"Anasazi (1)\", \"The Blessing Way (2)\", \"Paper Clip (3)\", \"D.P.O.\", \"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose\", \"The List\", \"2Shy\", \"The Walk\", \"Oubliette\", \"Nisei (1)\", \"731 (2)\", \"Revelations\", \"War of the Coprophages\", \"Syzygy\", \"Grotesque\", \"Piper Maru (1)\", \"Apocrypha (2)\", \"Pusher\", \"Teso Dos Bichos\", \"Hell Money\", \"Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'\", \"Avatar\", \"Quagmire\", \"Wetwired\", \"Talitha Cumi (1)\", \"Herrenvolk (2)\", \"Home\", \"Teliko\", \"Unruhe\", \"The Field Where I Died\", \"Sanguinarium\", \"Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man\", \"Tunguska (1)\", \"Terma (2)\", \"Paper Hearts\", \"El Mundo Gira\", \"Leonard Betts\", \"Never Again\", \"Memento Mori\", \"Kaddish\", \"Unrequited\", \"Tempus Fugit (1)\", \"Max (2)\", \"Synchrony\", \"Small Potatoes\", \"Zero-Sum\", \"Elegy\", \"Demons\", \"Gethsemane (1)\", \"Redux (2)\", \"Redux II (3)\", \"Unusual Suspects\", \"Detour\", \"The Post-Modern 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12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208], \"y\": [8.09233, 7.8518, 7.87669, 7.57255, 7.31197, 7.50337, 7.36406, 8.12211, 7.02284, 7.83092, 7.87376, 7.58038, 7.89894, 7.46176, 7.35443, 7.58805, 8.14583, 7.26871, 7.31987, 7.9586, 8.0273, 7.52963, 7.55197, 8.56024, 8.16456, 7.98288, 7.57752, 7.84444, 8.46479, 8.38722, 7.03629, 8.06227, 7.59149, 7.62551, 7.23318, 7.5, 7.6886, 7.95833, 7.57798, 8.38492, 8.44167, 7.27536, 7.79018, 8.11741, 7.63158, 7.67822, 7.69802, 7.74408, 8.6822, 8.37891, 8.46154, 7.73394, 8.48771, 7.19139, 7.50472, 7.34146, 7.57692, 8.15217, 8.23684, 7.34146, 8.15385, 7.71219, 7.27919, 8.02359, 8.16098, 8.07076, 6.88172, 7.20904, 8.11207, 7.62105, 7.82915, 8.10363, 8.29353, 8.52261, 7.99083, 6.99415, 8.0, 7.17582, 7.55758, 8.46119, 8.12435, 7.99498, 8.16667, 7.2033, 8.07895, 7.57527, 8.30688, 7.15686, 7.5125, 8.30208, 8.28333, 7.79012, 8.40206, 7.93333, 7.90798, 7.74545, 8.41711, 8.49206, 8.65152, 8.34391, 7.70718, 7.97248, 7.81065, 7.78659, 7.71698, 7.23567, 7.65455, 7.75, 8.64929, 7.95429, 8.25595, 7.62338, 7.94702, 7.50345, 7.98601, 8.09868, 8.575, 8.1361, 8.13333, 8.24479, 8.39394, 8.2426, 8.12963, 7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 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7.20904, 8.11207, 7.62105, 7.82915, 8.10363, 8.29353, 8.52261, 7.99083, 6.99415, 8.0, 7.17582, 7.55758, 8.46119, 8.12435, 7.99498, 8.16667, 7.2033, 8.07895, 7.57527, 8.30688, 7.15686, 7.5125, 8.30208, 8.28333, 7.79012, 8.40206, 7.93333, 7.90798, 7.74545, 8.41711, 8.49206, 8.65152, 8.34391, 7.70718, 7.97248, 7.81065, 7.78659, 7.71698, 7.23567, 7.65455, 7.75, 8.64929, 7.95429, 8.25595, 7.62338, 7.94702, 7.50345, 7.98601, 8.09868, 8.575, 8.1361, 8.13333, 8.24479, 8.39394, 8.2426, 8.12963, 7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 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\"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", 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\"5.10\", \"5.11\", \"5.12\", \"5.13\", \"5.14\", \"5.15\", \"5.16\", \"5.17\", \"5.18\", \"5.19\", \"5.20\", \"6.1\", \"6.2\", \"6.3\", \"6.4\", \"6.5\", \"6.6\", \"6.7\", \"6.8\", \"6.9\", \"6.10\", \"6.11\", \"6.12\", \"6.13\", \"6.14\", \"6.15\", \"6.16\", \"6.17\", \"6.18\", \"6.19\", \"6.20\", \"6.21\", \"6.22\", \"7.1\", \"7.2\", \"7.3\", \"7.4\", \"7.5\", \"7.6\", \"7.7\", \"7.8\", \"7.9\", \"7.10\", \"7.11\", \"7.12\", \"7.13\", \"7.14\", \"7.15\", \"7.16\", \"7.17\", \"7.18\", \"7.19\", \"7.20\", \"7.21\", \"7.22\", \"8.1\", \"8.2\", \"8.3\", \"8.4\", \"8.5\", \"8.6\", \"8.7\", \"8.8\", \"8.9\", \"8.10\", \"8.11\", \"8.12\", \"8.13\", \"8.14\", \"8.15\", \"8.16\", \"8.17\", \"8.18\", \"8.19\", \"8.20\", \"8.21\", \"9.1\", \"9.2\", \"9.3\", \"9.4\", \"9.5\", \"9.6\", \"9.7\", \"9.8\", \"9.9\", \"9.10\", \"9.11\", \"9.12\", \"9.13\", \"9.14\", \"9.15\", \"9.16\", \"9.17\", \"9.18\", \"9.19\", \"9.20\", \"10.1\", \"10.2\", \"10.3\", \"10.4\", \"10.5\", \"10.6\"], \"index\": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207], \"aired\": [\"1993-09-11\", \"1993-09-18\", \"1993-09-25\", \"1993-10-02\", \"1993-10-09\", \"1993-10-23\", \"1993-10-30\", \"1993-11-06\", \"1993-11-13\", \"1993-11-20\", \"1993-12-11\", \"1993-12-18\", \"1994-01-08\", \"1994-01-22\", \"1994-02-05\", \"1994-02-12\", \"1994-02-19\", \"1994-03-19\", \"1994-04-02\", \"1994-04-16\", \"1994-04-23\", \"1994-04-30\", \"1994-05-07\", \"1994-05-14\", \"1994-09-17\", \"1994-09-24\", \"1994-10-01\", \"1994-10-08\", \"1994-10-15\", \"1994-10-22\", \"1994-11-05\", \"1994-11-12\", \"1994-11-19\", \"1994-12-10\", \"1994-12-17\", \"1995-01-07\", \"1995-01-14\", \"1995-01-28\", \"1995-02-04\", \"1995-02-11\", \"1995-02-18\", \"1995-02-25\", \"1995-03-11\", \"1995-04-01\", \"1995-04-15\", \"1995-04-29\", \"1995-05-06\", \"1995-05-13\", \"1995-05-20\", \"1995-09-23\", \"1995-09-30\", \"1995-10-07\", \"1995-10-14\", \"1995-10-21\", \"1995-11-04\", \"1995-11-11\", \"1995-11-18\", \"1995-11-25\", \"1995-12-02\", \"1995-12-16\", \"1996-01-06\", \"1996-01-27\", \"1996-02-03\", \"1996-02-10\", \"1996-02-17\", \"1996-02-24\", \"1996-03-09\", \"1996-03-30\", \"1996-04-13\", \"1996-04-27\", \"1996-05-04\", \"1996-05-11\", \"1996-05-18\", \"1996-10-05\", \"1996-10-12\", \"1996-10-19\", \"1996-10-28\", \"1996-11-04\", \"1996-11-11\", \"1996-11-18\", \"1996-11-25\", \"1996-12-02\", \"1996-12-16\", \"1997-01-13\", \"1997-01-27\", \"1997-02-03\", \"1997-02-10\", \"1997-02-17\", \"1997-02-24\", \"1997-03-17\", \"1997-03-24\", \"1997-04-07\", \"1997-04-21\", \"1997-04-28\", \"1997-05-05\", \"1997-05-12\", \"1997-05-19\", \"1997-11-03\", \"1997-11-10\", \"1997-11-17\", \"1997-11-24\", \"1997-12-01\", \"1997-12-08\", \"1997-12-15\", \"1998-01-05\", \"1998-01-12\", \"1998-02-09\", \"1998-02-16\", \"1998-02-23\", \"1998-03-02\", \"1998-03-09\", \"1998-03-30\", \"1998-04-20\", \"1998-04-27\", \"1998-05-04\", \"1998-05-11\", \"1998-05-18\", \"1998-11-09\", \"1998-11-16\", \"1998-11-23\", \"1998-11-30\", \"1998-12-07\", \"1998-12-14\", \"1999-01-04\", \"1999-01-11\", \"1999-01-18\", \"1999-01-25\", \"1999-02-08\", \"1999-02-15\", \"1999-02-22\", \"1999-03-01\", \"1999-03-08\", \"1999-03-29\", \"1999-04-12\", \"1999-04-19\", \"1999-04-26\", \"1999-05-03\", \"1999-05-10\", \"1999-05-17\", \"1999-11-08\", \"1999-11-15\", \"1999-11-22\", \"1999-11-29\", \"1999-12-06\", \"1999-12-13\", \"2000-01-10\", \"2000-01-17\", \"2000-01-24\", \"2000-02-07\", \"2000-02-14\", \"2000-02-21\", \"2000-02-28\", \"2000-03-13\", \"2000-03-20\", \"2000-04-03\", \"2000-04-10\", \"2000-04-17\", \"2000-05-01\", \"2000-05-08\", \"2000-05-15\", \"2000-05-22\", \"2000-11-06\", \"2000-11-13\", \"2000-11-20\", \"2000-11-27\", \"2000-12-04\", \"2000-12-11\", \"2000-12-18\", \"2001-01-08\", \"2001-01-15\", \"2001-01-22\", \"2001-02-05\", \"2001-02-12\", \"2001-02-19\", \"2001-02-26\", \"2001-04-02\", \"2001-04-09\", \"2001-04-16\", \"2001-04-23\", \"2001-05-07\", \"2001-05-14\", \"2001-05-21\", \"2001-11-12\", \"2001-11-19\", \"2001-12-03\", \"2001-12-10\", \"2001-12-17\", \"2002-01-07\", \"2002-01-14\", \"2002-01-28\", \"2002-03-04\", \"2002-03-11\", \"2002-03-18\", \"2002-04-01\", \"2002-04-08\", \"2002-04-15\", \"2002-04-22\", \"2002-04-29\", \"2002-05-06\", \"2002-05-13\", \"2002-05-20\", \"2002-05-20\", \"2016-01-25\", \"2016-01-26\", \"2016-02-02\", \"2016-02-09\", \"2016-02-16\", \"2016-02-23\"], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208]}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"af8e6c8a-adab-4f69-a98d-300c3cc6a136\"}, {\"type\": \"ResetTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"82a08fbf-0450-48bc-98bf-81dc7cca4c26\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"a95bac7d-fcb9-4bdc-b0c0-7fdd1edd8c20\"}, {\"type\": \"ToolEvents\", \"attributes\": {}, \"id\": \"9bb8d4d6-5f66-49ae-8c50-69da42655df7\"}, {\"type\": \"PreviewSaveTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"7b5d9963-6969-4272-914f-0271bdbc5e4c\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"d1b96316-9bb5-48a1-8464-59f419f9bf76\"}, {\"type\": \"Grid\", \"attributes\": {\"ticker\": {\"type\": \"BasicTicker\", \"id\": \"5f03fcc9-805a-41b4-80f7-63e011cf8a39\"}, \"plot\": {\"type\": 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\"Family Portrait\", \"The Old Wagon\", \"The Kiss\", \"Earthquake\", \"Strangers on a Treadmill\", \"Unplugged\", \"Halloween\", \"Chirp\", \"Manny Get Your Gun\", \"Mother Tucker\", \"Dance Dance Revelation\", \"Slow Down Your Neighbors\", \"Our Children, Ourselves\", \"Caught in the Act\", \"Bixby's Back\", \"Princess Party\", \"Regrets Only\", \"Two Monkeys and a Panda\", \"Boys' Night\", \"The Musical Man\", \"Someone to Watch Over Lily\", \"Mother's Day\", \"Good Cop, Bad Dog\", \"See You Next Fall\", \"The One That Got Away\", \"Dude Ranch\", \"When Good Kids Go Bad\", \"Phil on Wire\", \"Door to Door\", \"Hit and Run\", \"Go Bullfrogs!\", \"Treehouse\", \"After the Fire\", \"Punkin Chunkin\", \"Express Christmas\", \"Lifetime Supply\", \"Egg Drop\", \"Little Bo Bleep\", \"Me? Jealous?\", \"Aunt Mommy\", \"Virgin Territory\", \"Leap Day\", \"Send Out the Clowns\", \"Election Day\", \"The Last Walt\", \"Planes, Trains and Cars\", \"Disneyland\", \"Tableau Vivant\", \"Baby on Board\", \"Bringing Up Baby\", \"Schooled\", \"Snip\", \"The Butler's Escape\", \"Open House of Horrors\", \"Yard Sale\", \"Arrested\", \"Mistery Date\", \"When a Tree Falls\", \"Diamond in the Rough\", \"New Year's Eve\", \"Party Crasher\", \"Fulgencio\", \"A Slight at the Opera\", \"Heart Broken\", \"Bad Hair Day\", \"Best Men\", \"The Wow Factor\", \"The Future Dunphys\", \"Flip Flop\", \"Career Day\", \"My Hero\", \"Games People Play\", \"Goodnight, Gracie\", \"Suddenly, Last Summer\", \"First Days\", \"Larry's Wife\", \"Farm Strong\", \"The Late Show\", \"The Help\", \"A Fair to Remember\", \"ClosetCon '13\", \"The Big Game\", \"The Old Man & the Tree\", \"And One to Grow On\", \"Under Pressure\", \"Three Dinners\", \"iSpy\", \"The Feud\", \"Spring-a-Ding-Fling\", \"Other People's Children\", \"Las Vegas\", \"A Hard Jay's Night\", \"Australia\", \"Sleeper\", \"Message Received\", \"The Wedding (1)\", \"The Wedding (2)\", \"The Long Honeymoon\", \"Do Not Push\", \"The Cold\", \"Marco Polo\", \"Won't You Be Our Neighbor\", \"Halloween 3: AwesomeLand\", \"Queer Eyes, Full Hearts\", \"Three Turkeys\", \"Strangers in the Night\", \"Haley's 21st Birthday\", \"The Day We Almost Died\", \"The Big Guns\", \"Rash Decisions\", \"Valentine's Day 4: Twisted Sister\", \"Fight or Flight\", \"Connection Lost\", \"Closet? You'll Love It!\", \"Spring Break\", \"Grill, Interrupted\", \"Knock 'em Down\", \"Integrity\", \"Patriot Games\", \"Crying Out Loud\", \"American Skyper\", \"Summer Lovin'\", \"The Day Alex Left for College\", \"The Closet Case\", \"She Crazy\", \"The Verdict\", \"The More You Ignore Me\", \"Phil's Sexy, Sexy House\", \"Clean Out Your Junk Drawer\", \"White Christmas\", \"Playdates\", \"Spread Your Wings\", \"Clean for a Day\", \"Thunk in the Trunk\", \"I Don't Know How She Does It\", \"The Cover-Up\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159], \"y\": [8.10483, 8.08675, 8.08936, 8.22944, 8.19701, 8.15903, 8.21076, 7.91128, 8.31725, 8.24734, 8.13906, 8.14308, 8.1592, 8.1195, 8.48826, 8.16722, 8.18166, 8.23786, 8.2488, 8.00336, 8.09091, 8.23625, 8.42212, 8.4382, 8.11433, 8.18955, 8.04608, 8.1003, 8.17647, 8.23602, 8.0622, 8.29969, 7.88399, 8.04575, 8.2351, 8.14784, 8.48862, 8.1395, 8.0522, 8.18069, 7.97893, 8.24689, 8.13793, 8.1619, 8.20281, 8.24428, 8.25194, 8.21236, 8.13315, 8.25955, 8.17607, 8.171, 8.12483, 8.08931, 8.36951, 8.24799, 8.21188, 8.24654, 8.1164, 8.14536, 8.41744, 8.26372, 8.35262, 8.26455, 8.34505, 8.18498, 8.28874, 8.15314, 8.13273, 8.42379, 8.13972, 8.48923, 8.26652, 8.339, 8.12146, 7.97974, 8.04, 8.04535, 8.21935, 8.21812, 8.02706, 8.0407, 8.14607, 8.29601, 8.35454, 7.92238, 7.99224, 7.79376, 8.16118, 8.23244, 8.24051, 8.11346, 8.02954, 8.1517, 8.14547, 8.22956, 8.22532, 8.15793, 8.04973, 8.17692, 8.25119, 8.05684, 8.05771, 8.02981, 8.02182, 8.08654, 8.02628, 8.19368, 8.07974, 8.14962, 8.05325, 8.03698, 8.08475, 8.44787, 8.04958, 8.04686, 7.97845, 8.15281, 8.1064, 8.33477, 8.03392, 7.92979, 7.87082, 7.87123, 7.86828, 7.89915, 8.09802, 8.03369, 7.70098, 8.04385, 7.6326, 7.42, 7.49867, 7.57638, 7.52324, 8.34066, 7.58, 7.3685, 7.49492, 7.59429, 7.4941, 7.61263, 7.60128, 7.89842, 7.55541, 7.47285, 7.53927, 7.57742, 7.42156, 7.53318, 7.79104, 7.64331, 7.83756, 7.48845, 7.6115, 7.27273, 9.0, 10.0, 0.0], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7], \"rating\": [8.10483, 8.08675, 8.08936, 8.22944, 8.19701, 8.15903, 8.21076, 7.91128, 8.31725, 8.24734, 8.13906, 8.14308, 8.1592, 8.1195, 8.48826, 8.16722, 8.18166, 8.23786, 8.2488, 8.00336, 8.09091, 8.23625, 8.42212, 8.4382, 8.11433, 8.18955, 8.04608, 8.1003, 8.17647, 8.23602, 8.0622, 8.29969, 7.88399, 8.04575, 8.2351, 8.14784, 8.48862, 8.1395, 8.0522, 8.18069, 7.97893, 8.24689, 8.13793, 8.1619, 8.20281, 8.24428, 8.25194, 8.21236, 8.13315, 8.25955, 8.17607, 8.171, 8.12483, 8.08931, 8.36951, 8.24799, 8.21188, 8.24654, 8.1164, 8.14536, 8.41744, 8.26372, 8.35262, 8.26455, 8.34505, 8.18498, 8.28874, 8.15314, 8.13273, 8.42379, 8.13972, 8.48923, 8.26652, 8.339, 8.12146, 7.97974, 8.04, 8.04535, 8.21935, 8.21812, 8.02706, 8.0407, 8.14607, 8.29601, 8.35454, 7.92238, 7.99224, 7.79376, 8.16118, 8.23244, 8.24051, 8.11346, 8.02954, 8.1517, 8.14547, 8.22956, 8.22532, 8.15793, 8.04973, 8.17692, 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\"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", \"1.3\", \"1.4\", \"1.5\", \"1.6\", \"1.7\", \"1.8\", \"1.9\", \"1.10\", \"1.11\", \"1.12\", \"1.13\", \"1.14\", \"1.15\", \"1.16\", \"1.17\", \"1.18\", \"1.19\", \"1.20\", \"1.21\", \"1.22\", \"1.23\", \"1.24\", \"2.1\", \"2.2\", \"2.3\", \"2.4\", \"2.5\", \"2.6\", \"2.7\", \"2.8\", \"2.9\", \"2.10\", \"2.11\", \"2.12\", \"2.13\", \"2.14\", \"2.15\", \"2.16\", \"2.17\", \"2.18\", \"2.19\", \"2.20\", \"2.21\", \"2.22\", \"2.23\", \"2.24\", \"3.1\", \"3.2\", \"3.3\", \"3.4\", \"3.5\", \"3.6\", \"3.7\", \"3.8\", \"3.9\", \"3.10\", \"3.11\", \"3.12\", \"3.13\", \"3.14\", \"3.15\", \"3.16\", \"3.17\", \"3.18\", \"3.19\", \"3.20\", \"3.21\", \"3.22\", \"3.23\", \"3.24\", \"4.1\", \"4.2\", \"4.3\", \"4.4\", \"4.5\", \"4.6\", \"4.7\", \"4.8\", \"4.9\", \"4.10\", \"4.11\", \"4.12\", \"4.13\", \"4.14\", \"4.15\", \"4.16\", \"4.17\", \"4.18\", \"4.19\", \"4.20\", \"4.21\", \"4.22\", \"4.23\", \"4.24\", \"5.1\", \"5.2\", \"5.3\", \"5.4\", \"5.5\", \"5.6\", \"5.7\", \"5.8\", \"5.9\", \"5.10\", \"5.11\", \"5.12\", \"5.13\", \"5.14\", \"5.15\", \"5.16\", \"5.17\", \"5.18\", \"5.19\", \"5.20\", \"5.21\", \"5.22\", \"5.23\", \"5.24\", \"6.1\", \"6.2\", \"6.3\", \"6.4\", \"6.5\", \"6.6\", \"6.7\", \"6.8\", \"6.9\", \"6.10\", \"6.11\", \"6.12\", \"6.13\", \"6.14\", \"6.15\", \"6.16\", \"6.17\", \"6.18\", \"6.19\", \"6.20\", \"6.21\", \"6.22\", \"6.23\", 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and Delilah\", \"Treehouse of Horror\", \"Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish\", \"Dancin' Homer\", \"Dead Putting Society\", \"Bart vs. Thanksgiving\", \"Bart the Daredevil\", \"Itchy & Scratchy & Marge\", \"Bart Gets Hit by a Car\", \"One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish\", \"The Way We Was\", \"Homer vs. Lisa and the Eighth Commandment\", \"Principal Charming\", \"Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?\", \"Bart's Dog Gets an F\", \"Old Money\", \"Brush With Greatness\", \"Lisa's Substitute\", \"The War of the Simpsons\", \"Three Men and a Comic Book\", \"Blood Feud\", \"Stark Raving Dad\", \"Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington\", \"When Flanders Failed\", \"Bart the Murderer\", \"Homer Defined\", \"Like Father Like Clown\", \"Treehouse of Horror II\", \"Lisa's Pony\", \"Saturdays of Thunder\", \"Flaming Moe's\", \"Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk\", \"I Married Marge\", \"Radio Bart\", \"Lisa the Greek\", \"Homer Alone\", \"Bart the Lover\", \"Homer at the Bat\", \"Separate Vocations\", \"Dog of Death\", \"Colonel Homer\", \"Black Widower\", \"The Otto Show\", \"Bart's Friend Falls in Love\", \"Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?\", \"Kamp Krusty\", \"A Streetcar Named Marge\", \"Homer the Heretic\", \"Lisa the Beauty Queen\", \"Treehouse of Horror III\", \"Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie\", \"Marge Gets a Job\", \"The New Kid on the Block\", \"Mr. Plow\", \"Lisa's First Word\", \"Homer's Triple Bypass\", \"Marge vs. the Monorail\", \"Selma's Choice\", \"Brother From the Same Planet\", \"I Love Lisa\", \"Duffless\", \"Last Exit to Springfield\", \"So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show\", \"The Front\", \"Whacking Day\", \"Marge in Chains\", \"Krusty Gets Kancelled\", \"Homer's Barbershop Quartet\", \"Cape Feare\", \"Homer Goes to College\", \"Rosebud\", \"Treehouse of Horror IV\", \"Marge on the Lam\", \"Bart's Inner Child\", \"Boy-Scoutz 'N the Hood\", \"The Last Temptation of Homer\", \"$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)\", \"Homer the Vigilante\", \"Bart Gets Famous\", \"Homer and Apu\", \"Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy\", \"Deep Space Homer\", \"Homer Loves Flanders\", \"Bart Gets an Elephant\", \"Burns' Heir\", \"Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song\", \"The Boy Who Knew Too Much\", \"Lady Bouvier's Lover\", \"Secrets of a Successful Marriage\", \"Bart of Darkness\", \"Lisa's Rival\", \"Another Simpsons Clip Show\", \"Itchy & Scratchy Land\", \"Sideshow Bob Roberts\", \"Treehouse of Horror V\", \"Bart's Girlfriend\", \"Lisa on Ice\", \"Homer Badman\", \"Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy\", \"Fear of Flying\", \"Homer the Great\", \"And Maggie Makes Three\", \"Bart's Comet\", \"Homie the Clown\", \"Bart vs. Australia\", \"Homer vs. Patty and Selma\", \"A Star Is Burns\", \"Lisa's Wedding\", \"Two Dozen and One Greyhounds\", \"The PTA Disbands\", \"Round Springfield\", \"The Springfield Connection\", \"Lemon of Troy\", \"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (1)\", \"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (2)\", \"Radioactive Man\", \"Home Sweet Homediddily-Dum-Doodily\", \"Bart Sells His Soul\", \"Lisa the Vegetarian\", \"Treehouse of Horror VI\", \"King-Size Homer\", \"Mother Simpson\", \"Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming\", \"The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular\", \"Marge Be Not Proud\", \"Team Homer\", \"Two Bad Neighbors\", \"Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield\", \"Bart the Fink\", \"Lisa the Iconoclast\", \"Homer the Smithers\", \"The Day the Violence Died\", \"A Fish Called Selma\", \"Bart on the Road\", \"22 Short Films About Springfield\", \"Raging Abe Simpson and his Grumbling Grandson in: 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish'\", \"Much Apu About Nothing\", \"Homerpalooza\", \"Summer of 4 Ft. 2\", \"Treehouse of Horror VII\", \"You Only Move Twice\", \"The Homer They Fall\", \"Burns Baby Burns\", \"Bart After Dark\", \"A Milhouse Divided\", \"Lisa's Date With Density\", \"Hurricane Neddy\", \"El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Our Homer)\", \"The Springfield Files\", \"The Twisted World of Marge Simpson\", \"Mountain of Madness\", \"Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala (Annoyed Grunt) cious\", \"The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show\", \"Homer's Phobia\", \"Brother From Another Series\", \"My Sister, My Sitter\", \"Homer vs. the 18th Amendment\", \"Grade School Confidential\", \"The Canine Mutiny\", \"The Old Man and the Lisa\", \"In Marge We Trust\", \"Homer's Enemy\", \"The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase\", \"The Secret War of Lisa Simpson\", \"The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson\", \"The Principal and the Pauper\", \"Lisa's Sax\", \"Treehouse of Horror VIII\", \"The Cartridge Family\", \"Bart Star\", \"The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons\", \"Lisa the Skeptic\", \"Realty Bites\", \"Miracle on Evergreen Terrace\", \"All Singing, All Dancing\", \"Bart Carny\", \"The Joy of Sect\", \"Das Bus\", \"The Last Temptation of Krust\", \"Dumbbell Indemnity\", \"Lisa the Simpson\", \"This Little Wiggy\", \"Simpson Tide\", \"The Trouble With Trillions\", \"Girly Edition\", \"Trash of the Titans\", \"King of the Hill\", \"Lost Our Lisa\", \"Natural Born Kissers\", \"Lard of the Dance\", \"The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace\", \"Bart the Mother\", \"Treehouse of Horror IX\", \"When You Dish Upon a Star\", \"D'oh-in in the Wind\", \"Lisa Gets an A\", \"Homer Simpson in: 'Kidney Trouble'\", \"Mayored to the Mob\", \"Viva Ned Flanders\", \"Wild Barts Can't Be Broken\", \"Sunday, Cruddy Sunday\", \"Homer to the Max\", \"I'm with Cupid\", \"Marge Simpson in: 'Screaming Yellow Honkers'\", \"Make Room for Lisa\", \"Maximum Homerdrive\", \"Simpsons Bible Stories\", \"Mom and Pop Art\", \"The Old Man and the C Student\", \"Monty Can't Buy Me Love\", \"They Saved Lisa's Brain\", \"Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo\", \"Beyond Blunderdome\", \"Brother's Little Helper\", \"Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?\", \"Treehouse of Horror X\", \"E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)\", \"Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder\", \"Eight Misbehavin'\", \"Take My Wife, Sleaze\", \"Grift of the Magi\", \"Little Big Mom\", \"Faith Off\", \"The Mansion Family\", \"Saddlesore Galactica\", \"Alone Again, Natura-Diddily\", \"Missionary: Impossible\", \"Pygmoelian\", \"Bart to the Future\", \"Days of Wine and D'ohses\", \"Kill the Alligator and Run\", \"Last Tap Dance in Springfield\", \"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge\", \"Behind the Laughter\", \"Treehouse of Horror XI\", \"A Tale of Two Springfields\", \"Insane Clown Poppy\", \"Lisa the Tree Hugger\", \"Homer vs. Dignity\", \"The Computer Wore Menace Shoes\", \"The Great Money Caper\", \"Skinner's Sense of Snow\", \"HOM\\u042f\", \"Pokey Mom\", \"Worst Episode Ever\", \"Tennis the Menace\", \"Day of the Jackanapes\", \"New Kids on the Blecch\", \"Hungry Hungry Homer\", \"Bye Bye Nerdy\", \"Simpson Safari\", \"Trilogy of Error\", \"I'm Goin' to Praiseland\", \"Children of a Lesser Clod\", \"Simpsons Tall Tales\", \"Treehouse of Horror XII\", \"The Parent Rap\", \"Homer the Moe\", \"Hunka Hunka Burns in Love\", \"The Blunder Years\", \"She of Little Faith\", \"Brawl in the Family\", \"Sweets and Sour Marge\", \"Jaws Wired Shut\", \"Half-Decent Proposal\", \"The Bart Wants What It Wants\", \"The Lastest Gun in the West\", \"The Old Man and the Key\", \"Tales From the Public Domain\", \"Blame It on Lisa\", \"Weekend at Burnsie's\", \"Gump Roast\", \"I Am Furious Yellow\", \"The Sweetest Apu\", \"Little Girl in the Big Ten\", \"The Frying Game\", \"Papa's Got a Brand New Badge\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIII\", \"How I Spent My Strummer Vacation\", \"Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade\", \"Large Marge\", \"Helter Shelter\", \"The Great Louse Detective\", \"Special Edna (a.k.a. Love and Marking)\", \"The Dad Who Knew Too Little\", \"Strong Arms of the Ma\", \"Pray Anything\", \"Barting Over\", \"I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can\", \"A Star Is Born-Again\", \"Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington\", \"C.E. D'oh!\", \"Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky\", \"Three Gays of the Condo\", \"Dude, Where's My Ranch?\", \"Old Yeller Belly\", \"Brake My Wife, Please\", \"The Bart of War\", \"Moe Baby Blues\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIV\", \"My Mother the Carjacker\", \"The President Wore Pearls\", \"The Regina Monologues\", \"The Fat and the Furriest\", \"Today, I Am a Klown\", \"'Tis the Fifteenth Season\", \"Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays\", \"I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot\", \"Diatribe of a Mad Housewife\", \"Margical History Tour\", \"Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore\", \"Smart and Smarter\", \"The Ziff Who Came to Dinner\", \"Co-Dependent's Day\", \"The Wandering Juvie\", \"My Big Fat Geek Wedding\", \"Catch 'Em If You Can\", \"Simple Simpson\", \"The Way We Weren't\", \"Bart-Mangled Banner\", \"Fraudcast News\", \"Treehouse of Horror XV\", \"All's Fair in Oven War\", \"Sleeping with the Enemy\", \"She Used to Be My Girl\", \"Fat Man and Little Boy\", \"Midnight Rx\", \"Mommie Beerest\", \"Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass\", \"Pranksta Rap\", \"There's Something About Marrying\", \"On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister\", \"Goo Goo Gai Pan\", \"Mobile Homer\", \"The Seven-Beer Snitch\", \"Future-Drama\", \"Don't Fear the Roofer\", \"The Heartbroke Kid\", \"A Star Is Torn\", \"Thank God, It's Doomsday\", \"Home Away from Homer\", \"The Father, the Son & the Holy Guest Star\", \"The Bonfire of the Manatees\", \"The Girl Who Slept Too Little\", \"Milhouse of Sand and Fog\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVI\", \"Marge's Son Poisoning\", \"See Homer Run\", \"The Last of the Red Hat Mamas\", \"The Italian Bob\", \"Simpsons Christmas Stories\", \"Homer's Paternity Coot\", \"We're on the Road to D'ohwhere\", \"My Fair Laddy\", \"The Seemingly Never-Ending Story\", \"Bart Has Two Mommies\", \"Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife\", \"Million Dollar Abie\", \"Kiss, Kiss Bang Bangalore\", \"The Wettest Stories Ever Told\", \"Girls Just Want to Have Sums\", \"Regarding Margie\", \"The Monkey Suit\", \"Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play\", \"The Mook, the Chef, the Wife, and Her Homer\", \"Jazzy and the Pussycats\", \"Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVII\", \"G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)\", \"Moe 'N' a Lisa\", \"Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)\", \"The Haw-Hawed Couple\", \"Kill Gil: Vols. 1 & 2\", \"The Wife Aquatic\", \"Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Three Times\", \"Little Big Girl\", \"Springfield Up\", \"Yokel Chords\", \"Rome-Old and Juli-Eh\", \"Homerazzi\", \"Marge Gamer\", \"The Boys of Bummer\", \"Crook and Ladder\", \"Stop or My Dog Will Shoot\", \"24 Minutes\", \"You Kent Always Say What You Want\", \"He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs\", \"The Homer of Seville\", \"Midnight Towboy\", \"I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVIII\", \"Little Orphan Millie\", \"Husbands and Knives\", \"Funeral for a Fiend\", \"Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind\", \"E. Pluribus Wiggum\", \"That 90's Show\", \"Love, Springfieldian Style\", \"The Debarted\", \"Dial 'N' for Nerder\", \"Smoke on the Daughter\", \"Papa Don't Leech\", \"Apocalypse Cow\", \"Any Given Sundance\", \"Mona Leaves-a\", \"All About Lisa\", \"Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes\", \"Lost Verizon\", \"Double, Double, Boy in Trouble\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIX\", \"Dangerous Curves\", \"Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words\", \"Mypods and Boomsticks\", \"The Burns and the Bees\", \"Lisa the Drama Queen\", \"Take My Life, Please\", \"How the Test Was Won\", \"No Loan Again, Naturally\", \"Gone Maggie Gone\", \"In the Name of the Grandfather\", \"Wedding for Disaster\", \"Eeny Teeny Maya Moe\", \"The Good, the Sad and the Drugly\", \"Father Knows Worst\", \"Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D'oh\", \"Four Great Women and a Manicure\", \"Coming to Homerica\", \"Homer the Whopper\", \"Bart Gets a 'Z'\", \"The Great Wife Hope\", \"Treehouse of Horror XX\", \"The Devil Wears Nada\", \"Pranks and Greens\", \"Rednecks and Broomsticks\", \"Oh Brother, Where Bart Thou?\", \"Thursdays with Abie\", \"Once Upon a Time in Springfield\", \"Million Dollar Maybe\", \"Boy Meets Curl\", \"The Color Yellow\", \"Postcards from the Wedge\", \"Stealing First Base\", \"The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed\", \"American History X-cellent\", \"Chief of Hearts\", \"The Squirt and the Whale\", \"To Surveil with Love\", \"Moe Letter Blues\", \"The Bob Next Door\", \"Judge Me Tender\", \"Elementary School Musical\", \"Loan-a-Lisa\", \"MoneyBART\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXI\", \"Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life\", \"The Fool Monty\", \"How Munched is that Birdie in the Window?\", \"The Fight Before Christmas\", \"Donnie Fatso\", \"Moms I'd Like to Forget\", \"Flaming Moe\", \"Homer the Father\", \"The Blue and the Gray\", \"Angry Dad: The Movie\", \"The Scorpion's Tale\", \"A Midsummer's Nice Dream\", \"Love is a Many Strangled Thing\", \"The Great Simpsina\", \"The Real Housewives of Fat Tony\", \"Homer Scissorhands\", \"500 Keys\", \"The Ned-Liest Catch\", \"The Falcon and the D'Ohman\", \"Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXII\", \"Replaceable You\", \"The Food Wife\", \"The Book Job\", \"The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants\", \"The Ten-Per-Cent Solution\", \"Holidays of Future Passed\", \"Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson\", \"The D'oh-cial Network\", \"Moe Goes from Rags to Riches\", \"The Daughter Also Rises\", \"At Long Last Leave\", \"Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart\", \"How I Wet Your Mother\", \"Them, Robot\", \"Beware My Cheating Bart\", \"A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again\", \"The Spy Who Learned Me\", \"Ned 'n' Edna's Blend\", \"Lisa Goes Gaga\", \"Moonshine River\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXIII\", \"Adventures in Baby-Getting\", \"Gone Abie Gone\", \"Penny-Wiseguys\", \"A Tree Grows in Springfield\", \"The Day the Earth Stood Cool\", \"To Cur With Love\", \"Homer Goes to Prep School\", \"A Test Before Trying\", \"The Changing of the Guardian\", \"Love is a Many-Splintered Thing\", \"Hardly Kirk-ing\", \"Gorgeous Grampa\", \"Black-Eyed, Please\", \"Dark Knight Court\", \"What Animated Women Want\", \"Pulpit Friction\", \"Whiskey Business\", \"The Fabulous Faker Boys\", \"The Saga of Carl Carlson\", \"Dangers on a Train\", \"Homerland\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXIV\", \"Four Regrettings and a Funeral\", \"YOLO\", \"Labor Pains\", \"The Kid is All Right\", \"Yellow Subterfuge\", \"White Christmas Blues\", \"Steal This Episode\", \"Married to the Blob\", \"Specs and the City\", \"Diggs\", \"The Man Who Grew Too Much\", \"The Winter of His Content\", \"The War of Art\", \"You Don't Have to Live Like a Referee\", \"Luca$\", \"Days of Future Future\", \"What to Expect When Bart's Expecting\", \"Brick Like Me\", \"Pay Pal\", \"The Yellow Badge of Cowardge\", \"Clown in the Dumps\", \"The Wreck of the Relationship\", \"Super Franchise Me\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXV\", \"Opposites A-Frack\", \"Simpsorama\", \"Blazed and Confused\", \"Covercraft\", \"I Won't Be Home for Christmas\", \"The Man Who Came to Be Dinner\", \"Bart's New Friend\", \"The Musk Who Fell to Earth\", \"Walking Big & Tall\", \"My Fare Lady\", \"The Princess Guide\", \"Sky Police\", \"Waiting For Duffman\", \"Peeping Mom\", \"The Kids are All Fight\", \"Let's Go Fly a Coot\", \"Bull-E\", \"Mathlete's Feat\", \"Every Man's Dream\", \"Cue Detective\", \"Puffless\", \"Halloween of Horror\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXVI\", \"Friend with Benefit\", \"Lisa with an 'S'\", \"Paths of Glory\", \"Barthood\", \"The Girl Code\", \"Teenage Mutant Milk-caused Hurdles\", \"Much Apu About Something\", \"Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-Ne-He-CH4\", \"Gal of Constant Sorrow\", null], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 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\"1991-02-01\", \"1991-02-08\", \"1991-02-15\", \"1991-02-22\", \"1991-03-08\", \"1991-03-29\", \"1991-04-12\", \"1991-04-26\", \"1991-05-03\", \"1991-05-10\", \"1991-08-12\", \"1991-09-20\", \"1991-09-27\", \"1991-10-04\", \"1991-10-11\", \"1991-10-18\", \"1991-10-25\", \"1991-11-01\", \"1991-11-08\", \"1991-11-15\", \"1991-11-22\", \"1991-12-06\", \"1991-12-27\", \"1992-01-10\", \"1992-01-24\", \"1992-02-07\", \"1992-02-14\", \"1992-02-21\", \"1992-02-28\", \"1992-03-13\", \"1992-03-27\", \"1992-04-10\", \"1992-04-24\", \"1992-05-08\", \"1992-08-28\", \"1992-09-25\", \"1992-10-02\", \"1992-10-09\", \"1992-10-16\", \"1992-10-30\", \"1992-11-04\", \"1992-11-06\", \"1992-11-13\", \"1992-11-20\", \"1992-12-04\", \"1992-12-18\", \"1993-01-15\", \"1993-01-22\", \"1993-02-05\", \"1993-02-12\", \"1993-02-19\", \"1993-03-12\", \"1993-04-02\", \"1993-04-16\", \"1993-04-30\", \"1993-05-07\", \"1993-05-14\", \"1993-10-01\", \"1993-10-08\", \"1993-10-15\", \"1993-10-22\", \"1993-10-29\", \"1993-11-05\", \"1993-11-12\", \"1993-11-19\", \"1993-12-10\", \"1993-12-17\", \"1994-01-07\", \"1994-02-04\", \"1994-02-11\", \"1994-02-18\", \"1994-02-25\", \"1994-03-18\", \"1994-04-01\", \"1994-04-15\", \"1994-04-29\", \"1994-05-06\", \"1994-05-13\", \"1994-05-20\", \"1994-09-05\", \"1994-09-12\", \"1994-09-26\", \"1994-10-03\", \"1994-10-10\", \"1994-10-31\", \"1994-11-07\", \"1994-11-14\", \"1994-11-28\", \"1994-12-05\", \"1994-12-19\", \"1995-01-09\", \"1995-01-23\", \"1995-02-06\", \"1995-02-13\", \"1995-02-20\", \"1995-02-27\", \"1995-03-06\", \"1995-03-20\", \"1995-04-10\", \"1995-04-17\", \"1995-05-01\", \"1995-05-08\", \"1995-05-15\", \"1995-05-22\", \"1995-09-18\", \"1995-09-25\", \"1995-10-02\", \"1995-10-09\", \"1995-10-16\", \"1995-10-30\", \"1995-11-06\", \"1995-11-20\", \"1995-11-27\", \"1995-12-04\", \"1995-12-18\", \"1996-01-08\", \"1996-01-15\", \"1996-02-05\", \"1996-02-12\", \"1996-02-19\", \"1996-02-26\", \"1996-03-18\", \"1996-03-25\", \"1996-04-01\", \"1996-04-15\", \"1996-04-29\", \"1996-05-06\", \"1996-05-20\", \"1996-05-20\", \"1996-10-28\", \"1996-11-04\", \"1996-11-11\", \"1996-11-18\", \"1996-11-25\", \"1996-12-02\", \"1996-12-16\", \"1996-12-30\", \"1997-01-06\", \"1997-01-13\", \"1997-01-20\", \"1997-02-03\", \"1997-02-08\", \"1997-02-10\", \"1997-02-17\", \"1997-02-24\", \"1997-03-03\", \"1997-03-17\", \"1997-04-07\", \"1997-04-14\", \"1997-04-21\", \"1997-04-28\", \"1997-05-05\", \"1997-05-12\", \"1997-05-19\", \"1997-09-22\", \"1997-09-29\", \"1997-10-20\", \"1997-10-27\", \"1997-11-03\", \"1997-11-10\", \"1997-11-17\", \"1997-11-24\", \"1997-12-08\", \"1997-12-22\", \"1998-01-05\", \"1998-01-12\", \"1998-02-09\", \"1998-02-16\", \"1998-02-23\", \"1998-03-02\", \"1998-03-09\", \"1998-03-23\", \"1998-03-30\", \"1998-04-06\", \"1998-04-20\", \"1998-04-27\", \"1998-05-04\", \"1998-05-11\", \"1998-05-18\", \"1998-08-24\", \"1998-09-21\", \"1998-09-28\", \"1998-10-26\", \"1998-11-09\", \"1998-11-16\", \"1998-11-23\", \"1998-12-07\", \"1998-12-21\", \"1999-01-11\", \"1999-01-18\", \"1999-02-01\", \"1999-02-08\", \"1999-02-15\", \"1999-02-22\", \"1999-03-01\", \"1999-03-29\", \"1999-04-05\", \"1999-04-12\", \"1999-04-26\", \"1999-05-03\", \"1999-05-10\", \"1999-05-17\", \"1999-09-27\", \"1999-10-04\", \"1999-10-25\", \"1999-11-01\", \"1999-11-08\", \"1999-11-15\", \"1999-11-22\", \"1999-11-29\", \"1999-12-20\", \"2000-01-10\", \"2000-01-17\", \"2000-01-24\", \"2000-02-07\", \"2000-02-14\", \"2000-02-21\", \"2000-02-28\", \"2000-03-20\", \"2000-04-10\", \"2000-05-01\", \"2000-05-08\", \"2000-05-15\", \"2000-05-22\", \"2000-11-02\", \"2000-11-06\", \"2000-11-13\", \"2000-11-20\", \"2000-11-27\", \"2000-12-04\", \"2000-12-11\", \"2000-12-18\", \"2001-01-08\", \"2001-01-15\", \"2001-02-05\", \"2001-02-12\", \"2001-02-19\", \"2001-02-26\", \"2001-03-05\", \"2001-03-12\", \"2001-04-02\", \"2001-04-30\", \"2001-05-07\", \"2001-05-14\", \"2001-05-21\", \"2001-11-07\", \"2001-11-12\", \"2001-11-19\", \"2001-12-03\", \"2001-12-10\", \"2001-12-17\", \"2002-01-07\", \"2002-01-21\", \"2002-01-28\", \"2002-02-11\", \"2002-02-18\", \"2002-02-25\", \"2002-03-11\", \"2002-03-18\", \"2002-04-01\", \"2002-04-08\", \"2002-04-22\", \"2002-04-29\", \"2002-05-06\", \"2002-05-13\", \"2002-05-20\", \"2002-05-23\", \"2002-11-04\", \"2002-11-11\", \"2002-11-18\", \"2002-11-25\", \"2002-12-02\", \"2002-12-16\", \"2003-01-06\", \"2003-01-13\", \"2003-02-03\", \"2003-02-10\", \"2003-02-17\", \"2003-02-17\", \"2003-03-03\", \"2003-03-10\", \"2003-03-17\", \"2003-03-31\", \"2003-04-14\", \"2003-04-28\", \"2003-05-05\", \"2003-05-12\", \"2003-05-19\", \"2003-05-19\", \"2003-11-03\", \"2003-11-10\", \"2003-11-17\", \"2003-11-24\", \"2003-12-01\", \"2003-12-08\", \"2003-12-15\", \"2004-01-05\", \"2004-01-12\", \"2004-01-26\", \"2004-02-09\", \"2004-02-16\", \"2004-02-23\", \"2004-03-15\", \"2004-03-22\", \"2004-03-29\", \"2004-04-19\", \"2004-04-26\", \"2004-05-03\", \"2004-05-10\", \"2004-05-17\", \"2004-05-24\", \"2004-11-08\", \"2004-11-15\", \"2004-11-22\", \"2004-12-06\", \"2004-12-13\", \"2005-01-17\", \"2005-01-31\", \"2005-02-07\", \"2005-02-14\", \"2005-02-21\", \"2005-03-07\", \"2005-03-14\", \"2005-03-21\", \"2005-04-04\", \"2005-04-18\", \"2005-05-02\", \"2005-05-02\", \"2005-05-09\", \"2005-05-09\", \"2005-05-16\", \"2005-05-16\", \"2005-09-12\", \"2005-09-19\", \"2005-09-26\", \"2005-11-07\", \"2005-11-14\", \"2005-11-21\", \"2005-11-28\", \"2005-12-12\", \"2005-12-19\", \"2006-01-09\", \"2006-01-30\", \"2006-02-27\", \"2006-03-13\", \"2006-03-20\", \"2006-03-27\", \"2006-04-03\", \"2006-04-10\", \"2006-04-24\", \"2006-05-01\", \"2006-05-08\", \"2006-05-15\", \"2006-05-22\", \"2006-09-11\", \"2006-09-18\", \"2006-09-25\", \"2006-11-06\", \"2006-11-13\", \"2006-11-20\", \"2006-11-27\", \"2006-12-11\", \"2006-12-18\", \"2007-01-08\", \"2007-01-29\", \"2007-02-12\", \"2007-02-19\", \"2007-03-05\", \"2007-03-12\", \"2007-03-26\", \"2007-04-23\", \"2007-04-30\", \"2007-05-07\", \"2007-05-14\", \"2007-05-21\", \"2007-05-21\", \"2007-09-24\", \"2007-10-01\", \"2007-10-08\", \"2007-10-15\", \"2007-11-05\", \"2007-11-12\", \"2007-11-19\", \"2007-11-26\", \"2007-12-17\", \"2008-01-07\", \"2008-01-28\", \"2008-02-18\", \"2008-03-03\", \"2008-03-10\", \"2008-03-31\", \"2008-04-14\", \"2008-04-28\", \"2008-05-05\", \"2008-05-12\", \"2008-05-19\", \"2008-09-29\", \"2008-10-06\", \"2008-10-20\", \"2008-11-03\", \"2008-11-10\", \"2008-11-17\", \"2008-12-01\", \"2008-12-08\", \"2009-01-26\", \"2009-02-16\", \"2009-03-02\", \"2009-03-09\", \"2009-03-16\", \"2009-03-23\", \"2009-03-30\", \"2009-04-06\", \"2009-04-20\", \"2009-04-27\", \"2009-05-04\", \"2009-05-11\", \"2009-05-18\", \"2009-09-28\", \"2009-10-05\", \"2009-10-12\", \"2009-10-19\", \"2009-11-16\", \"2009-11-23\", \"2009-11-30\", \"2009-12-14\", \"2010-01-04\", \"2010-01-11\", \"2010-02-01\", \"2010-02-15\", \"2010-02-22\", \"2010-03-15\", \"2010-03-22\", \"2010-03-29\", \"2010-04-12\", \"2010-04-19\", \"2010-04-26\", \"2010-05-03\", \"2010-05-10\", \"2010-05-17\", \"2010-05-24\", \"2010-09-27\", \"2010-10-04\", \"2010-10-11\", \"2010-11-08\", \"2010-11-15\", \"2010-11-22\", \"2010-11-29\", \"2010-12-06\", \"2010-12-13\", \"2011-01-10\", \"2011-01-17\", \"2011-01-24\", \"2011-02-14\", \"2011-02-21\", \"2011-03-07\", \"2011-03-14\", \"2011-03-28\", \"2011-04-11\", \"2011-05-02\", \"2011-05-09\", \"2011-05-16\", \"2011-05-23\", \"2011-09-26\", \"2011-10-03\", \"2011-10-31\", \"2011-11-07\", \"2011-11-14\", \"2011-11-21\", \"2011-11-28\", \"2011-12-05\", \"2011-12-12\", \"2012-01-09\", \"2012-01-16\", \"2012-01-30\", \"2012-02-13\", \"2012-02-20\", \"2012-03-05\", \"2012-03-12\", \"2012-03-19\", \"2012-04-16\", \"2012-04-30\", \"2012-05-07\", \"2012-05-14\", \"2012-05-21\", \"2012-10-01\", \"2012-10-08\", \"2012-11-05\", \"2012-11-12\", \"2012-11-19\", \"2012-11-26\", \"2012-12-10\", \"2012-12-17\", \"2013-01-07\", \"2013-01-14\", \"2013-01-28\", \"2013-02-11\", \"2013-02-18\", \"2013-03-04\", \"2013-03-11\", \"2013-03-18\", \"2013-04-15\", \"2013-04-29\", \"2013-05-06\", \"2013-05-13\", \"2013-05-20\", \"2013-05-20\", \"2013-09-30\", \"2013-10-07\", \"2013-11-04\", \"2013-11-11\", \"2013-11-18\", \"2013-11-25\", \"2013-12-09\", \"2013-12-16\", \"2014-01-06\", \"2014-01-13\", \"2014-01-27\", \"2014-03-10\", \"2014-03-10\", \"2014-03-17\", \"2014-03-24\", \"2014-03-31\", \"2014-04-07\", \"2014-04-14\", \"2014-04-28\", \"2014-05-05\", \"2014-05-12\", \"2014-05-19\", \"2014-09-29\", \"2014-10-06\", \"2014-10-13\", \"2014-10-20\", \"2014-11-03\", \"2014-11-10\", \"2014-11-17\", \"2014-11-24\", \"2014-12-08\", \"2015-01-05\", \"2015-01-12\", \"2015-01-26\", \"2015-02-09\", \"2015-02-16\", \"2015-03-02\", \"2015-03-09\", \"2015-03-16\", \"2015-04-20\", \"2015-04-27\", \"2015-05-04\", \"2015-05-11\", \"2015-05-18\", \"2015-09-28\", \"2015-10-05\", \"2015-10-12\", \"2015-10-19\", \"2015-10-26\", \"2015-11-09\", \"2015-11-23\", \"2015-12-07\", \"2015-12-14\", \"2016-01-04\", \"2016-01-11\", \"2016-01-18\", \"2016-02-15\", \"2016-02-22\", \"2016-09-26\"], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 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\"411bbd67-26ff-42e6-99ec-94822848a502\"}, {\"type\": \"ColumnDataSource\", \"attributes\": {\"column_names\": [\"title\", \"episode_number\", \"rating\", \"episode\", \"index\", \"aired\", \"season\", \"x\", \"y\", \"fill_color\"], \"data\": {\"title\": [\"Pilot\", \"Hell-A Woman\", \"The Whore of Babylon\", \"Fear and Loathing at the Fundraiser\", \"LOL\", \"Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder\", \"Girls, Interrupted\", \"California Son\", \"Filthy Lucre\", \"The Devil's Threesome\", \"Turn the Page\", \"The Last Waltz\", \"Slip of the Tongue\", \"The Great Ashby\", \"No Way to Treat a Lady\", \"The Raw and the Crooked\", \"Vaginatown\", \"Coke Dick & First Kick\", \"In a Lonely Place\", \"Going Down and Out in Beverly Hills\", \"La Ronde\", \"In Utero\", \"Blues from Laurel Canyon\", \"La Petite Mort\", \"Wish You Were Here\", \"The Land of Rape and Honey\", \"Verities & Balderdash\", \"Zoso\", \"Slow Happy Boys\", \"Glass Houses\", \"So Here's the Thing...\", \"The Apartment\", \"Mr. Bad Example\", \"Dogtown\", \"Comings & Goings\", \"Mia Culpa\", \"Exile on Main St.\", \"Suicide Solution\", \"Home Sweet Home\", \"Monkey Business\", \"Freeze Frame\", \"Lawyers, Guns and Money\", \"The Recused\", \"Lights. Camera. Asshole\", \"Another Perfect Day\", \"The Trial\", \"The Last Supper\", \"...And Justice for All\", \"JFK to LAX\", \"The Way of the Fist\", \"Boys & Girls\", \"Waiting for the Miracle\", \"The Ride Along\", \"Love Song\", \"Here I Go Again\", \"Raw\", \"At the Movies\", \"Perverts & Whores\", \"The Party\", \"Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be\", \"The Unforgiven\", \"Quitters\", \"Dead Rock Stars\", \"Hell Bent for Leather\", \"Rock and a Hard Place\", \"In the Clouds\", \"The Dope Show\", \"Everybody's a Fucking Critic\", \"Mad Dogs and Englishmen\", \"Blind Faith\", \"The Abby\", \"I'll Lay My Monsters Down\", \"Levon\", \"Julia\", \"Like Father Like Son\", \"Dicks\", \"Getting the Poison Out\", \"Kickoff\", \"Smile\", \"30 Minutes or Less\", \"Faith, Hope, Love\", \"Dinner With Friends\", \"Daughter\", \"Grace\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84], \"y\": [8.50096, 8.25197, 8.25152, 8.38608, 8.22491, 8.24497, 8.17021, 8.22182, 8.35971, 8.41392, 8.25591, 8.68914, 8.24138, 8.26274, 8.03239, 8.31783, 8.11017, 8.29487, 8.26667, 8.17917, 8.11741, 8.17647, 8.2716, 8.43697, 8.06093, 7.97656, 8.17064, 8.47893, 8.14228, 7.964, 8.02823, 8.7457, 7.93976, 7.99578, 8.02857, 8.56226, 8.50765, 8.22973, 8.11487, 8.35197, 8.23154, 8.34564, 8.16107, 8.2901, 8.15986, 8.25321, 8.10131, 8.60294, 8.41905, 8.41546, 8.35641, 8.34447, 8.51621, 8.25526, 8.422, 8.39036, 8.4064, 8.45714, 8.62222, 8.59716, 7.89249, 8.07839, 8.09074, 8.05703, 8.04159, 8.23017, 8.07353, 7.98576, 8.11296, 8.00282, 8.18182, 8.33418, 7.95356, 8.02795, 7.91757, 7.84146, 8.03616, 7.79298, 7.88941, 7.99411, 7.48316, 7.8747, 7.72381, 8.16376], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 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"ratings('The Simpsons')"
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"Die erste Folge der ersten Deutschlandausstrahlung sogar als Kind gesehen. Bis dahin haben mich die Simpsons immer begleitet. Mal aktiver mal weniger aktiv. Mich wundert der geringe Ausschlag der Ratings. Nach hinten fand ich die Serie doch ziemlich schwach. Interessant ist, die schlechtesten Folgen sind die Clip-Folgen. Empfand ich auch immer so."
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"## Lilyhammer"
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Lily\", \"Mother's Day\", \"Good Cop, Bad Dog\", \"See You Next Fall\", \"The One That Got Away\", \"Dude Ranch\", \"When Good Kids Go Bad\", \"Phil on Wire\", \"Door to Door\", \"Hit and Run\", \"Go Bullfrogs!\", \"Treehouse\", \"After the Fire\", \"Punkin Chunkin\", \"Express Christmas\", \"Lifetime Supply\", \"Egg Drop\", \"Little Bo Bleep\", \"Me? Jealous?\", \"Aunt Mommy\", \"Virgin Territory\", \"Leap Day\", \"Send Out the Clowns\", \"Election Day\", \"The Last Walt\", \"Planes, Trains and Cars\", \"Disneyland\", \"Tableau Vivant\", \"Baby on Board\", \"Bringing Up Baby\", \"Schooled\", \"Snip\", \"The Butler's Escape\", \"Open House of Horrors\", \"Yard Sale\", \"Arrested\", \"Mistery Date\", \"When a Tree Falls\", \"Diamond in the Rough\", \"New Year's Eve\", \"Party Crasher\", \"Fulgencio\", \"A Slight at the Opera\", \"Heart Broken\", \"Bad Hair Day\", \"Best Men\", \"The Wow Factor\", \"The Future Dunphys\", \"Flip Flop\", \"Career Day\", \"My Hero\", \"Games People Play\", \"Goodnight, Gracie\", \"Suddenly, Last Summer\", \"First Days\", \"Larry's Wife\", \"Farm Strong\", \"The Late Show\", \"The Help\", \"A Fair to Remember\", \"ClosetCon '13\", \"The Big Game\", \"The Old Man & the Tree\", \"And One to Grow On\", \"Under Pressure\", \"Three Dinners\", \"iSpy\", \"The Feud\", \"Spring-a-Ding-Fling\", \"Other People's Children\", \"Las Vegas\", \"A Hard Jay's Night\", \"Australia\", \"Sleeper\", \"Message Received\", \"The Wedding (1)\", \"The Wedding (2)\", \"The Long Honeymoon\", \"Do Not Push\", \"The Cold\", \"Marco Polo\", \"Won't You Be Our Neighbor\", \"Halloween 3: AwesomeLand\", \"Queer Eyes, Full Hearts\", \"Three Turkeys\", \"Strangers in the Night\", \"Haley's 21st Birthday\", \"The Day We Almost Died\", \"The Big Guns\", \"Rash Decisions\", \"Valentine's Day 4: Twisted Sister\", \"Fight or Flight\", \"Connection Lost\", \"Closet? You'll Love It!\", \"Spring Break\", \"Grill, Interrupted\", \"Knock 'em Down\", \"Integrity\", \"Patriot Games\", \"Crying Out Loud\", \"American Skyper\", \"Summer Lovin'\", \"The Day Alex Left for College\", \"The Closet Case\", \"She Crazy\", \"The Verdict\", \"The More You Ignore Me\", \"Phil's Sexy, Sexy House\", \"Clean Out Your Junk Drawer\", \"White Christmas\", \"Playdates\", \"Spread Your Wings\", \"Clean for a Day\", \"Thunk in the Trunk\", \"I Don't Know How She Does It\", \"The Cover-Up\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159], \"y\": [8.10483, 8.08675, 8.08936, 8.22944, 8.19701, 8.15903, 8.21076, 7.91128, 8.31725, 8.24734, 8.13906, 8.14308, 8.1592, 8.1195, 8.48826, 8.16722, 8.18166, 8.23786, 8.2488, 8.00336, 8.09091, 8.23625, 8.42212, 8.4382, 8.11433, 8.18955, 8.04608, 8.1003, 8.17647, 8.23602, 8.0622, 8.29969, 7.88399, 8.04575, 8.2351, 8.14784, 8.48862, 8.1395, 8.0522, 8.18069, 7.97893, 8.24689, 8.13793, 8.1619, 8.20281, 8.24428, 8.25194, 8.21236, 8.13315, 8.25955, 8.17607, 8.171, 8.12483, 8.08931, 8.36951, 8.24799, 8.21188, 8.24654, 8.1164, 8.14536, 8.41744, 8.26372, 8.35262, 8.26455, 8.34505, 8.18498, 8.28874, 8.15314, 8.13273, 8.42379, 8.13972, 8.48923, 8.26652, 8.339, 8.12146, 7.97974, 8.04, 8.04535, 8.21935, 8.21812, 8.02706, 8.0407, 8.14607, 8.29601, 8.35454, 7.92238, 7.99224, 7.79376, 8.16118, 8.23244, 8.24051, 8.11346, 8.02954, 8.1517, 8.14547, 8.22956, 8.22532, 8.15793, 8.04973, 8.17692, 8.25119, 8.05684, 8.05771, 8.02981, 8.02182, 8.08654, 8.02628, 8.19368, 8.07974, 8.14962, 8.05325, 8.03698, 8.08475, 8.44787, 8.04958, 8.04686, 7.97845, 8.15281, 8.1064, 8.33477, 8.03392, 7.92979, 7.87082, 7.87123, 7.86828, 7.89915, 8.09802, 8.03369, 7.70098, 8.04385, 7.6326, 7.42, 7.49867, 7.57638, 7.52324, 8.34066, 7.58, 7.3685, 7.49492, 7.59429, 7.4941, 7.61263, 7.60128, 7.89842, 7.55541, 7.47285, 7.53927, 7.57742, 7.42156, 7.53318, 7.79104, 7.64331, 7.83756, 7.48845, 7.6115, 7.27273, 9.0, 10.0, 0.0], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7], \"rating\": [8.10483, 8.08675, 8.08936, 8.22944, 8.19701, 8.15903, 8.21076, 7.91128, 8.31725, 8.24734, 8.13906, 8.14308, 8.1592, 8.1195, 8.48826, 8.16722, 8.18166, 8.23786, 8.2488, 8.00336, 8.09091, 8.23625, 8.42212, 8.4382, 8.11433, 8.18955, 8.04608, 8.1003, 8.17647, 8.23602, 8.0622, 8.29969, 7.88399, 8.04575, 8.2351, 8.14784, 8.48862, 8.1395, 8.0522, 8.18069, 7.97893, 8.24689, 8.13793, 8.1619, 8.20281, 8.24428, 8.25194, 8.21236, 8.13315, 8.25955, 8.17607, 8.171, 8.12483, 8.08931, 8.36951, 8.24799, 8.21188, 8.24654, 8.1164, 8.14536, 8.41744, 8.26372, 8.35262, 8.26455, 8.34505, 8.18498, 8.28874, 8.15314, 8.13273, 8.42379, 8.13972, 8.48923, 8.26652, 8.339, 8.12146, 7.97974, 8.04, 8.04535, 8.21935, 8.21812, 8.02706, 8.0407, 8.14607, 8.29601, 8.35454, 7.92238, 7.99224, 7.79376, 8.16118, 8.23244, 8.24051, 8.11346, 8.02954, 8.1517, 8.14547, 8.22956, 8.22532, 8.15793, 8.04973, 8.17692, 8.25119, 8.05684, 8.05771, 8.02981, 8.02182, 8.08654, 8.02628, 8.19368, 8.07974, 8.14962, 8.05325, 8.03698, 8.08475, 8.44787, 8.04958, 8.04686, 7.97845, 8.15281, 8.1064, 8.33477, 8.03392, 7.92979, 7.87082, 7.87123, 7.86828, 7.89915, 8.09802, 8.03369, 7.70098, 8.04385, 7.6326, 7.42, 7.49867, 7.57638, 7.52324, 8.34066, 7.58, 7.3685, 7.49492, 7.59429, 7.4941, 7.61263, 7.60128, 7.89842, 7.55541, 7.47285, 7.53927, 7.57742, 7.42156, 7.53318, 7.79104, 7.64331, 7.83756, 7.48845, 7.6115, 7.27273, 9.0, 10.0, 0.0], \"fill_color\": [\"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", \"1.3\", \"1.4\", \"1.5\", \"1.6\", \"1.7\", \"1.8\", \"1.9\", \"1.10\", \"1.11\", \"1.12\", \"1.13\", \"1.14\", \"1.15\", \"1.16\", \"1.17\", \"1.18\", \"1.19\", \"1.20\", \"1.21\", \"1.22\", \"1.23\", \"1.24\", \"2.1\", \"2.2\", \"2.3\", \"2.4\", \"2.5\", \"2.6\", \"2.7\", \"2.8\", \"2.9\", \"2.10\", \"2.11\", \"2.12\", \"2.13\", \"2.14\", \"2.15\", \"2.16\", \"2.17\", \"2.18\", \"2.19\", \"2.20\", \"2.21\", \"2.22\", \"2.23\", \"2.24\", \"3.1\", \"3.2\", \"3.3\", \"3.4\", \"3.5\", \"3.6\", \"3.7\", \"3.8\", \"3.9\", \"3.10\", \"3.11\", \"3.12\", \"3.13\", \"3.14\", \"3.15\", \"3.16\", \"3.17\", \"3.18\", \"3.19\", \"3.20\", \"3.21\", \"3.22\", \"3.23\", \"3.24\", \"4.1\", \"4.2\", \"4.3\", \"4.4\", \"4.5\", \"4.6\", \"4.7\", \"4.8\", \"4.9\", \"4.10\", \"4.11\", \"4.12\", \"4.13\", \"4.14\", \"4.15\", \"4.16\", \"4.17\", \"4.18\", \"4.19\", \"4.20\", \"4.21\", \"4.22\", \"4.23\", \"4.24\", \"5.1\", \"5.2\", \"5.3\", \"5.4\", \"5.5\", \"5.6\", \"5.7\", \"5.8\", \"5.9\", \"5.10\", \"5.11\", \"5.12\", \"5.13\", \"5.14\", \"5.15\", \"5.16\", \"5.17\", \"5.18\", \"5.19\", \"5.20\", \"5.21\", \"5.22\", \"5.23\", \"5.24\", \"6.1\", \"6.2\", \"6.3\", \"6.4\", \"6.5\", \"6.6\", \"6.7\", \"6.8\", \"6.9\", \"6.10\", \"6.11\", \"6.12\", \"6.13\", \"6.14\", \"6.15\", \"6.16\", \"6.17\", \"6.18\", \"6.19\", \"6.20\", \"6.21\", \"6.22\", \"6.23\", \"6.24\", \"7.1\", \"7.2\", \"7.3\", \"7.4\", \"7.5\", \"7.6\", \"7.7\", \"7.8\", \"7.9\", \"7.10\", \"7.11\", \"7.12\", \"7.13\", \"7.14\", \"7.15\"], \"index\": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158], \"aired\": [\"2009-09-24\", \"2009-10-01\", \"2009-10-08\", \"2009-10-15\", \"2009-10-22\", \"2009-10-29\", \"2009-11-05\", \"2009-11-19\", \"2009-11-26\", \"2009-12-10\", \"2010-01-07\", \"2010-01-14\", \"2010-01-21\", \"2010-02-04\", \"2010-02-11\", \"2010-03-04\", \"2010-03-11\", \"2010-03-25\", \"2010-04-01\", \"2010-04-15\", \"2010-04-29\", \"2010-05-06\", \"2010-05-13\", \"2010-05-20\", \"2010-09-23\", \"2010-09-30\", \"2010-10-07\", \"2010-10-14\", \"2010-10-21\", \"2010-10-28\", \"2010-11-04\", \"2010-11-18\", \"2010-11-25\", \"2010-12-09\", \"2011-01-06\", \"2011-01-13\", \"2011-01-20\", \"2011-02-10\", \"2011-02-17\", \"2011-02-24\", \"2011-03-03\", \"2011-03-24\", \"2011-04-14\", \"2011-04-21\", \"2011-05-05\", \"2011-05-12\", \"2011-05-19\", \"2011-05-26\", \"2011-09-22\", \"2011-09-22\", \"2011-09-29\", \"2011-10-06\", \"2011-10-13\", \"2011-10-20\", \"2011-11-03\", \"2011-11-17\", \"2011-11-24\", \"2011-12-08\", \"2012-01-05\", \"2012-01-12\", \"2012-01-19\", \"2012-02-09\", \"2012-02-16\", \"2012-02-23\", \"2012-03-01\", \"2012-03-15\", \"2012-04-12\", \"2012-04-19\", \"2012-05-03\", \"2012-05-10\", \"2012-05-17\", \"2012-05-24\", \"2012-09-27\", \"2012-10-11\", \"2012-10-11\", \"2012-10-18\", \"2012-10-25\", \"2012-11-01\", \"2012-11-08\", \"2012-11-15\", \"2012-11-29\", \"2012-12-13\", \"2013-01-10\", \"2013-01-17\", \"2013-01-24\", \"2013-02-07\", \"2013-02-14\", \"2013-02-21\", \"2013-02-28\", \"2013-03-28\", \"2013-04-04\", \"2013-04-11\", \"2013-05-02\", \"2013-05-09\", \"2013-05-16\", \"2013-05-23\", \"2013-09-26\", \"2013-09-26\", \"2013-10-03\", \"2013-10-10\", \"2013-10-17\", \"2013-10-24\", \"2013-11-14\", \"2013-11-21\", \"2013-12-05\", \"2013-12-12\", \"2014-01-09\", \"2014-01-16\", \"2014-01-23\", \"2014-02-06\", \"2014-02-27\", \"2014-03-06\", \"2014-03-13\", \"2014-03-27\", \"2014-04-03\", \"2014-04-24\", \"2014-05-01\", \"2014-05-08\", \"2014-05-15\", \"2014-05-22\", \"2014-09-25\", \"2014-10-02\", \"2014-10-09\", \"2014-10-16\", \"2014-10-23\", \"2014-10-30\", \"2014-11-13\", \"2014-11-20\", \"2014-12-04\", \"2014-12-11\", \"2015-01-08\", \"2015-01-15\", \"2015-02-05\", \"2015-02-12\", \"2015-02-19\", \"2015-02-26\", \"2015-03-05\", \"2015-03-26\", \"2015-04-02\", \"2015-04-23\", \"2015-04-30\", \"2015-05-07\", \"2015-05-14\", \"2015-05-21\", \"2015-09-24\", \"2015-10-01\", \"2015-10-08\", \"2015-10-15\", \"2015-10-22\", \"2015-11-12\", \"2015-11-19\", \"2015-12-03\", \"2015-12-10\", \"2016-01-07\", \"2016-01-14\", \"2016-02-11\", \"2016-02-18\", null, null], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 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Emasculata\", \"Soft Light\", \"Our Town\", \"Anasazi (1)\", \"The Blessing Way (2)\", \"Paper Clip (3)\", \"D.P.O.\", \"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose\", \"The List\", \"2Shy\", \"The Walk\", \"Oubliette\", \"Nisei (1)\", \"731 (2)\", \"Revelations\", \"War of the Coprophages\", \"Syzygy\", \"Grotesque\", \"Piper Maru (1)\", \"Apocrypha (2)\", \"Pusher\", \"Teso Dos Bichos\", \"Hell Money\", \"Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'\", \"Avatar\", \"Quagmire\", \"Wetwired\", \"Talitha Cumi (1)\", \"Herrenvolk (2)\", \"Home\", \"Teliko\", \"Unruhe\", \"The Field Where I Died\", \"Sanguinarium\", \"Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man\", \"Tunguska (1)\", \"Terma (2)\", \"Paper Hearts\", \"El Mundo Gira\", \"Leonard Betts\", \"Never Again\", \"Memento Mori\", \"Kaddish\", \"Unrequited\", \"Tempus Fugit (1)\", \"Max (2)\", \"Synchrony\", \"Small Potatoes\", \"Zero-Sum\", \"Elegy\", \"Demons\", \"Gethsemane (1)\", \"Redux (2)\", \"Redux II (3)\", \"Unusual Suspects\", \"Detour\", \"The Post-Modern 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things\", \"Brand X\", \"Hollywood A.D.\", \"Fight Club\", \"Je Souhaite\", \"Requiem\", \"Within (1)\", \"Without (2)\", \"Patience\", \"Roadrunners\", \"Invocation\", \"Redrum\", \"Via Negativa\", \"Surekill\", \"Salvage\", \"Badlaa\", \"The Gift\", \"Medusa\", \"Per Manum\", \"This Is Not Happening (1)\", \"Deadalive (2)\", \"Three Words\", \"Empedocles\", \"Vienen\", \"Alone\", \"Essence (1)\", \"Existence (2)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today (1)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today II (2)\", \"D\\u00e6monicus\", \"4-D\", \"Lord of the Flies\", \"Trust No 1\", \"John Doe\", \"Hellbound\", \"Provenance (1)\", \"Providence (2)\", \"Audrey Pauley\", \"Underneath\", \"Improbable\", \"Scary Monsters\", \"Jump the Shark\", \"William\", \"Release\", \"Sunshine Days\", \"The Truth (1)\", \"The Truth (2)\", \"My Struggle\", \"Founder's Mutation\", \"Mulder And Scully Meet the Were-Monster\", \"Home Again\", \"Babylon\", \"My Struggle II\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 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4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10], \"rating\": [8.09233, 7.8518, 7.87669, 7.57255, 7.31197, 7.50337, 7.36406, 8.12211, 7.02284, 7.83092, 7.87376, 7.58038, 7.89894, 7.46176, 7.35443, 7.58805, 8.14583, 7.26871, 7.31987, 7.9586, 8.0273, 7.52963, 7.55197, 8.56024, 8.16456, 7.98288, 7.57752, 7.84444, 8.46479, 8.38722, 7.03629, 8.06227, 7.59149, 7.62551, 7.23318, 7.5, 7.6886, 7.95833, 7.57798, 8.38492, 8.44167, 7.27536, 7.79018, 8.11741, 7.63158, 7.67822, 7.69802, 7.74408, 8.6822, 8.37891, 8.46154, 7.73394, 8.48771, 7.19139, 7.50472, 7.34146, 7.57692, 8.15217, 8.23684, 7.34146, 8.15385, 7.71219, 7.27919, 8.02359, 8.16098, 8.07076, 6.88172, 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\"5.10\", \"5.11\", \"5.12\", \"5.13\", \"5.14\", \"5.15\", \"5.16\", \"5.17\", \"5.18\", \"5.19\", \"5.20\", \"6.1\", \"6.2\", \"6.3\", \"6.4\", \"6.5\", \"6.6\", \"6.7\", \"6.8\", \"6.9\", \"6.10\", \"6.11\", \"6.12\", \"6.13\", \"6.14\", \"6.15\", \"6.16\", \"6.17\", \"6.18\", \"6.19\", \"6.20\", \"6.21\", \"6.22\", \"7.1\", \"7.2\", \"7.3\", \"7.4\", \"7.5\", \"7.6\", \"7.7\", \"7.8\", \"7.9\", \"7.10\", \"7.11\", \"7.12\", \"7.13\", \"7.14\", \"7.15\", \"7.16\", \"7.17\", \"7.18\", \"7.19\", \"7.20\", \"7.21\", \"7.22\", \"8.1\", \"8.2\", \"8.3\", \"8.4\", \"8.5\", \"8.6\", \"8.7\", \"8.8\", \"8.9\", \"8.10\", \"8.11\", \"8.12\", \"8.13\", \"8.14\", \"8.15\", \"8.16\", \"8.17\", \"8.18\", \"8.19\", \"8.20\", \"8.21\", \"9.1\", \"9.2\", \"9.3\", \"9.4\", \"9.5\", \"9.6\", \"9.7\", \"9.8\", \"9.9\", \"9.10\", \"9.11\", \"9.12\", \"9.13\", \"9.14\", \"9.15\", \"9.16\", \"9.17\", \"9.18\", \"9.19\", \"9.20\", \"10.1\", \"10.2\", \"10.3\", \"10.4\", \"10.5\", \"10.6\"], \"index\": [0, 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\"1996-02-24\", \"1996-03-09\", \"1996-03-30\", \"1996-04-13\", \"1996-04-27\", \"1996-05-04\", \"1996-05-11\", \"1996-05-18\", \"1996-10-05\", \"1996-10-12\", \"1996-10-19\", \"1996-10-28\", \"1996-11-04\", \"1996-11-11\", \"1996-11-18\", \"1996-11-25\", \"1996-12-02\", \"1996-12-16\", \"1997-01-13\", \"1997-01-27\", \"1997-02-03\", \"1997-02-10\", \"1997-02-17\", \"1997-02-24\", \"1997-03-17\", \"1997-03-24\", \"1997-04-07\", \"1997-04-21\", \"1997-04-28\", \"1997-05-05\", \"1997-05-12\", \"1997-05-19\", \"1997-11-03\", \"1997-11-10\", \"1997-11-17\", \"1997-11-24\", \"1997-12-01\", \"1997-12-08\", \"1997-12-15\", \"1998-01-05\", \"1998-01-12\", \"1998-02-09\", \"1998-02-16\", \"1998-02-23\", \"1998-03-02\", \"1998-03-09\", \"1998-03-30\", \"1998-04-20\", \"1998-04-27\", \"1998-05-04\", \"1998-05-11\", \"1998-05-18\", \"1998-11-09\", \"1998-11-16\", \"1998-11-23\", \"1998-11-30\", \"1998-12-07\", \"1998-12-14\", \"1999-01-04\", \"1999-01-11\", \"1999-01-18\", \"1999-01-25\", \"1999-02-08\", \"1999-02-15\", \"1999-02-22\", \"1999-03-01\", \"1999-03-08\", \"1999-03-29\", \"1999-04-12\", \"1999-04-19\", \"1999-04-26\", \"1999-05-03\", \"1999-05-10\", \"1999-05-17\", \"1999-11-08\", \"1999-11-15\", \"1999-11-22\", \"1999-11-29\", \"1999-12-06\", \"1999-12-13\", \"2000-01-10\", \"2000-01-17\", \"2000-01-24\", \"2000-02-07\", \"2000-02-14\", \"2000-02-21\", \"2000-02-28\", \"2000-03-13\", \"2000-03-20\", \"2000-04-03\", \"2000-04-10\", \"2000-04-17\", \"2000-05-01\", \"2000-05-08\", \"2000-05-15\", \"2000-05-22\", \"2000-11-06\", \"2000-11-13\", \"2000-11-20\", \"2000-11-27\", \"2000-12-04\", \"2000-12-11\", \"2000-12-18\", \"2001-01-08\", \"2001-01-15\", \"2001-01-22\", \"2001-02-05\", \"2001-02-12\", \"2001-02-19\", \"2001-02-26\", \"2001-04-02\", \"2001-04-09\", \"2001-04-16\", \"2001-04-23\", \"2001-05-07\", \"2001-05-14\", \"2001-05-21\", \"2001-11-12\", \"2001-11-19\", \"2001-12-03\", \"2001-12-10\", \"2001-12-17\", \"2002-01-07\", \"2002-01-14\", 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157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208]}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"af8e6c8a-adab-4f69-a98d-300c3cc6a136\"}, {\"type\": \"DataRange1d\", \"attributes\": {\"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"7b9be790-3ea4-4299-a619-58b28a587275\"}, {\"type\": \"Grid\", \"attributes\": {\"dimension\": 1, \"ticker\": {\"type\": \"BasicTicker\", \"id\": \"4552c135-a802-41d2-b732-dba29aa69913\"}, \"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"afceb153-e71f-4d87-b2b5-d7f085b73d64\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"53223dcc-b0af-410f-a4d0-2c1aa7f5116c\"}, {\"type\": \"BasicTicker\", \"attributes\": {}, \"id\": \"48d7609b-fc4e-411e-aed1-82924e17e42d\"}, {\"type\": \"DataRange1d\", \"attributes\": {\"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"adb9f8f7-ea00-4597-a316-87e199ea4abb\"}, {\"type\": \"Circle\", 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Show\", \"Bart's Friend Falls in Love\", \"Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?\", \"Kamp Krusty\", \"A Streetcar Named Marge\", \"Homer the Heretic\", \"Lisa the Beauty Queen\", \"Treehouse of Horror III\", \"Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie\", \"Marge Gets a Job\", \"The New Kid on the Block\", \"Mr. Plow\", \"Lisa's First Word\", \"Homer's Triple Bypass\", \"Marge vs. the Monorail\", \"Selma's Choice\", \"Brother From the Same Planet\", \"I Love Lisa\", \"Duffless\", \"Last Exit to Springfield\", \"So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show\", \"The Front\", \"Whacking Day\", \"Marge in Chains\", \"Krusty Gets Kancelled\", \"Homer's Barbershop Quartet\", \"Cape Feare\", \"Homer Goes to College\", \"Rosebud\", \"Treehouse of Horror IV\", \"Marge on the Lam\", \"Bart's Inner Child\", \"Boy-Scoutz 'N the Hood\", \"The Last Temptation of Homer\", \"$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)\", \"Homer the Vigilante\", \"Bart Gets Famous\", \"Homer and Apu\", \"Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy\", \"Deep Space Homer\", \"Homer Loves Flanders\", \"Bart Gets an Elephant\", \"Burns' Heir\", \"Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song\", \"The Boy Who Knew Too Much\", \"Lady Bouvier's Lover\", \"Secrets of a Successful Marriage\", \"Bart of Darkness\", \"Lisa's Rival\", \"Another Simpsons Clip Show\", \"Itchy & Scratchy Land\", \"Sideshow Bob Roberts\", \"Treehouse of Horror V\", \"Bart's Girlfriend\", \"Lisa on Ice\", \"Homer Badman\", \"Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy\", \"Fear of Flying\", \"Homer the Great\", \"And Maggie Makes Three\", \"Bart's Comet\", \"Homie the Clown\", \"Bart vs. Australia\", \"Homer vs. Patty and Selma\", \"A Star Is Burns\", \"Lisa's Wedding\", \"Two Dozen and One Greyhounds\", \"The PTA Disbands\", \"Round Springfield\", \"The Springfield Connection\", \"Lemon of Troy\", \"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (1)\", \"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (2)\", \"Radioactive Man\", \"Home Sweet Homediddily-Dum-Doodily\", \"Bart Sells His Soul\", \"Lisa the Vegetarian\", \"Treehouse of Horror VI\", \"King-Size Homer\", \"Mother Simpson\", \"Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming\", \"The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular\", \"Marge Be Not Proud\", \"Team Homer\", \"Two Bad Neighbors\", \"Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield\", \"Bart the Fink\", \"Lisa the Iconoclast\", \"Homer the Smithers\", \"The Day the Violence Died\", \"A Fish Called Selma\", \"Bart on the Road\", \"22 Short Films About Springfield\", \"Raging Abe Simpson and his Grumbling Grandson in: 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish'\", \"Much Apu About Nothing\", \"Homerpalooza\", \"Summer of 4 Ft. 2\", \"Treehouse of Horror VII\", \"You Only Move Twice\", \"The Homer They Fall\", \"Burns Baby Burns\", \"Bart After Dark\", \"A Milhouse Divided\", \"Lisa's Date With Density\", \"Hurricane Neddy\", \"El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Our Homer)\", \"The Springfield Files\", \"The Twisted World of Marge Simpson\", \"Mountain of Madness\", \"Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala (Annoyed Grunt) cious\", \"The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show\", \"Homer's Phobia\", \"Brother From Another Series\", \"My Sister, My Sitter\", \"Homer vs. the 18th Amendment\", \"Grade School Confidential\", \"The Canine Mutiny\", \"The Old Man and the Lisa\", \"In Marge We Trust\", \"Homer's Enemy\", \"The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase\", \"The Secret War of Lisa Simpson\", \"The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson\", \"The Principal and the Pauper\", \"Lisa's Sax\", \"Treehouse of Horror VIII\", \"The Cartridge Family\", \"Bart Star\", \"The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons\", \"Lisa the Skeptic\", \"Realty Bites\", \"Miracle on Evergreen Terrace\", \"All Singing, All Dancing\", \"Bart Carny\", \"The Joy of Sect\", \"Das Bus\", \"The Last Temptation of Krust\", \"Dumbbell Indemnity\", \"Lisa the Simpson\", \"This Little Wiggy\", \"Simpson Tide\", \"The Trouble With Trillions\", \"Girly Edition\", \"Trash of the Titans\", \"King of the Hill\", \"Lost Our Lisa\", \"Natural Born Kissers\", \"Lard of the Dance\", \"The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace\", \"Bart the Mother\", \"Treehouse of Horror IX\", \"When You Dish Upon a Star\", \"D'oh-in in the Wind\", \"Lisa Gets an A\", \"Homer Simpson in: 'Kidney Trouble'\", \"Mayored to the Mob\", \"Viva Ned Flanders\", \"Wild Barts Can't Be Broken\", \"Sunday, Cruddy Sunday\", \"Homer to the Max\", \"I'm with Cupid\", \"Marge Simpson in: 'Screaming Yellow Honkers'\", \"Make Room for Lisa\", \"Maximum Homerdrive\", \"Simpsons Bible Stories\", \"Mom and Pop Art\", \"The Old Man and the C Student\", \"Monty Can't Buy Me Love\", \"They Saved Lisa's Brain\", \"Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo\", \"Beyond Blunderdome\", \"Brother's Little Helper\", \"Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?\", \"Treehouse of Horror X\", \"E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)\", \"Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder\", \"Eight Misbehavin'\", \"Take My Wife, Sleaze\", \"Grift of the Magi\", \"Little Big Mom\", \"Faith Off\", \"The Mansion Family\", \"Saddlesore Galactica\", \"Alone Again, Natura-Diddily\", \"Missionary: Impossible\", \"Pygmoelian\", \"Bart to the Future\", \"Days of Wine and D'ohses\", \"Kill the Alligator and Run\", \"Last Tap Dance in Springfield\", \"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge\", \"Behind the Laughter\", \"Treehouse of Horror XI\", \"A Tale of Two Springfields\", \"Insane Clown Poppy\", \"Lisa the Tree Hugger\", \"Homer vs. Dignity\", \"The Computer Wore Menace Shoes\", \"The Great Money Caper\", \"Skinner's Sense of Snow\", \"HOM\\u042f\", \"Pokey Mom\", \"Worst Episode Ever\", \"Tennis the Menace\", \"Day of the Jackanapes\", \"New Kids on the Blecch\", \"Hungry Hungry Homer\", \"Bye Bye Nerdy\", \"Simpson Safari\", \"Trilogy of Error\", \"I'm Goin' to Praiseland\", \"Children of a Lesser Clod\", \"Simpsons Tall Tales\", \"Treehouse of Horror XII\", \"The Parent Rap\", \"Homer the Moe\", \"Hunka Hunka Burns in Love\", \"The Blunder Years\", \"She of Little Faith\", \"Brawl in the Family\", \"Sweets and Sour Marge\", \"Jaws Wired Shut\", \"Half-Decent Proposal\", \"The Bart Wants What It Wants\", \"The Lastest Gun in the West\", \"The Old Man and the Key\", \"Tales From the Public Domain\", \"Blame It on Lisa\", \"Weekend at Burnsie's\", \"Gump Roast\", \"I Am Furious Yellow\", \"The Sweetest Apu\", \"Little Girl in the Big Ten\", \"The Frying Game\", \"Papa's Got a Brand New Badge\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIII\", \"How I Spent My Strummer Vacation\", \"Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade\", \"Large Marge\", \"Helter Shelter\", \"The Great Louse Detective\", \"Special Edna (a.k.a. Love and Marking)\", \"The Dad Who Knew Too Little\", \"Strong Arms of the Ma\", \"Pray Anything\", \"Barting Over\", \"I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can\", \"A Star Is Born-Again\", \"Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington\", \"C.E. D'oh!\", \"Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky\", \"Three Gays of the Condo\", \"Dude, Where's My Ranch?\", \"Old Yeller Belly\", \"Brake My Wife, Please\", \"The Bart of War\", \"Moe Baby Blues\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIV\", \"My Mother the Carjacker\", \"The President Wore Pearls\", \"The Regina Monologues\", \"The Fat and the Furriest\", \"Today, I Am a Klown\", \"'Tis the Fifteenth Season\", \"Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays\", \"I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot\", \"Diatribe of a Mad Housewife\", \"Margical History Tour\", \"Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore\", \"Smart and Smarter\", \"The Ziff Who Came to Dinner\", \"Co-Dependent's Day\", \"The Wandering Juvie\", \"My Big Fat Geek Wedding\", \"Catch 'Em If You Can\", \"Simple Simpson\", \"The Way We Weren't\", \"Bart-Mangled Banner\", \"Fraudcast News\", \"Treehouse of Horror XV\", \"All's Fair in Oven War\", \"Sleeping with the Enemy\", \"She Used to Be My Girl\", \"Fat Man and Little Boy\", \"Midnight Rx\", \"Mommie Beerest\", \"Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass\", \"Pranksta Rap\", \"There's Something About Marrying\", \"On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister\", \"Goo Goo Gai Pan\", \"Mobile Homer\", \"The Seven-Beer Snitch\", \"Future-Drama\", \"Don't Fear the Roofer\", \"The Heartbroke Kid\", \"A Star Is Torn\", \"Thank God, It's Doomsday\", \"Home Away from Homer\", \"The Father, the Son & the Holy Guest Star\", \"The Bonfire of the Manatees\", \"The Girl Who Slept Too Little\", \"Milhouse of Sand and Fog\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVI\", \"Marge's Son Poisoning\", \"See Homer Run\", \"The Last of the Red Hat Mamas\", \"The Italian Bob\", \"Simpsons Christmas Stories\", \"Homer's Paternity Coot\", \"We're on the Road to D'ohwhere\", \"My Fair Laddy\", \"The Seemingly Never-Ending Story\", \"Bart Has Two Mommies\", \"Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife\", \"Million Dollar Abie\", \"Kiss, Kiss Bang Bangalore\", \"The Wettest Stories Ever Told\", \"Girls Just Want to Have Sums\", \"Regarding Margie\", \"The Monkey Suit\", \"Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play\", \"The Mook, the Chef, the Wife, and Her Homer\", \"Jazzy and the Pussycats\", \"Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVII\", \"G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)\", \"Moe 'N' a Lisa\", \"Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)\", \"The Haw-Hawed Couple\", \"Kill Gil: Vols. 1 & 2\", \"The Wife Aquatic\", \"Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Three Times\", \"Little Big Girl\", \"Springfield Up\", \"Yokel Chords\", \"Rome-Old and Juli-Eh\", \"Homerazzi\", \"Marge Gamer\", \"The Boys of Bummer\", \"Crook and Ladder\", \"Stop or My Dog Will Shoot\", \"24 Minutes\", \"You Kent Always Say What You Want\", \"He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs\", \"The Homer of Seville\", \"Midnight Towboy\", \"I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVIII\", \"Little Orphan Millie\", \"Husbands and Knives\", \"Funeral for a Fiend\", \"Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind\", \"E. Pluribus Wiggum\", \"That 90's Show\", \"Love, Springfieldian Style\", \"The Debarted\", \"Dial 'N' for Nerder\", \"Smoke on the Daughter\", \"Papa Don't Leech\", \"Apocalypse Cow\", \"Any Given Sundance\", \"Mona Leaves-a\", \"All About Lisa\", \"Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes\", \"Lost Verizon\", \"Double, Double, Boy in Trouble\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIX\", \"Dangerous Curves\", \"Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words\", \"Mypods and Boomsticks\", \"The Burns and the Bees\", \"Lisa the Drama Queen\", \"Take My Life, Please\", \"How the Test Was Won\", \"No Loan Again, Naturally\", \"Gone Maggie Gone\", \"In the Name of the Grandfather\", \"Wedding for Disaster\", \"Eeny Teeny Maya Moe\", \"The Good, the Sad and the Drugly\", \"Father Knows Worst\", \"Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D'oh\", \"Four Great Women and a Manicure\", \"Coming to Homerica\", \"Homer the Whopper\", \"Bart Gets a 'Z'\", \"The Great Wife Hope\", \"Treehouse of Horror XX\", \"The Devil Wears Nada\", \"Pranks and Greens\", \"Rednecks and Broomsticks\", \"Oh Brother, Where Bart Thou?\", \"Thursdays with Abie\", \"Once Upon a Time in Springfield\", \"Million Dollar Maybe\", \"Boy Meets Curl\", \"The Color Yellow\", \"Postcards from the Wedge\", \"Stealing First Base\", \"The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed\", \"American History X-cellent\", \"Chief of Hearts\", \"The Squirt and the Whale\", \"To Surveil with Love\", \"Moe Letter Blues\", \"The Bob Next Door\", \"Judge Me Tender\", \"Elementary School Musical\", \"Loan-a-Lisa\", \"MoneyBART\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXI\", \"Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life\", \"The Fool Monty\", \"How Munched is that Birdie in the Window?\", \"The Fight Before Christmas\", \"Donnie Fatso\", \"Moms I'd Like to Forget\", \"Flaming Moe\", \"Homer the Father\", \"The Blue and the Gray\", \"Angry Dad: The Movie\", \"The Scorpion's Tale\", \"A Midsummer's Nice Dream\", \"Love is a Many Strangled Thing\", \"The Great Simpsina\", \"The Real Housewives of Fat Tony\", \"Homer Scissorhands\", \"500 Keys\", \"The Ned-Liest Catch\", \"The Falcon and the D'Ohman\", \"Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXII\", \"Replaceable You\", \"The Food Wife\", \"The Book Job\", \"The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants\", \"The Ten-Per-Cent Solution\", \"Holidays of Future Passed\", \"Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson\", \"The D'oh-cial Network\", \"Moe Goes from Rags to Riches\", \"The Daughter Also Rises\", \"At Long Last Leave\", \"Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart\", \"How I Wet Your Mother\", \"Them, Robot\", \"Beware My Cheating Bart\", \"A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again\", \"The Spy Who Learned Me\", \"Ned 'n' Edna's Blend\", \"Lisa Goes Gaga\", \"Moonshine River\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXIII\", \"Adventures in Baby-Getting\", \"Gone Abie Gone\", \"Penny-Wiseguys\", \"A Tree Grows in Springfield\", \"The Day the Earth Stood Cool\", \"To Cur With Love\", \"Homer Goes to Prep School\", \"A Test Before Trying\", \"The Changing of the Guardian\", \"Love is a Many-Splintered Thing\", \"Hardly Kirk-ing\", \"Gorgeous Grampa\", \"Black-Eyed, Please\", \"Dark Knight Court\", \"What Animated Women Want\", \"Pulpit Friction\", \"Whiskey Business\", \"The Fabulous Faker Boys\", \"The Saga of Carl Carlson\", \"Dangers on a Train\", \"Homerland\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXIV\", \"Four Regrettings and a Funeral\", \"YOLO\", \"Labor Pains\", \"The Kid is All Right\", \"Yellow Subterfuge\", \"White Christmas Blues\", \"Steal This Episode\", \"Married to the Blob\", \"Specs and the City\", \"Diggs\", \"The Man Who Grew Too Much\", \"The Winter of His Content\", \"The War of Art\", \"You Don't Have to Live Like a Referee\", \"Luca$\", \"Days of Future Future\", \"What to Expect When Bart's Expecting\", \"Brick Like Me\", \"Pay Pal\", \"The Yellow Badge of Cowardge\", \"Clown in the Dumps\", \"The Wreck of the Relationship\", \"Super Franchise Me\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXV\", \"Opposites A-Frack\", \"Simpsorama\", \"Blazed and Confused\", \"Covercraft\", \"I Won't Be Home for Christmas\", \"The Man Who Came to Be Dinner\", \"Bart's New Friend\", \"The Musk Who Fell to Earth\", \"Walking Big & Tall\", \"My Fare Lady\", \"The Princess Guide\", \"Sky Police\", \"Waiting For Duffman\", \"Peeping Mom\", \"The Kids are All Fight\", \"Let's Go Fly a Coot\", \"Bull-E\", \"Mathlete's Feat\", \"Every Man's Dream\", \"Cue Detective\", \"Puffless\", \"Halloween of Horror\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXVI\", \"Friend with Benefit\", \"Lisa with an 'S'\", \"Paths of Glory\", \"Barthood\", \"The Girl Code\", \"Teenage Mutant Milk-caused Hurdles\", \"Much Apu About Something\", \"Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-Ne-He-CH4\", \"Gal of Constant Sorrow\", null], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 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\"2004-05-24\", \"2004-11-08\", \"2004-11-15\", \"2004-11-22\", \"2004-12-06\", \"2004-12-13\", \"2005-01-17\", \"2005-01-31\", \"2005-02-07\", \"2005-02-14\", \"2005-02-21\", \"2005-03-07\", \"2005-03-14\", \"2005-03-21\", \"2005-04-04\", \"2005-04-18\", \"2005-05-02\", \"2005-05-02\", \"2005-05-09\", \"2005-05-09\", \"2005-05-16\", \"2005-05-16\", \"2005-09-12\", \"2005-09-19\", \"2005-09-26\", \"2005-11-07\", \"2005-11-14\", \"2005-11-21\", \"2005-11-28\", \"2005-12-12\", \"2005-12-19\", \"2006-01-09\", \"2006-01-30\", \"2006-02-27\", \"2006-03-13\", \"2006-03-20\", \"2006-03-27\", \"2006-04-03\", \"2006-04-10\", \"2006-04-24\", \"2006-05-01\", \"2006-05-08\", \"2006-05-15\", \"2006-05-22\", \"2006-09-11\", \"2006-09-18\", \"2006-09-25\", \"2006-11-06\", \"2006-11-13\", \"2006-11-20\", \"2006-11-27\", \"2006-12-11\", \"2006-12-18\", \"2007-01-08\", \"2007-01-29\", \"2007-02-12\", \"2007-02-19\", \"2007-03-05\", \"2007-03-12\", \"2007-03-26\", \"2007-04-23\", \"2007-04-30\", \"2007-05-07\", \"2007-05-14\", \"2007-05-21\", \"2007-05-21\", \"2007-09-24\", \"2007-10-01\", \"2007-10-08\", \"2007-10-15\", \"2007-11-05\", \"2007-11-12\", \"2007-11-19\", \"2007-11-26\", \"2007-12-17\", \"2008-01-07\", \"2008-01-28\", \"2008-02-18\", \"2008-03-03\", \"2008-03-10\", \"2008-03-31\", \"2008-04-14\", \"2008-04-28\", \"2008-05-05\", \"2008-05-12\", \"2008-05-19\", \"2008-09-29\", \"2008-10-06\", \"2008-10-20\", \"2008-11-03\", \"2008-11-10\", \"2008-11-17\", \"2008-12-01\", \"2008-12-08\", \"2009-01-26\", \"2009-02-16\", \"2009-03-02\", \"2009-03-09\", \"2009-03-16\", \"2009-03-23\", \"2009-03-30\", \"2009-04-06\", \"2009-04-20\", \"2009-04-27\", \"2009-05-04\", \"2009-05-11\", \"2009-05-18\", \"2009-09-28\", \"2009-10-05\", \"2009-10-12\", \"2009-10-19\", \"2009-11-16\", \"2009-11-23\", \"2009-11-30\", \"2009-12-14\", \"2010-01-04\", \"2010-01-11\", \"2010-02-01\", \"2010-02-15\", \"2010-02-22\", \"2010-03-15\", \"2010-03-22\", \"2010-03-29\", \"2010-04-12\", \"2010-04-19\", \"2010-04-26\", \"2010-05-03\", \"2010-05-10\", \"2010-05-17\", \"2010-05-24\", \"2010-09-27\", \"2010-10-04\", \"2010-10-11\", \"2010-11-08\", \"2010-11-15\", \"2010-11-22\", \"2010-11-29\", \"2010-12-06\", \"2010-12-13\", \"2011-01-10\", \"2011-01-17\", \"2011-01-24\", \"2011-02-14\", \"2011-02-21\", \"2011-03-07\", \"2011-03-14\", \"2011-03-28\", \"2011-04-11\", \"2011-05-02\", \"2011-05-09\", \"2011-05-16\", \"2011-05-23\", \"2011-09-26\", \"2011-10-03\", \"2011-10-31\", \"2011-11-07\", \"2011-11-14\", \"2011-11-21\", \"2011-11-28\", \"2011-12-05\", \"2011-12-12\", \"2012-01-09\", \"2012-01-16\", \"2012-01-30\", \"2012-02-13\", \"2012-02-20\", \"2012-03-05\", \"2012-03-12\", \"2012-03-19\", \"2012-04-16\", \"2012-04-30\", \"2012-05-07\", \"2012-05-14\", \"2012-05-21\", \"2012-10-01\", \"2012-10-08\", \"2012-11-05\", \"2012-11-12\", \"2012-11-19\", \"2012-11-26\", \"2012-12-10\", \"2012-12-17\", \"2013-01-07\", \"2013-01-14\", \"2013-01-28\", \"2013-02-11\", \"2013-02-18\", \"2013-03-04\", \"2013-03-11\", \"2013-03-18\", \"2013-04-15\", \"2013-04-29\", \"2013-05-06\", \"2013-05-13\", \"2013-05-20\", \"2013-05-20\", \"2013-09-30\", \"2013-10-07\", \"2013-11-04\", \"2013-11-11\", \"2013-11-18\", \"2013-11-25\", \"2013-12-09\", \"2013-12-16\", \"2014-01-06\", \"2014-01-13\", \"2014-01-27\", \"2014-03-10\", \"2014-03-10\", \"2014-03-17\", \"2014-03-24\", \"2014-03-31\", \"2014-04-07\", \"2014-04-14\", \"2014-04-28\", \"2014-05-05\", \"2014-05-12\", \"2014-05-19\", \"2014-09-29\", \"2014-10-06\", \"2014-10-13\", \"2014-10-20\", \"2014-11-03\", \"2014-11-10\", \"2014-11-17\", \"2014-11-24\", \"2014-12-08\", \"2015-01-05\", \"2015-01-12\", \"2015-01-26\", \"2015-02-09\", \"2015-02-16\", \"2015-03-02\", \"2015-03-09\", \"2015-03-16\", \"2015-04-20\", \"2015-04-27\", \"2015-05-04\", \"2015-05-11\", \"2015-05-18\", \"2015-09-28\", \"2015-10-05\", \"2015-10-12\", \"2015-10-19\", \"2015-10-26\", \"2015-11-09\", \"2015-11-23\", \"2015-12-07\", 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\"Mr. Bad Example\", \"Dogtown\", \"Comings & Goings\", \"Mia Culpa\", \"Exile on Main St.\", \"Suicide Solution\", \"Home Sweet Home\", \"Monkey Business\", \"Freeze Frame\", \"Lawyers, Guns and Money\", \"The Recused\", \"Lights. Camera. 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45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84], \"y\": [8.50096, 8.25197, 8.25152, 8.38608, 8.22491, 8.24497, 8.17021, 8.22182, 8.35971, 8.41392, 8.25591, 8.68914, 8.24138, 8.26274, 8.03239, 8.31783, 8.11017, 8.29487, 8.26667, 8.17917, 8.11741, 8.17647, 8.2716, 8.43697, 8.06093, 7.97656, 8.17064, 8.47893, 8.14228, 7.964, 8.02823, 8.7457, 7.93976, 7.99578, 8.02857, 8.56226, 8.50765, 8.22973, 8.11487, 8.35197, 8.23154, 8.34564, 8.16107, 8.2901, 8.15986, 8.25321, 8.10131, 8.60294, 8.41905, 8.41546, 8.35641, 8.34447, 8.51621, 8.25526, 8.422, 8.39036, 8.4064, 8.45714, 8.62222, 8.59716, 7.89249, 8.07839, 8.09074, 8.05703, 8.04159, 8.23017, 8.07353, 7.98576, 8.11296, 8.00282, 8.18182, 8.33418, 7.95356, 8.02795, 7.91757, 7.84146, 8.03616, 7.79298, 7.88941, 7.99411, 7.48316, 7.8747, 7.72381, 8.16376], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 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8.23834, 8.24324, 8.14286, 8.21023, 8.4, 8.25269, 8.28488, 8.60526, 9.11881, 8.2132, 8.08187, 8.30409, 8.01818, 8.03636, 8.05357, 8.2, 8.14198, 8.20732, 8.19497, 8.36025, 7.9359, 8.13816, 8.02703, 8.04, 8.16, 8.29452, 8.09589, 8.14685, 8.28188, 8.21795, 8.82248, 8.09934, 8.11487, 7.95364, 8.06164, 8.23404, 8.25352, 8.22973, 8.23022, 8.81132, 8.17606, 8.18367, 7.98561, 8.34694, 8.33793, 8.42222, 7.98561, 8.01471, 8.16912, 8.36879, 8.36478], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], \"rating\": [8.1879, 7.90833, 7.99578, 8.23832, 8.04739, 8.17895, 8.01047, 8.23737, 8.05319, 8.29353, 8.29843, 8.25926, 8.02632, 8.23834, 8.24324, 8.14286, 8.21023, 8.4, 8.25269, 8.28488, 8.60526, 9.11881, 8.2132, 8.08187, 8.30409, 8.01818, 8.03636, 8.05357, 8.2, 8.14198, 8.20732, 8.19497, 8.36025, 7.9359, 8.13816, 8.02703, 8.04, 8.16, 8.29452, 8.09589, 8.14685, 8.28188, 8.21795, 8.82248, 8.09934, 8.11487, 7.95364, 8.06164, 8.23404, 8.25352, 8.22973, 8.23022, 8.81132, 8.17606, 8.18367, 7.98561, 8.34694, 8.33793, 8.42222, 7.98561, 8.01471, 8.16912, 8.36879, 8.36478], \"fill_color\": [\"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", 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\"2007-05-23\"], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64]}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"94d17170-6d72-46ee-8b60-a61bdd05d5ba\"}, {\"type\": \"BoxZoomTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"79c6bc35-cee5-4dac-b992-97fbf822a9e7\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}, \"overlay\": {\"type\": \"BoxAnnotation\", \"id\": \"f78d5c53-1b88-44d0-b509-413491301294\"}}, \"id\": \"1cf73cf8-4b59-4008-9027-3144e93516cf\"}, {\"type\": \"ResetTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"82a08fbf-0450-48bc-98bf-81dc7cca4c26\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"a95bac7d-fcb9-4bdc-b0c0-7fdd1edd8c20\"}, {\"type\": \"ToolEvents\", \"attributes\": {}, \"id\": \"9bb8d4d6-5f66-49ae-8c50-69da42655df7\"}, {\"type\": \"Circle\", \"attributes\": 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\"attributes\": {}, \"id\": \"5dc2f9f1-0a76-406f-b1eb-315743c0b038\"}, {\"type\": \"ColumnDataSource\", \"attributes\": {\"column_names\": [\"title\", \"episode_number\", \"rating\", \"episode\", \"index\", \"aired\", \"season\", \"x\", \"y\", \"fill_color\"], \"data\": {\"title\": [\"Pilot\", \"The Morning After\", \"Monsters\", \"Leaving Normal\", \"Missing\", \"285 South (1)\", \"River Dog (2)\", \"Blood Brother\", \"Heat Wave\", \"The Balance\", \"Toy House\", \"Into the Woods\", \"The Convention\", \"Blind Date\", \"Independence Day\", \"Sexual Healing\", \"Crazy\", \"Tess, Lies and Videotape\", \"Four Square\", \"Max to the Max\", \"The White Room (1)\", \"Destiny (2)\", \"Skin and Bones\", \"Ask Not\", \"Surprise\", \"Summer of '47\", \"The End of the World\", \"Harvest\", \"Wipeout!\", \"Meet the Dupes (1)\", \"Max in the City (2)\", \"A Roswell Christmas Carol\", \"To Serve and Protect\", \"We Are Family\", \"Disturbing Behavior (1)\", \"How the Other Half Lives (2)\", \"Viva Las Vegas\", \"Heart of Mine\", \"Cry Your Name\", \"It's Too Late and It's Too Bad\", \"Baby, It's You\", \"Off the Menu\", \"The Departure\", \"Busted\", \"Michael, The Guys and The Great Snapple Caper\", \"Significant Others\", \"Secrets and Lies (1)\", \"Control (2)\", \"To Have and To Hold\", \"Interruptus\", \"Behind the Music\", \"Samuel Rising\", \"A Tale of Two Parties\", \"I Married An Alien\", \"Ch-Ch-Changes\", \"Panacea\", \"Chant Down Babylon\", \"Who Died and Made You King?\", \"Crash\", \"Four Aliens and A Baby\", \"Graduation\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61], \"y\": [8.15625, 7.74468, 8.0, 8.20588, 7.80645, 8.38461, 8.28, 8.30769, 8.46154, 8.0, 7.95652, 8.13043, 7.90909, 8.26923, 8.13636, 8.45833, 8.13636, 8.42857, 8.33333, 8.5, 8.33333, 8.69565, 7.89474, 8.41177, 8.375, 7.89474, 8.3913, 8.41177, 7.8125, 7.9, 7.92857, 8.0, 7.82353, 8.05882, 7.9375, 7.9375, 8.27778, 8.05556, 8.11765, 8.1875, 8.35714, 8.07692, 8.46154, 7.5, 7.84615, 8.09091, 8.11111, 8.33333, 8.2, 8.16667, 7.88889, 7.66667, 8.16667, 8.54545, 8.1, 8.45455, 7.11111, 7.9, 8.375, 8.5, 8.92308], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], \"rating\": [8.15625, 7.74468, 8.0, 8.20588, 7.80645, 8.38461, 8.28, 8.30769, 8.46154, 8.0, 7.95652, 8.13043, 7.90909, 8.26923, 8.13636, 8.45833, 8.13636, 8.42857, 8.33333, 8.5, 8.33333, 8.69565, 7.89474, 8.41177, 8.375, 7.89474, 8.3913, 8.41177, 7.8125, 7.9, 7.92857, 8.0, 7.82353, 8.05882, 7.9375, 7.9375, 8.27778, 8.05556, 8.11765, 8.1875, 8.35714, 8.07692, 8.46154, 7.5, 7.84615, 8.09091, 8.11111, 8.33333, 8.2, 8.16667, 7.88889, 7.66667, 8.16667, 8.54545, 8.1, 8.45455, 7.11111, 7.9, 8.375, 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119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159], \"y\": [8.10483, 8.08675, 8.08936, 8.22944, 8.19701, 8.15903, 8.21076, 7.91128, 8.31725, 8.24734, 8.13906, 8.14308, 8.1592, 8.1195, 8.48826, 8.16722, 8.18166, 8.23786, 8.2488, 8.00336, 8.09091, 8.23625, 8.42212, 8.4382, 8.11433, 8.18955, 8.04608, 8.1003, 8.17647, 8.23602, 8.0622, 8.29969, 7.88399, 8.04575, 8.2351, 8.14784, 8.48862, 8.1395, 8.0522, 8.18069, 7.97893, 8.24689, 8.13793, 8.1619, 8.20281, 8.24428, 8.25194, 8.21236, 8.13315, 8.25955, 8.17607, 8.171, 8.12483, 8.08931, 8.36951, 8.24799, 8.21188, 8.24654, 8.1164, 8.14536, 8.41744, 8.26372, 8.35262, 8.26455, 8.34505, 8.18498, 8.28874, 8.15314, 8.13273, 8.42379, 8.13972, 8.48923, 8.26652, 8.339, 8.12146, 7.97974, 8.04, 8.04535, 8.21935, 8.21812, 8.02706, 8.0407, 8.14607, 8.29601, 8.35454, 7.92238, 7.99224, 7.79376, 8.16118, 8.23244, 8.24051, 8.11346, 8.02954, 8.1517, 8.14547, 8.22956, 8.22532, 8.15793, 8.04973, 8.17692, 8.25119, 8.05684, 8.05771, 8.02981, 8.02182, 8.08654, 8.02628, 8.19368, 8.07974, 8.14962, 8.05325, 8.03698, 8.08475, 8.44787, 8.04958, 8.04686, 7.97845, 8.15281, 8.1064, 8.33477, 8.03392, 7.92979, 7.87082, 7.87123, 7.86828, 7.89915, 8.09802, 8.03369, 7.70098, 8.04385, 7.6326, 7.42, 7.49867, 7.57638, 7.52324, 8.34066, 7.58, 7.3685, 7.49492, 7.59429, 7.4941, 7.61263, 7.60128, 7.89842, 7.55541, 7.47285, 7.53927, 7.57742, 7.42156, 7.53318, 7.79104, 7.64331, 7.83756, 7.48845, 7.6115, 7.27273, 9.0, 10.0, 0.0], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7], \"rating\": [8.10483, 8.08675, 8.08936, 8.22944, 8.19701, 8.15903, 8.21076, 7.91128, 8.31725, 8.24734, 8.13906, 8.14308, 8.1592, 8.1195, 8.48826, 8.16722, 8.18166, 8.23786, 8.2488, 8.00336, 8.09091, 8.23625, 8.42212, 8.4382, 8.11433, 8.18955, 8.04608, 8.1003, 8.17647, 8.23602, 8.0622, 8.29969, 7.88399, 8.04575, 8.2351, 8.14784, 8.48862, 8.1395, 8.0522, 8.18069, 7.97893, 8.24689, 8.13793, 8.1619, 8.20281, 8.24428, 8.25194, 8.21236, 8.13315, 8.25955, 8.17607, 8.171, 8.12483, 8.08931, 8.36951, 8.24799, 8.21188, 8.24654, 8.1164, 8.14536, 8.41744, 8.26372, 8.35262, 8.26455, 8.34505, 8.18498, 8.28874, 8.15314, 8.13273, 8.42379, 8.13972, 8.48923, 8.26652, 8.339, 8.12146, 7.97974, 8.04, 8.04535, 8.21935, 8.21812, 8.02706, 8.0407, 8.14607, 8.29601, 8.35454, 7.92238, 7.99224, 7.79376, 8.16118, 8.23244, 8.24051, 8.11346, 8.02954, 8.1517, 8.14547, 8.22956, 8.22532, 8.15793, 8.04973, 8.17692, 8.25119, 8.05684, 8.05771, 8.02981, 8.02182, 8.08654, 8.02628, 8.19368, 8.07974, 8.14962, 8.05325, 8.03698, 8.08475, 8.44787, 8.04958, 8.04686, 7.97845, 8.15281, 8.1064, 8.33477, 8.03392, 7.92979, 7.87082, 7.87123, 7.86828, 7.89915, 8.09802, 8.03369, 7.70098, 8.04385, 7.6326, 7.42, 7.49867, 7.57638, 7.52324, 8.34066, 7.58, 7.3685, 7.49492, 7.59429, 7.4941, 7.61263, 7.60128, 7.89842, 7.55541, 7.47285, 7.53927, 7.57742, 7.42156, 7.53318, 7.79104, 7.64331, 7.83756, 7.48845, 7.6115, 7.27273, 9.0, 10.0, 0.0], \"fill_color\": [\"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", \"1.3\", \"1.4\", \"1.5\", \"1.6\", \"1.7\", \"1.8\", \"1.9\", \"1.10\", \"1.11\", \"1.12\", \"1.13\", \"1.14\", \"1.15\", \"1.16\", \"1.17\", \"1.18\", \"1.19\", \"1.20\", \"1.21\", \"1.22\", \"1.23\", \"1.24\", \"2.1\", \"2.2\", \"2.3\", \"2.4\", \"2.5\", \"2.6\", \"2.7\", \"2.8\", \"2.9\", \"2.10\", \"2.11\", \"2.12\", \"2.13\", \"2.14\", \"2.15\", \"2.16\", \"2.17\", \"2.18\", \"2.19\", \"2.20\", \"2.21\", \"2.22\", \"2.23\", \"2.24\", \"3.1\", \"3.2\", \"3.3\", \"3.4\", \"3.5\", \"3.6\", \"3.7\", \"3.8\", \"3.9\", \"3.10\", \"3.11\", \"3.12\", \"3.13\", \"3.14\", \"3.15\", \"3.16\", \"3.17\", \"3.18\", \"3.19\", \"3.20\", \"3.21\", \"3.22\", \"3.23\", \"3.24\", \"4.1\", \"4.2\", \"4.3\", \"4.4\", \"4.5\", \"4.6\", \"4.7\", \"4.8\", \"4.9\", \"4.10\", \"4.11\", \"4.12\", \"4.13\", \"4.14\", \"4.15\", \"4.16\", \"4.17\", \"4.18\", \"4.19\", \"4.20\", \"4.21\", \"4.22\", \"4.23\", \"4.24\", \"5.1\", \"5.2\", \"5.3\", \"5.4\", \"5.5\", \"5.6\", \"5.7\", \"5.8\", \"5.9\", \"5.10\", \"5.11\", \"5.12\", \"5.13\", \"5.14\", \"5.15\", \"5.16\", \"5.17\", \"5.18\", \"5.19\", \"5.20\", \"5.21\", \"5.22\", \"5.23\", \"5.24\", \"6.1\", \"6.2\", \"6.3\", \"6.4\", \"6.5\", \"6.6\", \"6.7\", \"6.8\", \"6.9\", \"6.10\", \"6.11\", \"6.12\", \"6.13\", \"6.14\", \"6.15\", \"6.16\", \"6.17\", \"6.18\", \"6.19\", \"6.20\", \"6.21\", \"6.22\", \"6.23\", \"6.24\", \"7.1\", \"7.2\", \"7.3\", \"7.4\", \"7.5\", \"7.6\", \"7.7\", \"7.8\", \"7.9\", \"7.10\", \"7.11\", \"7.12\", \"7.13\", \"7.14\", \"7.15\"], \"index\": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158], \"aired\": [\"2009-09-24\", \"2009-10-01\", \"2009-10-08\", \"2009-10-15\", \"2009-10-22\", \"2009-10-29\", \"2009-11-05\", \"2009-11-19\", \"2009-11-26\", \"2009-12-10\", \"2010-01-07\", \"2010-01-14\", \"2010-01-21\", \"2010-02-04\", \"2010-02-11\", \"2010-03-04\", \"2010-03-11\", \"2010-03-25\", \"2010-04-01\", \"2010-04-15\", \"2010-04-29\", \"2010-05-06\", \"2010-05-13\", \"2010-05-20\", \"2010-09-23\", \"2010-09-30\", \"2010-10-07\", \"2010-10-14\", \"2010-10-21\", \"2010-10-28\", \"2010-11-04\", \"2010-11-18\", \"2010-11-25\", \"2010-12-09\", \"2011-01-06\", \"2011-01-13\", \"2011-01-20\", \"2011-02-10\", \"2011-02-17\", \"2011-02-24\", \"2011-03-03\", \"2011-03-24\", \"2011-04-14\", \"2011-04-21\", \"2011-05-05\", \"2011-05-12\", \"2011-05-19\", \"2011-05-26\", \"2011-09-22\", \"2011-09-22\", \"2011-09-29\", \"2011-10-06\", \"2011-10-13\", \"2011-10-20\", \"2011-11-03\", \"2011-11-17\", \"2011-11-24\", \"2011-12-08\", \"2012-01-05\", \"2012-01-12\", \"2012-01-19\", \"2012-02-09\", \"2012-02-16\", \"2012-02-23\", \"2012-03-01\", \"2012-03-15\", \"2012-04-12\", \"2012-04-19\", \"2012-05-03\", \"2012-05-10\", \"2012-05-17\", \"2012-05-24\", \"2012-09-27\", \"2012-10-11\", \"2012-10-11\", \"2012-10-18\", \"2012-10-25\", \"2012-11-01\", \"2012-11-08\", \"2012-11-15\", \"2012-11-29\", \"2012-12-13\", \"2013-01-10\", \"2013-01-17\", \"2013-01-24\", \"2013-02-07\", \"2013-02-14\", \"2013-02-21\", \"2013-02-28\", \"2013-03-28\", \"2013-04-04\", \"2013-04-11\", \"2013-05-02\", \"2013-05-09\", \"2013-05-16\", \"2013-05-23\", \"2013-09-26\", \"2013-09-26\", \"2013-10-03\", \"2013-10-10\", \"2013-10-17\", \"2013-10-24\", \"2013-11-14\", \"2013-11-21\", \"2013-12-05\", \"2013-12-12\", \"2014-01-09\", \"2014-01-16\", \"2014-01-23\", \"2014-02-06\", \"2014-02-27\", \"2014-03-06\", \"2014-03-13\", \"2014-03-27\", \"2014-04-03\", \"2014-04-24\", \"2014-05-01\", \"2014-05-08\", \"2014-05-15\", \"2014-05-22\", \"2014-09-25\", \"2014-10-02\", \"2014-10-09\", \"2014-10-16\", \"2014-10-23\", \"2014-10-30\", \"2014-11-13\", \"2014-11-20\", \"2014-12-04\", \"2014-12-11\", \"2015-01-08\", \"2015-01-15\", \"2015-02-05\", \"2015-02-12\", \"2015-02-19\", \"2015-02-26\", \"2015-03-05\", \"2015-03-26\", \"2015-04-02\", \"2015-04-23\", \"2015-04-30\", \"2015-05-07\", \"2015-05-14\", \"2015-05-21\", \"2015-09-24\", \"2015-10-01\", \"2015-10-08\", \"2015-10-15\", \"2015-10-22\", \"2015-11-12\", \"2015-11-19\", \"2015-12-03\", \"2015-12-10\", \"2016-01-07\", \"2016-01-14\", \"2016-02-11\", \"2016-02-18\", null, null], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159]}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"bc54edc3-a579-4b65-8594-c2698071ba75\"}, {\"type\": \"BasicTickFormatter\", \"attributes\": {}, \"id\": \"31a40b2d-8130-4ff5-a572-5819bcf7d577\"}, {\"type\": \"ResetTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"d172fd66-8401-4d0a-8c68-7cfe33169a02\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"027fe2d6-3f59-496e-97fb-bcc061dfdd1e\"}, {\"type\": \"WheelZoomTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"7b5d9963-6969-4272-914f-0271bdbc5e4c\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"5f0946a7-08bb-46f9-8027-d1d66967db31\"}, {\"type\": \"ColumnDataSource\", \"attributes\": {\"column_names\": [\"title\", \"episode_number\", \"rating\", \"episode\", \"index\", \"aired\", \"season\", \"x\", \"y\", \"fill_color\"], \"data\": {\"title\": [\"Episode 1\", \"Episode 2\", \"Episode 3\", \"Episode 4\", \"Episode 5\", \"Episode 6\", \"Episode 7\", \"Episode 1\", \"Episode 2\", \"Episode 3\", \"Episode 4\", \"Episode 5\", \"Episode 6\", \"Episode 7\", \"Episode 8\", \"Episode 1\", \"Episode 2\", \"Episode 3\", \"Episode 4\", \"Episode 5\", \"Episode 6\", \"Episode 7\", \"Episode 8\", \"Episode 1\", \"Episode 2\", \"Episode 3\", \"Episode 4\", \"Episode 5\", \"Episode 6\", \"Episode 7\", \"Episode 8\", \"Episode 1\", \"Episode 2\", \"Episode 3\", \"Episode 4\", \"Episode 5\", \"Episode 6\", \"Episode 7\", \"Episode 8\", \"Episode 1\", \"Episode 2\", \"Episode 3\", \"Episode 4\", \"Episode 5\", \"Episode 6\", \"Episode 7\", \"Episode 8\", \"Christmas Day\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48], \"y\": [8.26688, 8.38627, 8.32174, 8.2913, 8.54338, 8.47744, 8.75166, 8.53305, 8.33333, 8.33254, 8.44604, 8.45116, 8.38554, 8.41748, 8.50483, 8.42469, 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Emasculata\", \"Soft Light\", \"Our Town\", \"Anasazi (1)\", \"The Blessing Way (2)\", \"Paper Clip (3)\", \"D.P.O.\", \"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose\", \"The List\", \"2Shy\", \"The Walk\", \"Oubliette\", \"Nisei (1)\", \"731 (2)\", \"Revelations\", \"War of the Coprophages\", \"Syzygy\", \"Grotesque\", \"Piper Maru (1)\", \"Apocrypha (2)\", \"Pusher\", \"Teso Dos Bichos\", \"Hell Money\", \"Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'\", \"Avatar\", \"Quagmire\", \"Wetwired\", \"Talitha Cumi (1)\", \"Herrenvolk (2)\", \"Home\", \"Teliko\", \"Unruhe\", \"The Field Where I Died\", \"Sanguinarium\", \"Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man\", \"Tunguska (1)\", \"Terma (2)\", \"Paper Hearts\", \"El Mundo Gira\", \"Leonard Betts\", \"Never Again\", \"Memento Mori\", \"Kaddish\", \"Unrequited\", \"Tempus Fugit (1)\", \"Max (2)\", \"Synchrony\", \"Small Potatoes\", \"Zero-Sum\", \"Elegy\", \"Demons\", \"Gethsemane (1)\", \"Redux (2)\", \"Redux II (3)\", \"Unusual Suspects\", \"Detour\", \"The Post-Modern Prometheus\", \"Christmas Carol (1)\", \"Emily (2)\", \"Kitsunegari\", \"Schizogeny\", \"Chinga\", \"Kill Switch\", \"Bad Blood\", \"Patient X (1)\", \"The Red and the Black (2)\", \"Travelers\", \"Mind's Eye\", \"All Souls\", \"The Pine Bluff Variant\", \"Folie \\u00e0 Deux\", \"The End\", \"The Beginning\", \"Drive\", \"Triangle\", \"Dreamland (1)\", \"Dreamland II (2)\", \"How The Ghosts Stole Christmas\", \"Terms of Endearment\", \"The Rain King\", \"S.R. 819\", \"Tithonus\", \"Two Fathers (1)\", \"One Son (2)\", \"Agua Mala\", \"Monday\", \"Arcadia\", \"Alpha\", \"Trevor\", \"Milagro\", \"The Unnatural\", \"Three of a Kind\", \"Field Trip\", \"Biogenesis (1)\", \"The Sixth Extinction (2)\", \"The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati (3)\", \"Hungry\", \"Millennium\", \"Rush\", \"The Goldberg Variation\", \"Orison\", \"The Amazing Maleeni\", \"Signs & Wonders\", \"Sein und Zeit (1)\", \"Closure (2)\", \"X-COPS\", \"First Person Shooter\", \"Theef\", \"En Ami\", \"Chimera\", \"all things\", \"Brand X\", \"Hollywood A.D.\", \"Fight Club\", \"Je Souhaite\", \"Requiem\", \"Within (1)\", \"Without (2)\", \"Patience\", \"Roadrunners\", \"Invocation\", \"Redrum\", \"Via Negativa\", \"Surekill\", \"Salvage\", \"Badlaa\", \"The Gift\", \"Medusa\", \"Per Manum\", \"This Is Not Happening (1)\", \"Deadalive (2)\", \"Three Words\", \"Empedocles\", \"Vienen\", \"Alone\", \"Essence (1)\", \"Existence (2)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today (1)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today II (2)\", \"D\\u00e6monicus\", \"4-D\", \"Lord of the Flies\", \"Trust No 1\", \"John Doe\", \"Hellbound\", \"Provenance (1)\", \"Providence (2)\", \"Audrey Pauley\", \"Underneath\", \"Improbable\", \"Scary Monsters\", \"Jump the Shark\", \"William\", \"Release\", \"Sunshine Days\", \"The Truth (1)\", \"The Truth (2)\", \"My Struggle\", \"Founder's Mutation\", \"Mulder And Scully Meet the Were-Monster\", \"Home Again\", \"Babylon\", \"My Struggle II\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208], \"y\": [8.09233, 7.8518, 7.87669, 7.57255, 7.31197, 7.50337, 7.36406, 8.12211, 7.02284, 7.83092, 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7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10], \"rating\": [8.09233, 7.8518, 7.87669, 7.57255, 7.31197, 7.50337, 7.36406, 8.12211, 7.02284, 7.83092, 7.87376, 7.58038, 7.89894, 7.46176, 7.35443, 7.58805, 8.14583, 7.26871, 7.31987, 7.9586, 8.0273, 7.52963, 7.55197, 8.56024, 8.16456, 7.98288, 7.57752, 7.84444, 8.46479, 8.38722, 7.03629, 8.06227, 7.59149, 7.62551, 7.23318, 7.5, 7.6886, 7.95833, 7.57798, 8.38492, 8.44167, 7.27536, 7.79018, 8.11741, 7.63158, 7.67822, 7.69802, 7.74408, 8.6822, 8.37891, 8.46154, 7.73394, 8.48771, 7.19139, 7.50472, 7.34146, 7.57692, 8.15217, 8.23684, 7.34146, 8.15385, 7.71219, 7.27919, 8.02359, 8.16098, 8.07076, 6.88172, 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\"Bart vs. Australia\", \"Homer vs. Patty and Selma\", \"A Star Is Burns\", \"Lisa's Wedding\", \"Two Dozen and One Greyhounds\", \"The PTA Disbands\", \"Round Springfield\", \"The Springfield Connection\", \"Lemon of Troy\", \"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (1)\", \"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (2)\", \"Radioactive Man\", \"Home Sweet Homediddily-Dum-Doodily\", \"Bart Sells His Soul\", \"Lisa the Vegetarian\", \"Treehouse of Horror VI\", \"King-Size Homer\", \"Mother Simpson\", \"Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming\", \"The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular\", \"Marge Be Not Proud\", \"Team Homer\", \"Two Bad Neighbors\", \"Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield\", \"Bart the Fink\", \"Lisa the Iconoclast\", \"Homer the Smithers\", \"The Day the Violence Died\", \"A Fish Called Selma\", \"Bart on the Road\", \"22 Short Films About Springfield\", \"Raging Abe Simpson and his Grumbling Grandson in: 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish'\", \"Much Apu About Nothing\", \"Homerpalooza\", \"Summer of 4 Ft. 2\", \"Treehouse of Horror VII\", \"You Only Move Twice\", \"The Homer They Fall\", \"Burns Baby Burns\", \"Bart After Dark\", \"A Milhouse Divided\", \"Lisa's Date With Density\", \"Hurricane Neddy\", \"El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Our Homer)\", \"The Springfield Files\", \"The Twisted World of Marge Simpson\", \"Mountain of Madness\", \"Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala (Annoyed Grunt) cious\", \"The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show\", \"Homer's Phobia\", \"Brother From Another Series\", \"My Sister, My Sitter\", \"Homer vs. the 18th Amendment\", \"Grade School Confidential\", \"The Canine Mutiny\", \"The Old Man and the Lisa\", \"In Marge We Trust\", \"Homer's Enemy\", \"The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase\", \"The Secret War of Lisa Simpson\", \"The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson\", \"The Principal and the Pauper\", \"Lisa's Sax\", \"Treehouse of Horror VIII\", \"The Cartridge Family\", \"Bart Star\", \"The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons\", \"Lisa the Skeptic\", \"Realty Bites\", \"Miracle on Evergreen Terrace\", \"All Singing, All Dancing\", \"Bart Carny\", \"The Joy of Sect\", \"Das Bus\", \"The Last Temptation of Krust\", \"Dumbbell Indemnity\", \"Lisa the Simpson\", \"This Little Wiggy\", \"Simpson Tide\", \"The Trouble With Trillions\", \"Girly Edition\", \"Trash of the Titans\", \"King of the Hill\", \"Lost Our Lisa\", \"Natural Born Kissers\", \"Lard of the Dance\", \"The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace\", \"Bart the Mother\", \"Treehouse of Horror IX\", \"When You Dish Upon a Star\", \"D'oh-in in the Wind\", \"Lisa Gets an A\", \"Homer Simpson in: 'Kidney Trouble'\", \"Mayored to the Mob\", \"Viva Ned Flanders\", \"Wild Barts Can't Be Broken\", \"Sunday, Cruddy Sunday\", \"Homer to the Max\", \"I'm with Cupid\", \"Marge Simpson in: 'Screaming Yellow Honkers'\", \"Make Room for Lisa\", \"Maximum Homerdrive\", \"Simpsons Bible Stories\", \"Mom and Pop Art\", \"The Old Man and the C Student\", \"Monty Can't Buy Me Love\", \"They Saved Lisa's Brain\", \"Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo\", \"Beyond Blunderdome\", \"Brother's Little Helper\", \"Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?\", \"Treehouse of Horror X\", \"E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)\", \"Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder\", \"Eight Misbehavin'\", \"Take My Wife, Sleaze\", \"Grift of the Magi\", \"Little Big Mom\", \"Faith Off\", \"The Mansion Family\", \"Saddlesore Galactica\", \"Alone Again, Natura-Diddily\", \"Missionary: Impossible\", \"Pygmoelian\", \"Bart to the Future\", \"Days of Wine and D'ohses\", \"Kill the Alligator and Run\", \"Last Tap Dance in Springfield\", \"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge\", \"Behind the Laughter\", \"Treehouse of Horror XI\", \"A Tale of Two Springfields\", \"Insane Clown Poppy\", \"Lisa the Tree Hugger\", \"Homer vs. Dignity\", \"The Computer Wore Menace Shoes\", \"The Great Money Caper\", \"Skinner's Sense of Snow\", \"HOM\\u042f\", \"Pokey Mom\", \"Worst Episode Ever\", \"Tennis the Menace\", \"Day of the Jackanapes\", \"New Kids on the Blecch\", \"Hungry Hungry Homer\", \"Bye Bye Nerdy\", \"Simpson Safari\", \"Trilogy of Error\", \"I'm Goin' to Praiseland\", \"Children of a Lesser Clod\", \"Simpsons Tall Tales\", \"Treehouse of Horror XII\", \"The Parent Rap\", \"Homer the Moe\", \"Hunka Hunka Burns in Love\", \"The Blunder Years\", \"She of Little Faith\", \"Brawl in the Family\", \"Sweets and Sour Marge\", \"Jaws Wired Shut\", \"Half-Decent Proposal\", \"The Bart Wants What It Wants\", \"The Lastest Gun in the West\", \"The Old Man and the Key\", \"Tales From the Public Domain\", \"Blame It on Lisa\", \"Weekend at Burnsie's\", \"Gump Roast\", \"I Am Furious Yellow\", \"The Sweetest Apu\", \"Little Girl in the Big Ten\", \"The Frying Game\", \"Papa's Got a Brand New Badge\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIII\", \"How I Spent My Strummer Vacation\", \"Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade\", \"Large Marge\", \"Helter Shelter\", \"The Great Louse Detective\", \"Special Edna (a.k.a. Love and Marking)\", \"The Dad Who Knew Too Little\", \"Strong Arms of the Ma\", \"Pray Anything\", \"Barting Over\", \"I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can\", \"A Star Is Born-Again\", \"Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington\", \"C.E. D'oh!\", \"Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky\", \"Three Gays of the Condo\", \"Dude, Where's My Ranch?\", \"Old Yeller Belly\", \"Brake My Wife, Please\", \"The Bart of War\", \"Moe Baby Blues\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIV\", \"My Mother the Carjacker\", \"The President Wore Pearls\", \"The Regina Monologues\", \"The Fat and the Furriest\", \"Today, I Am a Klown\", \"'Tis the Fifteenth Season\", \"Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays\", \"I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot\", \"Diatribe of a Mad Housewife\", \"Margical History Tour\", \"Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore\", \"Smart and Smarter\", \"The Ziff Who Came to Dinner\", \"Co-Dependent's Day\", \"The Wandering Juvie\", \"My Big Fat Geek Wedding\", \"Catch 'Em If You Can\", \"Simple Simpson\", \"The Way We Weren't\", \"Bart-Mangled Banner\", \"Fraudcast News\", \"Treehouse of Horror XV\", \"All's Fair in Oven War\", \"Sleeping with the Enemy\", \"She Used to Be My Girl\", \"Fat Man and Little Boy\", \"Midnight Rx\", \"Mommie Beerest\", \"Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass\", \"Pranksta Rap\", \"There's Something About Marrying\", \"On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister\", \"Goo Goo Gai Pan\", \"Mobile Homer\", \"The Seven-Beer Snitch\", \"Future-Drama\", \"Don't Fear the Roofer\", \"The Heartbroke Kid\", \"A Star Is Torn\", \"Thank God, It's Doomsday\", \"Home Away from Homer\", \"The Father, the Son & the Holy Guest Star\", \"The Bonfire of the Manatees\", \"The Girl Who Slept Too Little\", \"Milhouse of Sand and Fog\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVI\", \"Marge's Son Poisoning\", \"See Homer Run\", \"The Last of the Red Hat Mamas\", \"The Italian Bob\", \"Simpsons Christmas Stories\", \"Homer's Paternity Coot\", \"We're on the Road to D'ohwhere\", \"My Fair Laddy\", \"The Seemingly Never-Ending Story\", \"Bart Has Two Mommies\", \"Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife\", \"Million Dollar Abie\", \"Kiss, Kiss Bang Bangalore\", \"The Wettest Stories Ever Told\", \"Girls Just Want to Have Sums\", \"Regarding Margie\", \"The Monkey Suit\", \"Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play\", \"The Mook, the Chef, the Wife, and Her Homer\", \"Jazzy and the Pussycats\", \"Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVII\", \"G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)\", \"Moe 'N' a Lisa\", \"Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)\", \"The Haw-Hawed Couple\", \"Kill Gil: Vols. 1 & 2\", \"The Wife Aquatic\", \"Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Three Times\", \"Little Big Girl\", \"Springfield Up\", \"Yokel Chords\", \"Rome-Old and Juli-Eh\", \"Homerazzi\", \"Marge Gamer\", \"The Boys of Bummer\", \"Crook and Ladder\", \"Stop or My Dog Will Shoot\", \"24 Minutes\", \"You Kent Always Say What You Want\", \"He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs\", \"The Homer of Seville\", \"Midnight Towboy\", \"I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVIII\", \"Little Orphan Millie\", \"Husbands and Knives\", \"Funeral for a Fiend\", \"Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind\", \"E. Pluribus Wiggum\", \"That 90's Show\", \"Love, Springfieldian Style\", \"The Debarted\", \"Dial 'N' for Nerder\", \"Smoke on the Daughter\", \"Papa Don't Leech\", \"Apocalypse Cow\", \"Any Given Sundance\", \"Mona Leaves-a\", \"All About Lisa\", \"Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes\", \"Lost Verizon\", \"Double, Double, Boy in Trouble\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIX\", \"Dangerous Curves\", \"Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words\", \"Mypods and Boomsticks\", \"The Burns and the Bees\", \"Lisa the Drama Queen\", \"Take My Life, Please\", \"How the Test Was Won\", \"No Loan Again, Naturally\", \"Gone Maggie Gone\", \"In the Name of the Grandfather\", \"Wedding for Disaster\", \"Eeny Teeny Maya Moe\", \"The Good, the Sad and the Drugly\", \"Father Knows Worst\", \"Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D'oh\", \"Four Great Women and a Manicure\", \"Coming to Homerica\", \"Homer the Whopper\", \"Bart Gets a 'Z'\", \"The Great Wife Hope\", \"Treehouse of Horror XX\", \"The Devil Wears Nada\", \"Pranks and Greens\", \"Rednecks and Broomsticks\", \"Oh Brother, Where Bart Thou?\", \"Thursdays with Abie\", \"Once Upon a Time in Springfield\", \"Million Dollar Maybe\", \"Boy Meets Curl\", \"The Color Yellow\", \"Postcards from the Wedge\", \"Stealing First Base\", \"The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed\", \"American History X-cellent\", \"Chief of Hearts\", \"The Squirt and the Whale\", \"To Surveil with Love\", \"Moe Letter Blues\", \"The Bob Next Door\", \"Judge Me Tender\", \"Elementary School Musical\", \"Loan-a-Lisa\", \"MoneyBART\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXI\", \"Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life\", \"The Fool Monty\", \"How Munched is that Birdie in the Window?\", \"The Fight Before Christmas\", \"Donnie Fatso\", \"Moms I'd Like to Forget\", \"Flaming Moe\", \"Homer the Father\", \"The Blue and the Gray\", \"Angry Dad: The Movie\", \"The Scorpion's Tale\", \"A Midsummer's Nice Dream\", \"Love is a Many Strangled Thing\", \"The Great Simpsina\", \"The Real Housewives of Fat Tony\", \"Homer Scissorhands\", \"500 Keys\", \"The Ned-Liest Catch\", \"The Falcon and the D'Ohman\", \"Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXII\", \"Replaceable You\", \"The Food Wife\", \"The Book Job\", \"The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants\", \"The Ten-Per-Cent Solution\", \"Holidays of Future Passed\", \"Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson\", \"The D'oh-cial Network\", \"Moe Goes from Rags to Riches\", \"The Daughter Also Rises\", \"At Long Last Leave\", \"Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart\", \"How I Wet Your Mother\", \"Them, Robot\", \"Beware My Cheating Bart\", \"A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again\", \"The Spy Who Learned Me\", \"Ned 'n' Edna's Blend\", \"Lisa Goes Gaga\", \"Moonshine River\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXIII\", \"Adventures in Baby-Getting\", \"Gone Abie Gone\", \"Penny-Wiseguys\", \"A Tree Grows in Springfield\", \"The Day the Earth Stood Cool\", \"To Cur With Love\", \"Homer Goes to Prep School\", \"A Test Before Trying\", \"The Changing of the Guardian\", \"Love is a Many-Splintered Thing\", \"Hardly Kirk-ing\", \"Gorgeous Grampa\", \"Black-Eyed, Please\", \"Dark Knight Court\", \"What Animated Women Want\", \"Pulpit Friction\", \"Whiskey Business\", \"The Fabulous Faker Boys\", \"The Saga of Carl Carlson\", \"Dangers on a Train\", \"Homerland\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXIV\", \"Four Regrettings and a Funeral\", \"YOLO\", \"Labor Pains\", \"The Kid is All Right\", \"Yellow Subterfuge\", \"White Christmas Blues\", \"Steal This Episode\", \"Married to the Blob\", \"Specs and the City\", \"Diggs\", \"The Man Who Grew Too Much\", \"The Winter of His Content\", \"The War of Art\", \"You Don't Have to Live Like a Referee\", \"Luca$\", \"Days of Future Future\", \"What to Expect When Bart's Expecting\", \"Brick Like Me\", \"Pay Pal\", \"The Yellow Badge of Cowardge\", \"Clown in the Dumps\", \"The Wreck of the Relationship\", \"Super Franchise Me\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXV\", \"Opposites A-Frack\", \"Simpsorama\", \"Blazed and Confused\", \"Covercraft\", \"I Won't Be Home for Christmas\", \"The Man Who Came to Be Dinner\", \"Bart's New Friend\", \"The Musk Who Fell to Earth\", \"Walking Big & Tall\", \"My Fare Lady\", \"The Princess Guide\", \"Sky Police\", \"Waiting For Duffman\", \"Peeping Mom\", \"The Kids are All Fight\", \"Let's Go Fly a Coot\", \"Bull-E\", \"Mathlete's Feat\", \"Every Man's Dream\", \"Cue Detective\", \"Puffless\", \"Halloween of Horror\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXVI\", \"Friend with Benefit\", \"Lisa with an 'S'\", \"Paths of Glory\", \"Barthood\", \"The Girl Code\", \"Teenage Mutant Milk-caused Hurdles\", \"Much Apu About Something\", \"Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-Ne-He-CH4\", \"Gal of Constant Sorrow\", null], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 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\"1993-11-05\", \"1993-11-12\", \"1993-11-19\", \"1993-12-10\", \"1993-12-17\", \"1994-01-07\", \"1994-02-04\", \"1994-02-11\", \"1994-02-18\", \"1994-02-25\", \"1994-03-18\", \"1994-04-01\", \"1994-04-15\", \"1994-04-29\", \"1994-05-06\", \"1994-05-13\", \"1994-05-20\", \"1994-09-05\", \"1994-09-12\", \"1994-09-26\", \"1994-10-03\", \"1994-10-10\", \"1994-10-31\", \"1994-11-07\", \"1994-11-14\", \"1994-11-28\", \"1994-12-05\", \"1994-12-19\", \"1995-01-09\", \"1995-01-23\", \"1995-02-06\", \"1995-02-13\", \"1995-02-20\", \"1995-02-27\", \"1995-03-06\", \"1995-03-20\", \"1995-04-10\", \"1995-04-17\", \"1995-05-01\", \"1995-05-08\", \"1995-05-15\", \"1995-05-22\", \"1995-09-18\", \"1995-09-25\", \"1995-10-02\", \"1995-10-09\", \"1995-10-16\", \"1995-10-30\", \"1995-11-06\", \"1995-11-20\", \"1995-11-27\", \"1995-12-04\", \"1995-12-18\", \"1996-01-08\", \"1996-01-15\", \"1996-02-05\", \"1996-02-12\", \"1996-02-19\", \"1996-02-26\", \"1996-03-18\", \"1996-03-25\", \"1996-04-01\", \"1996-04-15\", \"1996-04-29\", \"1996-05-06\", \"1996-05-20\", \"1996-05-20\", \"1996-10-28\", \"1996-11-04\", \"1996-11-11\", \"1996-11-18\", \"1996-11-25\", \"1996-12-02\", \"1996-12-16\", \"1996-12-30\", \"1997-01-06\", \"1997-01-13\", \"1997-01-20\", \"1997-02-03\", \"1997-02-08\", \"1997-02-10\", \"1997-02-17\", \"1997-02-24\", \"1997-03-03\", \"1997-03-17\", \"1997-04-07\", \"1997-04-14\", \"1997-04-21\", \"1997-04-28\", \"1997-05-05\", \"1997-05-12\", \"1997-05-19\", \"1997-09-22\", \"1997-09-29\", \"1997-10-20\", \"1997-10-27\", \"1997-11-03\", \"1997-11-10\", \"1997-11-17\", \"1997-11-24\", \"1997-12-08\", \"1997-12-22\", \"1998-01-05\", \"1998-01-12\", \"1998-02-09\", \"1998-02-16\", \"1998-02-23\", \"1998-03-02\", \"1998-03-09\", \"1998-03-23\", \"1998-03-30\", \"1998-04-06\", \"1998-04-20\", \"1998-04-27\", \"1998-05-04\", \"1998-05-11\", \"1998-05-18\", \"1998-08-24\", \"1998-09-21\", \"1998-09-28\", \"1998-10-26\", \"1998-11-09\", \"1998-11-16\", \"1998-11-23\", \"1998-12-07\", \"1998-12-21\", \"1999-01-11\", \"1999-01-18\", \"1999-02-01\", \"1999-02-08\", \"1999-02-15\", \"1999-02-22\", \"1999-03-01\", \"1999-03-29\", \"1999-04-05\", \"1999-04-12\", \"1999-04-26\", \"1999-05-03\", \"1999-05-10\", \"1999-05-17\", \"1999-09-27\", \"1999-10-04\", \"1999-10-25\", \"1999-11-01\", \"1999-11-08\", \"1999-11-15\", \"1999-11-22\", \"1999-11-29\", \"1999-12-20\", \"2000-01-10\", \"2000-01-17\", \"2000-01-24\", \"2000-02-07\", \"2000-02-14\", \"2000-02-21\", \"2000-02-28\", \"2000-03-20\", \"2000-04-10\", \"2000-05-01\", \"2000-05-08\", \"2000-05-15\", \"2000-05-22\", \"2000-11-02\", \"2000-11-06\", \"2000-11-13\", \"2000-11-20\", \"2000-11-27\", \"2000-12-04\", \"2000-12-11\", \"2000-12-18\", \"2001-01-08\", \"2001-01-15\", \"2001-02-05\", \"2001-02-12\", \"2001-02-19\", \"2001-02-26\", \"2001-03-05\", \"2001-03-12\", \"2001-04-02\", \"2001-04-30\", \"2001-05-07\", \"2001-05-14\", \"2001-05-21\", \"2001-11-07\", \"2001-11-12\", \"2001-11-19\", \"2001-12-03\", \"2001-12-10\", \"2001-12-17\", \"2002-01-07\", \"2002-01-21\", \"2002-01-28\", \"2002-02-11\", \"2002-02-18\", \"2002-02-25\", \"2002-03-11\", \"2002-03-18\", \"2002-04-01\", \"2002-04-08\", \"2002-04-22\", \"2002-04-29\", \"2002-05-06\", \"2002-05-13\", \"2002-05-20\", \"2002-05-23\", \"2002-11-04\", \"2002-11-11\", \"2002-11-18\", \"2002-11-25\", \"2002-12-02\", \"2002-12-16\", \"2003-01-06\", \"2003-01-13\", \"2003-02-03\", \"2003-02-10\", \"2003-02-17\", \"2003-02-17\", \"2003-03-03\", \"2003-03-10\", \"2003-03-17\", \"2003-03-31\", \"2003-04-14\", \"2003-04-28\", \"2003-05-05\", \"2003-05-12\", \"2003-05-19\", \"2003-05-19\", \"2003-11-03\", \"2003-11-10\", \"2003-11-17\", \"2003-11-24\", \"2003-12-01\", \"2003-12-08\", \"2003-12-15\", \"2004-01-05\", \"2004-01-12\", \"2004-01-26\", \"2004-02-09\", \"2004-02-16\", \"2004-02-23\", \"2004-03-15\", \"2004-03-22\", \"2004-03-29\", \"2004-04-19\", \"2004-04-26\", \"2004-05-03\", \"2004-05-10\", \"2004-05-17\", \"2004-05-24\", \"2004-11-08\", \"2004-11-15\", \"2004-11-22\", \"2004-12-06\", \"2004-12-13\", \"2005-01-17\", \"2005-01-31\", \"2005-02-07\", \"2005-02-14\", \"2005-02-21\", \"2005-03-07\", \"2005-03-14\", \"2005-03-21\", \"2005-04-04\", \"2005-04-18\", \"2005-05-02\", \"2005-05-02\", \"2005-05-09\", \"2005-05-09\", \"2005-05-16\", \"2005-05-16\", \"2005-09-12\", \"2005-09-19\", \"2005-09-26\", \"2005-11-07\", \"2005-11-14\", \"2005-11-21\", \"2005-11-28\", \"2005-12-12\", \"2005-12-19\", \"2006-01-09\", \"2006-01-30\", \"2006-02-27\", \"2006-03-13\", \"2006-03-20\", \"2006-03-27\", \"2006-04-03\", \"2006-04-10\", \"2006-04-24\", \"2006-05-01\", \"2006-05-08\", \"2006-05-15\", \"2006-05-22\", \"2006-09-11\", \"2006-09-18\", \"2006-09-25\", \"2006-11-06\", \"2006-11-13\", \"2006-11-20\", \"2006-11-27\", \"2006-12-11\", \"2006-12-18\", \"2007-01-08\", \"2007-01-29\", \"2007-02-12\", \"2007-02-19\", \"2007-03-05\", \"2007-03-12\", \"2007-03-26\", \"2007-04-23\", \"2007-04-30\", \"2007-05-07\", \"2007-05-14\", \"2007-05-21\", \"2007-05-21\", \"2007-09-24\", \"2007-10-01\", \"2007-10-08\", \"2007-10-15\", \"2007-11-05\", \"2007-11-12\", \"2007-11-19\", \"2007-11-26\", \"2007-12-17\", \"2008-01-07\", \"2008-01-28\", \"2008-02-18\", \"2008-03-03\", \"2008-03-10\", \"2008-03-31\", \"2008-04-14\", \"2008-04-28\", \"2008-05-05\", \"2008-05-12\", \"2008-05-19\", \"2008-09-29\", \"2008-10-06\", \"2008-10-20\", \"2008-11-03\", \"2008-11-10\", \"2008-11-17\", \"2008-12-01\", \"2008-12-08\", \"2009-01-26\", \"2009-02-16\", \"2009-03-02\", \"2009-03-09\", \"2009-03-16\", \"2009-03-23\", \"2009-03-30\", \"2009-04-06\", \"2009-04-20\", \"2009-04-27\", \"2009-05-04\", \"2009-05-11\", \"2009-05-18\", \"2009-09-28\", \"2009-10-05\", \"2009-10-12\", \"2009-10-19\", \"2009-11-16\", \"2009-11-23\", \"2009-11-30\", \"2009-12-14\", \"2010-01-04\", \"2010-01-11\", \"2010-02-01\", \"2010-02-15\", \"2010-02-22\", \"2010-03-15\", \"2010-03-22\", \"2010-03-29\", \"2010-04-12\", \"2010-04-19\", \"2010-04-26\", \"2010-05-03\", \"2010-05-10\", \"2010-05-17\", \"2010-05-24\", \"2010-09-27\", \"2010-10-04\", \"2010-10-11\", \"2010-11-08\", \"2010-11-15\", \"2010-11-22\", \"2010-11-29\", \"2010-12-06\", \"2010-12-13\", \"2011-01-10\", \"2011-01-17\", \"2011-01-24\", \"2011-02-14\", \"2011-02-21\", \"2011-03-07\", \"2011-03-14\", \"2011-03-28\", \"2011-04-11\", \"2011-05-02\", \"2011-05-09\", \"2011-05-16\", \"2011-05-23\", \"2011-09-26\", \"2011-10-03\", \"2011-10-31\", \"2011-11-07\", \"2011-11-14\", \"2011-11-21\", \"2011-11-28\", \"2011-12-05\", \"2011-12-12\", \"2012-01-09\", \"2012-01-16\", \"2012-01-30\", \"2012-02-13\", \"2012-02-20\", \"2012-03-05\", \"2012-03-12\", \"2012-03-19\", \"2012-04-16\", \"2012-04-30\", \"2012-05-07\", \"2012-05-14\", \"2012-05-21\", \"2012-10-01\", \"2012-10-08\", \"2012-11-05\", \"2012-11-12\", \"2012-11-19\", \"2012-11-26\", \"2012-12-10\", \"2012-12-17\", \"2013-01-07\", \"2013-01-14\", \"2013-01-28\", \"2013-02-11\", \"2013-02-18\", \"2013-03-04\", \"2013-03-11\", \"2013-03-18\", \"2013-04-15\", \"2013-04-29\", \"2013-05-06\", \"2013-05-13\", \"2013-05-20\", \"2013-05-20\", \"2013-09-30\", \"2013-10-07\", \"2013-11-04\", \"2013-11-11\", \"2013-11-18\", \"2013-11-25\", \"2013-12-09\", \"2013-12-16\", \"2014-01-06\", \"2014-01-13\", \"2014-01-27\", \"2014-03-10\", \"2014-03-10\", \"2014-03-17\", \"2014-03-24\", \"2014-03-31\", \"2014-04-07\", \"2014-04-14\", \"2014-04-28\", \"2014-05-05\", \"2014-05-12\", \"2014-05-19\", \"2014-09-29\", \"2014-10-06\", \"2014-10-13\", \"2014-10-20\", \"2014-11-03\", \"2014-11-10\", \"2014-11-17\", \"2014-11-24\", \"2014-12-08\", \"2015-01-05\", \"2015-01-12\", \"2015-01-26\", \"2015-02-09\", \"2015-02-16\", \"2015-03-02\", \"2015-03-09\", \"2015-03-16\", \"2015-04-20\", \"2015-04-27\", \"2015-05-04\", \"2015-05-11\", \"2015-05-18\", \"2015-09-28\", \"2015-10-05\", \"2015-10-12\", \"2015-10-19\", \"2015-10-26\", \"2015-11-09\", \"2015-11-23\", \"2015-12-07\", \"2015-12-14\", \"2016-01-04\", \"2016-01-11\", \"2016-01-18\", \"2016-02-15\", \"2016-02-22\", \"2016-09-26\"], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 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\"411bbd67-26ff-42e6-99ec-94822848a502\"}, {\"type\": \"ColumnDataSource\", \"attributes\": {\"column_names\": [\"title\", \"episode_number\", \"rating\", \"episode\", \"index\", \"aired\", \"season\", \"x\", \"y\", \"fill_color\"], \"data\": {\"title\": [\"Pilot\", \"Hell-A Woman\", \"The Whore of Babylon\", \"Fear and Loathing at the Fundraiser\", \"LOL\", \"Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder\", \"Girls, Interrupted\", \"California Son\", \"Filthy Lucre\", \"The Devil's Threesome\", \"Turn the Page\", \"The Last Waltz\", \"Slip of the Tongue\", \"The Great Ashby\", \"No Way to Treat a Lady\", \"The Raw and the Crooked\", \"Vaginatown\", \"Coke Dick & First Kick\", \"In a Lonely Place\", \"Going Down and Out in Beverly Hills\", \"La Ronde\", \"In Utero\", \"Blues from Laurel Canyon\", \"La Petite Mort\", \"Wish You Were Here\", \"The Land of Rape and Honey\", \"Verities & Balderdash\", \"Zoso\", \"Slow Happy Boys\", \"Glass Houses\", \"So Here's the Thing...\", \"The Apartment\", \"Mr. Bad Example\", \"Dogtown\", \"Comings & Goings\", \"Mia Culpa\", \"Exile on Main St.\", \"Suicide Solution\", \"Home Sweet Home\", \"Monkey Business\", \"Freeze Frame\", \"Lawyers, Guns and Money\", \"The Recused\", \"Lights. Camera. Asshole\", \"Another Perfect Day\", \"The Trial\", \"The Last Supper\", \"...And Justice for All\", \"JFK to LAX\", \"The Way of the Fist\", \"Boys & Girls\", \"Waiting for the Miracle\", \"The Ride Along\", \"Love Song\", \"Here I Go Again\", \"Raw\", \"At the Movies\", \"Perverts & Whores\", \"The Party\", \"Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be\", \"The Unforgiven\", \"Quitters\", \"Dead Rock Stars\", \"Hell Bent for Leather\", \"Rock and a Hard Place\", \"In the Clouds\", \"The Dope Show\", \"Everybody's a Fucking Critic\", \"Mad Dogs and Englishmen\", \"Blind Faith\", \"The Abby\", \"I'll Lay My Monsters Down\", \"Levon\", \"Julia\", \"Like Father Like Son\", \"Dicks\", \"Getting the Poison Out\", \"Kickoff\", \"Smile\", \"30 Minutes or Less\", \"Faith, Hope, Love\", \"Dinner With Friends\", \"Daughter\", \"Grace\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84], \"y\": [8.50096, 8.25197, 8.25152, 8.38608, 8.22491, 8.24497, 8.17021, 8.22182, 8.35971, 8.41392, 8.25591, 8.68914, 8.24138, 8.26274, 8.03239, 8.31783, 8.11017, 8.29487, 8.26667, 8.17917, 8.11741, 8.17647, 8.2716, 8.43697, 8.06093, 7.97656, 8.17064, 8.47893, 8.14228, 7.964, 8.02823, 8.7457, 7.93976, 7.99578, 8.02857, 8.56226, 8.50765, 8.22973, 8.11487, 8.35197, 8.23154, 8.34564, 8.16107, 8.2901, 8.15986, 8.25321, 8.10131, 8.60294, 8.41905, 8.41546, 8.35641, 8.34447, 8.51621, 8.25526, 8.422, 8.39036, 8.4064, 8.45714, 8.62222, 8.59716, 7.89249, 8.07839, 8.09074, 8.05703, 8.04159, 8.23017, 8.07353, 7.98576, 8.11296, 8.00282, 8.18182, 8.33418, 7.95356, 8.02795, 7.91757, 7.84146, 8.03616, 7.79298, 7.88941, 7.99411, 7.48316, 7.8747, 7.72381, 8.16376], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7], \"rating\": [8.50096, 8.25197, 8.25152, 8.38608, 8.22491, 8.24497, 8.17021, 8.22182, 8.35971, 8.41392, 8.25591, 8.68914, 8.24138, 8.26274, 8.03239, 8.31783, 8.11017, 8.29487, 8.26667, 8.17917, 8.11741, 8.17647, 8.2716, 8.43697, 8.06093, 7.97656, 8.17064, 8.47893, 8.14228, 7.964, 8.02823, 8.7457, 7.93976, 7.99578, 8.02857, 8.56226, 8.50765, 8.22973, 8.11487, 8.35197, 8.23154, 8.34564, 8.16107, 8.2901, 8.15986, 8.25321, 8.10131, 8.60294, 8.41905, 8.41546, 8.35641, 8.34447, 8.51621, 8.25526, 8.422, 8.39036, 8.4064, 8.45714, 8.62222, 8.59716, 7.89249, 8.07839, 8.09074, 8.05703, 8.04159, 8.23017, 8.07353, 7.98576, 8.11296, 8.00282, 8.18182, 8.33418, 7.95356, 8.02795, 7.91757, 7.84146, 8.03616, 7.79298, 7.88941, 7.99411, 7.48316, 7.8747, 7.72381, 8.16376], \"fill_color\": [\"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", 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38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83], \"aired\": [\"2007-08-14\", \"2007-08-21\", \"2007-08-28\", \"2007-09-04\", \"2007-09-11\", \"2007-09-18\", \"2007-09-25\", \"2007-10-02\", \"2007-10-09\", \"2007-10-16\", \"2007-10-23\", \"2007-10-30\", \"2008-09-29\", \"2008-10-06\", \"2008-10-13\", \"2008-10-20\", \"2008-10-27\", \"2008-11-03\", \"2008-11-10\", \"2008-11-17\", \"2008-11-24\", \"2008-12-01\", \"2008-12-08\", \"2008-12-15\", \"2009-09-28\", \"2009-10-05\", \"2009-10-12\", \"2009-10-19\", \"2009-10-26\", \"2009-11-02\", \"2009-11-09\", \"2009-11-16\", \"2009-11-23\", \"2009-11-30\", \"2009-12-07\", \"2009-12-14\", \"2011-01-10\", \"2011-01-17\", \"2011-01-24\", \"2011-01-31\", \"2011-02-07\", \"2011-02-14\", \"2011-02-21\", \"2011-02-28\", \"2011-03-07\", \"2011-03-14\", \"2011-03-21\", \"2011-03-28\", \"2012-01-09\", \"2012-01-16\", 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"ratings('The Sopranos')"
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"Denke ich an Lilyhammer muss ich natürlich auch an die Sopranos denken. Der gute Steven Van Zandt. Ich hätte nie gedacht das ich eine Serie über die Mafia so gut finden würde. Ich wurde eines besseren belehrt. Alles in mich aufgesogen. Hammer. Ist jetzt schon ein paar Jahre her und die Serie sitzt in DVD-Boxen in Schrank und wartet auf ein Wiedersehen."
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"## Community"
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Down\", \"The Bitch Is Back\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64], \"y\": [8.1879, 7.90833, 7.99578, 8.23832, 8.04739, 8.17895, 8.01047, 8.23737, 8.05319, 8.29353, 8.29843, 8.25926, 8.02632, 8.23834, 8.24324, 8.14286, 8.21023, 8.4, 8.25269, 8.28488, 8.60526, 9.11881, 8.2132, 8.08187, 8.30409, 8.01818, 8.03636, 8.05357, 8.2, 8.14198, 8.20732, 8.19497, 8.36025, 7.9359, 8.13816, 8.02703, 8.04, 8.16, 8.29452, 8.09589, 8.14685, 8.28188, 8.21795, 8.82248, 8.09934, 8.11487, 7.95364, 8.06164, 8.23404, 8.25352, 8.22973, 8.23022, 8.81132, 8.17606, 8.18367, 7.98561, 8.34694, 8.33793, 8.42222, 7.98561, 8.01471, 8.16912, 8.36879, 8.36478], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], \"rating\": [8.1879, 7.90833, 7.99578, 8.23832, 8.04739, 8.17895, 8.01047, 8.23737, 8.05319, 8.29353, 8.29843, 8.25926, 8.02632, 8.23834, 8.24324, 8.14286, 8.21023, 8.4, 8.25269, 8.28488, 8.60526, 9.11881, 8.2132, 8.08187, 8.30409, 8.01818, 8.03636, 8.05357, 8.2, 8.14198, 8.20732, 8.19497, 8.36025, 7.9359, 8.13816, 8.02703, 8.04, 8.16, 8.29452, 8.09589, 8.14685, 8.28188, 8.21795, 8.82248, 8.09934, 8.11487, 7.95364, 8.06164, 8.23404, 8.25352, 8.22973, 8.23022, 8.81132, 8.17606, 8.18367, 7.98561, 8.34694, 8.33793, 8.42222, 7.98561, 8.01471, 8.16912, 8.36879, 8.36478], \"fill_color\": [\"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\", \"#fee08b\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", \"1.3\", \"1.4\", \"1.5\", \"1.6\", \"1.7\", \"1.8\", \"1.9\", \"1.10\", \"1.11\", \"1.12\", \"1.13\", \"1.14\", \"1.15\", \"1.16\", \"1.17\", \"1.18\", \"1.19\", \"1.20\", \"1.21\", \"1.22\", \"2.1\", \"2.2\", \"2.3\", \"2.4\", \"2.5\", \"2.6\", \"2.7\", \"2.8\", \"2.9\", \"2.10\", \"2.11\", \"2.12\", \"2.13\", \"2.14\", \"2.15\", \"2.16\", \"2.17\", \"2.18\", \"2.19\", \"2.20\", \"2.21\", \"2.22\", \"3.1\", \"3.2\", \"3.3\", \"3.4\", \"3.5\", \"3.6\", \"3.7\", 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\"2006-03-30\", \"2006-04-06\", \"2006-04-12\", \"2006-04-19\", \"2006-04-26\", \"2006-05-03\", \"2006-05-10\", \"2006-10-04\", \"2006-10-11\", \"2006-10-18\", \"2006-10-25\", \"2006-11-01\", \"2006-11-08\", \"2006-11-15\", \"2006-11-22\", \"2006-11-29\", \"2007-01-24\", \"2007-01-31\", \"2007-02-07\", \"2007-02-14\", \"2007-02-21\", \"2007-02-28\", \"2007-05-02\", \"2007-05-09\", \"2007-05-16\", \"2007-05-23\", \"2007-05-23\"], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64]}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"94d17170-6d72-46ee-8b60-a61bdd05d5ba\"}, {\"type\": \"BoxZoomTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"79c6bc35-cee5-4dac-b992-97fbf822a9e7\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}, \"overlay\": {\"type\": \"BoxAnnotation\", \"id\": \"f78d5c53-1b88-44d0-b509-413491301294\"}}, \"id\": \"1cf73cf8-4b59-4008-9027-3144e93516cf\"}, {\"type\": \"ResetTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"82a08fbf-0450-48bc-98bf-81dc7cca4c26\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"a95bac7d-fcb9-4bdc-b0c0-7fdd1edd8c20\"}, {\"type\": \"ToolEvents\", \"attributes\": {}, \"id\": \"9bb8d4d6-5f66-49ae-8c50-69da42655df7\"}, {\"type\": \"ColumnDataSource\", \"attributes\": {\"column_names\": [\"title\", \"episode_number\", \"rating\", \"episode\", \"index\", \"aired\", \"season\", \"x\", \"y\", \"fill_color\"], \"data\": {\"title\": [\"Pilot\", \"Spanish 101\", \"Introduction to Film\", \"Social Psychology\", \"Advanced Criminal Law\", \"Football, Feminism and You\", \"Introduction to Statistics\", \"Home Economics\", \"Debate 109\", \"Environmental Science\", \"The Politics of Human Sexuality\", \"Comparative Religion\", \"Investigative Journalism\", \"Interpretive Dance\", \"Romantic Expressionism\", \"Communication Studies\", \"Physical Education\", \"Basic Genealogy\", \"Beginner Pottery\", \"The Science of Illusion\", \"Contemporary American Poultry\", \"The Art of Discourse\", \"Modern Warfare\", \"English as a Second Language\", \"Pascal's Triangle Revisited\", \"Anthropology 101\", \"Accounting for Lawyers\", \"The Psychology of Letting Go\", \"Basic Rocket Science\", \"Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples\", \"Epidemiology\", \"Aerodynamics of Gender\", \"Cooperative Calligraphy\", \"Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design\", \"Mixology Certification\", \"Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas\", \"Asian Population Studies\", \"Celebrity Pharmacology\", \"Advanced Dungeons & Dragons\", \"Early 21st Century Romanticism\", \"Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking\", \"Intro to Political Science\", \"Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy\", \"Critical Film Studies\", \"Competitive Wine Tasting\", \"Paradigms of Human Memory\", \"Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts\", \"A Fistful of Paintballs (1)\", \"For a Few Paintballs More (2)\", \"Biology 101\", \"Geography of Global Conflict\", \"Competitive Ecology\", \"Remedial Chaos Theory\", \"Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps\", \"Advanced Gay\", \"Studies in Modern Movement\", \"Documentary Filmmaking: Redux\", \"Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism\", \"Regional Holiday Music\", \"Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts\", \"Contemporary Impressionists\", \"Digital Exploration of Interior Design (1)\", \"Pillows and Blankets (2)\", \"Origins of Vampire Mythology\", \"Virtual Systems Analysis\", \"Basic Lupine Urology\", \"Course Listing Unavailable\", \"Curriculum Unavailable\", \"Digital Estate Planning\", \"The First Chang Dynasty\", \"Introduction to Finality\", \"History 101\", \"Paranormal Parentage\", \"Conventions of Space and Time\", \"Alternative History of the German Invasion\", \"Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations\", \"Advanced Documentary Filmmaking\", \"Economics of Marine Biology\", \"Herstory of Dance\", \"Intro to Felt Surrogacy\", \"Intro to Knots\", \"Basic Human Anatomy\", \"Heroic Origins\", \"Advanced Introduction to Finality\", \"Repilot\", \"Introduction to Teaching\", \"Basic Intergluteal Numismatics\", \"Cooperative Polygraphy\", \"Geothermal Escapism\", \"Analysis of Cork-Based Networking\", \"Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality\", \"App Development and Condiments\", \"VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing\", \"Advanced Advanced Dungeons & Dragons\", \"G.I. Jeff\", \"Basic Story\", \"Basic Sandwich\", \"Ladders\", \"Lawnmower Maintenance and Postnatal Care\", \"Basic Crisis Room Decorum\", \"Queer Studies and Advanced Waxing\", \"Laws of Robotics and Party Rights\", \"Basic Email Security\", \"Advanced Safety Features\", \"Intro to Recycled Cinema\", \"Grifting 101\", \"Basic RV Repair and Palmistry\", \"Modern Espionage\", \"Wedding Videography\", \"Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110], \"y\": [8.02054, 8.10309, 8.26287, 8.39302, 8.25234, 8.13658, 8.59265, 8.13354, 8.5304, 8.35188, 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2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6], \"rating\": [8.02054, 8.10309, 8.26287, 8.39302, 8.25234, 8.13658, 8.59265, 8.13354, 8.5304, 8.35188, 8.11881, 8.38079, 8.11304, 8.27598, 8.2356, 8.34507, 8.68937, 8.27113, 8.2548, 8.44948, 8.55, 8.05925, 9.24129, 8.24205, 8.46749, 8.44517, 8.32642, 8.29837, 8.46714, 8.13455, 8.5536, 8.22491, 8.33058, 8.85557, 8.26435, 7.88835, 8.16814, 8.09124, 8.93939, 8.25181, 8.29433, 8.42446, 7.9296, 8.5, 8.15614, 8.32315, 8.24194, 9.11034, 9.07504, 8.01896, 8.25247, 8.16897, 9.10839, 8.47923, 8.21575, 8.57254, 8.39638, 8.34975, 8.20994, 8.21384, 8.36321, 8.52489, 8.86003, 8.23639, 8.52286, 8.81312, 8.25077, 8.68017, 9.05183, 8.61029, 8.54463, 7.60239, 7.68639, 7.75852, 7.80702, 7.83113, 7.93505, 7.58885, 7.99671, 7.6129, 7.93919, 8.04927, 8.08129, 8.03753, 7.86429, 8.10847, 8.12623, 8.34061, 8.60647, 8.00273, 7.79065, 8.28207, 7.98868, 8.09639, 7.45155, 7.77304, 8.12694, 7.44302, 7.42788, 7.45679, 7.54835, 7.51671, 7.3992, 7.45417, 7.44979, 7.37681, 7.13366, 7.97885, 7.66514, 8.44258], \"fill_color\": [\"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", \"1.3\", \"1.4\", \"1.5\", \"1.6\", \"1.7\", \"1.8\", \"1.9\", \"1.10\", \"1.11\", \"1.12\", \"1.13\", \"1.14\", \"1.15\", \"1.16\", \"1.17\", \"1.18\", \"1.19\", \"1.20\", \"1.21\", \"1.22\", \"1.23\", \"1.24\", \"1.25\", \"2.1\", \"2.2\", \"2.3\", \"2.4\", \"2.5\", \"2.6\", \"2.7\", \"2.8\", \"2.9\", \"2.10\", \"2.11\", \"2.12\", \"2.13\", \"2.14\", \"2.15\", \"2.16\", \"2.17\", \"2.18\", \"2.19\", \"2.20\", \"2.21\", \"2.22\", \"2.23\", \"2.24\", \"3.1\", \"3.2\", \"3.3\", \"3.4\", \"3.5\", \"3.6\", \"3.7\", \"3.8\", \"3.9\", \"3.10\", \"3.11\", \"3.12\", \"3.13\", \"3.14\", \"3.15\", \"3.16\", \"3.17\", \"3.18\", \"3.19\", \"3.20\", \"3.21\", \"3.22\", \"4.1\", \"4.2\", \"4.3\", \"4.4\", \"4.5\", \"4.6\", \"4.7\", \"4.8\", \"4.9\", \"4.10\", \"4.11\", \"4.12\", \"4.13\", \"5.1\", \"5.2\", \"5.3\", \"5.4\", \"5.5\", \"5.6\", \"5.7\", \"5.8\", \"5.9\", \"5.10\", \"5.11\", \"5.12\", \"5.13\", \"6.1\", \"6.2\", \"6.3\", \"6.4\", \"6.5\", \"6.6\", \"6.7\", \"6.8\", \"6.9\", \"6.10\", \"6.11\", \"6.12\", \"6.13\"], \"index\": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109], \"aired\": [\"2009-09-17\", \"2009-09-24\", \"2009-10-01\", \"2009-10-08\", \"2009-10-15\", \"2009-10-22\", \"2009-10-29\", \"2009-11-05\", \"2009-11-12\", \"2009-11-19\", \"2009-12-03\", \"2009-12-10\", \"2010-01-14\", \"2010-01-21\", \"2010-02-04\", \"2010-02-11\", \"2010-03-04\", \"2010-03-11\", \"2010-03-18\", \"2010-03-25\", \"2010-04-22\", \"2010-04-29\", \"2010-05-06\", \"2010-05-13\", \"2010-05-20\", \"2010-09-23\", \"2010-09-30\", \"2010-10-07\", \"2010-10-14\", \"2010-10-21\", \"2010-10-28\", \"2010-11-04\", \"2010-11-11\", \"2010-11-18\", \"2010-12-02\", \"2010-12-09\", \"2011-01-20\", \"2011-01-27\", \"2011-02-03\", \"2011-02-10\", \"2011-02-17\", \"2011-02-24\", \"2011-03-17\", \"2011-03-24\", \"2011-04-14\", \"2011-04-21\", \"2011-04-28\", \"2011-05-05\", \"2011-05-12\", 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and To Hold\", \"Interruptus\", \"Behind the Music\", \"Samuel Rising\", \"A Tale of Two Parties\", \"I Married An Alien\", \"Ch-Ch-Changes\", \"Panacea\", \"Chant Down Babylon\", \"Who Died and Made You King?\", \"Crash\", \"Four Aliens and A Baby\", \"Graduation\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61], \"y\": [8.15625, 7.74468, 8.0, 8.20588, 7.80645, 8.38461, 8.28, 8.30769, 8.46154, 8.0, 7.95652, 8.13043, 7.90909, 8.26923, 8.13636, 8.45833, 8.13636, 8.42857, 8.33333, 8.5, 8.33333, 8.69565, 7.89474, 8.41177, 8.375, 7.89474, 8.3913, 8.41177, 7.8125, 7.9, 7.92857, 8.0, 7.82353, 8.05882, 7.9375, 7.9375, 8.27778, 8.05556, 8.11765, 8.1875, 8.35714, 8.07692, 8.46154, 7.5, 7.84615, 8.09091, 8.11111, 8.33333, 8.2, 8.16667, 7.88889, 7.66667, 8.16667, 8.54545, 8.1, 8.45455, 7.11111, 7.9, 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119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159], \"y\": [8.10483, 8.08675, 8.08936, 8.22944, 8.19701, 8.15903, 8.21076, 7.91128, 8.31725, 8.24734, 8.13906, 8.14308, 8.1592, 8.1195, 8.48826, 8.16722, 8.18166, 8.23786, 8.2488, 8.00336, 8.09091, 8.23625, 8.42212, 8.4382, 8.11433, 8.18955, 8.04608, 8.1003, 8.17647, 8.23602, 8.0622, 8.29969, 7.88399, 8.04575, 8.2351, 8.14784, 8.48862, 8.1395, 8.0522, 8.18069, 7.97893, 8.24689, 8.13793, 8.1619, 8.20281, 8.24428, 8.25194, 8.21236, 8.13315, 8.25955, 8.17607, 8.171, 8.12483, 8.08931, 8.36951, 8.24799, 8.21188, 8.24654, 8.1164, 8.14536, 8.41744, 8.26372, 8.35262, 8.26455, 8.34505, 8.18498, 8.28874, 8.15314, 8.13273, 8.42379, 8.13972, 8.48923, 8.26652, 8.339, 8.12146, 7.97974, 8.04, 8.04535, 8.21935, 8.21812, 8.02706, 8.0407, 8.14607, 8.29601, 8.35454, 7.92238, 7.99224, 7.79376, 8.16118, 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6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7], \"rating\": [8.10483, 8.08675, 8.08936, 8.22944, 8.19701, 8.15903, 8.21076, 7.91128, 8.31725, 8.24734, 8.13906, 8.14308, 8.1592, 8.1195, 8.48826, 8.16722, 8.18166, 8.23786, 8.2488, 8.00336, 8.09091, 8.23625, 8.42212, 8.4382, 8.11433, 8.18955, 8.04608, 8.1003, 8.17647, 8.23602, 8.0622, 8.29969, 7.88399, 8.04575, 8.2351, 8.14784, 8.48862, 8.1395, 8.0522, 8.18069, 7.97893, 8.24689, 8.13793, 8.1619, 8.20281, 8.24428, 8.25194, 8.21236, 8.13315, 8.25955, 8.17607, 8.171, 8.12483, 8.08931, 8.36951, 8.24799, 8.21188, 8.24654, 8.1164, 8.14536, 8.41744, 8.26372, 8.35262, 8.26455, 8.34505, 8.18498, 8.28874, 8.15314, 8.13273, 8.42379, 8.13972, 8.48923, 8.26652, 8.339, 8.12146, 7.97974, 8.04, 8.04535, 8.21935, 8.21812, 8.02706, 8.0407, 8.14607, 8.29601, 8.35454, 7.92238, 7.99224, 7.79376, 8.16118, 8.23244, 8.24051, 8.11346, 8.02954, 8.1517, 8.14547, 8.22956, 8.22532, 8.15793, 8.04973, 8.17692, 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\"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", \"1.3\", \"1.4\", \"1.5\", \"1.6\", \"1.7\", \"1.8\", \"1.9\", \"1.10\", \"1.11\", \"1.12\", \"1.13\", \"1.14\", \"1.15\", \"1.16\", \"1.17\", \"1.18\", \"1.19\", \"1.20\", \"1.21\", \"1.22\", \"1.23\", \"1.24\", \"2.1\", \"2.2\", \"2.3\", \"2.4\", \"2.5\", \"2.6\", \"2.7\", \"2.8\", \"2.9\", \"2.10\", \"2.11\", \"2.12\", \"2.13\", \"2.14\", \"2.15\", \"2.16\", 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\"Lazarus\", \"Young at Heart\", \"E.B.E.\", \"Miracle Man\", \"Shapes\", \"Darkness Falls\", \"Tooms\", \"Born Again\", \"Roland\", \"The Erlenmeyer Flask\", \"Little Green Men\", \"The Host\", \"Blood\", \"Sleepless\", \"Duane Barry (1)\", \"Ascension (2)\", \"3\", \"One Breath\", \"Firewalker\", \"Red Museum\", \"Excelsis Dei\", \"Aubrey\", \"Irresistible\", \"Die Hand Die Verletzt\", \"Fresh Bones\", \"Colony (1)\", \"End Game (2)\", \"Fearful Symmetry\", \"D\\u00f8d Kalm\", \"Humbug\", \"The Calusari\", \"F. Emasculata\", \"Soft Light\", \"Our Town\", \"Anasazi (1)\", \"The Blessing Way (2)\", \"Paper Clip (3)\", \"D.P.O.\", \"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose\", \"The List\", \"2Shy\", \"The Walk\", \"Oubliette\", \"Nisei (1)\", \"731 (2)\", \"Revelations\", \"War of the Coprophages\", \"Syzygy\", \"Grotesque\", \"Piper Maru (1)\", \"Apocrypha (2)\", \"Pusher\", \"Teso Dos Bichos\", \"Hell Money\", \"Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'\", \"Avatar\", \"Quagmire\", \"Wetwired\", \"Talitha Cumi (1)\", \"Herrenvolk (2)\", \"Home\", \"Teliko\", \"Unruhe\", \"The Field Where I Died\", \"Sanguinarium\", \"Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man\", \"Tunguska (1)\", \"Terma (2)\", \"Paper Hearts\", \"El Mundo Gira\", \"Leonard Betts\", \"Never Again\", \"Memento Mori\", \"Kaddish\", \"Unrequited\", \"Tempus Fugit (1)\", \"Max (2)\", \"Synchrony\", \"Small Potatoes\", \"Zero-Sum\", \"Elegy\", \"Demons\", \"Gethsemane (1)\", \"Redux (2)\", \"Redux II (3)\", \"Unusual Suspects\", \"Detour\", \"The Post-Modern Prometheus\", \"Christmas Carol (1)\", \"Emily (2)\", \"Kitsunegari\", \"Schizogeny\", \"Chinga\", \"Kill Switch\", \"Bad Blood\", \"Patient X (1)\", \"The Red and the Black (2)\", \"Travelers\", \"Mind's Eye\", \"All Souls\", \"The Pine Bluff Variant\", \"Folie \\u00e0 Deux\", \"The End\", \"The Beginning\", \"Drive\", \"Triangle\", \"Dreamland (1)\", \"Dreamland II (2)\", \"How The Ghosts Stole Christmas\", \"Terms of Endearment\", \"The Rain King\", \"S.R. 819\", \"Tithonus\", \"Two Fathers (1)\", \"One Son (2)\", \"Agua Mala\", \"Monday\", \"Arcadia\", \"Alpha\", \"Trevor\", \"Milagro\", \"The Unnatural\", \"Three of a Kind\", \"Field Trip\", \"Biogenesis (1)\", \"The Sixth Extinction (2)\", \"The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati (3)\", \"Hungry\", \"Millennium\", \"Rush\", \"The Goldberg Variation\", \"Orison\", \"The Amazing Maleeni\", \"Signs & Wonders\", \"Sein und Zeit (1)\", \"Closure (2)\", \"X-COPS\", \"First Person Shooter\", \"Theef\", \"En Ami\", \"Chimera\", \"all things\", \"Brand X\", \"Hollywood A.D.\", \"Fight Club\", \"Je Souhaite\", \"Requiem\", \"Within (1)\", \"Without (2)\", \"Patience\", \"Roadrunners\", \"Invocation\", \"Redrum\", \"Via Negativa\", \"Surekill\", \"Salvage\", \"Badlaa\", \"The Gift\", \"Medusa\", \"Per Manum\", \"This Is Not Happening (1)\", \"Deadalive (2)\", \"Three Words\", \"Empedocles\", \"Vienen\", \"Alone\", \"Essence (1)\", \"Existence (2)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today (1)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today II (2)\", \"D\\u00e6monicus\", \"4-D\", \"Lord of the Flies\", \"Trust No 1\", \"John Doe\", \"Hellbound\", \"Provenance (1)\", \"Providence (2)\", \"Audrey Pauley\", \"Underneath\", \"Improbable\", \"Scary Monsters\", \"Jump the Shark\", \"William\", \"Release\", \"Sunshine Days\", \"The Truth (1)\", \"The Truth (2)\", \"My Struggle\", \"Founder's Mutation\", \"Mulder And Scully Meet the Were-Monster\", \"Home Again\", \"Babylon\", \"My Struggle II\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208], \"y\": [8.09233, 7.8518, 7.87669, 7.57255, 7.31197, 7.50337, 7.36406, 8.12211, 7.02284, 7.83092, 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7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10], \"rating\": [8.09233, 7.8518, 7.87669, 7.57255, 7.31197, 7.50337, 7.36406, 8.12211, 7.02284, 7.83092, 7.87376, 7.58038, 7.89894, 7.46176, 7.35443, 7.58805, 8.14583, 7.26871, 7.31987, 7.9586, 8.0273, 7.52963, 7.55197, 8.56024, 8.16456, 7.98288, 7.57752, 7.84444, 8.46479, 8.38722, 7.03629, 8.06227, 7.59149, 7.62551, 7.23318, 7.5, 7.6886, 7.95833, 7.57798, 8.38492, 8.44167, 7.27536, 7.79018, 8.11741, 7.63158, 7.67822, 7.69802, 7.74408, 8.6822, 8.37891, 8.46154, 7.73394, 8.48771, 7.19139, 7.50472, 7.34146, 7.57692, 8.15217, 8.23684, 7.34146, 8.15385, 7.71219, 7.27919, 8.02359, 8.16098, 8.07076, 6.88172, 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8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"fill_color\": [\"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", 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\"Bart vs. Australia\", \"Homer vs. Patty and Selma\", \"A Star Is Burns\", \"Lisa's Wedding\", \"Two Dozen and One Greyhounds\", \"The PTA Disbands\", \"Round Springfield\", \"The Springfield Connection\", \"Lemon of Troy\", \"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (1)\", \"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (2)\", \"Radioactive Man\", \"Home Sweet Homediddily-Dum-Doodily\", \"Bart Sells His Soul\", \"Lisa the Vegetarian\", \"Treehouse of Horror VI\", \"King-Size Homer\", \"Mother Simpson\", \"Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming\", \"The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular\", \"Marge Be Not Proud\", \"Team Homer\", \"Two Bad Neighbors\", \"Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield\", \"Bart the Fink\", \"Lisa the Iconoclast\", \"Homer the Smithers\", \"The Day the Violence Died\", \"A Fish Called Selma\", \"Bart on the Road\", \"22 Short Films About Springfield\", \"Raging Abe Simpson and his Grumbling Grandson in: 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish'\", \"Much Apu About Nothing\", \"Homerpalooza\", \"Summer of 4 Ft. 2\", \"Treehouse of Horror VII\", \"You Only Move Twice\", \"The Homer They Fall\", \"Burns Baby Burns\", \"Bart After Dark\", \"A Milhouse Divided\", \"Lisa's Date With Density\", \"Hurricane Neddy\", \"El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Our Homer)\", \"The Springfield Files\", \"The Twisted World of Marge Simpson\", \"Mountain of Madness\", \"Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala (Annoyed Grunt) cious\", \"The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show\", \"Homer's Phobia\", \"Brother From Another Series\", \"My Sister, My Sitter\", \"Homer vs. the 18th Amendment\", \"Grade School Confidential\", \"The Canine Mutiny\", \"The Old Man and the Lisa\", \"In Marge We Trust\", \"Homer's Enemy\", \"The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase\", \"The Secret War of Lisa Simpson\", \"The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson\", \"The Principal and the Pauper\", \"Lisa's Sax\", \"Treehouse of Horror VIII\", \"The Cartridge Family\", \"Bart Star\", \"The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons\", \"Lisa the Skeptic\", \"Realty Bites\", \"Miracle on Evergreen Terrace\", \"All Singing, All Dancing\", \"Bart Carny\", \"The Joy of Sect\", \"Das Bus\", \"The Last Temptation of Krust\", \"Dumbbell Indemnity\", \"Lisa the Simpson\", \"This Little Wiggy\", \"Simpson Tide\", \"The Trouble With Trillions\", \"Girly Edition\", \"Trash of the Titans\", \"King of the Hill\", \"Lost Our Lisa\", \"Natural Born Kissers\", \"Lard of the Dance\", \"The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace\", \"Bart the Mother\", \"Treehouse of Horror IX\", \"When You Dish Upon a Star\", \"D'oh-in in the Wind\", \"Lisa Gets an A\", \"Homer Simpson in: 'Kidney Trouble'\", \"Mayored to the Mob\", \"Viva Ned Flanders\", \"Wild Barts Can't Be Broken\", \"Sunday, Cruddy Sunday\", \"Homer to the Max\", \"I'm with Cupid\", \"Marge Simpson in: 'Screaming Yellow Honkers'\", \"Make Room for Lisa\", \"Maximum Homerdrive\", \"Simpsons Bible Stories\", \"Mom and Pop Art\", \"The Old Man and the C Student\", \"Monty Can't Buy Me Love\", \"They Saved Lisa's Brain\", \"Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo\", \"Beyond Blunderdome\", \"Brother's Little Helper\", \"Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?\", \"Treehouse of Horror X\", \"E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)\", \"Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder\", \"Eight Misbehavin'\", \"Take My Wife, Sleaze\", \"Grift of the Magi\", \"Little Big Mom\", \"Faith Off\", \"The Mansion Family\", \"Saddlesore Galactica\", \"Alone Again, Natura-Diddily\", \"Missionary: Impossible\", \"Pygmoelian\", \"Bart to the Future\", \"Days of Wine and D'ohses\", \"Kill the Alligator and Run\", \"Last Tap Dance in Springfield\", \"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge\", \"Behind the Laughter\", \"Treehouse of Horror XI\", \"A Tale of Two Springfields\", \"Insane Clown Poppy\", \"Lisa the Tree Hugger\", \"Homer vs. Dignity\", \"The Computer Wore Menace Shoes\", \"The Great Money Caper\", \"Skinner's Sense of Snow\", \"HOM\\u042f\", \"Pokey Mom\", \"Worst Episode Ever\", \"Tennis the Menace\", \"Day of the Jackanapes\", \"New Kids on the Blecch\", \"Hungry Hungry Homer\", \"Bye Bye Nerdy\", \"Simpson Safari\", \"Trilogy of Error\", \"I'm Goin' to Praiseland\", \"Children of a Lesser Clod\", \"Simpsons Tall Tales\", \"Treehouse of Horror XII\", \"The Parent Rap\", \"Homer the Moe\", \"Hunka Hunka Burns in Love\", \"The Blunder Years\", \"She of Little Faith\", \"Brawl in the Family\", \"Sweets and Sour Marge\", \"Jaws Wired Shut\", \"Half-Decent Proposal\", \"The Bart Wants What It Wants\", \"The Lastest Gun in the West\", \"The Old Man and the Key\", \"Tales From the Public Domain\", \"Blame It on Lisa\", \"Weekend at Burnsie's\", \"Gump Roast\", \"I Am Furious Yellow\", \"The Sweetest Apu\", \"Little Girl in the Big Ten\", \"The Frying Game\", \"Papa's Got a Brand New Badge\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIII\", \"How I Spent My Strummer Vacation\", \"Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade\", \"Large Marge\", \"Helter Shelter\", \"The Great Louse Detective\", \"Special Edna (a.k.a. Love and Marking)\", \"The Dad Who Knew Too Little\", \"Strong Arms of the Ma\", \"Pray Anything\", \"Barting Over\", \"I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can\", \"A Star Is Born-Again\", \"Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington\", \"C.E. D'oh!\", \"Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky\", \"Three Gays of the Condo\", \"Dude, Where's My Ranch?\", \"Old Yeller Belly\", \"Brake My Wife, Please\", \"The Bart of War\", \"Moe Baby Blues\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIV\", \"My Mother the Carjacker\", \"The President Wore Pearls\", \"The Regina Monologues\", \"The Fat and the Furriest\", \"Today, I Am a Klown\", \"'Tis the Fifteenth Season\", \"Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays\", \"I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot\", \"Diatribe of a Mad Housewife\", \"Margical History Tour\", \"Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore\", \"Smart and Smarter\", \"The Ziff Who Came to Dinner\", \"Co-Dependent's Day\", \"The Wandering Juvie\", \"My Big Fat Geek Wedding\", \"Catch 'Em If You Can\", \"Simple Simpson\", \"The Way We Weren't\", \"Bart-Mangled Banner\", \"Fraudcast News\", \"Treehouse of Horror XV\", \"All's Fair in Oven War\", \"Sleeping with the Enemy\", \"She Used to Be My Girl\", \"Fat Man and Little Boy\", \"Midnight Rx\", \"Mommie Beerest\", \"Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass\", \"Pranksta Rap\", \"There's Something About Marrying\", \"On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister\", \"Goo Goo Gai Pan\", \"Mobile Homer\", \"The Seven-Beer Snitch\", \"Future-Drama\", \"Don't Fear the Roofer\", \"The Heartbroke Kid\", \"A Star Is Torn\", \"Thank God, It's Doomsday\", \"Home Away from Homer\", \"The Father, the Son & the Holy Guest Star\", \"The Bonfire of the Manatees\", \"The Girl Who Slept Too Little\", \"Milhouse of Sand and Fog\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVI\", \"Marge's Son Poisoning\", \"See Homer Run\", \"The Last of the Red Hat Mamas\", \"The Italian Bob\", \"Simpsons Christmas Stories\", \"Homer's Paternity Coot\", \"We're on the Road to D'ohwhere\", \"My Fair Laddy\", \"The Seemingly Never-Ending Story\", \"Bart Has Two Mommies\", \"Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife\", \"Million Dollar Abie\", \"Kiss, Kiss Bang Bangalore\", \"The Wettest Stories Ever Told\", \"Girls Just Want to Have Sums\", \"Regarding Margie\", \"The Monkey Suit\", \"Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play\", \"The Mook, the Chef, the Wife, and Her Homer\", \"Jazzy and the Pussycats\", \"Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVII\", \"G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)\", \"Moe 'N' a Lisa\", \"Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)\", \"The Haw-Hawed Couple\", \"Kill Gil: Vols. 1 & 2\", \"The Wife Aquatic\", \"Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Three Times\", \"Little Big Girl\", \"Springfield Up\", \"Yokel Chords\", \"Rome-Old and Juli-Eh\", \"Homerazzi\", \"Marge Gamer\", \"The Boys of Bummer\", \"Crook and Ladder\", \"Stop or My Dog Will Shoot\", \"24 Minutes\", \"You Kent Always Say What You Want\", \"He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs\", \"The Homer of Seville\", \"Midnight Towboy\", \"I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVIII\", \"Little Orphan Millie\", \"Husbands and Knives\", \"Funeral for a Fiend\", \"Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind\", \"E. Pluribus Wiggum\", \"That 90's Show\", \"Love, Springfieldian Style\", \"The Debarted\", \"Dial 'N' for Nerder\", \"Smoke on the Daughter\", \"Papa Don't Leech\", \"Apocalypse Cow\", \"Any Given Sundance\", \"Mona Leaves-a\", \"All About Lisa\", \"Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes\", \"Lost Verizon\", \"Double, Double, Boy in Trouble\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIX\", \"Dangerous Curves\", \"Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words\", \"Mypods and Boomsticks\", \"The Burns and the Bees\", \"Lisa the Drama Queen\", \"Take My Life, Please\", \"How the Test Was Won\", \"No Loan Again, Naturally\", \"Gone Maggie Gone\", \"In the Name of the Grandfather\", \"Wedding for Disaster\", \"Eeny Teeny Maya Moe\", \"The Good, the Sad and the Drugly\", \"Father Knows Worst\", \"Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D'oh\", \"Four Great Women and a Manicure\", \"Coming to Homerica\", \"Homer the Whopper\", \"Bart Gets a 'Z'\", \"The Great Wife Hope\", \"Treehouse of Horror XX\", \"The Devil Wears Nada\", \"Pranks and Greens\", \"Rednecks and Broomsticks\", \"Oh Brother, Where Bart Thou?\", \"Thursdays with Abie\", \"Once Upon a Time in Springfield\", \"Million Dollar Maybe\", \"Boy Meets Curl\", \"The Color Yellow\", \"Postcards from the Wedge\", \"Stealing First Base\", \"The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed\", \"American History X-cellent\", \"Chief of Hearts\", \"The Squirt and the Whale\", \"To Surveil with Love\", \"Moe Letter Blues\", \"The Bob Next Door\", \"Judge Me Tender\", \"Elementary School Musical\", \"Loan-a-Lisa\", \"MoneyBART\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXI\", \"Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life\", \"The Fool Monty\", \"How Munched is that Birdie in the Window?\", \"The Fight Before Christmas\", \"Donnie Fatso\", \"Moms I'd Like to Forget\", \"Flaming Moe\", \"Homer the Father\", \"The Blue and the Gray\", \"Angry Dad: The Movie\", \"The Scorpion's Tale\", \"A Midsummer's Nice Dream\", \"Love is a Many Strangled Thing\", \"The Great Simpsina\", \"The Real Housewives of Fat Tony\", \"Homer Scissorhands\", \"500 Keys\", \"The Ned-Liest Catch\", \"The Falcon and the D'Ohman\", \"Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXII\", \"Replaceable You\", \"The Food Wife\", \"The Book Job\", \"The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants\", \"The Ten-Per-Cent Solution\", \"Holidays of Future Passed\", \"Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson\", \"The D'oh-cial Network\", \"Moe Goes from Rags to Riches\", \"The Daughter Also Rises\", \"At Long Last Leave\", \"Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart\", \"How I Wet Your Mother\", \"Them, Robot\", \"Beware My Cheating Bart\", \"A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again\", \"The Spy Who Learned Me\", \"Ned 'n' Edna's Blend\", \"Lisa Goes Gaga\", \"Moonshine River\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXIII\", \"Adventures in Baby-Getting\", \"Gone Abie Gone\", \"Penny-Wiseguys\", \"A Tree Grows in Springfield\", \"The Day the Earth Stood Cool\", \"To Cur With Love\", \"Homer Goes to Prep School\", \"A Test Before Trying\", \"The Changing of the Guardian\", \"Love is a Many-Splintered Thing\", \"Hardly Kirk-ing\", \"Gorgeous Grampa\", \"Black-Eyed, Please\", \"Dark Knight Court\", \"What Animated Women Want\", \"Pulpit Friction\", \"Whiskey Business\", \"The Fabulous Faker Boys\", \"The Saga of Carl Carlson\", \"Dangers on a Train\", \"Homerland\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXIV\", \"Four Regrettings and a Funeral\", \"YOLO\", \"Labor Pains\", \"The Kid is All Right\", \"Yellow Subterfuge\", \"White Christmas Blues\", \"Steal This Episode\", \"Married to the Blob\", \"Specs and the City\", \"Diggs\", \"The Man Who Grew Too Much\", \"The Winter of His Content\", \"The War of Art\", \"You Don't Have to Live Like a Referee\", \"Luca$\", \"Days of Future Future\", \"What to Expect When Bart's Expecting\", \"Brick Like Me\", \"Pay Pal\", \"The Yellow Badge of Cowardge\", \"Clown in the Dumps\", \"The Wreck of the Relationship\", \"Super Franchise Me\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXV\", \"Opposites A-Frack\", \"Simpsorama\", \"Blazed and Confused\", \"Covercraft\", \"I Won't Be Home for Christmas\", \"The Man Who Came to Be Dinner\", \"Bart's New Friend\", \"The Musk Who Fell to Earth\", \"Walking Big & Tall\", \"My Fare Lady\", \"The Princess Guide\", \"Sky Police\", \"Waiting For Duffman\", \"Peeping Mom\", \"The Kids are All Fight\", \"Let's Go Fly a Coot\", \"Bull-E\", \"Mathlete's Feat\", \"Every Man's Dream\", \"Cue Detective\", \"Puffless\", \"Halloween of Horror\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXVI\", \"Friend with Benefit\", \"Lisa with an 'S'\", \"Paths of Glory\", \"Barthood\", \"The Girl Code\", \"Teenage Mutant Milk-caused Hurdles\", \"Much Apu About Something\", \"Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-Ne-He-CH4\", \"Gal of Constant Sorrow\", null], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 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\"1991-02-01\", \"1991-02-08\", \"1991-02-15\", \"1991-02-22\", \"1991-03-08\", \"1991-03-29\", \"1991-04-12\", \"1991-04-26\", \"1991-05-03\", \"1991-05-10\", \"1991-08-12\", \"1991-09-20\", \"1991-09-27\", \"1991-10-04\", \"1991-10-11\", \"1991-10-18\", \"1991-10-25\", \"1991-11-01\", \"1991-11-08\", \"1991-11-15\", \"1991-11-22\", \"1991-12-06\", \"1991-12-27\", \"1992-01-10\", \"1992-01-24\", \"1992-02-07\", \"1992-02-14\", \"1992-02-21\", \"1992-02-28\", \"1992-03-13\", \"1992-03-27\", \"1992-04-10\", \"1992-04-24\", \"1992-05-08\", \"1992-08-28\", \"1992-09-25\", \"1992-10-02\", \"1992-10-09\", \"1992-10-16\", \"1992-10-30\", \"1992-11-04\", \"1992-11-06\", \"1992-11-13\", \"1992-11-20\", \"1992-12-04\", \"1992-12-18\", \"1993-01-15\", \"1993-01-22\", \"1993-02-05\", \"1993-02-12\", \"1993-02-19\", \"1993-03-12\", \"1993-04-02\", \"1993-04-16\", \"1993-04-30\", \"1993-05-07\", \"1993-05-14\", \"1993-10-01\", \"1993-10-08\", \"1993-10-15\", \"1993-10-22\", \"1993-10-29\", \"1993-11-05\", \"1993-11-12\", \"1993-11-19\", \"1993-12-10\", \"1993-12-17\", \"1994-01-07\", \"1994-02-04\", \"1994-02-11\", \"1994-02-18\", \"1994-02-25\", \"1994-03-18\", \"1994-04-01\", \"1994-04-15\", \"1994-04-29\", \"1994-05-06\", \"1994-05-13\", \"1994-05-20\", \"1994-09-05\", \"1994-09-12\", \"1994-09-26\", \"1994-10-03\", \"1994-10-10\", \"1994-10-31\", \"1994-11-07\", \"1994-11-14\", \"1994-11-28\", \"1994-12-05\", \"1994-12-19\", \"1995-01-09\", \"1995-01-23\", \"1995-02-06\", \"1995-02-13\", \"1995-02-20\", \"1995-02-27\", \"1995-03-06\", \"1995-03-20\", \"1995-04-10\", \"1995-04-17\", \"1995-05-01\", \"1995-05-08\", \"1995-05-15\", \"1995-05-22\", \"1995-09-18\", \"1995-09-25\", \"1995-10-02\", \"1995-10-09\", \"1995-10-16\", \"1995-10-30\", \"1995-11-06\", \"1995-11-20\", \"1995-11-27\", \"1995-12-04\", \"1995-12-18\", \"1996-01-08\", \"1996-01-15\", \"1996-02-05\", \"1996-02-12\", \"1996-02-19\", \"1996-02-26\", \"1996-03-18\", \"1996-03-25\", \"1996-04-01\", \"1996-04-15\", \"1996-04-29\", \"1996-05-06\", \"1996-05-20\", \"1996-05-20\", \"1996-10-28\", \"1996-11-04\", \"1996-11-11\", \"1996-11-18\", \"1996-11-25\", \"1996-12-02\", \"1996-12-16\", \"1996-12-30\", \"1997-01-06\", \"1997-01-13\", \"1997-01-20\", \"1997-02-03\", \"1997-02-08\", \"1997-02-10\", \"1997-02-17\", \"1997-02-24\", \"1997-03-03\", \"1997-03-17\", \"1997-04-07\", \"1997-04-14\", \"1997-04-21\", \"1997-04-28\", \"1997-05-05\", \"1997-05-12\", \"1997-05-19\", \"1997-09-22\", \"1997-09-29\", \"1997-10-20\", \"1997-10-27\", \"1997-11-03\", \"1997-11-10\", \"1997-11-17\", \"1997-11-24\", \"1997-12-08\", \"1997-12-22\", \"1998-01-05\", \"1998-01-12\", \"1998-02-09\", \"1998-02-16\", \"1998-02-23\", \"1998-03-02\", \"1998-03-09\", \"1998-03-23\", \"1998-03-30\", \"1998-04-06\", \"1998-04-20\", \"1998-04-27\", \"1998-05-04\", \"1998-05-11\", \"1998-05-18\", \"1998-08-24\", \"1998-09-21\", \"1998-09-28\", \"1998-10-26\", \"1998-11-09\", \"1998-11-16\", \"1998-11-23\", \"1998-12-07\", \"1998-12-21\", \"1999-01-11\", \"1999-01-18\", \"1999-02-01\", \"1999-02-08\", \"1999-02-15\", \"1999-02-22\", \"1999-03-01\", \"1999-03-29\", \"1999-04-05\", \"1999-04-12\", \"1999-04-26\", \"1999-05-03\", \"1999-05-10\", \"1999-05-17\", \"1999-09-27\", \"1999-10-04\", \"1999-10-25\", \"1999-11-01\", \"1999-11-08\", \"1999-11-15\", \"1999-11-22\", \"1999-11-29\", \"1999-12-20\", \"2000-01-10\", \"2000-01-17\", \"2000-01-24\", \"2000-02-07\", \"2000-02-14\", \"2000-02-21\", \"2000-02-28\", \"2000-03-20\", \"2000-04-10\", \"2000-05-01\", \"2000-05-08\", \"2000-05-15\", \"2000-05-22\", \"2000-11-02\", \"2000-11-06\", \"2000-11-13\", \"2000-11-20\", \"2000-11-27\", \"2000-12-04\", \"2000-12-11\", \"2000-12-18\", \"2001-01-08\", \"2001-01-15\", \"2001-02-05\", \"2001-02-12\", \"2001-02-19\", \"2001-02-26\", \"2001-03-05\", \"2001-03-12\", \"2001-04-02\", \"2001-04-30\", \"2001-05-07\", \"2001-05-14\", \"2001-05-21\", \"2001-11-07\", \"2001-11-12\", \"2001-11-19\", \"2001-12-03\", \"2001-12-10\", \"2001-12-17\", \"2002-01-07\", \"2002-01-21\", \"2002-01-28\", \"2002-02-11\", \"2002-02-18\", \"2002-02-25\", \"2002-03-11\", \"2002-03-18\", \"2002-04-01\", \"2002-04-08\", \"2002-04-22\", \"2002-04-29\", \"2002-05-06\", \"2002-05-13\", \"2002-05-20\", \"2002-05-23\", \"2002-11-04\", \"2002-11-11\", \"2002-11-18\", \"2002-11-25\", \"2002-12-02\", \"2002-12-16\", \"2003-01-06\", \"2003-01-13\", \"2003-02-03\", \"2003-02-10\", \"2003-02-17\", \"2003-02-17\", \"2003-03-03\", \"2003-03-10\", \"2003-03-17\", \"2003-03-31\", \"2003-04-14\", \"2003-04-28\", \"2003-05-05\", \"2003-05-12\", \"2003-05-19\", \"2003-05-19\", \"2003-11-03\", \"2003-11-10\", \"2003-11-17\", \"2003-11-24\", \"2003-12-01\", \"2003-12-08\", \"2003-12-15\", \"2004-01-05\", \"2004-01-12\", \"2004-01-26\", \"2004-02-09\", \"2004-02-16\", \"2004-02-23\", \"2004-03-15\", \"2004-03-22\", \"2004-03-29\", \"2004-04-19\", \"2004-04-26\", \"2004-05-03\", \"2004-05-10\", \"2004-05-17\", \"2004-05-24\", \"2004-11-08\", \"2004-11-15\", \"2004-11-22\", \"2004-12-06\", \"2004-12-13\", \"2005-01-17\", \"2005-01-31\", \"2005-02-07\", \"2005-02-14\", \"2005-02-21\", \"2005-03-07\", \"2005-03-14\", \"2005-03-21\", \"2005-04-04\", \"2005-04-18\", \"2005-05-02\", \"2005-05-02\", \"2005-05-09\", \"2005-05-09\", \"2005-05-16\", \"2005-05-16\", \"2005-09-12\", \"2005-09-19\", \"2005-09-26\", \"2005-11-07\", \"2005-11-14\", \"2005-11-21\", \"2005-11-28\", \"2005-12-12\", \"2005-12-19\", \"2006-01-09\", \"2006-01-30\", \"2006-02-27\", \"2006-03-13\", \"2006-03-20\", \"2006-03-27\", \"2006-04-03\", \"2006-04-10\", \"2006-04-24\", \"2006-05-01\", \"2006-05-08\", \"2006-05-15\", \"2006-05-22\", \"2006-09-11\", \"2006-09-18\", \"2006-09-25\", \"2006-11-06\", \"2006-11-13\", \"2006-11-20\", \"2006-11-27\", \"2006-12-11\", \"2006-12-18\", \"2007-01-08\", \"2007-01-29\", \"2007-02-12\", \"2007-02-19\", \"2007-03-05\", \"2007-03-12\", \"2007-03-26\", \"2007-04-23\", \"2007-04-30\", \"2007-05-07\", \"2007-05-14\", \"2007-05-21\", \"2007-05-21\", \"2007-09-24\", \"2007-10-01\", \"2007-10-08\", \"2007-10-15\", \"2007-11-05\", \"2007-11-12\", \"2007-11-19\", \"2007-11-26\", \"2007-12-17\", \"2008-01-07\", \"2008-01-28\", \"2008-02-18\", \"2008-03-03\", \"2008-03-10\", \"2008-03-31\", \"2008-04-14\", \"2008-04-28\", \"2008-05-05\", \"2008-05-12\", \"2008-05-19\", \"2008-09-29\", \"2008-10-06\", \"2008-10-20\", \"2008-11-03\", \"2008-11-10\", \"2008-11-17\", \"2008-12-01\", \"2008-12-08\", \"2009-01-26\", \"2009-02-16\", \"2009-03-02\", \"2009-03-09\", \"2009-03-16\", \"2009-03-23\", \"2009-03-30\", \"2009-04-06\", \"2009-04-20\", \"2009-04-27\", \"2009-05-04\", \"2009-05-11\", \"2009-05-18\", \"2009-09-28\", \"2009-10-05\", \"2009-10-12\", \"2009-10-19\", \"2009-11-16\", \"2009-11-23\", \"2009-11-30\", \"2009-12-14\", \"2010-01-04\", \"2010-01-11\", \"2010-02-01\", \"2010-02-15\", \"2010-02-22\", \"2010-03-15\", \"2010-03-22\", \"2010-03-29\", \"2010-04-12\", \"2010-04-19\", \"2010-04-26\", \"2010-05-03\", \"2010-05-10\", \"2010-05-17\", \"2010-05-24\", \"2010-09-27\", \"2010-10-04\", \"2010-10-11\", \"2010-11-08\", \"2010-11-15\", \"2010-11-22\", \"2010-11-29\", \"2010-12-06\", \"2010-12-13\", \"2011-01-10\", \"2011-01-17\", \"2011-01-24\", \"2011-02-14\", \"2011-02-21\", \"2011-03-07\", \"2011-03-14\", \"2011-03-28\", \"2011-04-11\", \"2011-05-02\", \"2011-05-09\", \"2011-05-16\", \"2011-05-23\", \"2011-09-26\", \"2011-10-03\", \"2011-10-31\", \"2011-11-07\", \"2011-11-14\", \"2011-11-21\", \"2011-11-28\", \"2011-12-05\", \"2011-12-12\", \"2012-01-09\", \"2012-01-16\", \"2012-01-30\", \"2012-02-13\", \"2012-02-20\", \"2012-03-05\", \"2012-03-12\", \"2012-03-19\", \"2012-04-16\", \"2012-04-30\", \"2012-05-07\", \"2012-05-14\", \"2012-05-21\", \"2012-10-01\", \"2012-10-08\", \"2012-11-05\", \"2012-11-12\", \"2012-11-19\", \"2012-11-26\", \"2012-12-10\", \"2012-12-17\", \"2013-01-07\", \"2013-01-14\", \"2013-01-28\", \"2013-02-11\", \"2013-02-18\", \"2013-03-04\", \"2013-03-11\", \"2013-03-18\", \"2013-04-15\", \"2013-04-29\", \"2013-05-06\", \"2013-05-13\", \"2013-05-20\", \"2013-05-20\", \"2013-09-30\", \"2013-10-07\", \"2013-11-04\", \"2013-11-11\", \"2013-11-18\", \"2013-11-25\", \"2013-12-09\", \"2013-12-16\", \"2014-01-06\", \"2014-01-13\", \"2014-01-27\", \"2014-03-10\", \"2014-03-10\", \"2014-03-17\", \"2014-03-24\", \"2014-03-31\", \"2014-04-07\", \"2014-04-14\", \"2014-04-28\", \"2014-05-05\", \"2014-05-12\", \"2014-05-19\", \"2014-09-29\", \"2014-10-06\", \"2014-10-13\", \"2014-10-20\", \"2014-11-03\", \"2014-11-10\", \"2014-11-17\", \"2014-11-24\", \"2014-12-08\", \"2015-01-05\", \"2015-01-12\", \"2015-01-26\", \"2015-02-09\", \"2015-02-16\", \"2015-03-02\", \"2015-03-09\", \"2015-03-16\", \"2015-04-20\", \"2015-04-27\", \"2015-05-04\", \"2015-05-11\", \"2015-05-18\", \"2015-09-28\", \"2015-10-05\", \"2015-10-12\", \"2015-10-19\", \"2015-10-26\", \"2015-11-09\", \"2015-11-23\", \"2015-12-07\", \"2015-12-14\", \"2016-01-04\", \"2016-01-11\", \"2016-01-18\", \"2016-02-15\", \"2016-02-22\", \"2016-09-26\"], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 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\"411bbd67-26ff-42e6-99ec-94822848a502\"}, {\"type\": \"ColumnDataSource\", \"attributes\": {\"column_names\": [\"title\", \"episode_number\", \"rating\", \"episode\", \"index\", \"aired\", \"season\", \"x\", \"y\", \"fill_color\"], \"data\": {\"title\": [\"Pilot\", \"Hell-A Woman\", \"The Whore of Babylon\", \"Fear and Loathing at the Fundraiser\", \"LOL\", \"Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder\", \"Girls, Interrupted\", \"California Son\", \"Filthy Lucre\", \"The Devil's Threesome\", \"Turn the Page\", \"The Last Waltz\", \"Slip of the Tongue\", \"The Great Ashby\", \"No Way to Treat a Lady\", \"The Raw and the Crooked\", \"Vaginatown\", \"Coke Dick & First Kick\", \"In a Lonely Place\", \"Going Down and Out in Beverly Hills\", \"La Ronde\", \"In Utero\", \"Blues from Laurel Canyon\", \"La Petite Mort\", \"Wish You Were Here\", \"The Land of Rape and Honey\", \"Verities & Balderdash\", \"Zoso\", \"Slow Happy Boys\", \"Glass Houses\", \"So Here's the Thing...\", \"The Apartment\", \"Mr. Bad Example\", \"Dogtown\", \"Comings & Goings\", \"Mia Culpa\", \"Exile on Main St.\", \"Suicide Solution\", \"Home Sweet Home\", \"Monkey Business\", \"Freeze Frame\", \"Lawyers, Guns and Money\", \"The Recused\", \"Lights. Camera. Asshole\", \"Another Perfect Day\", \"The Trial\", \"The Last Supper\", \"...And Justice for All\", \"JFK to LAX\", \"The Way of the Fist\", \"Boys & Girls\", \"Waiting for the Miracle\", \"The Ride Along\", \"Love Song\", \"Here I Go Again\", \"Raw\", \"At the Movies\", \"Perverts & Whores\", \"The Party\", \"Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be\", \"The Unforgiven\", \"Quitters\", \"Dead Rock Stars\", \"Hell Bent for Leather\", \"Rock and a Hard Place\", \"In the Clouds\", \"The Dope Show\", \"Everybody's a Fucking Critic\", \"Mad Dogs and Englishmen\", \"Blind Faith\", \"The Abby\", \"I'll Lay My Monsters Down\", \"Levon\", \"Julia\", \"Like Father Like Son\", \"Dicks\", \"Getting the Poison Out\", \"Kickoff\", \"Smile\", \"30 Minutes or Less\", \"Faith, Hope, Love\", \"Dinner With Friends\", \"Daughter\", \"Grace\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84], \"y\": [8.50096, 8.25197, 8.25152, 8.38608, 8.22491, 8.24497, 8.17021, 8.22182, 8.35971, 8.41392, 8.25591, 8.68914, 8.24138, 8.26274, 8.03239, 8.31783, 8.11017, 8.29487, 8.26667, 8.17917, 8.11741, 8.17647, 8.2716, 8.43697, 8.06093, 7.97656, 8.17064, 8.47893, 8.14228, 7.964, 8.02823, 8.7457, 7.93976, 7.99578, 8.02857, 8.56226, 8.50765, 8.22973, 8.11487, 8.35197, 8.23154, 8.34564, 8.16107, 8.2901, 8.15986, 8.25321, 8.10131, 8.60294, 8.41905, 8.41546, 8.35641, 8.34447, 8.51621, 8.25526, 8.422, 8.39036, 8.4064, 8.45714, 8.62222, 8.59716, 7.89249, 8.07839, 8.09074, 8.05703, 8.04159, 8.23017, 8.07353, 7.98576, 8.11296, 8.00282, 8.18182, 8.33418, 7.95356, 8.02795, 7.91757, 7.84146, 8.03616, 7.79298, 7.88941, 7.99411, 7.48316, 7.8747, 7.72381, 8.16376], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7], \"rating\": [8.50096, 8.25197, 8.25152, 8.38608, 8.22491, 8.24497, 8.17021, 8.22182, 8.35971, 8.41392, 8.25591, 8.68914, 8.24138, 8.26274, 8.03239, 8.31783, 8.11017, 8.29487, 8.26667, 8.17917, 8.11741, 8.17647, 8.2716, 8.43697, 8.06093, 7.97656, 8.17064, 8.47893, 8.14228, 7.964, 8.02823, 8.7457, 7.93976, 7.99578, 8.02857, 8.56226, 8.50765, 8.22973, 8.11487, 8.35197, 8.23154, 8.34564, 8.16107, 8.2901, 8.15986, 8.25321, 8.10131, 8.60294, 8.41905, 8.41546, 8.35641, 8.34447, 8.51621, 8.25526, 8.422, 8.39036, 8.4064, 8.45714, 8.62222, 8.59716, 7.89249, 8.07839, 8.09074, 8.05703, 8.04159, 8.23017, 8.07353, 7.98576, 8.11296, 8.00282, 8.18182, 8.33418, 7.95356, 8.02795, 7.91757, 7.84146, 8.03616, 7.79298, 7.88941, 7.99411, 7.48316, 7.8747, 7.72381, 8.16376], \"fill_color\": [\"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", 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"Ich liebe Community und ich bin mir sicher das ich bis zur vierten Staffel kaum etwas witzigeres gesehen habe. Voll mit Popkultur und das in einem \"College\"-Setting. Einer der Serien die ich mir immer wieder anschauen kann, und doch nicht alles entdecke was da so drin steckt."
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"## Twin Peaks"
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Lucky\", \"Not Pictured\", \"Welcome Wagon\", \"My Big Fat Greek Rush Week\", \"Wichita Linebacker\", \"Charlie Don't Surf\", \"President Evil\", \"Hi, Infidelity\", \"Of Vice and Men\", \"Lord of the Pi's\", \"Spit & Eggs\", \"Show Me the Monkey\", \"Poughkeepsie, Tramps & Thieves\", \"There's Got to Be a Morning After Pill\", \"Postgame Mortem\", \"Mars, Bars\", \"Papa's Cabin\", \"Un-American Graffiti\", \"Debasement Tapes\", \"I Know What You'll Do Next Summer\", \"Weevils Wobble But They Don't Go Down\", \"The Bitch Is Back\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64], \"y\": [8.1879, 7.90833, 7.99578, 8.23832, 8.04739, 8.17895, 8.01047, 8.23737, 8.05319, 8.29353, 8.29843, 8.25926, 8.02632, 8.23834, 8.24324, 8.14286, 8.21023, 8.4, 8.25269, 8.28488, 8.60526, 9.11881, 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\"Epidemiology\", \"Aerodynamics of Gender\", \"Cooperative Calligraphy\", \"Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design\", \"Mixology Certification\", \"Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas\", \"Asian Population Studies\", \"Celebrity Pharmacology\", \"Advanced Dungeons & Dragons\", \"Early 21st Century Romanticism\", \"Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking\", \"Intro to Political Science\", \"Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy\", \"Critical Film Studies\", \"Competitive Wine Tasting\", \"Paradigms of Human Memory\", \"Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts\", \"A Fistful of Paintballs (1)\", \"For a Few Paintballs More (2)\", \"Biology 101\", \"Geography of Global Conflict\", \"Competitive Ecology\", \"Remedial Chaos Theory\", \"Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps\", \"Advanced Gay\", \"Studies in Modern Movement\", \"Documentary Filmmaking: Redux\", \"Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism\", \"Regional Holiday Music\", \"Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts\", \"Contemporary Impressionists\", \"Digital Exploration of Interior Design (1)\", \"Pillows and Blankets (2)\", \"Origins of Vampire Mythology\", \"Virtual Systems Analysis\", \"Basic Lupine Urology\", \"Course Listing Unavailable\", \"Curriculum Unavailable\", \"Digital Estate Planning\", \"The First Chang Dynasty\", \"Introduction to Finality\", \"History 101\", \"Paranormal Parentage\", \"Conventions of Space and Time\", \"Alternative History of the German Invasion\", \"Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations\", \"Advanced Documentary Filmmaking\", \"Economics of Marine Biology\", \"Herstory of Dance\", \"Intro to Felt Surrogacy\", \"Intro to Knots\", \"Basic Human Anatomy\", \"Heroic Origins\", \"Advanced Introduction to Finality\", \"Repilot\", \"Introduction to Teaching\", \"Basic Intergluteal Numismatics\", \"Cooperative Polygraphy\", \"Geothermal Escapism\", \"Analysis of Cork-Based Networking\", \"Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality\", \"App Development and Condiments\", \"VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing\", \"Advanced Advanced Dungeons & Dragons\", \"G.I. Jeff\", \"Basic Story\", \"Basic Sandwich\", \"Ladders\", \"Lawnmower Maintenance and Postnatal Care\", \"Basic Crisis Room Decorum\", \"Queer Studies and Advanced Waxing\", \"Laws of Robotics and Party Rights\", \"Basic Email Security\", \"Advanced Safety Features\", \"Intro to Recycled Cinema\", \"Grifting 101\", \"Basic RV Repair and Palmistry\", \"Modern Espionage\", \"Wedding Videography\", \"Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110], \"y\": [8.02054, 8.10309, 8.26287, 8.39302, 8.25234, 8.13658, 8.59265, 8.13354, 8.5304, 8.35188, 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64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109], \"aired\": [\"2009-09-17\", \"2009-09-24\", \"2009-10-01\", \"2009-10-08\", \"2009-10-15\", \"2009-10-22\", \"2009-10-29\", \"2009-11-05\", \"2009-11-12\", \"2009-11-19\", \"2009-12-03\", \"2009-12-10\", \"2010-01-14\", \"2010-01-21\", \"2010-02-04\", \"2010-02-11\", \"2010-03-04\", \"2010-03-11\", \"2010-03-18\", \"2010-03-25\", \"2010-04-22\", \"2010-04-29\", \"2010-05-06\", \"2010-05-13\", \"2010-05-20\", \"2010-09-23\", \"2010-09-30\", \"2010-10-07\", \"2010-10-14\", \"2010-10-21\", \"2010-10-28\", \"2010-11-04\", \"2010-11-11\", \"2010-11-18\", \"2010-12-02\", \"2010-12-09\", \"2011-01-20\", \"2011-01-27\", \"2011-02-03\", \"2011-02-10\", \"2011-02-17\", \"2011-02-24\", \"2011-03-17\", \"2011-03-24\", \"2011-04-14\", \"2011-04-21\", \"2011-04-28\", \"2011-05-05\", \"2011-05-12\", 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Thanksgiving\", \"Bart the Daredevil\", \"Itchy & Scratchy & Marge\", \"Bart Gets Hit by a Car\", \"One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish\", \"The Way We Was\", \"Homer vs. Lisa and the Eighth Commandment\", \"Principal Charming\", \"Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?\", \"Bart's Dog Gets an F\", \"Old Money\", \"Brush With Greatness\", \"Lisa's Substitute\", \"The War of the Simpsons\", \"Three Men and a Comic Book\", \"Blood Feud\", \"Stark Raving Dad\", \"Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington\", \"When Flanders Failed\", \"Bart the Murderer\", \"Homer Defined\", \"Like Father Like Clown\", \"Treehouse of Horror II\", \"Lisa's Pony\", \"Saturdays of Thunder\", \"Flaming Moe's\", \"Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk\", \"I Married Marge\", \"Radio Bart\", \"Lisa the Greek\", \"Homer Alone\", \"Bart the Lover\", \"Homer at the Bat\", \"Separate Vocations\", \"Dog of Death\", \"Colonel Homer\", \"Black Widower\", \"The Otto Show\", \"Bart's Friend Falls in Love\", \"Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?\", \"Kamp Krusty\", \"A Streetcar Named Marge\", \"Homer the Heretic\", \"Lisa the Beauty Queen\", \"Treehouse of Horror III\", \"Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie\", \"Marge Gets a Job\", \"The New Kid on the Block\", \"Mr. Plow\", \"Lisa's First Word\", \"Homer's Triple Bypass\", \"Marge vs. the Monorail\", \"Selma's Choice\", \"Brother From the Same Planet\", \"I Love Lisa\", \"Duffless\", \"Last Exit to Springfield\", \"So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show\", \"The Front\", \"Whacking Day\", \"Marge in Chains\", \"Krusty Gets Kancelled\", \"Homer's Barbershop Quartet\", \"Cape Feare\", \"Homer Goes to College\", \"Rosebud\", \"Treehouse of Horror IV\", \"Marge on the Lam\", \"Bart's Inner Child\", \"Boy-Scoutz 'N the Hood\", \"The Last Temptation of Homer\", \"$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)\", \"Homer the Vigilante\", \"Bart Gets Famous\", \"Homer and Apu\", \"Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy\", \"Deep Space Homer\", \"Homer Loves Flanders\", \"Bart Gets an Elephant\", \"Burns' Heir\", \"Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song\", \"The Boy Who Knew Too Much\", \"Lady Bouvier's Lover\", \"Secrets of a Successful Marriage\", \"Bart of Darkness\", \"Lisa's Rival\", \"Another Simpsons Clip Show\", \"Itchy & Scratchy Land\", \"Sideshow Bob Roberts\", \"Treehouse of Horror V\", \"Bart's Girlfriend\", \"Lisa on Ice\", \"Homer Badman\", \"Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy\", \"Fear of Flying\", \"Homer the Great\", \"And Maggie Makes Three\", \"Bart's Comet\", \"Homie the Clown\", \"Bart vs. Australia\", \"Homer vs. Patty and Selma\", \"A Star Is Burns\", \"Lisa's Wedding\", \"Two Dozen and One Greyhounds\", \"The PTA Disbands\", \"Round Springfield\", \"The Springfield Connection\", \"Lemon of Troy\", \"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (1)\", \"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (2)\", \"Radioactive Man\", \"Home Sweet Homediddily-Dum-Doodily\", \"Bart Sells His Soul\", \"Lisa the Vegetarian\", \"Treehouse of Horror VI\", \"King-Size Homer\", \"Mother Simpson\", \"Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming\", \"The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular\", \"Marge Be Not Proud\", \"Team Homer\", \"Two Bad Neighbors\", \"Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield\", \"Bart the Fink\", \"Lisa the Iconoclast\", \"Homer the Smithers\", \"The Day the Violence Died\", \"A Fish Called Selma\", \"Bart on the Road\", \"22 Short Films About Springfield\", \"Raging Abe Simpson and his Grumbling Grandson in: 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish'\", \"Much Apu About Nothing\", \"Homerpalooza\", \"Summer of 4 Ft. 2\", \"Treehouse of Horror VII\", \"You Only Move Twice\", \"The Homer They Fall\", \"Burns Baby Burns\", \"Bart After Dark\", \"A Milhouse Divided\", \"Lisa's Date With Density\", \"Hurricane Neddy\", \"El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Our Homer)\", \"The Springfield Files\", \"The Twisted World of Marge Simpson\", \"Mountain of Madness\", \"Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala (Annoyed Grunt) cious\", \"The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show\", \"Homer's Phobia\", \"Brother From Another Series\", \"My Sister, My Sitter\", \"Homer vs. the 18th Amendment\", \"Grade School Confidential\", \"The Canine Mutiny\", \"The Old Man and the Lisa\", \"In Marge We Trust\", \"Homer's Enemy\", \"The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase\", \"The Secret War of Lisa Simpson\", \"The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson\", \"The Principal and the Pauper\", \"Lisa's Sax\", \"Treehouse of Horror VIII\", \"The Cartridge Family\", \"Bart Star\", \"The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons\", \"Lisa the Skeptic\", \"Realty Bites\", \"Miracle on Evergreen Terrace\", \"All Singing, All Dancing\", \"Bart Carny\", \"The Joy of Sect\", \"Das Bus\", \"The Last Temptation of Krust\", \"Dumbbell Indemnity\", \"Lisa the Simpson\", \"This Little Wiggy\", \"Simpson Tide\", \"The Trouble With Trillions\", \"Girly Edition\", \"Trash of the Titans\", \"King of the Hill\", \"Lost Our Lisa\", \"Natural Born Kissers\", \"Lard of the Dance\", \"The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace\", \"Bart the Mother\", \"Treehouse of Horror IX\", \"When You Dish Upon a Star\", \"D'oh-in in the Wind\", \"Lisa Gets an A\", \"Homer Simpson in: 'Kidney Trouble'\", \"Mayored to the Mob\", \"Viva Ned Flanders\", \"Wild Barts Can't Be Broken\", \"Sunday, Cruddy Sunday\", \"Homer to the Max\", \"I'm with Cupid\", \"Marge Simpson in: 'Screaming Yellow Honkers'\", \"Make Room for Lisa\", \"Maximum Homerdrive\", \"Simpsons Bible Stories\", \"Mom and Pop Art\", \"The Old Man and the C Student\", \"Monty Can't Buy Me Love\", \"They Saved Lisa's Brain\", \"Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo\", \"Beyond Blunderdome\", \"Brother's Little Helper\", \"Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?\", \"Treehouse of Horror X\", \"E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)\", \"Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder\", \"Eight Misbehavin'\", \"Take My Wife, Sleaze\", \"Grift of the Magi\", \"Little Big Mom\", \"Faith Off\", \"The Mansion Family\", \"Saddlesore Galactica\", \"Alone Again, Natura-Diddily\", \"Missionary: Impossible\", \"Pygmoelian\", \"Bart to the Future\", \"Days of Wine and D'ohses\", \"Kill the Alligator and Run\", \"Last Tap Dance in Springfield\", \"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge\", \"Behind the Laughter\", \"Treehouse of Horror XI\", \"A Tale of Two Springfields\", \"Insane Clown Poppy\", \"Lisa the Tree Hugger\", \"Homer vs. Dignity\", \"The Computer Wore Menace Shoes\", \"The Great Money Caper\", \"Skinner's Sense of Snow\", \"HOM\\u042f\", \"Pokey Mom\", \"Worst Episode Ever\", \"Tennis the Menace\", \"Day of the Jackanapes\", \"New Kids on the Blecch\", \"Hungry Hungry Homer\", \"Bye Bye Nerdy\", \"Simpson Safari\", \"Trilogy of Error\", \"I'm Goin' to Praiseland\", \"Children of a Lesser Clod\", \"Simpsons Tall Tales\", \"Treehouse of Horror XII\", \"The Parent Rap\", \"Homer the Moe\", \"Hunka Hunka Burns in Love\", \"The Blunder Years\", \"She of Little Faith\", \"Brawl in the Family\", \"Sweets and Sour Marge\", \"Jaws Wired Shut\", \"Half-Decent Proposal\", \"The Bart Wants What It Wants\", \"The Lastest Gun in the West\", \"The Old Man and the Key\", \"Tales From the Public Domain\", \"Blame It on Lisa\", \"Weekend at Burnsie's\", \"Gump Roast\", \"I Am Furious Yellow\", \"The Sweetest Apu\", \"Little Girl in the Big Ten\", \"The Frying Game\", \"Papa's Got a Brand New Badge\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIII\", \"How I Spent My Strummer Vacation\", \"Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade\", \"Large Marge\", \"Helter Shelter\", \"The Great Louse Detective\", \"Special Edna (a.k.a. Love and Marking)\", \"The Dad Who Knew Too Little\", \"Strong Arms of the Ma\", \"Pray Anything\", \"Barting Over\", \"I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can\", \"A Star Is Born-Again\", \"Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington\", \"C.E. D'oh!\", \"Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky\", \"Three Gays of the Condo\", \"Dude, Where's My Ranch?\", \"Old Yeller Belly\", \"Brake My Wife, Please\", \"The Bart of War\", \"Moe Baby Blues\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIV\", \"My Mother the Carjacker\", \"The President Wore Pearls\", \"The Regina Monologues\", \"The Fat and the Furriest\", \"Today, I Am a Klown\", \"'Tis the Fifteenth Season\", \"Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays\", \"I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot\", \"Diatribe of a Mad Housewife\", \"Margical History Tour\", \"Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore\", \"Smart and Smarter\", \"The Ziff Who Came to Dinner\", \"Co-Dependent's Day\", \"The Wandering Juvie\", \"My Big Fat Geek Wedding\", \"Catch 'Em If You Can\", \"Simple Simpson\", \"The Way We Weren't\", \"Bart-Mangled Banner\", \"Fraudcast News\", \"Treehouse of Horror XV\", \"All's Fair in Oven War\", \"Sleeping with the Enemy\", \"She Used to Be My Girl\", \"Fat Man and Little Boy\", \"Midnight Rx\", \"Mommie Beerest\", \"Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass\", \"Pranksta Rap\", \"There's Something About Marrying\", \"On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister\", \"Goo Goo Gai Pan\", \"Mobile Homer\", \"The Seven-Beer Snitch\", \"Future-Drama\", \"Don't Fear the Roofer\", \"The Heartbroke Kid\", \"A Star Is Torn\", \"Thank God, It's Doomsday\", \"Home Away from Homer\", \"The Father, the Son & the Holy Guest Star\", \"The Bonfire of the Manatees\", \"The Girl Who Slept Too Little\", \"Milhouse of Sand and Fog\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVI\", \"Marge's Son Poisoning\", \"See Homer Run\", \"The Last of the Red Hat Mamas\", \"The Italian Bob\", \"Simpsons Christmas Stories\", \"Homer's Paternity Coot\", \"We're on the Road to D'ohwhere\", \"My Fair Laddy\", \"The Seemingly Never-Ending Story\", \"Bart Has Two Mommies\", \"Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife\", \"Million Dollar Abie\", \"Kiss, Kiss Bang Bangalore\", \"The Wettest Stories Ever Told\", \"Girls Just Want to Have Sums\", \"Regarding Margie\", \"The Monkey Suit\", \"Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play\", \"The Mook, the Chef, the Wife, and Her Homer\", \"Jazzy and the Pussycats\", \"Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVII\", \"G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)\", \"Moe 'N' a Lisa\", \"Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)\", \"The Haw-Hawed Couple\", \"Kill Gil: Vols. 1 & 2\", \"The Wife Aquatic\", \"Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Three Times\", \"Little Big Girl\", \"Springfield Up\", \"Yokel Chords\", \"Rome-Old and Juli-Eh\", \"Homerazzi\", \"Marge Gamer\", \"The Boys of Bummer\", \"Crook and Ladder\", \"Stop or My Dog Will Shoot\", \"24 Minutes\", \"You Kent Always Say What You Want\", \"He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs\", \"The Homer of Seville\", \"Midnight Towboy\", \"I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings\", \"Treehouse of Horror XVIII\", \"Little Orphan Millie\", \"Husbands and Knives\", \"Funeral for a Fiend\", \"Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind\", \"E. Pluribus Wiggum\", \"That 90's Show\", \"Love, Springfieldian Style\", \"The Debarted\", \"Dial 'N' for Nerder\", \"Smoke on the Daughter\", \"Papa Don't Leech\", \"Apocalypse Cow\", \"Any Given Sundance\", \"Mona Leaves-a\", \"All About Lisa\", \"Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes\", \"Lost Verizon\", \"Double, Double, Boy in Trouble\", \"Treehouse of Horror XIX\", \"Dangerous Curves\", \"Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words\", \"Mypods and Boomsticks\", \"The Burns and the Bees\", \"Lisa the Drama Queen\", \"Take My Life, Please\", \"How the Test Was Won\", \"No Loan Again, Naturally\", \"Gone Maggie Gone\", \"In the Name of the Grandfather\", \"Wedding for Disaster\", \"Eeny Teeny Maya Moe\", \"The Good, the Sad and the Drugly\", \"Father Knows Worst\", \"Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D'oh\", \"Four Great Women and a Manicure\", \"Coming to Homerica\", \"Homer the Whopper\", \"Bart Gets a 'Z'\", \"The Great Wife Hope\", \"Treehouse of Horror XX\", \"The Devil Wears Nada\", \"Pranks and Greens\", \"Rednecks and Broomsticks\", \"Oh Brother, Where Bart Thou?\", \"Thursdays with Abie\", \"Once Upon a Time in Springfield\", \"Million Dollar Maybe\", \"Boy Meets Curl\", \"The Color Yellow\", \"Postcards from the Wedge\", \"Stealing First Base\", \"The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed\", \"American History X-cellent\", \"Chief of Hearts\", \"The Squirt and the Whale\", \"To Surveil with Love\", \"Moe Letter Blues\", \"The Bob Next Door\", \"Judge Me Tender\", \"Elementary School Musical\", \"Loan-a-Lisa\", \"MoneyBART\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXI\", \"Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life\", \"The Fool Monty\", \"How Munched is that Birdie in the Window?\", \"The Fight Before Christmas\", \"Donnie Fatso\", \"Moms I'd Like to Forget\", \"Flaming Moe\", \"Homer the Father\", \"The Blue and the Gray\", \"Angry Dad: The Movie\", \"The Scorpion's Tale\", \"A Midsummer's Nice Dream\", \"Love is a Many Strangled Thing\", \"The Great Simpsina\", \"The Real Housewives of Fat Tony\", \"Homer Scissorhands\", \"500 Keys\", \"The Ned-Liest Catch\", \"The Falcon and the D'Ohman\", \"Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXII\", \"Replaceable You\", \"The Food Wife\", \"The Book Job\", \"The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants\", \"The Ten-Per-Cent Solution\", \"Holidays of Future Passed\", \"Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson\", \"The D'oh-cial Network\", \"Moe Goes from Rags to Riches\", \"The Daughter Also Rises\", \"At Long Last Leave\", \"Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart\", \"How I Wet Your Mother\", \"Them, Robot\", \"Beware My Cheating Bart\", \"A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again\", \"The Spy Who Learned Me\", \"Ned 'n' Edna's Blend\", \"Lisa Goes Gaga\", \"Moonshine River\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXIII\", \"Adventures in Baby-Getting\", \"Gone Abie Gone\", \"Penny-Wiseguys\", \"A Tree Grows in Springfield\", \"The Day the Earth Stood Cool\", \"To Cur With Love\", \"Homer Goes to Prep School\", \"A Test Before Trying\", \"The Changing of the Guardian\", \"Love is a Many-Splintered Thing\", \"Hardly Kirk-ing\", \"Gorgeous Grampa\", \"Black-Eyed, Please\", \"Dark Knight Court\", \"What Animated Women Want\", \"Pulpit Friction\", \"Whiskey Business\", \"The Fabulous Faker Boys\", \"The Saga of Carl Carlson\", \"Dangers on a Train\", \"Homerland\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXIV\", \"Four Regrettings and a Funeral\", \"YOLO\", \"Labor Pains\", \"The Kid is All Right\", \"Yellow Subterfuge\", \"White Christmas Blues\", \"Steal This Episode\", \"Married to the Blob\", \"Specs and the City\", \"Diggs\", \"The Man Who Grew Too Much\", \"The Winter of His Content\", \"The War of Art\", \"You Don't Have to Live Like a Referee\", \"Luca$\", \"Days of Future Future\", \"What to Expect When Bart's Expecting\", \"Brick Like Me\", \"Pay Pal\", \"The Yellow Badge of Cowardge\", \"Clown in the Dumps\", \"The Wreck of the Relationship\", \"Super Franchise Me\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXV\", \"Opposites A-Frack\", \"Simpsorama\", \"Blazed and Confused\", \"Covercraft\", \"I Won't Be Home for Christmas\", \"The Man Who Came to Be Dinner\", \"Bart's New Friend\", \"The Musk Who Fell to Earth\", \"Walking Big & Tall\", \"My Fare Lady\", \"The Princess Guide\", \"Sky Police\", \"Waiting For Duffman\", \"Peeping Mom\", \"The Kids are All Fight\", \"Let's Go Fly a Coot\", \"Bull-E\", \"Mathlete's Feat\", \"Every Man's Dream\", \"Cue Detective\", \"Puffless\", \"Halloween of Horror\", \"Treehouse of Horror XXVI\", \"Friend with Benefit\", \"Lisa with an 'S'\", \"Paths of Glory\", \"Barthood\", \"The Girl Code\", \"Teenage Mutant Milk-caused Hurdles\", \"Much Apu About Something\", \"Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-Ne-He-CH4\", \"Gal of Constant Sorrow\", null], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 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8.50676, 7.77586, 8.264, 7.62069, 7.98374, 8.28333, 8.17273, 7.84906, 8.5188, 7.92727, 7.98291, 8.08108, 8.12389, 8.44805, 7.15306, 8.0367, 8.50292, 7.71429, 8.24167, 8.05517, 8.08876, 7.95902, 7.75, 8.23529, 8.07087, 7.96269, 5.78571, 7.64516, 8.29839, 8.25185, 7.81132, 7.74725, 8.21368, 7.88696, 8.01923, 8.09615, 7.96296, 7.97458, 8.15179, 8.18519, 7.94681, 7.82353, 8.04895, 7.98319, 8.03333, 7.9703, 7.78302, 8.0566, 7.89908, 8.27692, 8.01681, 8.0, 7.41, 8.03306, 7.82474, 8.00833, 8.03636, 8.12821, 7.92727, 7.96226, 7.71287, 7.9009, 7.78, 8.15574, 7.66957, 8.03333, 7.94444, 8.09272, 8.19853, 8.03448, 8.0, 7.88571, 7.56075, 7.84112, 7.9823, 7.82727, 7.46667, 7.9, 7.94231, 7.98095, 7.96721, 7.8785, 7.67, 7.73118, 8.0, 8.15306, 7.77444, 7.96094, 7.84466, 7.83495, 7.65414, 8.07519, 8.06667, 8.168, 8.29851, 7.6, 8.0, 7.86111, 7.5619, 7.77273, 8.04808, 7.73684, 7.71845, 8.63964, 7.6087, 7.81, 7.58163, 8.05634, 7.71852, 7.85345, 7.75676, 7.85039, 7.91597, 7.80992, 7.69672, 7.94355, 7.82292, 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\"1991-02-01\", \"1991-02-08\", \"1991-02-15\", \"1991-02-22\", \"1991-03-08\", \"1991-03-29\", \"1991-04-12\", \"1991-04-26\", \"1991-05-03\", \"1991-05-10\", \"1991-08-12\", \"1991-09-20\", \"1991-09-27\", \"1991-10-04\", \"1991-10-11\", \"1991-10-18\", \"1991-10-25\", \"1991-11-01\", \"1991-11-08\", \"1991-11-15\", \"1991-11-22\", \"1991-12-06\", \"1991-12-27\", \"1992-01-10\", \"1992-01-24\", \"1992-02-07\", \"1992-02-14\", \"1992-02-21\", \"1992-02-28\", \"1992-03-13\", \"1992-03-27\", \"1992-04-10\", \"1992-04-24\", \"1992-05-08\", \"1992-08-28\", \"1992-09-25\", \"1992-10-02\", \"1992-10-09\", \"1992-10-16\", \"1992-10-30\", \"1992-11-04\", \"1992-11-06\", \"1992-11-13\", \"1992-11-20\", \"1992-12-04\", \"1992-12-18\", \"1993-01-15\", \"1993-01-22\", \"1993-02-05\", \"1993-02-12\", \"1993-02-19\", \"1993-03-12\", \"1993-04-02\", \"1993-04-16\", \"1993-04-30\", \"1993-05-07\", \"1993-05-14\", \"1993-10-01\", \"1993-10-08\", \"1993-10-15\", \"1993-10-22\", \"1993-10-29\", \"1993-11-05\", \"1993-11-12\", \"1993-11-19\", \"1993-12-10\", \"1993-12-17\", \"1994-01-07\", \"1994-02-04\", \"1994-02-11\", \"1994-02-18\", \"1994-02-25\", \"1994-03-18\", \"1994-04-01\", \"1994-04-15\", \"1994-04-29\", \"1994-05-06\", \"1994-05-13\", \"1994-05-20\", \"1994-09-05\", \"1994-09-12\", \"1994-09-26\", \"1994-10-03\", \"1994-10-10\", \"1994-10-31\", \"1994-11-07\", \"1994-11-14\", \"1994-11-28\", \"1994-12-05\", \"1994-12-19\", \"1995-01-09\", \"1995-01-23\", \"1995-02-06\", \"1995-02-13\", \"1995-02-20\", \"1995-02-27\", \"1995-03-06\", \"1995-03-20\", \"1995-04-10\", \"1995-04-17\", \"1995-05-01\", \"1995-05-08\", \"1995-05-15\", \"1995-05-22\", \"1995-09-18\", \"1995-09-25\", \"1995-10-02\", \"1995-10-09\", \"1995-10-16\", \"1995-10-30\", \"1995-11-06\", \"1995-11-20\", \"1995-11-27\", \"1995-12-04\", \"1995-12-18\", \"1996-01-08\", \"1996-01-15\", \"1996-02-05\", \"1996-02-12\", \"1996-02-19\", \"1996-02-26\", \"1996-03-18\", \"1996-03-25\", \"1996-04-01\", \"1996-04-15\", \"1996-04-29\", \"1996-05-06\", \"1996-05-20\", \"1996-05-20\", \"1996-10-28\", \"1996-11-04\", \"1996-11-11\", \"1996-11-18\", \"1996-11-25\", \"1996-12-02\", \"1996-12-16\", \"1996-12-30\", \"1997-01-06\", \"1997-01-13\", \"1997-01-20\", \"1997-02-03\", \"1997-02-08\", \"1997-02-10\", \"1997-02-17\", \"1997-02-24\", \"1997-03-03\", \"1997-03-17\", \"1997-04-07\", \"1997-04-14\", \"1997-04-21\", \"1997-04-28\", \"1997-05-05\", \"1997-05-12\", \"1997-05-19\", \"1997-09-22\", \"1997-09-29\", \"1997-10-20\", \"1997-10-27\", \"1997-11-03\", \"1997-11-10\", \"1997-11-17\", \"1997-11-24\", \"1997-12-08\", \"1997-12-22\", \"1998-01-05\", \"1998-01-12\", \"1998-02-09\", \"1998-02-16\", \"1998-02-23\", \"1998-03-02\", \"1998-03-09\", \"1998-03-23\", \"1998-03-30\", \"1998-04-06\", \"1998-04-20\", \"1998-04-27\", \"1998-05-04\", \"1998-05-11\", \"1998-05-18\", \"1998-08-24\", \"1998-09-21\", \"1998-09-28\", \"1998-10-26\", \"1998-11-09\", \"1998-11-16\", \"1998-11-23\", \"1998-12-07\", \"1998-12-21\", \"1999-01-11\", \"1999-01-18\", \"1999-02-01\", \"1999-02-08\", \"1999-02-15\", \"1999-02-22\", \"1999-03-01\", \"1999-03-29\", \"1999-04-05\", \"1999-04-12\", \"1999-04-26\", \"1999-05-03\", \"1999-05-10\", \"1999-05-17\", \"1999-09-27\", \"1999-10-04\", \"1999-10-25\", \"1999-11-01\", \"1999-11-08\", \"1999-11-15\", \"1999-11-22\", \"1999-11-29\", \"1999-12-20\", \"2000-01-10\", \"2000-01-17\", \"2000-01-24\", \"2000-02-07\", \"2000-02-14\", \"2000-02-21\", \"2000-02-28\", \"2000-03-20\", \"2000-04-10\", \"2000-05-01\", \"2000-05-08\", \"2000-05-15\", \"2000-05-22\", \"2000-11-02\", \"2000-11-06\", \"2000-11-13\", \"2000-11-20\", \"2000-11-27\", \"2000-12-04\", \"2000-12-11\", \"2000-12-18\", \"2001-01-08\", \"2001-01-15\", \"2001-02-05\", \"2001-02-12\", \"2001-02-19\", \"2001-02-26\", \"2001-03-05\", \"2001-03-12\", \"2001-04-02\", \"2001-04-30\", \"2001-05-07\", \"2001-05-14\", \"2001-05-21\", \"2001-11-07\", \"2001-11-12\", \"2001-11-19\", \"2001-12-03\", \"2001-12-10\", \"2001-12-17\", \"2002-01-07\", \"2002-01-21\", \"2002-01-28\", \"2002-02-11\", \"2002-02-18\", \"2002-02-25\", \"2002-03-11\", \"2002-03-18\", \"2002-04-01\", \"2002-04-08\", \"2002-04-22\", \"2002-04-29\", \"2002-05-06\", \"2002-05-13\", \"2002-05-20\", \"2002-05-23\", \"2002-11-04\", \"2002-11-11\", \"2002-11-18\", \"2002-11-25\", \"2002-12-02\", \"2002-12-16\", \"2003-01-06\", \"2003-01-13\", \"2003-02-03\", \"2003-02-10\", \"2003-02-17\", \"2003-02-17\", \"2003-03-03\", \"2003-03-10\", \"2003-03-17\", \"2003-03-31\", \"2003-04-14\", \"2003-04-28\", \"2003-05-05\", \"2003-05-12\", \"2003-05-19\", \"2003-05-19\", \"2003-11-03\", \"2003-11-10\", \"2003-11-17\", \"2003-11-24\", \"2003-12-01\", \"2003-12-08\", \"2003-12-15\", \"2004-01-05\", \"2004-01-12\", \"2004-01-26\", \"2004-02-09\", \"2004-02-16\", \"2004-02-23\", \"2004-03-15\", \"2004-03-22\", \"2004-03-29\", \"2004-04-19\", \"2004-04-26\", \"2004-05-03\", \"2004-05-10\", \"2004-05-17\", \"2004-05-24\", \"2004-11-08\", \"2004-11-15\", \"2004-11-22\", \"2004-12-06\", \"2004-12-13\", \"2005-01-17\", \"2005-01-31\", \"2005-02-07\", \"2005-02-14\", \"2005-02-21\", \"2005-03-07\", \"2005-03-14\", \"2005-03-21\", \"2005-04-04\", \"2005-04-18\", \"2005-05-02\", \"2005-05-02\", \"2005-05-09\", \"2005-05-09\", \"2005-05-16\", \"2005-05-16\", \"2005-09-12\", \"2005-09-19\", \"2005-09-26\", \"2005-11-07\", \"2005-11-14\", \"2005-11-21\", \"2005-11-28\", \"2005-12-12\", \"2005-12-19\", \"2006-01-09\", \"2006-01-30\", \"2006-02-27\", \"2006-03-13\", \"2006-03-20\", \"2006-03-27\", \"2006-04-03\", \"2006-04-10\", \"2006-04-24\", \"2006-05-01\", \"2006-05-08\", \"2006-05-15\", \"2006-05-22\", \"2006-09-11\", \"2006-09-18\", \"2006-09-25\", \"2006-11-06\", \"2006-11-13\", \"2006-11-20\", \"2006-11-27\", \"2006-12-11\", \"2006-12-18\", \"2007-01-08\", \"2007-01-29\", \"2007-02-12\", \"2007-02-19\", \"2007-03-05\", \"2007-03-12\", \"2007-03-26\", \"2007-04-23\", \"2007-04-30\", \"2007-05-07\", \"2007-05-14\", \"2007-05-21\", \"2007-05-21\", \"2007-09-24\", \"2007-10-01\", \"2007-10-08\", \"2007-10-15\", \"2007-11-05\", \"2007-11-12\", \"2007-11-19\", \"2007-11-26\", \"2007-12-17\", \"2008-01-07\", \"2008-01-28\", \"2008-02-18\", \"2008-03-03\", \"2008-03-10\", \"2008-03-31\", \"2008-04-14\", \"2008-04-28\", \"2008-05-05\", \"2008-05-12\", \"2008-05-19\", \"2008-09-29\", \"2008-10-06\", \"2008-10-20\", \"2008-11-03\", \"2008-11-10\", \"2008-11-17\", \"2008-12-01\", \"2008-12-08\", \"2009-01-26\", \"2009-02-16\", \"2009-03-02\", \"2009-03-09\", \"2009-03-16\", \"2009-03-23\", \"2009-03-30\", \"2009-04-06\", \"2009-04-20\", \"2009-04-27\", \"2009-05-04\", \"2009-05-11\", \"2009-05-18\", \"2009-09-28\", \"2009-10-05\", \"2009-10-12\", \"2009-10-19\", \"2009-11-16\", \"2009-11-23\", \"2009-11-30\", \"2009-12-14\", \"2010-01-04\", \"2010-01-11\", \"2010-02-01\", \"2010-02-15\", \"2010-02-22\", \"2010-03-15\", \"2010-03-22\", \"2010-03-29\", \"2010-04-12\", \"2010-04-19\", \"2010-04-26\", \"2010-05-03\", \"2010-05-10\", \"2010-05-17\", \"2010-05-24\", \"2010-09-27\", \"2010-10-04\", \"2010-10-11\", \"2010-11-08\", \"2010-11-15\", \"2010-11-22\", \"2010-11-29\", \"2010-12-06\", \"2010-12-13\", \"2011-01-10\", \"2011-01-17\", \"2011-01-24\", \"2011-02-14\", \"2011-02-21\", \"2011-03-07\", \"2011-03-14\", \"2011-03-28\", \"2011-04-11\", \"2011-05-02\", \"2011-05-09\", \"2011-05-16\", \"2011-05-23\", \"2011-09-26\", \"2011-10-03\", \"2011-10-31\", \"2011-11-07\", \"2011-11-14\", \"2011-11-21\", \"2011-11-28\", \"2011-12-05\", \"2011-12-12\", \"2012-01-09\", \"2012-01-16\", \"2012-01-30\", \"2012-02-13\", \"2012-02-20\", \"2012-03-05\", \"2012-03-12\", \"2012-03-19\", \"2012-04-16\", \"2012-04-30\", \"2012-05-07\", \"2012-05-14\", \"2012-05-21\", \"2012-10-01\", \"2012-10-08\", \"2012-11-05\", \"2012-11-12\", \"2012-11-19\", \"2012-11-26\", \"2012-12-10\", \"2012-12-17\", \"2013-01-07\", \"2013-01-14\", \"2013-01-28\", \"2013-02-11\", \"2013-02-18\", \"2013-03-04\", \"2013-03-11\", \"2013-03-18\", \"2013-04-15\", \"2013-04-29\", \"2013-05-06\", \"2013-05-13\", \"2013-05-20\", \"2013-05-20\", \"2013-09-30\", \"2013-10-07\", \"2013-11-04\", \"2013-11-11\", \"2013-11-18\", \"2013-11-25\", \"2013-12-09\", \"2013-12-16\", \"2014-01-06\", \"2014-01-13\", \"2014-01-27\", \"2014-03-10\", \"2014-03-10\", \"2014-03-17\", \"2014-03-24\", \"2014-03-31\", \"2014-04-07\", \"2014-04-14\", \"2014-04-28\", \"2014-05-05\", \"2014-05-12\", \"2014-05-19\", \"2014-09-29\", \"2014-10-06\", \"2014-10-13\", \"2014-10-20\", \"2014-11-03\", \"2014-11-10\", \"2014-11-17\", \"2014-11-24\", \"2014-12-08\", \"2015-01-05\", \"2015-01-12\", \"2015-01-26\", \"2015-02-09\", \"2015-02-16\", \"2015-03-02\", \"2015-03-09\", \"2015-03-16\", \"2015-04-20\", \"2015-04-27\", \"2015-05-04\", \"2015-05-11\", \"2015-05-18\", \"2015-09-28\", \"2015-10-05\", \"2015-10-12\", \"2015-10-19\", \"2015-10-26\", \"2015-11-09\", \"2015-11-23\", \"2015-12-07\", \"2015-12-14\", \"2016-01-04\", \"2016-01-11\", \"2016-01-18\", \"2016-02-15\", \"2016-02-22\", \"2016-09-26\"], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 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\"Fifteen Percent\", \"Moon Landing\", \"My Funky Valentine\", \"Fears\", \"Truth Be Told\", \"Starry Night\", \"Game Changer\", \"Benched\", \"Travels with Scout\", \"Airport 2010\", \"Hawaii\", \"Family Portrait\", \"The Old Wagon\", \"The Kiss\", \"Earthquake\", \"Strangers on a Treadmill\", \"Unplugged\", \"Halloween\", \"Chirp\", \"Manny Get Your Gun\", \"Mother Tucker\", \"Dance Dance Revelation\", \"Slow Down Your Neighbors\", \"Our Children, Ourselves\", \"Caught in the Act\", \"Bixby's Back\", \"Princess Party\", \"Regrets Only\", \"Two Monkeys and a Panda\", \"Boys' Night\", \"The Musical Man\", \"Someone to Watch Over Lily\", \"Mother's Day\", \"Good Cop, Bad Dog\", \"See You Next Fall\", \"The One That Got Away\", \"Dude Ranch\", \"When Good Kids Go Bad\", \"Phil on Wire\", \"Door to Door\", \"Hit and Run\", \"Go Bullfrogs!\", \"Treehouse\", \"After the Fire\", \"Punkin Chunkin\", \"Express Christmas\", \"Lifetime Supply\", \"Egg Drop\", \"Little Bo Bleep\", \"Me? Jealous?\", \"Aunt Mommy\", \"Virgin Territory\", \"Leap Day\", \"Send Out the Clowns\", \"Election Day\", \"The Last Walt\", \"Planes, Trains and Cars\", \"Disneyland\", \"Tableau Vivant\", \"Baby on Board\", \"Bringing Up Baby\", \"Schooled\", \"Snip\", \"The Butler's Escape\", \"Open House of Horrors\", \"Yard Sale\", \"Arrested\", \"Mistery Date\", \"When a Tree Falls\", \"Diamond in the Rough\", \"New Year's Eve\", \"Party Crasher\", \"Fulgencio\", \"A Slight at the Opera\", \"Heart Broken\", \"Bad Hair Day\", \"Best Men\", \"The Wow Factor\", \"The Future Dunphys\", \"Flip Flop\", \"Career Day\", \"My Hero\", \"Games People Play\", \"Goodnight, Gracie\", \"Suddenly, Last Summer\", \"First Days\", \"Larry's Wife\", \"Farm Strong\", \"The Late Show\", \"The Help\", \"A Fair to Remember\", \"ClosetCon '13\", \"The Big Game\", \"The Old Man & the Tree\", \"And One to Grow On\", \"Under Pressure\", \"Three Dinners\", \"iSpy\", \"The Feud\", \"Spring-a-Ding-Fling\", \"Other People's Children\", \"Las Vegas\", \"A Hard Jay's Night\", \"Australia\", \"Sleeper\", \"Message Received\", \"The Wedding (1)\", \"The Wedding (2)\", \"The Long Honeymoon\", \"Do Not Push\", \"The Cold\", \"Marco Polo\", \"Won't You Be Our Neighbor\", \"Halloween 3: AwesomeLand\", \"Queer Eyes, Full Hearts\", \"Three Turkeys\", \"Strangers in the Night\", \"Haley's 21st Birthday\", \"The Day We Almost Died\", \"The Big Guns\", \"Rash Decisions\", \"Valentine's Day 4: Twisted Sister\", \"Fight or Flight\", \"Connection Lost\", \"Closet? You'll Love It!\", \"Spring Break\", \"Grill, Interrupted\", \"Knock 'em Down\", \"Integrity\", \"Patriot Games\", \"Crying Out Loud\", \"American Skyper\", \"Summer Lovin'\", \"The Day Alex Left for College\", \"The Closet Case\", \"She Crazy\", \"The Verdict\", \"The More You Ignore Me\", \"Phil's Sexy, Sexy House\", \"Clean Out Your Junk Drawer\", \"White Christmas\", \"Playdates\", \"Spread Your Wings\", \"Clean for a Day\", \"Thunk in the Trunk\", \"I Don't Know How She Does It\", \"The Cover-Up\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159], \"y\": [8.10483, 8.08675, 8.08936, 8.22944, 8.19701, 8.15903, 8.21076, 7.91128, 8.31725, 8.24734, 8.13906, 8.14308, 8.1592, 8.1195, 8.48826, 8.16722, 8.18166, 8.23786, 8.2488, 8.00336, 8.09091, 8.23625, 8.42212, 8.4382, 8.11433, 8.18955, 8.04608, 8.1003, 8.17647, 8.23602, 8.0622, 8.29969, 7.88399, 8.04575, 8.2351, 8.14784, 8.48862, 8.1395, 8.0522, 8.18069, 7.97893, 8.24689, 8.13793, 8.1619, 8.20281, 8.24428, 8.25194, 8.21236, 8.13315, 8.25955, 8.17607, 8.171, 8.12483, 8.08931, 8.36951, 8.24799, 8.21188, 8.24654, 8.1164, 8.14536, 8.41744, 8.26372, 8.35262, 8.26455, 8.34505, 8.18498, 8.28874, 8.15314, 8.13273, 8.42379, 8.13972, 8.48923, 8.26652, 8.339, 8.12146, 7.97974, 8.04, 8.04535, 8.21935, 8.21812, 8.02706, 8.0407, 8.14607, 8.29601, 8.35454, 7.92238, 7.99224, 7.79376, 8.16118, 8.23244, 8.24051, 8.11346, 8.02954, 8.1517, 8.14547, 8.22956, 8.22532, 8.15793, 8.04973, 8.17692, 8.25119, 8.05684, 8.05771, 8.02981, 8.02182, 8.08654, 8.02628, 8.19368, 8.07974, 8.14962, 8.05325, 8.03698, 8.08475, 8.44787, 8.04958, 8.04686, 7.97845, 8.15281, 8.1064, 8.33477, 8.03392, 7.92979, 7.87082, 7.87123, 7.86828, 7.89915, 8.09802, 8.03369, 7.70098, 8.04385, 7.6326, 7.42, 7.49867, 7.57638, 7.52324, 8.34066, 7.58, 7.3685, 7.49492, 7.59429, 7.4941, 7.61263, 7.60128, 7.89842, 7.55541, 7.47285, 7.53927, 7.57742, 7.42156, 7.53318, 7.79104, 7.64331, 7.83756, 7.48845, 7.6115, 7.27273, 9.0, 10.0, 0.0], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7], \"rating\": [8.10483, 8.08675, 8.08936, 8.22944, 8.19701, 8.15903, 8.21076, 7.91128, 8.31725, 8.24734, 8.13906, 8.14308, 8.1592, 8.1195, 8.48826, 8.16722, 8.18166, 8.23786, 8.2488, 8.00336, 8.09091, 8.23625, 8.42212, 8.4382, 8.11433, 8.18955, 8.04608, 8.1003, 8.17647, 8.23602, 8.0622, 8.29969, 7.88399, 8.04575, 8.2351, 8.14784, 8.48862, 8.1395, 8.0522, 8.18069, 7.97893, 8.24689, 8.13793, 8.1619, 8.20281, 8.24428, 8.25194, 8.21236, 8.13315, 8.25955, 8.17607, 8.171, 8.12483, 8.08931, 8.36951, 8.24799, 8.21188, 8.24654, 8.1164, 8.14536, 8.41744, 8.26372, 8.35262, 8.26455, 8.34505, 8.18498, 8.28874, 8.15314, 8.13273, 8.42379, 8.13972, 8.48923, 8.26652, 8.339, 8.12146, 7.97974, 8.04, 8.04535, 8.21935, 8.21812, 8.02706, 8.0407, 8.14607, 8.29601, 8.35454, 7.92238, 7.99224, 7.79376, 8.16118, 8.23244, 8.24051, 8.11346, 8.02954, 8.1517, 8.14547, 8.22956, 8.22532, 8.15793, 8.04973, 8.17692, 8.25119, 8.05684, 8.05771, 8.02981, 8.02182, 8.08654, 8.02628, 8.19368, 8.07974, 8.14962, 8.05325, 8.03698, 8.08475, 8.44787, 8.04958, 8.04686, 7.97845, 8.15281, 8.1064, 8.33477, 8.03392, 7.92979, 7.87082, 7.87123, 7.86828, 7.89915, 8.09802, 8.03369, 7.70098, 8.04385, 7.6326, 7.42, 7.49867, 7.57638, 7.52324, 8.34066, 7.58, 7.3685, 7.49492, 7.59429, 7.4941, 7.61263, 7.60128, 7.89842, 7.55541, 7.47285, 7.53927, 7.57742, 7.42156, 7.53318, 7.79104, 7.64331, 7.83756, 7.48845, 7.6115, 7.27273, 9.0, 10.0, 0.0], \"fill_color\": [\"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#abdda4\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#f46d43\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\", \"#d53e4f\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", \"1.3\", \"1.4\", \"1.5\", \"1.6\", \"1.7\", \"1.8\", \"1.9\", \"1.10\", \"1.11\", \"1.12\", \"1.13\", \"1.14\", \"1.15\", \"1.16\", \"1.17\", \"1.18\", \"1.19\", \"1.20\", \"1.21\", \"1.22\", \"1.23\", \"1.24\", \"2.1\", \"2.2\", \"2.3\", \"2.4\", \"2.5\", \"2.6\", \"2.7\", \"2.8\", \"2.9\", \"2.10\", \"2.11\", \"2.12\", \"2.13\", \"2.14\", \"2.15\", \"2.16\", \"2.17\", \"2.18\", \"2.19\", \"2.20\", \"2.21\", \"2.22\", \"2.23\", \"2.24\", \"3.1\", \"3.2\", \"3.3\", \"3.4\", \"3.5\", \"3.6\", \"3.7\", \"3.8\", \"3.9\", \"3.10\", \"3.11\", \"3.12\", \"3.13\", \"3.14\", \"3.15\", \"3.16\", \"3.17\", \"3.18\", \"3.19\", \"3.20\", \"3.21\", \"3.22\", \"3.23\", \"3.24\", \"4.1\", \"4.2\", \"4.3\", \"4.4\", \"4.5\", \"4.6\", \"4.7\", \"4.8\", \"4.9\", \"4.10\", \"4.11\", \"4.12\", \"4.13\", \"4.14\", \"4.15\", \"4.16\", \"4.17\", \"4.18\", \"4.19\", \"4.20\", \"4.21\", \"4.22\", \"4.23\", \"4.24\", \"5.1\", \"5.2\", \"5.3\", \"5.4\", \"5.5\", \"5.6\", \"5.7\", \"5.8\", \"5.9\", \"5.10\", \"5.11\", \"5.12\", \"5.13\", \"5.14\", \"5.15\", \"5.16\", \"5.17\", \"5.18\", \"5.19\", \"5.20\", \"5.21\", \"5.22\", \"5.23\", \"5.24\", \"6.1\", \"6.2\", \"6.3\", \"6.4\", \"6.5\", \"6.6\", \"6.7\", \"6.8\", \"6.9\", \"6.10\", \"6.11\", \"6.12\", \"6.13\", \"6.14\", \"6.15\", \"6.16\", \"6.17\", \"6.18\", \"6.19\", \"6.20\", \"6.21\", \"6.22\", \"6.23\", \"6.24\", \"7.1\", \"7.2\", \"7.3\", \"7.4\", \"7.5\", \"7.6\", \"7.7\", \"7.8\", \"7.9\", \"7.10\", \"7.11\", \"7.12\", \"7.13\", \"7.14\", \"7.15\"], \"index\": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158], \"aired\": [\"2009-09-24\", \"2009-10-01\", \"2009-10-08\", \"2009-10-15\", \"2009-10-22\", \"2009-10-29\", \"2009-11-05\", \"2009-11-19\", \"2009-11-26\", \"2009-12-10\", \"2010-01-07\", \"2010-01-14\", \"2010-01-21\", \"2010-02-04\", \"2010-02-11\", \"2010-03-04\", \"2010-03-11\", \"2010-03-25\", \"2010-04-01\", \"2010-04-15\", \"2010-04-29\", \"2010-05-06\", \"2010-05-13\", \"2010-05-20\", \"2010-09-23\", \"2010-09-30\", \"2010-10-07\", \"2010-10-14\", \"2010-10-21\", \"2010-10-28\", \"2010-11-04\", \"2010-11-18\", \"2010-11-25\", \"2010-12-09\", \"2011-01-06\", \"2011-01-13\", \"2011-01-20\", \"2011-02-10\", \"2011-02-17\", \"2011-02-24\", \"2011-03-03\", \"2011-03-24\", \"2011-04-14\", \"2011-04-21\", \"2011-05-05\", \"2011-05-12\", \"2011-05-19\", \"2011-05-26\", \"2011-09-22\", \"2011-09-22\", \"2011-09-29\", \"2011-10-06\", \"2011-10-13\", \"2011-10-20\", \"2011-11-03\", \"2011-11-17\", \"2011-11-24\", \"2011-12-08\", \"2012-01-05\", \"2012-01-12\", \"2012-01-19\", \"2012-02-09\", \"2012-02-16\", \"2012-02-23\", \"2012-03-01\", \"2012-03-15\", \"2012-04-12\", \"2012-04-19\", \"2012-05-03\", \"2012-05-10\", \"2012-05-17\", \"2012-05-24\", \"2012-09-27\", \"2012-10-11\", \"2012-10-11\", \"2012-10-18\", \"2012-10-25\", \"2012-11-01\", \"2012-11-08\", \"2012-11-15\", \"2012-11-29\", \"2012-12-13\", \"2013-01-10\", \"2013-01-17\", \"2013-01-24\", \"2013-02-07\", \"2013-02-14\", \"2013-02-21\", \"2013-02-28\", \"2013-03-28\", \"2013-04-04\", \"2013-04-11\", \"2013-05-02\", \"2013-05-09\", \"2013-05-16\", \"2013-05-23\", \"2013-09-26\", \"2013-09-26\", \"2013-10-03\", \"2013-10-10\", \"2013-10-17\", \"2013-10-24\", \"2013-11-14\", \"2013-11-21\", \"2013-12-05\", \"2013-12-12\", \"2014-01-09\", \"2014-01-16\", \"2014-01-23\", \"2014-02-06\", \"2014-02-27\", \"2014-03-06\", \"2014-03-13\", \"2014-03-27\", \"2014-04-03\", \"2014-04-24\", \"2014-05-01\", \"2014-05-08\", \"2014-05-15\", \"2014-05-22\", \"2014-09-25\", \"2014-10-02\", \"2014-10-09\", \"2014-10-16\", \"2014-10-23\", \"2014-10-30\", \"2014-11-13\", \"2014-11-20\", \"2014-12-04\", \"2014-12-11\", \"2015-01-08\", \"2015-01-15\", \"2015-02-05\", \"2015-02-12\", \"2015-02-19\", \"2015-02-26\", \"2015-03-05\", \"2015-03-26\", \"2015-04-02\", \"2015-04-23\", \"2015-04-30\", \"2015-05-07\", \"2015-05-14\", \"2015-05-21\", \"2015-09-24\", \"2015-10-01\", \"2015-10-08\", \"2015-10-15\", \"2015-10-22\", \"2015-11-12\", \"2015-11-19\", \"2015-12-03\", \"2015-12-10\", \"2016-01-07\", \"2016-01-14\", \"2016-02-11\", \"2016-02-18\", null, null], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159]}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"bc54edc3-a579-4b65-8594-c2698071ba75\"}, {\"type\": \"GlyphRenderer\", \"attributes\": {\"glyph\": {\"type\": \"Circle\", \"id\": \"44c84aba-703c-4073-bccb-62ae22342fa0\"}, \"hover_glyph\": null, \"selection_glyph\": null, \"nonselection_glyph\": {\"type\": \"Circle\", \"id\": \"c7017c4f-20c1-425e-bae1-65a9a862cf0e\"}, \"data_source\": {\"type\": \"ColumnDataSource\", \"id\": \"66678f65-deff-475f-949d-03757613a9c7\"}, \"name\": \"main\"}, \"id\": \"fb111b23-bc1f-49ad-8b61-67e5d977a955\"}, {\"type\": \"BasicTickFormatter\", \"attributes\": {}, \"id\": \"31a40b2d-8130-4ff5-a572-5819bcf7d577\"}, {\"type\": \"ResetTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"d172fd66-8401-4d0a-8c68-7cfe33169a02\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"027fe2d6-3f59-496e-97fb-bcc061dfdd1e\"}, {\"type\": \"Circle\", \"attributes\": 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\"Excelsis Dei\", \"Aubrey\", \"Irresistible\", \"Die Hand Die Verletzt\", \"Fresh Bones\", \"Colony (1)\", \"End Game (2)\", \"Fearful Symmetry\", \"D\\u00f8d Kalm\", \"Humbug\", \"The Calusari\", \"F. Emasculata\", \"Soft Light\", \"Our Town\", \"Anasazi (1)\", \"The Blessing Way (2)\", \"Paper Clip (3)\", \"D.P.O.\", \"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose\", \"The List\", \"2Shy\", \"The Walk\", \"Oubliette\", \"Nisei (1)\", \"731 (2)\", \"Revelations\", \"War of the Coprophages\", \"Syzygy\", \"Grotesque\", \"Piper Maru (1)\", \"Apocrypha (2)\", \"Pusher\", \"Teso Dos Bichos\", \"Hell Money\", \"Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'\", \"Avatar\", \"Quagmire\", \"Wetwired\", \"Talitha Cumi (1)\", \"Herrenvolk (2)\", \"Home\", \"Teliko\", \"Unruhe\", \"The Field Where I Died\", \"Sanguinarium\", \"Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man\", \"Tunguska (1)\", \"Terma (2)\", \"Paper Hearts\", \"El Mundo Gira\", \"Leonard Betts\", \"Never Again\", \"Memento Mori\", \"Kaddish\", \"Unrequited\", \"Tempus Fugit (1)\", \"Max (2)\", \"Synchrony\", \"Small Potatoes\", \"Zero-Sum\", \"Elegy\", \"Demons\", \"Gethsemane (1)\", \"Redux (2)\", \"Redux II (3)\", \"Unusual Suspects\", \"Detour\", \"The Post-Modern Prometheus\", \"Christmas Carol (1)\", \"Emily (2)\", \"Kitsunegari\", \"Schizogeny\", \"Chinga\", \"Kill Switch\", \"Bad Blood\", \"Patient X (1)\", \"The Red and the Black (2)\", \"Travelers\", \"Mind's Eye\", \"All Souls\", \"The Pine Bluff Variant\", \"Folie \\u00e0 Deux\", \"The End\", \"The Beginning\", \"Drive\", \"Triangle\", \"Dreamland (1)\", \"Dreamland II (2)\", \"How The Ghosts Stole Christmas\", \"Terms of Endearment\", \"The Rain King\", \"S.R. 819\", \"Tithonus\", \"Two Fathers (1)\", \"One Son (2)\", \"Agua Mala\", \"Monday\", \"Arcadia\", \"Alpha\", \"Trevor\", \"Milagro\", \"The Unnatural\", \"Three of a Kind\", \"Field Trip\", \"Biogenesis (1)\", \"The Sixth Extinction (2)\", \"The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati (3)\", \"Hungry\", \"Millennium\", \"Rush\", \"The Goldberg Variation\", \"Orison\", \"The Amazing Maleeni\", \"Signs & Wonders\", \"Sein und Zeit (1)\", \"Closure (2)\", \"X-COPS\", \"First Person Shooter\", \"Theef\", \"En Ami\", \"Chimera\", \"all things\", \"Brand X\", \"Hollywood A.D.\", \"Fight Club\", \"Je Souhaite\", \"Requiem\", \"Within (1)\", \"Without (2)\", \"Patience\", \"Roadrunners\", \"Invocation\", \"Redrum\", \"Via Negativa\", \"Surekill\", \"Salvage\", \"Badlaa\", \"The Gift\", \"Medusa\", \"Per Manum\", \"This Is Not Happening (1)\", \"Deadalive (2)\", \"Three Words\", \"Empedocles\", \"Vienen\", \"Alone\", \"Essence (1)\", \"Existence (2)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today (1)\", \"Nothing Important Happened Today II (2)\", \"D\\u00e6monicus\", \"4-D\", \"Lord of the Flies\", \"Trust No 1\", \"John Doe\", \"Hellbound\", \"Provenance (1)\", \"Providence (2)\", \"Audrey Pauley\", \"Underneath\", \"Improbable\", \"Scary Monsters\", \"Jump the Shark\", \"William\", \"Release\", \"Sunshine Days\", \"The Truth (1)\", \"The Truth (2)\", \"My Struggle\", \"Founder's Mutation\", \"Mulder And Scully Meet the Were-Monster\", \"Home Again\", \"Babylon\", \"My Struggle II\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208], \"y\": [8.09233, 7.8518, 7.87669, 7.57255, 7.31197, 7.50337, 7.36406, 8.12211, 7.02284, 7.83092, 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7.69118, 7.46099, 7.73288, 8.05036, 8.45395, 8.55556, 7.6791, 8.23418, 8.03086, 6.91489, 7.35821, 7.56, 8.06452, 7.69065, 8.05517, 8.18493, 8.04636, 8.00671, 7.47826, 7.84667, 7.39568, 8.20863, 7.5969, 8.06818, 6.90476, 8.06923, 8.33094, 8.12752, 6.89764, 7.38211, 7.99231, 7.48246, 7.40769, 7.63333, 7.43511, 6.82114, 8.27407, 8.31655, 8.15909, 8.38211, 7.51818, 7.875, 7.80702, 7.91304, 7.61404, 7.00952, 7.21359, 7.17431, 7.66071, 7.51852, 7.86842, 8.30579, 8.12821, 7.94017, 7.56881, 7.89189, 7.84615, 8.45082, 8.75, 7.71429, 7.84956, 7.24107, 7.93496, 7.36364, 7.7395, 7.5, 7.39796, 8.07018, 7.74757, 7.59184, 7.23333, 7.74038, 7.49485, 7.35922, 7.77273, 7.87879, 7.86022, 8.125, 8.31683, 7.98652, 7.90719, 7.44277, 8.53846, 10.0, 8.71429], \"season\": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10], \"rating\": [8.09233, 7.8518, 7.87669, 7.57255, 7.31197, 7.50337, 7.36406, 8.12211, 7.02284, 7.83092, 7.87376, 7.58038, 7.89894, 7.46176, 7.35443, 7.58805, 8.14583, 7.26871, 7.31987, 7.9586, 8.0273, 7.52963, 7.55197, 8.56024, 8.16456, 7.98288, 7.57752, 7.84444, 8.46479, 8.38722, 7.03629, 8.06227, 7.59149, 7.62551, 7.23318, 7.5, 7.6886, 7.95833, 7.57798, 8.38492, 8.44167, 7.27536, 7.79018, 8.11741, 7.63158, 7.67822, 7.69802, 7.74408, 8.6822, 8.37891, 8.46154, 7.73394, 8.48771, 7.19139, 7.50472, 7.34146, 7.57692, 8.15217, 8.23684, 7.34146, 8.15385, 7.71219, 7.27919, 8.02359, 8.16098, 8.07076, 6.88172, 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\"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#fdae61\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#e6f598\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#3288bd\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#66c2a5\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\", \"#ffffbf\"], \"episode\": [\"1.1\", \"1.2\", 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\"5.10\", \"5.11\", \"5.12\", \"5.13\", \"5.14\", \"5.15\", \"5.16\", \"5.17\", \"5.18\", \"5.19\", \"5.20\", \"6.1\", \"6.2\", \"6.3\", \"6.4\", \"6.5\", \"6.6\", \"6.7\", \"6.8\", \"6.9\", \"6.10\", \"6.11\", \"6.12\", \"6.13\", \"6.14\", \"6.15\", \"6.16\", \"6.17\", \"6.18\", \"6.19\", \"6.20\", \"6.21\", \"6.22\", \"7.1\", \"7.2\", \"7.3\", \"7.4\", \"7.5\", \"7.6\", \"7.7\", \"7.8\", \"7.9\", \"7.10\", \"7.11\", \"7.12\", \"7.13\", \"7.14\", \"7.15\", \"7.16\", \"7.17\", \"7.18\", \"7.19\", \"7.20\", \"7.21\", \"7.22\", \"8.1\", \"8.2\", \"8.3\", \"8.4\", \"8.5\", \"8.6\", \"8.7\", \"8.8\", \"8.9\", \"8.10\", \"8.11\", \"8.12\", \"8.13\", \"8.14\", \"8.15\", \"8.16\", \"8.17\", \"8.18\", \"8.19\", \"8.20\", \"8.21\", \"9.1\", \"9.2\", \"9.3\", \"9.4\", \"9.5\", \"9.6\", \"9.7\", \"9.8\", \"9.9\", \"9.10\", \"9.11\", \"9.12\", \"9.13\", \"9.14\", \"9.15\", \"9.16\", \"9.17\", \"9.18\", \"9.19\", \"9.20\", \"10.1\", \"10.2\", \"10.3\", \"10.4\", \"10.5\", \"10.6\"], \"index\": [0, 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\"1993-10-02\", \"1993-10-09\", \"1993-10-23\", \"1993-10-30\", \"1993-11-06\", \"1993-11-13\", \"1993-11-20\", \"1993-12-11\", \"1993-12-18\", \"1994-01-08\", \"1994-01-22\", \"1994-02-05\", \"1994-02-12\", \"1994-02-19\", \"1994-03-19\", \"1994-04-02\", \"1994-04-16\", \"1994-04-23\", \"1994-04-30\", \"1994-05-07\", \"1994-05-14\", \"1994-09-17\", \"1994-09-24\", \"1994-10-01\", \"1994-10-08\", \"1994-10-15\", \"1994-10-22\", \"1994-11-05\", \"1994-11-12\", \"1994-11-19\", \"1994-12-10\", \"1994-12-17\", \"1995-01-07\", \"1995-01-14\", \"1995-01-28\", \"1995-02-04\", \"1995-02-11\", \"1995-02-18\", \"1995-02-25\", \"1995-03-11\", \"1995-04-01\", \"1995-04-15\", \"1995-04-29\", \"1995-05-06\", \"1995-05-13\", \"1995-05-20\", \"1995-09-23\", \"1995-09-30\", \"1995-10-07\", \"1995-10-14\", \"1995-10-21\", \"1995-11-04\", \"1995-11-11\", \"1995-11-18\", \"1995-11-25\", \"1995-12-02\", \"1995-12-16\", \"1996-01-06\", \"1996-01-27\", \"1996-02-03\", \"1996-02-10\", \"1996-02-17\", \"1996-02-24\", \"1996-03-09\", \"1996-03-30\", \"1996-04-13\", \"1996-04-27\", \"1996-05-04\", \"1996-05-11\", \"1996-05-18\", \"1996-10-05\", \"1996-10-12\", \"1996-10-19\", \"1996-10-28\", \"1996-11-04\", \"1996-11-11\", \"1996-11-18\", \"1996-11-25\", \"1996-12-02\", \"1996-12-16\", \"1997-01-13\", \"1997-01-27\", \"1997-02-03\", \"1997-02-10\", \"1997-02-17\", \"1997-02-24\", \"1997-03-17\", \"1997-03-24\", \"1997-04-07\", \"1997-04-21\", \"1997-04-28\", \"1997-05-05\", \"1997-05-12\", \"1997-05-19\", \"1997-11-03\", \"1997-11-10\", \"1997-11-17\", \"1997-11-24\", \"1997-12-01\", \"1997-12-08\", \"1997-12-15\", \"1998-01-05\", \"1998-01-12\", \"1998-02-09\", \"1998-02-16\", \"1998-02-23\", \"1998-03-02\", \"1998-03-09\", \"1998-03-30\", \"1998-04-20\", \"1998-04-27\", \"1998-05-04\", \"1998-05-11\", \"1998-05-18\", \"1998-11-09\", \"1998-11-16\", \"1998-11-23\", \"1998-11-30\", \"1998-12-07\", \"1998-12-14\", \"1999-01-04\", \"1999-01-11\", \"1999-01-18\", \"1999-01-25\", \"1999-02-08\", \"1999-02-15\", \"1999-02-22\", \"1999-03-01\", \"1999-03-08\", \"1999-03-29\", \"1999-04-12\", \"1999-04-19\", \"1999-04-26\", \"1999-05-03\", \"1999-05-10\", \"1999-05-17\", \"1999-11-08\", \"1999-11-15\", \"1999-11-22\", \"1999-11-29\", \"1999-12-06\", \"1999-12-13\", \"2000-01-10\", \"2000-01-17\", \"2000-01-24\", \"2000-02-07\", \"2000-02-14\", \"2000-02-21\", \"2000-02-28\", \"2000-03-13\", \"2000-03-20\", \"2000-04-03\", \"2000-04-10\", \"2000-04-17\", \"2000-05-01\", \"2000-05-08\", \"2000-05-15\", \"2000-05-22\", \"2000-11-06\", \"2000-11-13\", \"2000-11-20\", \"2000-11-27\", \"2000-12-04\", \"2000-12-11\", \"2000-12-18\", \"2001-01-08\", \"2001-01-15\", \"2001-01-22\", \"2001-02-05\", \"2001-02-12\", \"2001-02-19\", \"2001-02-26\", \"2001-04-02\", \"2001-04-09\", \"2001-04-16\", \"2001-04-23\", \"2001-05-07\", \"2001-05-14\", \"2001-05-21\", \"2001-11-12\", \"2001-11-19\", \"2001-12-03\", \"2001-12-10\", \"2001-12-17\", \"2002-01-07\", \"2002-01-14\", \"2002-01-28\", \"2002-03-04\", \"2002-03-11\", \"2002-03-18\", \"2002-04-01\", \"2002-04-08\", \"2002-04-15\", \"2002-04-22\", \"2002-04-29\", \"2002-05-06\", \"2002-05-13\", \"2002-05-20\", \"2002-05-20\", \"2016-01-25\", \"2016-01-26\", \"2016-02-02\", \"2016-02-09\", \"2016-02-16\", \"2016-02-23\"], \"episode_number\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208]}, \"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"af8e6c8a-adab-4f69-a98d-300c3cc6a136\"}, {\"type\": \"DataRange1d\", \"attributes\": {\"callback\": null}, \"id\": \"82e32de2-e6d7-4a5b-89a6-39ea297b0554\"}, {\"type\": \"ResetTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"ce5654b3-95e3-42a1-9c01-b24a0bbc48b8\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"e42bf6d1-d945-474d-8cf9-f5577305dbef\"}, {\"type\": \"PanTool\", \"attributes\": {\"plot\": {\"type\": \"Plot\", \"id\": \"da13c1c6-08bd-4763-a99c-ce5ca9e8513a\", \"subtype\": \"Figure\"}}, \"id\": \"95f1b7a8-7f6a-4e0e-8ef9-253df3f7d1af\"}, {\"type\": \"BasicTickFormatter\", \"attributes\": {}, \"id\": \"c3dbd0ef-8dcd-4d7e-a76b-2171066c8157\"}, {\"type\": \"PanTool\", \"attributes\": 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\"Coma\", \"The Man Behind the Glass\", \"Laura's Secret Diary\", \"The Orchid's Curse\", \"Demons\", \"Lonely Souls\", \"Drive with a Dead Girl\", \"Arbitrary Law\", \"Dispute Between Brothers\", \"Masked Ball\", \"The Black Widow\", \"Checkmate\", \"Double Play\", \"Slaves and Masters\", \"The Condemned Woman\", \"Wounds and Scars\", \"On the Wings of Love\", \"Variations and Relations\", \"The Path to the Black Lodge\", \"Miss Twin Peaks\", \"Beyond Life and Death\", \"Episode 1\", \"Episode 2\", \"Episode 3\", \"Episode 4\", \"Episode 5\", \"Episode 6\", \"Episode 7\", \"Episode 8\"], \"x\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38], \"y\": [8.30904, 7.91606, 8.26923, 7.8018, 7.93204, 8.14146, 8.02105, 8.67742, 8.11579, 7.64671, 7.85629, 7.70667, 8.03822, 8.10667, 8.64103, 8.0, 8.59006, 7.61111, 7.34646, 7.30709, 7.57252, 7.43846, 7.28226, 7.31452, 7.28926, 7.90756, 7.81579, 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"Und nochmal ein Klassiker. Nach dem der Mord um Laura Palmer geklärt war, ging es gefühlt richtig Berg ab. Ich bin auf jeden Fall auf die neue Staffel gespannt. Eine Fortsetzung die die Erwartungen kaum erfüllen kann."
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